Other urls found in this thread:
engies deserve having their bungi taken
it was an accident i swear
>Frost Relic is bad
imagine being enough of a brainlet to think that 2700% damage (Loader punch) x 600% = 16200% damage per second is bad
>play literally any character
>crowbars drop all the time
>play huntress
>crowbars become the single rarest item in the game
frost relic isn't based on the on-hit damage you fucking retard
that's why it sucks
Best Single White item per character:
More procs is the only thing he can hope for.
Teddy Bear / Goat Hoof
He needs mobility items, but he is GOING to get hit - might as well block the hit.
Backup Mag.
Bungus Fungus.
Goat Hoof
She can handle herself itemless for an entire loop, so mobility is king to get through it faster and pick up chests quicker.
Focus Crystal
Obvious answer is obvious.
Topaz Broach
Barrier can be used by M2.
Syringe / Backup Mag / Focus Crystal
Just smack em up.
Obviously every character wants 20 goat hooves, 10 glasses, and a few slugs, but I'd argue the above items are the ones you can just go ham with printing with these characters and you'll nearly always be better for it.
I'm not sure on Mul-T at all though.
>took me almost 3 hours to find 12 crowbars
Should've just cheated it in
i swear to god there has to be a hidden code to make certain items unavailable to you with certain characters
even when i tried doing the 2 beetlequeen without leaving the teleport area as Mul-T, they never spawned for me once, but as i changed characters now all of the sudden they spawn in every fucking stage
i can't be this unlucky, can i?
>relying on fungus so much you get upset that someone picks one up
i seriously hope no one does this, especially after the regen nerfs
Don't call other people brainlets if you can't even wrap your head around what DPS means. You're not punching with a full charged gauntlet every second you fucking monkey.
focus crystal is just so fucking good
>mul-t needs the tough times
>not the melee classes in the shit 24/7
>no crowbar on loader
Absolutely no character EXCEPT the engineer should stand still long enough for the fungus to activate you fucking truffle breather.
merc has a fuckload of iframes and loader is just hit and run
mul-t has to be moving at a snail's pace to attack and he has a bigger hitbox than anyone else
How's this for a item suggestion. Similar to Bundle of Fireworks, opening chests/activating altars creates a mild shockwave, knocking enemies away for a small radius that scales up upon stacking and disrupting projectile attacks. Mild damage and proc chance on whatever's caught in it. Or perhaps rather than a shockwave, some sort of shield that bursts out for a short range and disperses similar to Engi's or the Vagrant's AoE. Maybe some general item that produces a pushback in some way. Survivability is tied to your mobility deep into a run and stopping to open a chest feels like suicide. Or maybe we have enough crowd control for this to be unecessary? Thoughts?
Crowbar on loader is great, but the other three are better for stacking.
Like I said, I have no clue on multi, I practically never play him.
No one else wants to stack Teddy more than they do the above items.
Why did Hopoo make Loader into a melee version of Sniper?
Made a custom mod comp, now with a fixed big tiddy huntress. Includes robe+jetpackless arti, bustier femmerc, cageless loader, and enemies.
should have used the other picture
just do the teleporter before opening chests retard
Because Sniper was shit and loader is fun
Mul-t and commando both want syringes if mul-t uses the attack speed weapon, crystal if he uses the grenade launcher or sawblades.
And here's mine with huntress, open jacket arty, cageless loader, and medium femerc with no enemies.
Already put syringes for Commando, didn't think about that for multi, I'll change that up next time.
>wouldn't be fun to play as
>when people use the mod to play as him with one skill stolen from mult (grenade) and he's pretty fun
makes no sense if you ask me
Instructions on how to make your mix and match your own pack
>Download asset bundle extractor
>open the resources.assets from the mod you want the model from
>find the mesh or texture you want
>extract raw
>open the resources.assets from the mod you want to inject the model into
>find the mesh or texture you want
>import raw the file you extracted earlier
>save and replace the resources.assets and possibly sharedassets0.assets file in your RoR2_Data folder
16-man host when?
femmando when
Why does the Wisp in the back have tits?
when the FUCK is someone making a fat mod?
I knew it reminded me of something.
...32-man host when?
Never, kill yourself.
Somone host it, i don't have a fucking clue how to do it.
>My machine is so shit getting to stage 20 or meeting an overloading worm is impossible because the slideshow will kill my run
Unmodded host when?
>Favourite Survivor
>Favourite Equipment
>Favourite Map
>LEAST Favourite Boss
What's with the open jacket arti? Is she much lewder?
gotta lure humans somehow
>having an amazing run so far with commando, stage 6 and ready to obliterate next stage
>have a clover, atg missiles, ukuleles, brooches, missile launcher, and willowisps meaning i'm essentially instakilling anything
>fighting 3 beetle queens, take down 2 nearly instantly with my retarded damage and the splash also gives me nearly full barrier
>go to the third
>make the mistake of moving directly in front of it
Never get cocky on moonson, no matter how godly you think you are.
A mountain shrine kills the run.
Still wears the bodysuit under her white, open, jacket.
do people really play huntress? she's so fucking boring
>just aim in the enemies general vicinity and press glaive and hold m1
>everything is lockon
even engineer is way more involved and yet gets more flack for being the simple class
Sorry, Bandit just wasn't BADASS enough. He should've tried being a spider-bot with a plant on it that kills itself to do damage, now that's badass.
How do you mod for 16 man lobbies?
don't ask
How did I miss that variable. I'm retarded. But now that I've thought about it. A Wandering Vagrant AoE item drop that mimics his attack would be neat.
US West Monsoon
we posting lewd packs?
git fucking gud you scrub
the reward is really not worth the hassle, it's just Huntress' blink from RoR1 except you have 3 charges but you can't blink upward or downward with it
>unironically hating on the highest skill ceiling character
What the fuck.
So how does armor works on this game? Merc and loader have 20 passive armor, does that mean that they receeibe 20 less damage from each attack or does it reduce the damage 20%?
If its percentage based the new hammer is godly, if its just an extra 80 damage each hopoo can shove that hammer up their asses.
