So Steam is fine with review bombing so long as it’s not GAMERS doing it.
god op you are such massive faggot jesus lord
Bombing implies its more than one person reeeing, I dont even know what game are you talking about here
Looks cute.
It will get flagged as review bombed after a couple of days.
From what I've heard, tagging off-topic review bombing as such is a manual process on Steam, so the game probably just isn't high-profile enough for them to know about this. And if I'm mistaken, and the off-topic review bombing is detected by some algorithm, then I assume there aren't enough reviews to trigger that algorithm. The "Mostly Negative" Recent Reviews rating is based on just 30 reviews. It's not even enough to bring the game's overall rating down from Very Positive. Perhaps the developer should bring this to Valve's attention though.
>is/was dating
he isn't even sure if they are dating anymore and puts her words like it matters to the main dev, will this ride ever end?
what I ignore trans people and GAMERS equally
Okay Ill bite. What did the dev actually say about trannies? The word "condescending" makes it sound like something that only exists in the reviewers head.
>enter comments for negative reviews
>they are locked
fucking cowards
Some pretty standard "mtf trannies aren't women" stuff.
Unironically bought the game due to this.
trannies are such a lose lose proposition for devs, cater to their special needs and you make the game worse for everyone else. ignore them and they become just as toxic as GAMERS
>monkey language
leave please.
Honestly hearing that the devs are """transphobic""" makes me want to support them.
what EXACTLY is this about this time
Werent trannies content with just being called their prefered gender? When did it get to the point you have to actually believe it in order to be respectful?
Nothing, her girlfriend was shitposting on twitter so she's guilty by association.
I don't get this weird fucking mindset these retards have. Why the fuck would you care so much what some random indie devs opinion is. I mean for fucks sake, its not even the dev himself, they're losing their shit over the dev at some point associating with someone they don't like.
>btw trannies aren't mentally ill
Dev's girlfriend posted this. Trannies lose their mind. Dev's life is now ruined for something they didn't even do.
What even is this game
Is it fun
Wait, are they devs lesbos?
Hey guys, is this another "video games" thread? *wink wink* man, these are just the best threads on Yea Forums, so epic lol
Trannys btfo
Lesbians are surprisingly based.
That's why you bump them, ty user my amigo
it doesn't matter
it is anti tranny
we are anti tranny
you are anti tranny
so you will buy it
this is the will of Yea Forums and you will not defect
buy it
Like two to four years ago. We're now at "kill a terf" and "everyone who misgenders me is a terf" and "if you won't fuck me you're transphobic".
What does that mean?
>he thinks sage still has to go in all fields
lol i love these threads
LGBT needs to split into LGB and T.
I guess I'm going to have to buy the game now.
Current citizens in many areas face criminal charges, loss of student loans, jail time, criminal records, employment difficulties, permanent lowering of socioeconomic status. Is this necessary? We all have. Marijuana is not a gateway drug, this is a misnomer it is a medication that is scheduled the same as heroin which is absolutely ridiculous. The government is lying to us, so what else are they lying about and that might be the only reason it may be considered by some a gateway drug. However, the majority of people that try marijuana never try any other substance. Also, may I point out that the pharmaceutical companies do not face jail time due to manufacturing of opioids but growers of marijuana face jail time for providing a healthy alternative because the drug companies are unable to compete with the growers and have deep pockets. Drug policies in us need to change. It cost more to send someone to prison for non-violent crimes than to rehabilitate a person. They gain more resentment, more criminal connections, and a decreased ability to function as a productive member of society. A person addicted to a substance is sick not a criminal. A person smoking marijuana is not addicted to a substance but simply rebalancing neurotransmitters in the brain and a therapeutic level doesn't have very much "high effects" but more of a positive uplifted mood due to decrease of symptoms from the above ailments with less side effects than available pharmaceuticals. $3,500
You can mold your penis into the Eiffel Tower but still wont be Paris
And the fucking sjws eat their own again.
Trannies are ironically the group that discredits LGBT the most.
Based trannytards.
>You are not a lesbian. You are not female. Lesbians don't like penis no matter how you chop it up. You can surgically mold your penis into the Eiffel Tower if you want. You're not going to become France. You're not impressing anyone.
