Why aren't you playing DRG right now, user?
It's pretty fun.
Deep Rock Galactic
>That scout that wanders off thinking his grappling hook is gonna save him from anything
>that scout that doesn't FUCKING USE HIS FLARES
Why it's always the scout? What makes him such a shitter magnet?
Scouts are fags no matter what game they're in.
>that engi who doesn't platform ore
looks fun as fuck, but no friends who would play it.
I watched a single one hour segment of the Northernlion Live Super Show where they played this and it looked like Minecraft with guns. I haven't looked into it since and it's been like 2 or 3 years. Redpill me if you're so interested as to make this thread.
Sell me on this game user, I played a trial but it was a while ago and I kinda forgot what it is.
>minecraft with guns
No sweaty, it's quake with elves
You can just quick join a group and right now the community's pretty chill, everyone's usually willing to stay on for several missions at a time
The music in this game is so fucking good. The ambient tracks feel like something out of a John Carpenter movie.
oh nice. didn't realize it had a grouping thing. I might just give it a try.
It's essentially left 4 dead with red faction style destructible levels. You fight starship trooper bugs in between different kinds of missions, sometimes its as simple as mining a certain amount of ore, sometimes you're going around collecting eggs from big ass nests, or fixing abandoned robots, or fighting a set amount of boss bugs. You play as a bunch of dwarves with different abilities, and they're all balanced fairly well so that you're usually playing with one of each. At the end of every mission you usually have to race back to an escape pod as a swarm chases you down, and its tense as fuck.
It's basically a space spelunking game with shooting.
who /drillerkiller/ here?
Oh, that middle track is a pretty good jam.
Played some earlier today. I'm burnt out, waiting for deep dives. Hope we get a balancing update soon because it feels like a lot of weapons are downgrades right now.
Wish he'd do an updated review as the weapon update came out like a week after he made this
I tried it twice, once when it just had come out and once 2 years later.
Absolutely nothing changed other than adding the swamp biome, drinking and the parasite tank.
It's really not a game I'd pay for with so little content over such a large timeframe.
It's honestly a boring game and I don't know why I bought it.
probably only boring because I have nobody to play with anymore
>he didn't unlock any perks, weapons, or upgrades
>he didn't try any of the new mission types
There was like two more weapons per class and the game modes were generic. And really I don't consider weapons or perks really to be valuable content, I could live without them.
>the soldier in the back
What's the best way to kill dreadnaughts?
break off the shell in the back and shoot its asshole
engie with distraction grenades, double armor-breaking turrets, turret whip shotgun, and breach cutter while turret whip is on cooldown.
Pretty sure LURE don't work on dreadnaughts and armor break definitely doesn't.
They are super easy actually
Just watch whom the dreadnaught targeted
That person can just walk away, the bug isn't very fast
Everyone else just shoots the bug in the ass while it chases that one guy, simple as that
Just make sure you've cleared all the other bugs before you start the fight, and that you have enough space to keep kiting, you don't want to find yourself stuck up close with the dreadnaught
Fighting them solo is not a very good idea honestly, but if you really want to play alone, driller's flamethrower is the best because it doesn't care which body part you shoot, unlike the other guns which do zero damage to the dreadnaught when shooting him anywhere else than the ass.
Problem with the flamethrower is it doesn't do that much damage and you have to be really close to it.
Nobody gonna host a lobby?
What did you expect then if not large amounts of new content
Scout with M1000 built for maximum focus damage, or gunner on a zipline with the speed upgrade so you can dodge the fireballs.
Armor break doesn't affect dreadnought armor, and the BC only gets like 3 ticks worth of damage on the ass when it passes through; dreadnought's HP bar is highly resistant to explosive damage, but the armor shell you have to break off has no resistances, so the GL built purely for damage shreds it off fairly well.
It has enough range to not get hit but yeah, with how much hp dreadnaughts have it is going to take a while.
On hazard 3 or lower it's good enough, though you might want to have a supply drop ready just in case you run out of ammo.
On higher difficulties you really want to team up for that kind of mission.
Why is it always without fail the driller who leaves downed dwarves behind?
because you idiots followed molly instead of using the tunnel I drilled
This game is great fun. Really good. Back in the day, there were dedicated Steam Groups for Yea Forums to play certain games. Surprised one for Deep Rock hasn't been made yet, it's a perfect game to play with some e-pals.
Damn... I miss playing video games with Yea Forums. Serious Sam was so much fun. So was Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed, LOTRO, etc. etc....
Maybe you should've pinged your tunnel then
>Someone presses the big red button on Molly/minehead the instant it becomes available while I'm digging for jaditz/bittergem/pearl/compressed gold.
I keep seeing people complain about scouts not using their flares and I don't get it. I'm a scout main myself, and trying to do anything in the dark fucking sucks. It's really not hard either, just light up big rooms then regular flares for tunnels unless you're going back to the pod. How could anyone playing scout with his tools just toil in the dark? How dumb are they?
That third track is the soundtrack to some of the most kino moments in the game.
Just fuck my shit up senpai.
Because it wasn't fun.