>Backup Mags
>Wandering Nigger
>highest skill ceiling character
You say that like any character in this game takes any skill to get good at. The most complex thing you're doing with rex is knowing to shoot your R at the biggest group of enemies and maybe being able to take advantage of your shift
t. plays a lot of rex
Reminder that the game is incomplete until we get a basic health increase item in the same vein as bitter root
>Can't blink upward or downward
Wew. As a dude who always goes for Newt Altars that would suck.
the game is broken until commando gets i-frames on his roll
It's a percentage based thing, but 20 armor doesn't quite correlate to 20% damage reduction. Give the wiki article a read: riskofrain2.fandom.com
>Favourite Survivor
Tough call, probably MUL-T
>Favourite Equipment
>Favourite Map
Rallypoint Delta
>LEAST Favourite Boss
Early Vagrant spawn, he's just so miserable to fight without items
>Gushers or Crowbars
>Sirens call
Huntress can get pretty intense in later cycles, as you're so squishy you can't afford to get hit, so you end up using M2 and R for avoidance more than damage. Not that she's the most involved character, but you definitely can't win with her on auto-pilot. Early game she's pretty bland though.
Is the opposite. He's only engaging for a single loop, and after that the game tis basically about paint drying levels of boring.
I know what I like
They're never doing that. Honestly, I feel like Hopoo made the shadowfade lunar item specifically because of this complaint. If you feel like you need it, then take that instead
as a commando main, he honestly doesn't need iframes on his roll. just use it as fast dash that moves you in a chosen direction and it's fine
>Playing on Drizzle grants each player a hidden item which grants 70 armor.
>42% damage reduction
after rex, which is after the golems and titans
Fun runs, but what is this thing?
>implying the artificer isn't an ayy
I miss you Miner
you fucking what
There are many things wrong with this image.
>Hidden item with 70 Armor
If it's an "item", can it get sequenced? Can we end up with 1900 armor?
>preon accumulator although i prefer to have capacitor, preon is just too fucking cool
>rallypoint COMFY
>imp overlord
>Favorite survivor
Rex, maybe loader now
>Favorite equipment
the succ cube
>Favorite map
Distant roost
>Least favorite boss
fuck the teapot, although im growing an insane hatred for the egg eyeball
>you can still get stuck on brass contraption corpses if you use loader's shift
what the fuck man
Don't pirate the game.
Just don't get hit lmao
wait i forgot about the fucking teapot, that thing is far worse than the imp overlord
It's seems way too common to be a coincidence, I ended up needing to loop until there was just a fucking ton of the assholes loitering on the stage at the start and then find a teleporter that had two of them in sight.
it's probably in its own tier, so i'd imagine not
God yeah, thank you user
so lategame is infinitely more insane now that we have 2 types of elites with larger effects
i got extremely lucky and was able to get mando's 2 loadout options finally
will upload a very laggy video soon
>Royal Capacitor
>Abyssal Depths (gotta get that red item)
>Wandering Vagrant
why do I always have to end up hosting? US east incoming
i got it on stage 1 by using a mountain shrine, on my first attempt
you're just unlucky
wait till you see the worms
109775241061091268 US
Hot pants loader when tho
Killed by: gunner turret
i should be in bed sleeping instead of having fun
disposable missile launcher
rallypoint delta
>hated boss
dunestriders, fuck them
Disposable Missiles
Rallypoint Delta
Glowing Meteorite
Rallypoint Delta
Imp Overlord/elite greater wisps
Ah fuckin shit, so no hit rallypoint is the Rama Ult? Was hopin its the other way around.
>Rules of nature man
>Siren's Kino
I really like this webm, a nice simple edit goes a long way
>Glowing Meteorite
I see you are a man of great taste
>Loader and Bandit
>Aegis and Backup Mags
>Rallypoint Delta
>Dunestrider, every time
just play multiplayer and hide like a bitch while everyone else clears the level
no one will care, if you're not taking items
So does everyone prefer Siren's Call's hunt then Boss fight for legendary item, or would you rather stick with grinding for gold on Abyssal Depths?
What the fuck
early to mid game huntress is very relaxing to just plug in a controller, lay on the couch and generally coast to later stages
Once you get to said later stages however, it becomes a really fun game of instant transmissioning all over using bandoliers/afterburner/brainstalks while throwing out a ton of glaives to whittle everything down for a huge wisp nuke.
>4 commando runs that last past 16 stages
>no goddamn overloading worm the whole time
I swear to god, this shouldn't take this fucking long to accomplish. It's one boss that's not even that threatening and I've been trying to find one for hours.
>Scorched Acres
>Malachite anything (Imp Overlord)
>all these retards thinking Crowbar is a good item for Huntress
>all these retards thinking Backup Mag takes priority over Syringes/Hooves
This is why you will always be Drizzlets.
boss fight would be better if it wasn't such a boring and drawn out piece of shit
i'd take a blazing titan on loop 1 over alloy timewaste unit
once worship's dumbass health scaling is fixed i'd rather go to siren's call since I like the map better.
I loved it in the first game, the first time I got it in 2 and it started darkening the sky and then lightning up the ground with the blue fire bursts I came, it's so fucking cool, I'm so sorry to all my teammates but it's so fun to use, I can't stop
my smite nigga
>she's so fucking boring
She's straight up plays like a DBZ character once you get deeper into the run - the only other character that comes close to the amount of engagement she provides is Loader.
Royal Capacitor
Titan Plains
Wandering Fagrant
Rallypoint, if nothing else for the music
Magma Worm because it takes for fucking ever to kill it as huntress since no free aiming when it goes up into the sky
I take it if I want to edit meshes I can't just rip, make changes in blender, and reimport them? There are more steps to it, right?
Maybe play the game again after updating it to the current patch with the proc damage scaling changes, and then never post again
>capacitor or tonic
>abandoned aqueduct
Just gotta have a nice long run. Once you're in the lategame and confident enough, hit mountain shrines on stages 3 and 4 to hopefully get it to spawn.
alloy worship unit doesn't even have a 100% chance to drop reds
109775241061100543 us
This is the correct answer for worst "boss".
Fuck I just want to quit my run when I see this shit
You will ALWAYS be a drizzlet.
fuck, already?
>alloy worship unit doesn't even have a 100% chance to drop reds
It does now, they fixed it with the post update patch.
