What are some video games that include carnival levels

What are some video games that include carnival levels

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He is the best streamer to ever exist, no one else even comes close

Please don't make jerma posting a regular thing

oh god what did he come up with now? I have zero time to sit and watch the streams unfortunately

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He worked alongside some manufacturers and spent over $6000 to do a stream with a bunch of carnival games which the audience could control

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You new to these parts?

I don't even know what to say, really puts other streamers to shame

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Painkiller: Battle Out of Hell I believe, or at least one of the painkiller titles.

Left 4 Dead 2 has a pretty good one.

Sonic 3 but that game sucks so you might as well skip it.

He gets tons of views every stream. Dude is popular now and will become watered down and formulaic like the rest. Make your peace with that. Good for him. Bad for you.

Oh, and also l4d2.

The best part was seeing how happy he was that everything (mostly) worked out. He had clearly put a lot of time, effort, and money into it and doing something like that live is such a risk, especially when you're just a dude and not a production company.

Sonic Rush
Honestly fuck Night Carnival, second worst zone

Holy shit what

It’s so commendable what he does to create an interesting stream, even when it sometimes makes him lose money he doesn’t stop

does nights into dreams count?

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meanwhile twitch sends me emails about some faggot pubg competition instead of promoting awesome creative stuff like this

>Spend time and money to become the best fucking streamer to ever stream on a platform full of titty whores and boring cunts
>Stay relatively small in audience in comparison to other humongous faggots

Poor Jerma. But this works out in the end. If he ever became one of THE names like that faggot Ninja he'd probably be forced to change his formula and just himself in general. It just hurts that some random whore has 6K viewers at all times while literally just talking and Jerma reached 16K by doing this elaborate carnival thing, but his normal streams are 1K to 2K viewers normally. He just deserves more for all the work he puts in, is what I'm saying.

l4d2 was boring as fuck, you could only go on one ride, the rest of the time you're just walking around buildings

holy shit is that the streamer who spent 12,000$ on a boombox on a livestream??

It's okay, I've gotten literally thousands of hours of entertainment from him already.

Jerma makes enough to live off of from that one trust fund faggot alone though.


And still doesn’t make half as much as twitch streamers who watch other people’s clips while eating food

The wind must have been such a let down for him. Without a doubt A for effort though. Actually make that several As.

What did you think of the clowns?

He doesn't get a ton of viewers compared to the other top streamers but he still gets a shit ton of subs. Look at his chat and almost everyone has a sub badge.

Gauntlet Dark Legacy

Impressed actually. They had spirit and heart at the very least. Again shame about the wind which also affected the audio.

Fuck jerma is so fucking hot. I wish he was my compact BF.

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the clowns were pleb filter, kino in its purest form.

They were unironically great


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>watching a feet streamer
yeah nah

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what a handsome lad

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How the fuck did he got clown grannies??

Nah, he's going to continue to push the envelope with the success of the carnival stream. 15k people were watching that.

who is better joel or jerma? one is retarded the other is compact

I know it can be cringe but I love how retarded the chat is everytime Jerma show his feet.

He’s also aware of us, everytime he says big guy and the chat answer 4u he giggles a little

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Well, Joel is completely devoid of humor and Jerma is naturally funny + he actually tries and does interesting streams like building a birdhouse.

>just 15k
His last Jermania got almost 30k

>that headshot after he falls into the water
He’s actually balding. I thought it was a chat joke

It is mostly, but he is starting to thin at the back of his head in the traditional male bald spot

Genuinely good.

Nice, I didn't realize. Still, 5 times his normal audience is pretty good. I thought the carnival was hilarious while I watched it and did some other stuff.

i like jerma but his fans think he's 10x funnier than he actually is

also shit like this really makes me hate all of you


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That's just what wet hair looks like. Dry, my hair is thick as fuck and wavy but when it's wet you can see through to the scalp sometimes.