>Why aren't you playing DRG right now, user?
My shitty laptop is unable to run it. I wish I was playing it. Deep dives soon, fellow miners.
Our whole group wiped when I tried going back to pick people up. This was my first time playing Scout since the role is usually taken, and holy shit the grappling gun is FUN.
they probably thought it was a gun with a fancy particle effect, tried it, saw it did shit damage, and never thought about it again
So when's the next update going live?
Deep Dives is on beta, from what I hear.
26th I think
>no haz 5 games
How do I build my Engy SMG? Damage/Accuracy/Electric Arc?
I'm a complete introvert and I have no friends to play with.
You should check out the tf2 party van threads on weekends.
But yes, we should try to make a steam group for dwar/v/es
Fully electric, damage build is worse than shotgun.
you use the shotgun because the smg sucks
I'd also like to know
I usually run what I have selected, but I run red for dreadnoughts, and green for haz 3 & below, especially on egg hunts; only haz 3 I do is multiplayer to help out the newbies
22132 for the best stats overall
Where is this gif from?
>engineer sits outside the drop pod making a turret for no reason while everyone else sits in the pod staring at him
>a bulk detonator kills us all through the pod, and he runs off, dies, and leaves milliseconds afterwards
you're supposed to discharge your weapons at your coworkers to encourage them to enter the drop pod at that point, in fact, it's a contractual obligation
Minigun build? Thunderbird build?
>everyone else follows the driller, pings the tunnel, and spams X
>one person follows molly, dies, and begins pouting and writing moody essays in chat
>he continues to pout and leave right after even when saved
Book of GRUDGES, not book of MENSTRUATION, got it?
Call me... the Drillinator
>TFW Gunner
>TFW useless until you waste a swarm and save the team/Shoot an escape zipline over a giant hole during escape while the scout runs ahead like an autist
Gunner is fun
Suffered from Helldivers issue. Which is its fun as fuck, but the simplicity of the game is the games strength and also its weakness, there really isnt very much to do in the game and youre just playing for the enjoyment of it, which is fine for a while but then you want to move on. At least it doesnt demand you play and grind till you leave because you come to hate it, you leave because you are done with it.
Play Gunner
Pull out revolver
Shoot in ass until dead
Damage. Going electricity to be 'unique' doesn't mean anything, you're unique, but still worse.
Autocannon build = wait for overclocks and pray you roll the 1% chance of getting this mod each week.
33111 or 31111
>glacial strata
better than magma bore
NA west btw
>running back to escape pod
>small tunnel
>two bulk detonators spawn in the tunnel in front of us
Need a drillerchad
need 1 more
Is there a Yea Forums steam group or anything? I'm not playing right now but I'm going hard come the 26th
>Why aren't you playing DRG right now, user?
Have sex
my group has been stuck in the first mission to unlock hazard 5
We can get to the last dreadnaught but we always die because of lack of resources (or the map had shield disruption)
We are really close but it's frustrating but it's still really fun
the guns feels really fucking weak.
shooting at armored canon fodder is not fun
the game literally has 1 game mode with different objectives (which technically are all the same)
i swear to god i tried to like the game so god damn hard, the Dwarves are realaly fucking funny to listen to and play as, but that's about it.
i would rather play Vermintide 2.
mad because you have no friends to play with?
>mad because you have no friends to play with?
no, actually we all played the game on the free weekend and dropped it after like an hour.
>tfw slamming back a beer the same time my dwarf does between missions
>lack of resources
either your engie isn't putting up platforms or your scout is oblivious
>tfw slamming down 4 beers and jumping down in haz 5 drunk
Man I hate the taste of beer but this game is making me crave it, might have to go buy some.
>the game literally has 1 game mode with different objectives (which technically are all the same)
can you give us an example of another game mode
One thing is an engi not using his platform because he's new to the game, scouts are faggos early and later in game
>Why aren't you playing DRG right now, user?
Because I just woke up, and haven't had my coff- I mean my Skull Crusher ale yet.
have a hasty color job
nothing gets my alcoholism fired up more than downing fictitious brews
flamethrower > cryocannon
only with gas grenades tho
even without gas grenades
fuck dealing with swarmers and naedacytes
bro just power attack
Cryo works best for those tho'.
It also cock-blocks detonators.
TWO (2) more days until Deep Dives, bros!
You got those Promotions done yet??
thanks for carrying me through those haz5 assignment missions bros... you're real dorfs
ggs niggers
>that guy who kept making bunkers
Don't drink something you hate. Find something you like instead, if you need to get sloshed.
>solo Haz4 Salvage
>acquire Bet-C
>make a bunker
>block the entrance
>leave turret, Bosco and Bet-C deal with bugs
>got my promotions done so now I can sit back, and try out all those overclocks I'll never actually have for months in the main game
>why aren't you playing?
Because I'm waiting for Deep Dives.
Post your Health insurance evaluations!
netcode of this game is ass
>teleporting enemies
>rubberbanding and clipping into the ground
>thinking his grappling hook is gonna save him from anything
>it does anyway
eat shit digger, go dig a hole stinky