I've been having trouble with how I wanted the golems/titans to look. I think I'm at a spot where they're okay now? I just need to run test with them now.
ctrl + alt + ~ to open console:
enter 'connect'
10 man lobby, testing stuff that is potentially unstable. also hosting for less than an hour, but i might be back later
>Syringe > Backup Mag on Huntress
I've seen some pretty shit takes before, but never did I think a Drizzlet would post here
How is that Drizzle going?
>Bad on Huntress
Posting your RoR2?
It's more likely than you think.
To see more of this abomination, follow the post that quotes this one.
i didn't think that either, but here you are
>Love Meteor
>Friends hate Meteor because they're absolute shit at dodging
>One of them screeches because he got frozen by an elite and claims one of them killed him, so it was all my fault
You'd let me use Meteor, right Yea Forums? If I'm able to strut around the teleporter zone with no mobility items and not get hit by any, I'm sure you can too
Post thicc Huntress or fuck off
The fucking sticky
You only get to pick Meteor if you play Commando or Mul-T.
>First stage teleport
>A Drizzlet thinks he's smart when in fact he's dumb
Who would've thought!
>ur a drizzlet
>no ur a drizzlet
It's like I'm in a souls thread.
I leave fungi for engis but I never mark them :^)
>everyone in the last thread dumps on frost relic because it can detonate barrels and kill you
>"how much of a fucking retard do you have to be to let that happen"
If you're using meteor, just ask beforehand. If I got a build where I can't dodge shit effectively then taking meteor is a dick move but most of the time I'll say yes because meteor is fun as fuck
Bandit or Merc
The Back-up
Scorched Acres aesthetically, Siren's Call otherwise
>Least Favorite Boss
Wandering Vagrant
it's so fucking awful
i'm starting to believe l***fag is a real thing with all of the extremely obvious falseflags and just straight out false information being disseminated in these threads.
Why does mods make the game freeze up for a sec every few seconds?
If you get killed by barrels it's your own fault my guy
Just break them on sight from a safe distance and you'll be okay. My only death from barrels was on a merc run where I used succ cube right next to like 4 and they instakilled me without me realizing how much damage they could do
no because it does shit damage since 80% of all enemies are in the air.
it's worthless and only good for annoying the other players by forcing them to dodge shit constantly
What are you, a coward?
Shit computer.
Once we get the Command Artifact, most of this shit should stop.
>Take Frost Relic
>After already taking Glass
You have no one to blame butt yourself.
mmhook dll is fucked up in the new one, download an older version and replace
update broke BepIn and it causes this
I'm going to take meteor every time I get it in the hopes of one day playing with you
>4 reds in the first 6 stages
meanwhile I have 3 in 23 stages
>doesn't kill wisps
>doesn't kill bronzongs
>doesn't kill vultures
>doesn't kill half the bosses
just pick disposable missile launcher like a real man
>meanwhile I have 3 in 23 stages
Wait, you're guaranteed 4 in 16 stages
The fuck are you doing?
The more I play this update it just fucking blows. You have no healing, enemies have a million HP, you take damage way to fucking easily, you get shitty items, there's seemingly less chests on every level, gold takes longer to accumulate so getting items is slow as fuck, the challenges are either boring or stupidly dependent on RNG trash, and so on.
Like, why did they do this to the game? There was nothing wrong with it before. I hope to god they fix this shit fast; the game is tiresome to play now in every way. Even if you have a good run, it's a slog. I had fun with the game before, not this shit.
But it DOES kill other players.
Which makes picking it entirely warranted.
if your goal is to piss people off, just jew their items
>You have no healing
Go back to playing Drizzle then.
>enemies have a million HP
HP was unchanged.
>you take damage way to fucking easily
Damage was unchanged, but they fixed Aegis.
>you get shitty items
Unchanged except for small additios.
>there's seemingly less chests on every level
There's not.
>gold takes longer to accumulate so getting items is slow as fuck
The fuck are you talking about?
>the challenges are either boring or stupidly dependent on RNG trash
Oh so you were just shitposting.
>be a lemurian
>several years have passed since the invaders from the sky have slain Providence
>morale of the entire planet is at an all time low since we lost our hero
>have to keep fighting to the best of our ability to honor the memory and courage of Providence
>there's no way we'll abandon our home to these monsters
>see one of them roaming around, I get ready to engage
>I stop dead in my track
>two arms
>two legs
>wielding a blade in its left hand
>but worst of all
>numerous pairs of red eyes all over the body, even behind its back
>they never blink
>it's the demon the rumors spoke about, and surely the slayer of Providence
>it's not alone, along it stand an orange creature with a yellow head, a blue one with green lights, and another red with two blue vertically aligned eyes
>we don't stand a chance
>golems, beetles and other lemurians are moving towards it, they don't know the danger they're getting themselves in
>I have to make a run for it, there's no way we can win, we'll never rid our home of the invaders
>as I start running, I hear my comrades getting murdered in a matter of seconds
>I catch a glimpse of a flash of light in front of me, followed by a very sharp pain on my abdomen
>the red-eyed demon finds itself in front of me
>how are we supposed to fight a creature that sees everywhere and can reappear wherever it wants
>my upper body falls to the ground, and as I slowly drift into the cold, unknown realm of death, the invaders speak:
>"Why do you need so many lens-maker's glasses?"
>"WHY DO YOU SUCK SO MUCH DICK?!", replied the demon
>It's probably some sort of evil incantation
>our planet is done for
Seriously speaking, Syringe affects your glaive DPS but backup mag doesn't affect anything but glaive.
Another thing, glaive DPS is inconsistent and throwing multiple at a boss often results in a bunch of wasted glaives i.e. items. By the point where glaives start to consistently deal all their damage, being able to throw a glaive quickly becomes more important than being able to throw a few extra glaives.
Backup Mag is great on Huntress but you don't need many and Syringes should almost always take a priority.
Crowbar is only "good" with a Royal Capacitor build and you don't need Huntress for it.
I guess it's also good with 3+ Shards but by that point anything is good.
Go play Rainstorm or Drizzle then.
Monsoon was always meant to be entirely unforgiving and only promotes certain builds. It's not supposed to be fair.
