Will you be playing Escape from Tarkov when the next patch hits and fixes everything, Yea Forums?
Will you be playing Escape from Tarkov when the next patch hits and fixes everything, Yea Forums?
my friend and i bought this played it once then dropped it idk if ill try it again i hope they like my money
Until the gameplay stops revolving around grabbing the best gear and then playing it like call of duty then no.
in b4 the aim botting esp autist comes to ruin another eft thread
Didn't they advertise this as an open world game
what went wrong
Isn't it an open world game? The way Destiny is an open world game
>playing it like call of duty
If you sprint around the map, someone with an ingame headset is going to hear you and fuck you up before you can even spot him.
your 20% sr is showing
It was never advertised to be an open world game, although they *have* talked of linking the zones together in the very long run.
Stop projecting, lumberfoot.
Okay retard
Does it have enough content to justify the price yet? I keep waiting for the right time to buy but the game just keeps getting older and more broken
Stompy stompy gets onetapped, and then cries to the forums about how those "stupid campers" are ruining his experience. Sad!
They said there was going to be an open world
>not playing it already
>completely free thanks to EmuTarkov
>implying implications
the game managed to become finally free with its own private servers and you want to buy it?
jesus fucking christ dude.
>Keeps posting youtube links that nobody is watching
Nice, keep it up. Come sprint to the objective, where I'm already waiting to fuck your ass from an angle you'll never see coming. See how your big boy armor matches up against my M61 through your faceplate.
>Does it have enough content to justify the price yet?
first of all, it's free now thanks to private server babbies
second, it's a massive vaporware scam from slav countries
like the game itself is solid and it can be fun, but it's literally a hoarding military gear simulator while evading glitches and bugs
you will die way more often to random bugs and glitches, like falling through the fucking terrain to the skybox rather than NPC scavs or other players
and npc scavs can spawn behind you and instakill you
and dont let me even get started on cheaters, user
download EmuTarkov and play it by yourself, for free.
>stuck in fantasyland
>refuses to watch proof
>downloading spyware from a cheat creator with a hate boner for bsg
yeah nah
I'm playing the game and winning instead of watching ecelebs play it for me, cuck.
>cheat creator
>when it's open source and free
aww poor ivanov needs money to buy bread for babushka
p-please b-buy m-my g-game!
get fucked putin
Post stats then mister god gamer of angle watching and one taps
>This pathetic idiot trying to get people to join his botnet
I mean, I'll take it over the "look at me mommy I'm hacking" child.
>opensource emulator that you can boot up on your own system and play singleplayer
>m-muh botnet
so many slavcock sucking niggers in this thread, oeemgee
it was literally created by the same cheater that had a hissy fit when bsg didn't listen to him and got doxxed lmao
>"look at me mommy I'm hacking" child.
its the same guy
Your turn. Post your stats, call of dutard.
yes, YES
keep defending your slav overlords
slava russiya, amirite
le epic wipe meme stopped being fun after like 3 times. I want to keep shit I grinded, it loses its appeal otherwise
wipes are pretty refreshing if you play often enough, could see how they are annoying if you only play once a week or something
>I want to keep shit I grinded
What's the point of keeping things if you aren't going to lose it? And if you use it, you will eventually lose it. So, wipes are merely accelerating the inevitable.
Haven't played in months but ok retard
*if you aren't going to use it
He probably means skills and quests
I know having to do the same annoying quest over and over just kills it for me
>fixes everything
It changes the fundamental concept of the game from DayZ with matchmaking and NPCs to something that isn't terrible?
>75% SR
Had high hopes for this when they were pitching it as dayz without the zombies. The game it is now sucks shit and is boring as fuck. Genuinely regret buying it.
>sub 10.0 K/D and sub 400 raids
Yet I don't die like a fucking idiot when sprinting around like a retard (like you do).
>way more raids than you
>k/d is more than double yours
I really hope you didn't think this was a good reply.