There's like maybe 10 people on the internet who can genuinely be entertaining and successful no matter what they do, and Jerma is one of them. Jerma could genuinely move onto real showbiz without a single fucking hitch if he wanted to honestly.

They were pretty fun desu.

Omg i tough it was sponsored, he is really good.

Castlevania Portrait of Ruin has an amazing one

technically it has two carnival levels

I was expecting STAR to appear s a clown or something :(


Bully scholarship edition's carnival was pretty good, the quest in the fun house was fun, all the other minigames and prizes was pretty good too, you could even get a kart and a motorcycle.

consistency helps a lot to become a big name
when you're going 8 hours every day it's a lot easier to get into the habit
when you're on an inconsistent schedule it's not so easy

He's still in top 1000 which is more than enough to make a comfortable living while also doing whatever he wants

I'd say he's in a good spot.

>That camera in the cage that let you see his bald spot

Feels bad. The dude is going to need to shave his head before he turns 40

I really don’t think he cares. His hairstyle’s so outrageous right now as it is I would not be surprised in the slightest if he shaves it all off on stream. He’s also mentioned that he doesn’t give a fuck about how his hair is styled, but his constant mentioning and fiddling with it tells otherwise

I don't get this hair meme. It's literally just a normal haircut.

>the k'nex ferris wheel
pure kino

It's just a chat joke to fuck with jerma because he always gets annoyed by it.

It’s just... why? Jerma was so much more attractive when he had short back and sides. His hair only looks fine since he’s naturally attractive, so no matter what hair he has he’s going to look hot. He could look so much more youthful if he got a more conventional cut.

>Jerma puts his money into making more outrageous skits and projects for his audience to enjoy.
>Vinny puts his money into a vain attempt at being a rockstar.
Never be like vinny, only villans do that.


chat roleplaying being on the ferris wheel made me giggle like a retard

The virgin vinny vs the chad jerma

DKC2's roller coaster levels, one of my favorites BTW.

>I'm going to photocopy my ass three thousand times, go into Times Square and just fucking fifty two pickup into the air and just run
Jerma's delivery makes me lose my shit. Why are his voices so great?

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POGGERS jermaEgg


this entire thing is carnival level


bawstun accent just makes stupid shit like that more impactful. Also the stupidity of what's said combined makes a deadly combo

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The timing on some of those lines were great.
>"You won't get the frog on the lilly pa-"

the accent seems to get real thick when he's mad, it's funny.

KISS: Psycho Circus

Bully has a carnival, but since it is open world I guess that doesn't count?

Jerma is literally the only good streamer on twitch

Link to the full stream?



>*gets dunked*

This dude has charm for days, how have I never watched his stuff until recently? Every day it's like an entirely new thing. He's a god

it's like he went out of his way to find the most bizarrely wholesome clowns possible.

i miss the house flipper streams

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this is a good picture

>People didn't like the clowns

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Imagine how much worse it would have been with ironic meme clowns.

What's essential Jerma viewing?

I liked 'em. It was odd but they fit right into the jerma style humor.

i'm kind of disappointed he didn't hire 2 beetlejuice actors and have them try to outplay each other

>all the Roller Coaster Tycoon music playing throughout the stream

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it's kind of incredible actually, refreshing, to see someone who remembers how to be funny or charming without needing to be overly crude or meanspirited. The cynical stuff is easy to find but Jerma's something else

i'd vote this guy for president

Recently, the Simpsons stream/condensed videos. But honestly, any one of his old TF2 videos where he's just spitballin make for some unreasonably hilarious content.

if you've ever played tf2, basically all of his old tf2 stuff is gold, plus star_'s videos with him in them




>i'd vote this guy for president

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I feel he'd have a tough race running against guys like Dean Dingus and Anthony Banthony

is that the one where he talks about being a dad living in the wall and then tearing down all the walls so his kids can't have jack off?


>So, heard you say I'm 5'4...

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Didn’t you hear? Dean Dingus strangled like, three people.