Rainstorm is essentially the "Hard mode", as it was in RoR1. Monsoon was the "Extra Hard with a side of fuck you" mode.
>Siren's call
>Wandering Vagrant
>didn't realize you reopened
>server full
Why do you feel the need to take that much space to go 'lol no' like 7 times
Are you from reddit?
In what way were they not changed? Not changed from when? Because I dont remember the game being like this at all when I played when it first came out. The game feels so much slower, shittier, and time consuming than before. And I started playing again with this update and it feels very bad.
You know the one thing that pisses off an Engineer more than stealing his Fungus?
Killing him, unlocking a chest, finding Fungus, and then teleporting to the next level without even taking it.
>If you feel like you need it, then take that instead
Sure, add it to the base selectable kit once you unlock it once
>Syringe affects your glaive DPS
It does not without Backup Mags. It speeds up the throw animation, but the cooldown time starts from when you click the button, and Syringe doesn't affect cooldown time at all. You need enough Backup Mags to actually not run out right away before you see any real benefit from the syringe on glaive. Don't get me wrong, Syringe IS better as a whole, but it takes a long time before it helps with her Glaive.
Crowbar is also fantastic on her thanks to her new R, but otherwise she doesn't need it.
HP, Damage, and Chest spawn have been unchanged.
Characters have either not had a speed change or had speed increases.
Items have definitely changed, the biggest one being that Sticky Bombs aren't OP as fuck anymore, which is probably what you're missing.
HP Regen changed because it was never supposed to have been that high on higher difficulties, so if you're missing the better Regen you should play Drizzle.
>It does not without Backup Mags
Sure. I'm not saying you shouldn't pick up Backup Mags, I'm saying you shouldn't prioritise then over Syringes.
That's fair. I'd argue that 1-2 Backup Mags should be prioritized over Syringes, but after that Syringes over Mags.
Being able to just clear small groups of enemies in the beginning helps to move much quicker in the first two stages, but after that Syringes are definitely the way to go.
fuck this challenge
Post rooms
let me in!
Almost seems like a waste.
Enjoy your free win because the game took pity on you.
No Glass, you're safe to gas.
>Want to pick up the switch version
>But physical release is coming out with RoR1 bundled in
>Loader not in the console versions
switch version is capped at low res and 30fps.
Sorry engis, I just get so excited to pick up a new thing...
also no gyro
>that Rex log entry
I think I would also prioritise a first couple Mags but with reasoning being closer to "I need at least a few, not having any kinda sucks, and who knows when I'll see another one". That being said, I feel early Syringes have a bigger impact on the overall gameplay as the only early problem are bosses and glaives are that good against them this early.
> Merc with Cube and Bandolier's
The R spamming is amazing.
I thought I was pretty good at ROR back in the day, could basically finish the game every single time even if I got shitty items, but damn I can barely pass stage 2 with commando in risky 2.
The fuck am I doing wrong?
>server shutdown the moment I join
OP said he'd be back later
Down for now! Slowly getting towards the balance I want to achieve. Thanks for all those who helped.
Why would loader not be in the console versions?
>glaives are that good against them
Fuck Gboard.
Commando is really late game oriented, like he's super mediocre and lacking in a lot of things until you just hit this point where you start going ballistic and become the best character in the game
Just get the shotgun
Artificer. Drawbacks aside, it's too fun being a space wizard. Plus, her new skills are fun to mess with.
THE CUBE. All of them are fun, barring crowdfunder, though.
It used to be Titanic Plains, but Siren's Call has really grown on me.
Dunestrider. I don't need to explain why.
Definitely a straight upgrade for him, but before that he was just kind of screwed
>have to play commando to get the shotgun
>he doesnt know that the fungi meta is over
>not picking carb turrets and stacking goat hooves, tesla coils and leech seeds.
Bungus meta will never end
Whats the correct asset extractor to download?
what did hopoo mean by this
Unity Asset Bundle Extractor
Is there a loader with pants and cage but still keeping the titties? Or would that not work
Trying to extract it for this mod pack, which is otherwise perfect imo
Commando is dead
It's over Commando bros.. He's not getting in... We're all going to be forced to play Sniper instead..
Risk of Rain 3 is cancelled
passed out from too much tonic
yore ugleh
alloy worship faggot is literally not even worth your time.
Can I get a quick rundown on editing survivor meshes?
I don't thinks so. The one with pants is also cageless and way flatter. And the caged one is pantsless I'm pretty sure.
>no gyro
Have game devs learned nothing from Splatoon?
Bit late, but here you go. MUL-T also has 20 armor, and gains 200 during his shift skill. Dunestrider also gains 200 during its WHIRRR
Why the fuck is the golem animated so weirdly, this is going to take all day to figure out.
anyone ever tried stacking gesture's and a tonic
Someone host 10 man
that is the current shitter way to break the game.
The game is in a really bad state right now, the item balance is dogshit. Overloading worm didnt spawn till 120 minutes in. Commando without the shotgun is fucking trash.
You git gud fags need to shut the fuck up and actually play monsoon.
This is what you get when you're being a retarded faggot who thinks guaranteed reds "aren't worth your time".
The point of the game is to try and offset RNG in your favor and some retards are just too stupid to understand that so they are missing their biggest opportunity to do so.
>the fucking arms
but what if you have bad RNG and you get a shitty red?
>yeah let me just spend 15 minutes killing an annoying as fuck boss for one red which could just be headstompers
How about no
the last time I tried to kill it, I was sitting there for over 5 minutes. you tell me that red is worth it when headstompers pops out.
this 10 man when
discord tranny spotted
Ah well, fair enough. I'll just go with caged then.
Thanks to above for the compatable thick huntress, and to the instructions on how to extract. Just like Skyrim, here I am learning about technical stuff I'd never learn without the power of dick pulling me forward.
>get red
>it's n'kuhana/headstompers/frost relic/wake of vultures
waste of time tbqhwyf
Then you restart on Drizzle. Anyone who takes 15 minutes to kill a boss legitimately needs to play Drizzle until they figure their shit out.
>I cannot get past stage 2 with mul-t without god rng
Yea Forums... have i become a drizzlet? How did this happen?