Dykes have no chill.
Yeah I wish weed was legal in my state.
>Yea Forums buying a game for no other reason than outside politics
we're not resetera
we're not resetera
There are a bunch of seething trannies and phony virtue signaling roasties crying about how the dev's gf is transphobic.
Trannies are gamers. I don't know if you were around Yea Forums in 08-09 when pictures of before and after HRT Were posted and "be the girlfriend" started to become a thing. Incels basically strong arming society into paying them attention and social tendies because they jumped on a fetish bandwagon.
She ain't wrong tho
The United States is approaching a crucial number of states (26) that is required to show that the majority of individual states believe that marijuana is a better medication for many of there ailments than what the federal government allows. The reason for this is mostly due to drug lobbyists who put money in pockets of people such as Chris Christie. Corporate profits should not come before the rights and health of American citizens. Christie claims he is in favor of medicinal marijuana however, that's a bold faced lie. In N.J. he held up legislation for two years that would allow the use of medicinal marijuana, even now there are only six dispensaries in the whole state and thousands of war veterans that live in N.J. who suffer from P.T.S.D. are unable to receive there medication. According to CNN in the last decade approval ratings for marijuana have increased from roughly 40% to close to 60%. Uses include Glaucoma, Diabetes, Aids, Cancer, Epilepsy, ADHD, Pain Chronic Fatigue, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD), IBS, Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Blood Pressure, Migraines, Insomnia, etc...(Over 200 Legitimate uses with much less side effects than pharmaceuticals at a fraction of the cost).
Best girl
>trannies have the right to kill women unpunished now just by cutting off their dick
holy shit based jokes aside this is really shitty, the world did really end in 2012[/spoilers]
>lesbian speaking sense
Then enemy of enemy I guess.
The issue of abortion is hotly debated in the United States. Many would be mothers decide to abort there unborn children due to financial hardship. The economic cost of an abortion actually greatly outweighs that of an abortion. A great percentage of women that have an abortion performed carry debilitating guilt throughout there lives and many of these procedures have caused damage to the mother. Every life matters the is no right to end a life and everything happens for a reason there are alternatives to abortion including adoption, foster homes, and planned adaption where couples who unable to have children will often times sponsor a pregnant woman during the time of her pregnancy. $2,000
In order to address the continuous increase of co2 emissions by corporations and emerging industrialized countries it is imperative to place responsibility and hold accountable the companies that are causing damage to our environment. I would like to enact a three part plan that will allow for continuous improvement in air quality for future generations. First, I would like to eliminate this country as well as other countries dependence on paper products. In order to do this I propose the creation of paper thin plastic sheets that are chemically treated to allow the absorption of graphite and is 100% bio degradable. This will eliminate the need for wasteful paper consumption. Next, we need to demand an increase in safety precautions and factory standards in design and equipment. Effectively lowering greenhouse emissions by at least 20% within the next five to ten years. Lastly, I propose that we include a reforestation clause that mandates all corporations to plant and maintain a number of trees in direct proportion to the amount of air pollution the company is responsible for creating to help buffer the detrimental effects of the companies manufacturing. I propose that the U.S. government should directly reimburse companies up to 30% percent for such effo
And if you don't cater to and celebrate these delusional perverts they threaten to suicide and get put in a statistic that shows how oppressed they are.
Absolutely deranged.
Wait are trannys actually mad people think they arent real women? Like wtf you dumb incel faggot you arent a real woman and never will be. There is nothing to debate, you're a dude LARPing.
One of the least commonly recognized and major crisis facing industrialized nations today is deforestation. We consume a disproportionate amount of paper each year and have discovered in less than three decades we may actually run out of rainforests to ransack. Every few years we loose hundreds of thousands of species of plants and animals that are imperative to our ecosystem and miss out on undiscovered cures for diseases such as cancer. Trees are our natural buffer against co2 in the environment that causes global warming. They absorb the co2 and release our life sustaining oxygen in the air. There are alternatives to our wasteful consumption of our planet including my newest patented idea for plastic paper. $1,500
Game actually looks pretty cute, can't afford it right now but I'll probably buy it next week.
Forrests btfo, maybe that will teach them to not be so arrogant
You will never be a real woman and your life will never be easy mode.