Recettear was relaxing as hell. That and all of the Monster Rancher streams.

It has that segment and also the incredibly long joke of turning a house into an entire mall.

David Lynch would be proud

>monster rancher streams
never forget

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It's so bizarre to have a thread like this on Yea Forums. Any other year it would have been spammed by porn and gore shit.

Thinking about it, I don't think gore spam has happened with regularity in a long time.

>when jerma crashed vinewrestle, dumpstered everybody and took the belt

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>He fused BBS away for a generic monster no one remembers
How could he do something so cruel to his own son

>Joel on the verge of tears trying to cheat Jerma out of his well deserved belt and failing miserably every time

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It's better for your income to have a small but dedicated fanbase than trying to become the next Ninja. Those people who donate feel like they're actually helping out and he doesn't need to worry about losing his income. Works out for everyone.

Rat movie 3 when?

which video is that line from?

I haven't seen any real gore spam in years

Also, a bigger fanbase is much harder to interact with and control. Like you think the "jerma say trans rights" stuff is bad now, imagine if he had even more attention turned toward him from all types of slacktivists. Fame isn't necessarily a good thing.

That mall in a house is one of the greatest gags he's ever done

Square won E3 this year by unveiling this amazing compact experience live on stream.

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goddamn how do I get my hair like Jerma

Show the barber a picture of your mustache

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How is Yea Forums always wrong about video games and yet always right about streamers?

Yea Forums is like a big parking lot for homeless people of all shapes in sizes to come around and shout whatever shit they feel like is why


i first heard him mention this stream months ago, glad it worked out for him


Another thing I love about Jerma is the bits where he goes off the rails for a good few hours because of one thing some random viewer in chat said. Like in Metal Wolf Chaos XD where someone sent him a link of him looking like a fucking goblin on facecam, and then the stream going off on a tangent for at least an hour of viewers making Hearthstone cards with him as card art and him even pretending to play Hearthstone with the cards. Nobody else would commit to making such a joke work.

>that Mario RPG stream
I hope he does more older RPGs, or even just some good classics. Some of the meme games get a bit tedious to watch after a while, like the simulator ones.

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it's insane how much work he puts into shit but then gets compared to guys like vinny vinesauce, who regularly talks as if streaming 4 hours a night 6 days a week is legitimately hard work and shames any audience member who complains about him streaming too late/irregularly

>yo i got shit to do during the day, what do you want from me?

this streaming shit pays your bills, not your retarded delusion of being a rockstar

labo streams

But he has to sit in a studio playing his switch while a more competent musician makes his songs for his band. That takes a lot out of him.

I liked the part when the boomer clown lady called the other boomer clown lady an Indian giver.

Yeah. I appreciate the variety and originality of the shithe does but it's refreshing to see him just sit down and play a game he likes instead of random shovelware of some forgettable new AAA release

The funniest part is when he moved to Vegas so his internet wouldn't be shit all the time. He still gets dicked by his internet


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I subbed to Jerma like 3 years ago and even though I don't really watch him anymore I still keep the subscription running. Five bucks a month to support the only person worth watching on the site (and get his Discord emotes) who also proves that boomers like us can still be funny is worth it.

Is Jerma the least disliked individual online? I don’t see how you can dislike the guy, hell, even on Yea Forums I’ve yet to see anyone grow tired of him.

I swear Jerma has some fucking botnet malware shit on his PC that's sapping his IP connection or something.

Jerma’s streams are getting better over time as he pushes the platform to its limits. He’s no doubt the most avant-garde streamer on the site. He’s unfortunately more agreeable with chat and doesn’t do much to keep his chat bearable like ster’s, but the guy’s streams are only getting more and more unfuckingbelievable.

>The demonic blue in his eyes

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He's high energy and charismatic without being a phony tryhard.

He's a rare specimen indeed.