Could it be... I've always been a drizzlet deep inside?
Non segmented golem limbs is so fucking cursed
That's not what i said at all. I was talking to the git gud fags. Im not a monsoon elitist, I have just been bitching for days about monsoon balance and its always some retard who doesnt even play the game who responds with git gud.
Maybe its just a stroke of great luck but I've been getting reds prior to even getting to stage 4 in at least half of my games since the newest patch on monsoon. Even then given the choice I'd rather just go to Hell for the guaranteed chest. I don't think Circles is too bad however, just tedious and requires you to have gotten more damage items
still doesn't sound like alloy is worth the potential headache
a reminder to please not reply to the drizzleposter. if you ignore it, it will go away eventually
Use saw/rebar and focus on spread on hit. As soon as you get your first ukulele everything around you will become dead.
Play on harder difficulties, where in the time you spend killing that boss it levels up at least twice.
Just make rayman arms
>can nuke just about every boss in seconds
>this motherfucker still takes a long-ass time to kill
the secret boss is fucking aids and you're better off either
a) paying the lunar coins to go to hell
b) just skip that piece of shit
Defensive options need to be looked at seriously now that regen is 'working properly'
Monsoon isn't balanced, and will never BE balanced. HOPOO is very forward about Rainstorm being Hard Mode and Drizzle being easy.
If you're not having fun on Monsoon, then play Rainstorm, as Monsoon sure as fuck wasn't meant for you.
Rainstorm is also what they look at for balancing items, characters, and bosses. Monsoon is just an "extra" mode.
his health scaling is ridiculous, if you have decent items and get the map on your first loop it's fine but each time you come back if you don't have really really good damage it's a massive time sink to kill him
Should have just had the default golem model but with rock tits and ass
*vacuum noises*
Maybe just do the torso, kinda like the wisps.
c) using any of the many raised platforms to jump on his fucking face and take him out from comparative safety. Just don't stand on the iris.
I there instructions on how to install these
It used to be balanced. What happened?
>no posting of the modpacks shared in thread
Where da Ryuko mod at
Tougher Times and Topaz Broach are really the only needed defensive options. Adding any extra will just dilute the chance of getting them
It's a single player or co-op game it doesn't really have to be "balanced". I played like, 95% acrid back in risk of rain 1 and he was complete garbage unless you got really specific items. Just play what you have fun with, and try to be good at it.
Health regen got nerfed on everything but drizzle. Means Rex is pretty much unplayable.
>brainlet wojack poster is actually the brainlet
really makes u think...
mysterious vial FUCKING WHEN
You, you the Drizzle
I'm still waiting for Filial imprinting. Hopefully now cabbage themed.
>It used to be balanced. What happened?
It was never balanced, HOPOO just didn't realize they broke it since the beginning. Regen used to be 250% for all modes when it was only meant to be that for Drizzle. So they fixed it, and now Monson plays the way it should - no one is ever guaranteed to get past the first few loops regardless of the items they pick, beginning is hard as nails, and health and getting hit actually matters.
People that dislike Monsoon now should, unironically play Rainstorm, as that was supposed to be the original "Hard Mode". Monsoon was supposed to be tough, unfair, and unbalanced.
The item pool got diluted with awful greens. Shrine of the mountain to get 2 chronobaubles is kek.
>not a tall ass dimmadome hat
>just want to have fun with shotgun
>scorched acres happens so no worms
For loader, what's the name of the mesh I'm looking for? GameObject LoaderBody?
I still pray for the day they remove Red Whip
>first few loops
shit man I love getting oneshot before I reach the end of the first
I believe its bugged and he has mp health even on singleplayer. When i play with friends he doesnt seem to be any more tankier than when im on singleplayer and we kill it in a decent amount of time.
Oh hey hopoo, when is bandit getting in?
You just gonna scroll past without sayin howdy...
Worms can appear in Scorched Acres.
It fucking SUCKS
Item/character that lets me run on walls when?
Do not sexualize the golem
Dimmabased and Domepilled
Then play on Rainstorm. Monsoon was boring as fuck before the update, you could consistently make it to Stage 13 with little to no issue. Now it's actually difficult.
When will Hoopo realize that this is the kind of content risk of rain needs?
I really hope that he adds Bandit alongside a "40 gallon hat" item so everyone can wear bandit's hat, but then when bandit gets it his hat just gets bigger.
Like I give a shit
Huntress is really fun when enemies hit fuck you stage and you can't get hit at all or you go down fast. Blinking around and generally playing the floor is lava is fucking intense
Hoopo hire this man
At least Nintendo learned from Sony.
>no crowbar
I have already come too far to stop now
what is the earliest way to spawn an overloading worm? I got to hell for the second time, deep into HAHAHA, but the worm that spawned was just a regular one
is afterburner the single best item for loader?
dunestrider when
Not a graphic designer by any means but I feel like the damage number font doesn't fit with the rest of the fonts in the game
how is crystal relevant to the grenade launcher?
>golems get sexualized before Commando
It's not fair...
when i figure out how the hell I'm going to do a golem since my first few plans are screwed
You're going to need to get to like stage 18 or so. You can get them as a boss with a mountain shrine earlier probably, but I think it's best to just keep going until you find one in rallypoint delta or abyssal depths that's already there when you enter.
Hornet or default for my boy? I keep telling myself
>Default is iconic, it's simple, it's great
And it is, but I haven't taken off hornet since unlocking it.
fuck, stage 18 even on rainstorm? I swear I used to see them earlier than that back when I was going for the long road achievement
Prismatic Cube
Rallypoint Delta (best song in the game)
Fuck Elder Lemurians.. and especially fuck ELITE Elder Lemurians
>golems come before finished hotpants loader, alt merc cor commando
My sadness is profound indeed
Didn't seem to work, but thanks for pointing in the right direction. I may have grabbed the wrong ones.
Around 30+ minutes in second loop at final stage in monsoon.
Make it closer to this
Considering they were just floaty rocks you're probably fucked for a reasonable answer.
Godspeed though, I believe in you.