Is this the hottest new shitposting format?
for marijuana have increased from roughly 40% to close to 60%. Uses include Glaucoma, Diabetes, Aids, Cancer, Epilepsy, ADHD, Pain Chronic Fatigue, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD), IBS, Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Blood Pressure, Migraines, Insomnia, etc...(Over 200 Legitimate uses with much less side effects than pharmaceuticals at a fraction of the cost). Current citizens in many areas face criminal charges, loss of student loans, jail time, criminal records, employment difficulties, permanent lowering of socioeconomic status. Is this necessary? We all have. Marijuana is not a gateway drug, this is a misnomer it is a medication that is scheduled the same as heroin which is absolutely ridiculous. The government is lying to us, so what else are they lying about and that might be the only reason it may be considered by some a gateway drug. However, the majority of people that try marijuana never try any other substance. Also, may I point out that the pharmaceutical companies do not face jail time due to manufacturing of opioids but growers of marijuana face jail time for providing a healthy alternative because the drug companies are unable to compete with the growers and have deep pockets. Drug policies in us need to change. It cost more to send someone to prison for non-violent crimes than to rehabilitate a person. They gain more resentment, more criminal connections, and a decreased ability to function as a productive member of society. A person addicted to a substance is sick not a criminal. A person smoking marijuana is not addicted to a substance but simply rebalancing neurotransmitters in the brain and a therapeutic level doesn't have very much "high effects" but more of a positive uplifted mood due to decrease of symptoms from the above ailments with less side effects than available pharmaceuticals. $3,500
How much is this game? If I buy you anons a bunch of keys and drop them in this thread can we positive spite review bomb it?
Let me guess, ResetEra going after another game for not following their ways?
You will never be appealing to anyone but other perverts who fetishise your personality disorder.
good fucking taste
Can I get a torrent for the latest version?
No luck in /t/
Had this on my backlog but I need the full demo just to make sure
I'm in. It's pretty cheap as far as I know, but I 'm only aware of my third worlder price.
>triggered tranny just starts spamming a bunch of incomprehensible shit in hopes the thread gets deleted by a bored janny
The state of your mental health
Its 14.99. It went from very positive to mostly negative reviews because of the freak show trannys review bombing lol.
enemy does not like developer of product
now i must consume product
Bought it already.
Fuck trannys
Blindspotchicago medFriends ArcherAmerican DadGeorgeLopez,KimmelFlashRomeSmallvilleKing of Queens,Everybody loves RaymondDawsons Creek,CNNfriendsimpsonsTheNew ChristineRome,GreenArrow,LuciferAlexInc
Wrongfully terminated because professor mondragon put a bunch of dirt n in my car and ben affleck put a bunch of disgusting hobos in my car and the santa monica police force put people in my car and paid them to lie in my ratings because ben affleck didn't want to pay me and I was threatened I'm suing lyft and the police department Dirty cop put in my search engine doesn't exist
I dont know they said the check was bad but it cleared then reversed 1100 dollars then closed it
Marketed in over 20 states and several countries online, on several radio stations and in person with red carpet exposure influencing several million people, also visiting many different areas traveling cross country to over a dozen states visiting several different towns in each. Seeking a position in film.
you'd be surprised but gays, dykes, and even femenists hate trannies.
The birth of a new pasta
>15 US dollars
I’ll see what I can do when I get home. Keep an eye on this thread interested anons.
Kek I already saved it
I'm an adult with a job, I'll use my fucking money however I like. Clench that butt, tranny.
trannies mad itt
California state law prohibits any person preventing a business owner from conducting business in a government facility felony conviction the lapd is responsible for 30million in stolen belongings and been erasing my invites to prevent help from outside sources 5 years prison time for each officer making changes in my account. To be verified by linkedin.