It's hard to grow tired of someone that constantly tries to do new and interesting things

On top of this, he's just a genuinely funny person. He has a good sense of humor, is good at doing voices, has a naturally amusing accent, and he even looks funny. But he's funny-looking in a good way where he's still conventionally handsome, unlike other funny-looking dudes like Danny Devito or whatever.


>What's your catchphrase?

Even Jerma's stream highlight videos are good, and they're not even done by him

what a handsome streamer

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did he seriously never figure out that bat's saying "asphalt", not "ass"?


Jerma committing to that shitty laptop joke almost made me black out from laughing.

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>He’s no doubt the most avant-garde streamer on the site.

i bet there are plenty of tiny channels doing weirder shit, what special about jerma is he's got popularity already but still pushes shit instead of just getting comfortable and playing the latest releases/popular meme games to coast.

i feel like his charisma and positive attitude are what really carry his streams. he gets compared to criken and vinny a lot, but i swear every other stream by those two (criken especially) is just them constantly bitching at the chat about back seating or chat having "wrong" opinions or whatever. i don't think i've ever heard jerma get legitimately upset with chat.

one time there was a stream where someone was calling his cellphone anonymously and he got pissed at chat for a fan creeping on him and i remember thinking "dam, even this guy has his bad days". but nope, in the end it was all part of a bit where ster pretended to be a home invader and broke into his bedroom, it was kino as fuck.


based and rosspilled

absolute kino

Seriously Vinny has one of the easiest lives I've ever heard of

>Virtually no expenses despite living in fucking NYC
>Job lets him do whatever and sleep whenever
>Can also pursue his passion at his leisure
>Still whines about Nintendo Directs airing at like noon since that means he'd have to be awake by then

Like I like the guy but he's pampered as fuck

You think he played Undertale just because Toby Fox is also from Boston

Don't shit on Vinny please. Streaming a staggering 3 and a half hours a night and getting piles of fan-art of your stream and yourself is hard fucking work.

I've unironically been watching jerma since 2012 and I'm so glad he's well-off and popular now, he's a goddamn treasure.

Still very happy to see him absolutely lose his shit playing a simpsons kids game though.

He just has TOO many GAMES to play!

>i bet there are plenty of tiny channels doing weirder shit
I wouldn’t be so sure, I doubt any smaller streamer would have the budget/commitment of it being a full-time job to pull off some of the streams Jerma can. I can’t even name a streamer I know of that comes close to his outlandish ideas.
Criken and Vinny are examples of how charisma really isn’t everything. I find myself bored whenever I watch their streams because 90% of what they’re doing/talking about isn’t particularly interesting, even if their charisma can make up for it. Jerma’s very intelligent and knows what sort of thing people will actually engage with because you can’t just engage with the streamer, you need to engage with the content too. Even if that content’s just a goofy topic of conversation or a joke with an elaborate subject not pertaining to what game’s on screen whatsoever.
Sterma reuniting stream was ultimate kino. Looking back it’s fucking funny how people seriously thought they’d dropped all contact with one another after a stupid fucking fallout (which STAR_ said was resolved like, a couple hours after his stream). He faked hating his best fucking friend and content partner for a year and a half over all for a god damn joke. They’re psychopaths, but funny psychopaths.

I will give him credit for doing those art segments. Politely going over cringy, awful fanart of yourself for an hour regularly is not something I can even imagine myself doing

Was Vinny the one that had that awful WarioWare fangame made for him, or was that Joel? I saw it mentioned in a thread maybe a year or so ago and it’s still burned into my memory. Fucking hell. I can’t imagine what that must have been like to endure live.

>Virtually no expenses despite living in fucking NYC
why? I legit don't know

>that intro

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it was vinny, and it was probably as awkward as you're imagining
the part where he specifically had to stop and tell the chat to stop shitting on it despite obviously being uncomfortably bad was painful

Seriously, who the fuck are these people who draw shitty fanart of him every night?

I'm not even him and I'm embarrassed by it.