I'd be fine with the roll if I could maintain my sprint after using it. Why the fuck don't more characters have that for their movement abilities?
hips too wide desu, it looks dumb
in actual gameplay, hyper sexualization looks retarded, like the thong loader
fuck off coomer, the smallest tit femmemerc mod is the only female mod that actually looks good so far because it isn't completely insane proportions-wise
the thong loader is fucking laughably bad, though the cageless pants loader is well done
and most of the artificer mods give her weird flapjack titties
>All these fucking weird sex/nude mods
Honestly its making me laugh most of the time. Thanks.
>Play on harder difficulties, where in the time you spend killing that boss it levels up at least twice.
>4 man monsoon
>get double mountain shrine early on, perfect for unlocking elite boss on monsoon
>it's an elite queen, literally best case scenario
>retards allies all die, so i sit and fight it as merc for ~10 minutes, but it literally gains health faster than i can kill it, and i eventually give up and let it one shot me with acid
>that cockblock box
But why...
I don't like how golems look this game with their strange segments. I suppose hopoo is going for the notion they're not really truly living beings, but a nature given life kind of thing.
She needs wide hips to put the womb in wommando.
There's the huntress mod.
10 man when
Well seeing as you asked so nicely, ------------------Never------------
Horse cock magma worm mod when?
It hurts how true this statement is, I can't stand playing anyone other than commando but dear god if you don't gt anything damage related the first stage you are screwed.
The only other thing I'd change about Commando is giving him more base rolls rather than just one (yesterday I got 2 hardlight afterburners and it made me hard)
If you look at the official in game model closely literally has handles on the front for titfucking
A man of fine taste I see.
read the logs
smallest tit femmerc looks like a femboy, of course you discord trannies are fucking gay
People have noted further changes to HAN-D and Bandit during skills 2.0. They're still trying to make them work.
>has tits
>is a boy
are you retarded
How do you titfuck a box?
Brehs.... Help me.... Console me..... He's getting in right, bros....
enforcer is getting in, right?.....
Anything is possible if you try hard enough
Nobody hosting?
EU lobby NA fine
There will never be another returning survivor.
Anyone have a big list of lewd mods?
I want to believe
Not before sniper
As was said, Bandit and HAN-D are still getting work done.
>level 9
how the fuck
Shaped glass
Skill isn't worth the loss of stunning.
looks like preon + glass + charged m2
Hey, guy who found the old mods for arty and huntress, I found an even older version, with arty without the skin tone change.
The only problem is, since she's jetpackless the jetpack flames are still visible, how do I remove them?
This song makes the new stage
I finally did it, feels good.
Glass, Crowbars, Preon. Multiple of each if you can manage it. I did it with rushing stage 3 to get a garunteed BFG, then getting the rest.
I want him so bad. I can see him working so fucking well in 3D.
Anybody wanna just play some fucking rainstorm?
Every time I try quickplay, I get groups of melee characters wanting to run monsoon and we get demolished at the first teleporter boss. I just want to unlock some characters, fuck.
I really want to unlock commandos m2, everyone seems to like it. Just imagine that but all the time
He's in.
Still open?
rainstorm is really easy but if someone's hosting i'd still be down to fuck around a bit
How would sniper even be fun in 3D? I feel like the playstyle of the RoR1 sniper doesn't translate at all. And a traditional sniper-type character would just be boring.
Alright bros, last run of the night. If i dont get the commando skin i kill myself.
Stop sexualizing everything and have sex, you coomers.
hold on, brother. We have to have faith
>thinking about doing a fun rainstorm run
>remember all the skins I have yet to unlock
redpill me on enforcer in ror1
how is he remotely fun
it's so fucking bad compared to tesla coil, it's just not even close
>no procs
>no crits
>shit range
>have to be horizontally aligned
>that box
At least make it smaller or something.
Wait does double mountain have a chance to spawn an elite boss? I thought it just added one more instance of the boss for each shrine you activated.
He's a guy with a shotgun and a riot shield. He's methodical imo, not very hyper jumpy phasing in and out. He's either on the ground, or dug into the ground
you forgot
>can kill you
You are the wall and have a shotgun. That's pretty fun.
it gives the director more points to spend on the teleporter boss, which usually just means additional bosses
but after a loop or two, or with multiple shrines, it give it enough to spawn an elite boss
It has to be after a certain point? I remember when I did it at around stage 5 and got a Blazing Stone Titan when they were still bugged.
Frost Relic won me my Monsoon run, I have respect for it.
>ukelele first item
This might be the one...
>get glass on stage 1 and 2 as loader
>I am become death
>dont have time to do a full run because i have to wake up early
Such is life
It increases the total "cost" of the boss spawn, which usually results in two bosses, but with 2x mountain shrines it was loop 1, on wasteland and i got a frozen beetle queen spawn.
sounds like noloot tier in multiplayer
what does that mean
As in everyone else will take all the chest because youre slow af
is what scenario is freezing not better than stunning
Other faster or more mobile survivors are going to Jew all your items and you'll be dead weight and/or dead most of the run.
don't play with niggers?
Because the ball stuns groups and the ice spear doesn't. It'll freeze enemies in a line since it pierces, but a reposition and ice wall will do that.
he's saying enforcer being slow means he won't get loot in multiplayer
but that's not how multiple worked in ror1 anyway there was a reason way we always played with sacrifice turned on
what are you talking about
even fucking engi gets chests just like everyone else, and he's just as immobile is enforcer would be
us east
Ok, but I don't agree with the notion because I play engie all the time and I get items just fine
rex is much better than before since he relies the least on base health regen
rex is worse than before
now you have much less natural regen to offset the hp costs
how is that in any way better?
It feels really good to unlock JAN-Y
donut5 mesh
This update is fun as fuck and brought me back full swing into the game again
The rex update was shoddier in comparison, played one day then dropped it again
it better infinitely stack so it only keeps growing
so i wanted to get the new merc ult
not today i guess
user are you actually playing on this resolution or is that a thumbnail
for completionists sake, that sucks
if you actually planned on using it, im sorry but losing i frames/ a second dash is not worth replacing it
Host a lobby
lets go get that shit
user i cant see
modded server when
its a thumbnail i got lazy
if i played at that resolution i would obliterate myself my man
Reminder that a patch is coming this week. What do you expect nerfed since hopoo ONLY knows how to nerf?