Marijuana Gateway Drug Because The Government Lies Alexander Marijuana has always been a healing herb throughout time. Originally Marijuana was not illegal in the United States. The reason for the laws were a group of Texas Business owners who decided the only way to keep control of the Mexican population was to have the ability to throw them in jail. The landowners smoked themselves and the landowners children smoked and the Mexicans smoked as long as they didn't get out of line. The 60s and 70s should have done away with the prohibition however two reasons prevented this from happening. The first was the Pharmaceutical companies rise to power who realized that a drug that treat and or cures 200 plus ailments eliminates the need for 2-400 medicines that are there highly expensive, and produce horrendous side effects unlike medicinal marijuana that is difficult to regulate and control and there lobbying power allowed the rise of politicians like chris Christie who will side with whoevers funding them. The other reason is the privatization of the prison system where over half of all inmates are there for non-violent crimes such as marijuana possession and 1-10 blacks in this country will be incarcerated there in order to increase profits. For these two reasons the government created a disaster when the new generation woke up and said we aren't going to die from smoking and we aren't killing millions of brain cells and with certain strains we are actually causing dendritic growth in both the left and right hemispheres.
The utter desperation of this mentally ill cluster B FREAK
What's a terf?
I can't keep up with these meme words.
individual does not agree with Yea Forums collective
designation: tranny
They don't even make up enough of the playerbase to be detected as review bombing.
Seems like "trannies don't even buy the games" was right after all.
Game looks cute too
So it’s a win-win for me
>supporting a game based on the dev's politics
Tom Hanks Caught Cnn and Anniston Slandering Me 500 Mil might be to much ( Letterman) From Just You a couple might not be.
A Suggestion for Hilary Clinton: I used to eat at McDonald's every day. I also had like a 400 cholesterol level. Many of your Wall-Mart stores have McDonald's in them. I know that you have a lot of pull with that particular chain and I would recommend changing to a healthy alternative that the citizens of the country can dine with while shopping in your stores. Lets make America healthier and safer for future generations. I Suggest putting in a different store possibly Atlanta Bread Company or Quiznos in all of the Wall-Mart Locations.
5% finders fee for furnishing attorney upon completion of a winnable case billion dollar law suit amendment from previous 8 getting close to having lawyers bend over backwards to take case assistance less needed
The Chinese kill 80,000 a year they said maybe they wont do that anymore but then Hilary says women have the right to kill there own children and if the Americans can then we can. I agree with trump that there should be a punishment for abortions.
Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist
In other words feminists who don't recognize trannies as women.
How is their life ruined?
>Trans woman
YOu can mutilate your dick you can turn it inside out but you will never be a woman it's biological fact
>feminist and trannies are finally going after each other
trans exclusive radical feminist aka what all lesbians are when they dont have to pretend they are not misandrist anti-social freaks
Wait wait wait. Dev's girlfriend is a lesbian?
>The tranny from resetEra is trying to bury the thread by copy and pasting arguments.
Looks like we made them mad guys by not saying trannys are women.
TERFs are still feminists.
Lesbians who don't want to suck dick or think wearing make up and taking a dick in your ass doesn't make you a woman, it might make you a flaming queer but you're not a fucking woman
We are a civilized society once they cross the border there are problem. Those people are impoverished and starving. You cant just throw them over the border that's inhumane. Most humans can only live 3-5 days without food we send them back they all die. Build a wall and give everyone here a work visa there's no other option. $700
Verizon is now in bed with time warner for I have spent 6 years talking to fake attorneys through Verizon 411. They are tapping phone through the nasa spying program and putting information on television because a phone tap is inadmissible in court and they try to implicate people by undermining there credibility. Unfortunately 90 percent are innocent civilians who are being targeted by political agendas and not on the basis of crime. I have a billion dollar law suit based on non-payment of time warner and am offering an Five Percent finders fee to anyone that can furnish me an attorney.
After listening to the issues facing the Cole workers who may potentially become displaced workers by government initiatives I have concluded that a regional economic package that will include job training leading to higher paying jobs will be a necessary component of the democratic agenda. The government will subsidize all workers transition to an alternate energy field of there choosing based on economic need. It is imperative to sustain and maintain growth of our national economy that our country become completely independent in reference to our current and future energy needs. The initiatives that I will put into place during the first month of my presidency will allow for an exponential growth in higher paying white collar jobs in the energy field that will actually increase local standards of living in all areas affected by the national policy changes.
Trans men are pure evil
She's a lesbian complaining about how MTF lesbians, in that she doesn't want to fuck someone with a dick regardless of whether or not that person "identifies" as female.. It's a good old T versus L fight. Old school feminism versus new age feminism.