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He inherited his house and it was paid off long ago

He's the first internet personality who genuinely intimidates me with his sheer amount of talent. Something about the way he finds ways to make anything entertaining is genuinely impressive to me, and his comedic timing is second to none. How does he do it?

>six fucking minutes long
jesus christ

Was it seriously only... four months ago? Jesus christ, my perception of time’s been skewed to fuck lately.

Jerma is the most personable, funny and handsome guy I've ever seen on the Internet. Love him, still can't believe he's 34 and looks this good. Fuck guys I might be gay

It’s the same people, isn’t it? I’ve got second-hand embarrassment for him for having to grimace every time another autist sends the same piece of art positioned slightly differently for the next fan art segment.

holy shit. that's some privileg if i ever saw one

Honestly Vinny is alright. I think we'd never complain if we didn't have it this good. Jerma's a gift.

Jerma’s the only man online I’d happily wed as a straight guy, and you bet damn right I’d be his wife.
I hope Kim is aware of the absolute catch she’s managed to bide with. She better make him happy.

meanwhile some streamers sit on their ass all day watching youtube videos

>Ninja is a millionaire now because he played a meme game for ten-year olds for a few years while skillfully managing to avoid dropping an N-word or whatever it is that Twitch drops people for

It's not fair

That's called "riding the trend". You do what suckers are paying for this week and bam.

I don’t get the appeal in watching this as opposed to watching it yourself. Like honestly. Why endure whatever a streamer spoonfeeds you while they’re constantly reading donations (or even worse having TTS), eating in the mic, talking to chat, laughing in the mic, whatever? Why not just find the content you want to watch yourself? Not to mention that it steals thousands of views from the original source.

i watched the stream... why do you guys find him so funny? how old are all of you?
it wasnt offensively bad, just... i dont see what you guys see in him.

There's stories that it wasn't a house but an apartment block and he lives in it and rents the whole rest of the block off. Its why he says he doesn't need subs.

What the hell?

That's crazy if true. I was going to say it should be easy to verify since how big can Staten Island be but looking at it Staten Island is over 3 times the size of my town with over 10 times the people

he's said the n-word multiple times on stream

The carnival stream’s probably a poor stream for watching Jerma for the first time. Watching the payoff for jokes and the entire premise of the stream that he’s been wanting to do for a couple years now was what made it worthwhile, seeing it without any context it might seem without much substance.
Watch his highlight videos on 2ndJerma on YouTube if you want a good idea of his style of comedy/streams. Literally all of them are a treat to watch, the Monster Hunter, Dark Souls, Sekiro, House Flipper, Simpsons Hit & Run highlights are probably best for a new viewer.

your gay e-celeb jerma shit isn't video games you cock sucking faggot
You shouldve posted THE arin hanson instead

I'm confused, which n word?


Oblivion highlight videos are kino

more like gayin fagson, kys namefag

NICE! Another name to add to my ever-expanding filter!

2007 youtube letsplayer was his best bit

I think they did about as good a job as you could expect from clowns.

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2019 Yea Forums-CELEB RUNDOWN:
>Matt and Liam from SBFP are ruined
>woolie is a tranny enabler
>chris sabat has a casting couch and sean schemmel accused of inappropriately touching a woman
>Turps and Sjin kicked from yogscast for being child grooming predators
>Gaijinhunter lived in a literal cuck cupboard for years as his wife has lesbian lovers in his bed
>Epic Name Bro is a wifebeater
>Gavin from Rooster Teeth has a coke problem and made a pass at Geoffs teen daughter and thats why they rarely show in videos together anymore
>Asmongold going to be homeless as his mother has had enough of him living in their trash filled attic and not getting a job
>Spherehunter fucked Koji Igarashi at e3
>MrClemps is actually a very fugly FtM transgender and not a real gay at all
>Dave left gamesack due to crippling chronic depression
>Egoraptor might be on hrt
>Pat the NES punk has fulfilled the cycle and now hates game collecting, playing games and hates videogames made after 1995. He has become a boomer
>Spoony gone to court for running guy down with his car
>Meanwhile DSP is making more money, got married to a girl who seems to actually love him for some strange reason and he remains the rocks the waves break against who cannot be brought low.