>Reminder that a patch is coming this week.
What patch?
everyone else relies on base hp regen much more than rex
base hp regen barely matters for rex at all, it was and still is minuscule compared to the healing brought from your abilities (namely r)
>you dont regen on monsoon anymore, you only have infinity weak bleed, if you dont get a brooch on your first chest you get fucked
>cautious slug gets nerfed now, way lot less regen
>loader's alt m2 gets fucked somehow
now that commando is good what character gets the most gamer cred?
slug nerfed, tonic nerfed, scythe nerfed, transcendence nerfed
If they nerf loader I hope the reduce the damage of a slow punch but keep very high speed punches the same if not slightly higher damage
Thanks bro, works like a charm.
Here's the old huntress and arty mod by the way, with no skin tone changes for arty.
source on this BS
>What do you expect nerfed
Loader, because we aren't allowed to keep anything fun for more than one patch
>royal capacitor
>since she's super fucking mobile now, probably rallypoint for best sight lines and no bullshit
>FUCK dunestriders
I'd actually be fine with Monsoon having 0 regen.
Outlined below is our intended development plan for Content Updates (CU) going forward:
-Hopoo Games begins and develops the CU
-Submit to Gearbox QA once the CU is content locked
-Launch the CU on PC
-Address any Week 1 feedback + bugs with a small patch
You're a madman if you can get Rex to work consistently with the new regen values. I haven't seen a single Rex player since skills 2.0 dropped.
>2 minutes into the run
>2 beetles and a blazing lemurian are the only enemies spawned so far
oh my fucking god hopoo change the director back RIGHT FUCKING NOW
The director really does need to be more aggressive early on.
Just activate the tele or a combat shrine you retards.
I have seen a ton of Rex players. And they always die first.
>just force a combat shrine into existence through sheer force of will lmao
tele enemies + boss gives a lot less gold afaik
>still haven't got that achievement for 3 combat shrines because I've never seen 3 combat shrines spawn in one level, or if they have I missed it
>activating and succeeding skips difficulty levels
oops I'm dead
>Silence before Two Strikes
>Titanic Plains
>Any kind of Horde of Many
wait, I thought the difficulty bar always jumped by the same amount between levels
>Just activate the tele
You know what gives even less gold? Waiting around for two minutes for the director to save credits when you could already be halfway or nearly done with the boss.
...git gud? What a bizarre complaint. The new update has shown the true colors of a lot of you mother fuckers. Just plain not good at video games, the lot of you.
>10 man get in here
>10 man get in here
>10 man get in here
>10 man get in here
>distant roost
holy fuck i hate this fucking map so fucking much
everything is small and cramped and yet there's no fucking chests because half of them get replaced by shitty turrets and autistic healing shrines
oh, did the teleporter spawn behind the doorway? hope you like running for 45 seconds to get to the chests on the island lmao
fuck this shit map
Why is Merc so overpowered? If you get an Alien Head he's literally invincible.
only if they make capsules drop health
and get rid of turrets
I had a run where I got overloading golems, blazing elder lemurians, and malachite greater wisps back-to-back. It ruined my run just because it took so fucking long on each fight that the difficulty ran away from me and got so out of hand I couldn't keep up. I wanted to fucking kill myself the whole time.
>alien head and after burner
>tonic with gesture and 3 fuel cells
>a couple glass too
Because his damage is middle of the road and gets fucked over because he has no other choice but to stand directly next to enemies to damage them, which is a whole lot of fun when blazing enemies start to spawn and you literally no choice but to get damaged
is there a way to noclip? i got stuck under terrain on the new map
>merc damage
>middle of the road
>getting hit ever on merc
us east
Find somewhere to fall and you'll pop back up at spawn.
cant, im literally stuck under one of the props of the map, caught between it and the ground
>brain tentacle merc
>spam omnislash non-stop late game
i have fios gigabit internet and would like to host but i only have a downloaded copy of the game. is it still possible to host or do i need steam?
well i died, im just gonna cheat the fucking commando challenges in
dont do it friend
(you) to gay.
they fucked up commando's r skill unlock so badly
all they had to do was make it like the first game with more aoe potential, where he would shoot all around him and not just in a straight line. they didn't have to make a shitty projectile that hits once.
it was so fucking metal when they started closing in on you, and you just unload your ammo on everything. Now he just kinda awkwardly leans and droops his other arm down. At the very least they should fix that animation to be more intense.
it doesn't have to be over the top like reaper's ult in overwatch, but something more practical close range that ALSO works well with attack speed on hit runs
nope fuck you, i was nearly done with it after hours of trying on monsoon but hopoo still cant get spawns to work right
Man I was JUST thinking about that since Brainstalks and syringes on Commando is incredibly viable, even the goal I'd say. But the animation for rapid fire is really lame and meek in comparison to 1 where he crouches down to brace himself and then fires rapidly with both pistols. I'd kill for meatier animations overall in this game. Loader's "punches" are fucking disgusting in the face of 1's.
so happy that i got a crowbar printer 2nd level
>spawn on the island
>teleporter is at the top of the cliff
Hope you like your two minutes of walking, bro :^)
my screenshot is on rainstorm
cmon man, anyone can get to stage 20 on rainstorm, just cycle the shop for reds, glass, drowned, and tonic
honestly just get 5 meat hooks and its gg
he sleepy
i alteast understand why loader's swings look so dumb even if I heavily agree with you
they just wanted to convey the cone of the swings. but yea I prefer the fast jabs in 1.
>glass, drowned, and tonic
the challenge is no lunar items
saw/rebar is shit, you can't get rid of anything stronger than a default wisp in an expedient fashion
fuck that's actually pretty funny
Does obliterating yourself while playing co-op give the achievement to everyone, or just the one person who clicked on the obelisk?
>>merc damage
>middle of the road
He doesn't scale as well with items as somone like commando does or have big dick base damage that scales well like loader , so yeah past loop 1 one he kinda falls off
>blazing boss spawns
touching it sets you on fire, touching the ground near it sets you fire, so you're just fucked lol, you either waste time waiting for dash and eviscerate to come off CD or pray for a good equipment, or hard light afterburner merc very much so needs every i-frame he has so that he doesn't get dumpered and getting items that reset your CDs isn't always a guaranteed so I think he's far from overpower
In fact I think all melee classes need a fire resistance because get fucked over in the dumbest ways with odd match-ups
like holy shit don't even get me started started on trying to fight dunestrider as a melee class when it's WRRRing
109775241061238075 US East
I am noob!! Pls help to unlocks and shit
I can not get into the engineers playstyle, like at all.
they're the only two defensive items that work besides maybe slug.