>Egoraptor might be on hrt
Say sike right now

>that last sentence
DSP literally can't be stopped can he

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>The Youtuber Letsplayer impression
>Video actually includes shitty intros and outros for it

Bruce left Funhaus to do his own solo streams
Brote wants to stop making videos

>>Asmongold going to be homeless as his mother has had enough of him living in their trash filled attic and not getting a job
>>Spherehunter fucked Koji Igarashi at e3
>>MrClemps is actually a very fugly FtM transgender and not a real gay at all
>>Dave left gamesack due to crippling chronic depression
>>Egoraptor might be on hrt
How the fuck is any of this true?

DSP is like a cockroach or the monkey from Next

>That feel when I legit know someone that's obsessed with DSP.
I think he's actually going insane, he's one of those "Detractors"
Make fun of him for knowing everything about DSP and he denies it, mention any other Youtuber or streamer and he actually fucking says "I don't follow E-celebs"
It's actually fucking mind bending how much doublethink he applies towards DSP and I get the feeling he'd suck DSP's cock if he could then have proof to everyone DSP was gay

he'll be the last one standing when the fucking bombs fall, man

How much does he post on Kiwi Farms?

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Look at that fucking JUST face

marriage, not even once.

I thought that fight was real though. Star still seems to be mad with jerma sometimes when he's on his stream. I remember on the earth defence force stream he was acting bitchy the whole stream. They're definitely not friends like they were back in the tf2 days.

I hate tattoos in general but holy shit that sleeve is disgusting

I've never understood the comparison. Maybe it's just people that grew up with him but you can't compare a shitty musician with a guy who sunk 7000 dollars into a live action wrestling match full of in jokes

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to me it looks like he just got older and fatter. ok let's say this one's correct. what about the others?

The thing about the people that mock DSP and the likes of Wings of Redemption is that those people are fucking idiots and borderline insane themselves. Everyone that is known that starts shit with these fools are deranged in some way, like they are mocking an image of themselves. make no mistake, DSP IS a fucking dick, but what kind of person actively follows such a person in order to catalog and follow their life, completely of their own accord and for no actual personal gain.

>Content is really hit or miss
>Streams are like 1 hour or 2 of him playing a game like dogshit before something funny happens because he's trying to derive comedy from playing the game like shit
>Running out of his highlight reel content
I'm running out of shit to watch

Only real niggas will know this

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I love how you leave out Pat. Who has only balloned up in size and has gotten worse since the break up. He's also a tranny apologizer.

Hate streamers and twitch, but this guy deserves to be a real star. He has the gift of gab and great timing

>Heh, you missed that one. Try another!

Are other streamers even fucking trying? Honestly, imagine the shit he would do if he had Ninja-tier money coming in.

Him not playing Darkseed 2 during this last FMV week was a let down, even more so because he played Harvester and it was a bop.

This, stop giving Pat a pass, hes just another no-mark streamer amidst a sea of nobodies now.

You're right. I saw the recent Down the Rabbit Hole and the part where Wings gets in a call with his haters and most of them just scream the meme phrases baffled me.

excuse me but i get my fmv fix from /ourguy/ Grimbeard, and no one else

>when the world is ashes, a lone voice will rise up above the husk of the dead world

Remember. Pat said Naoto is trans and is personal friends with a Kotaku writer, and is friends with a few MtF trannies. Can't play video games for shit anymore and has basically exposed all of his knowledge as nothing more than repeating what others said.
All SBF are shit tier. Just because you liked them in high school or college doesn't change that.

>dies of radiation poisoning

>yfw chat managed to come together and manipulate the robot to shoot jerma directly in the face with a frog