Needs harpoons or a rocket launcher.
if chronobauble instead had a percent chance to slow enemies overall, red whip and rose buckler granted half benefits, but with flat movement speed and armor added, you'd fix some of the worst offenders in the item pool and make them desirable.
So which skills are direct upgrades that make characters better?
I almost certain they'll add an alternate Shift/M1 version of the old homing spears at some point.
it hits in an aoe regardless of the attack, so it just makes it a bit more consistent when clearing.
he's in the code and has some interesting kits ideas in there, but probably not till later.
you just give him teh monster hunter sheidl charge with the lance, only with a shotgun. Make him the PAIN TRAIN.
why does the teleporter animation randomly take three times as long, getting you instantly killed for no reason?
commando's m2
the shotgun is great while shooting through walls is useless
Enforcers aesthetics are by far my favorite in almost any game. SWAT is cool as fuck, bootlicker or not
Commando's shotgun and Loader's spiked fist feel like the only clear, direct upgrades right now. The rest are debatable, most being either sidegrades or complete downgrades.
1 more, east burger
so like a gunlance that has the regular lance charge? holy shit we might be onto something
Both of Huntress' new skills make her more mobile and fun, but equipping both REALLY highlights how fucking lame her M1 is.
>plink, plink, plink, BALLISTA FWOOM FWOOM FWOMO GLAIVE plink, plink, plink, plink
commando m2
loader m2
huntress R
artificer m2
Yeah, only it could knock enemies out of the way if you run into them while doing it if they're not giants. Could give it the loader's momentum mechanic so the longer you run the more damage the bash does.
What makes the Artificer nanospear so good? I haven't gotten around to unlocking it yet.
Why would you not equip spider mines over regular mines for engie
I could understand not wanting lazer turrets
1 more us e
someone asked for an alt m1 that would have to be manually aimed and couldn't be fired when sprinting, but would do significantly more damage as a trade off, more so when charged
Freezes enemies, can pierce lines of enemies, can trigger snapfreeze's instant kill if an enemy is low enough in health.
freeze, pierce, 100% proc chance for proc items
Well fucking get on it hopoo. She's nearly perfect.
How's the switch version?
how to unlock?
I imagine it's pretty okay since it has a team of professionals optimizing it and not Hopoo games who can't optimize the current build worth a shit.
defeat a boss in 1 second as artificer
how about artificer m1 is that any good
did our merc 10 man just crash or just me?
1 more
I did too
I did it lads
no it's fucking shit
the aoe radius is tiny as fuck and it doesn't burn so you need to use 2 charges on wisps
fuck does it have to be my hit?
How's this golem looking so far? I'm segmenting the arms so it looks less gumbi, but I'm still thinking I can do more for it.
>Default kit
Fucking based. I don't like Arti's new abilities at all.
Is that her fapping arm, there?
The head seems a bit out of place because everything else is curvy.
just a bit too horny for me, but I'll keep it in reserve just in case
>first teleporter boss
>greater wisps
why me
Artificer by a mile.
Gasoline, if only for the crispy ticking noise. Back up mags and uke are runner ups.
Scorched Acres. The aesthetic is 10/10, and the structure isn't bad. It just needs ropes and more jump pads.
Stone Titans. Fuck lasers.
this femgolem is a major coomer it seems
Which arm? The skeleton is asymmetrical, so I have to make concessions. I could remove some segments, but making it look alright will take time.
You have any ideas? That head's actually a WIP since I have no idea what to do for it. Since it's technically a female golem, I was thinking of replacing the head with another shape, but I'm not sure what would be as iconic as the usual blockhead.
>tfw acrid wont make it
Could probably just round it out as a wide slightly misshaping oval and I think it'd be iconic enough while not as jarring. Like a boulder.
I tried to use each one
Ice lance is useless, nano bomb already stuns everything that can be frozen, and does real aoe
Also, I swear it takes longer to charge it
Lightning balls suck. I don't need to explain why.
Ion surge is just not fun. Taking twice as long to do every event because you're floating above the tele dome waiting for spells to come off cooldown is boring as hell and coming back down to deal with the 300 enemies that spawned while you were in space is too much stress.
I had a close call when i got hit by a grovetender, but i had capped crit and scythe. If I didn't have flame sprayer, i'd have died.
Spidermines are far better than regular mines
>600% damage immediately on placement, rather than 900% after a few seconds
>much larger activation radius
>reburrow themselves if their target is killed, meaning no overkill like with regular mines.
Sure I'll do that when a fucking overload wyrm spawns.
>Horde of many horde of many, oh hey did you want sirens call?
open for one more game
>how fucking lame her M1 is.
I say it's pretty good for a main attack. It's impactful when it scales up and it allows you to focus on the movement.
It also forced you to work with the range limit and the auto-aim priority making it feel unique.
I would argue that Huntress m1 is actually one of the best in the game.
I wonder if there's anything you guys won't attach tits to.
It's the inverse of the plasma ball. It's shit early-on and god-tier later on when there's massive hoards of enemies to mow down, as opposed to the plasma ball which melts everything for the first 5 stages and then becomes fucking useless unless you can get procs off of it.
how do i do this?
im only missing this and the mul-t challenges.
ive thrice now, i played to the lava level and let myself get killed by elder lemurians with fire. doesnt seem to count if you get kill by their fire debuff. is it bugged?
mul-t i dont really like playing but ill do his challenges next. i really liked them. the commando one was a bit annoying with doing 20 stages without any lunar items but i got it done by getting a lucky run where i stacked guillotines and 25 gasoline which resulted in chain reactions everywhere.
im kinda proud that i didnt resort to cheating to do any of the challenges.
It's shit
Don't fall for the meme
You could put a dent in it right at the middle, like a bow.
you have to die 3 times from a fire dot