Then you're K/D should be way higher than mine right?
Wrong because you can't handle looking for a fight especially during pre-wipe
What patch and what does emutarkov have over the base game?
user you say this every patch
Kills are meaningless since you can just farm scavs 24/7 and get a billion of them. Most of my kills are player kills, because I don't bother shooting scavs unless they aggro on me. Survival rate is what matters, since if you play well, the only way you can die is via direct contact with another player. Thus, I have survived four out of five proper fights. He has only survived three out of four. Hence, he sucks ass compared to me.
>what does emutarkov have over the base game?
A bitcoin miner.
Survival rate is meaningless since you can just run Shoreline and hide every match and get bloated numbers. Since if you play like a bitch you can hide the entire game and just sneak into the extraction point. The only way you die is via direct contact with another entity.
sr and k/d are both useless stats, the only stat that matters is fun per hour
Fun begins immeditate post wipe hobo wars and ends mid-late game meta wars
I will when it goes on big sale
>Survival rate is meaningless
This is how I know you need to fuck off back to that new Call of Duty game that was released. Survival rate is the single most important stat to determine the worth of a player. You can shoot a billion scavs for all I care, if you can't get their shitty loot out, you completely wasted your time. And like you say:
>The only way you die is via direct contact with another entity
so, we can determine that survival rate is indeed a measure of how well of a player you are. Since if you lose encounters with other players, your survival rate goes down. If you win encounters with other players, and then manage to extract, your survival rate goes up. Your shitty grasping at straws "b-but you just hide and then extract" is some of the dumbest shit I've ever heard. That would be a complete waste of time, and the raid would count as a run-through, which is the same as dying when it comes to calculating your survival rate. Dumbass. Go shoot some scavvies so I know where you are, and can come buttrape your loudly sprinting ass.
you can search two containers not to get a run through
You can also kick a couple doors in too
>you can search two containers not to get a run through
The minimum experience for a raid not to be a run-through, is 500. Looting a body gets you approximately 100exp. A loot container is anywhere between 5 and 50. Picking up loot is anywhere between 1 and 20 (unless you find something crazy). That means you would need to loot four to five bodies, or about fifty containers to not be marked as a run-through. 30, if you pick up some items from them. But, since you said I "hide every game", that means I can't *get* to any containers *to* loot. So you argument makes no fucking sense whatsoever. Stop weaseling out of your terrible stats, scrub. You suck. Deal with it.
not even the other guy
my sr is like 30%
you should probably stop giving a fuck about your stats and actually have some fun.
I'm having loads of fun killing idiots treating this game like Call of Duty. Their retarded stomping around is a guaranteed kill for me, every single time.
what do you even do in this game
well you do you but sitting around all day isn't my thing, i would prefer to run and get in fights
I'm also having loads of fun killing everything on Labs or Factory instead of trying to play this like Arma, which I fucking have 3000 hours of
nah that game sucks dick
you go into a place loot stuff then sell or use that stuff to go in again and loot more stuff
Get gun. Kill people. Take gun from people. Kill more people. Lose gun. Take other gun you took from someone. Maybe build a gun of your own. Autism about which parts are the best. Spend all of your money on shitty components that you can't actually use for whatever reason. Eventually make a gun that kind of works reasonably well. Get killed by a shitter with a cheapass mosin nagant who oneshots you through your super expensive helmet before you can even fire a single round.
sounds fucking stupid,where do i sign up?
It's multiplayer only?
use paypal to buy. xsolla is shit
watch some vids on it first tbqh
Google it.
You can do offline runs with just AI.
But you can't complete quests or gain anything from them. Basically a test run for gear or getting to know the maps.
>Recoil reduction on a VEPR
But why?
yes, its basically a shooter mmorpg
As much time as I've put into the game it's overpriced imo.
its an ergo build
So what I'm understanding is that you have to be in the mindset that you could lose everything cool that you have in a matter of moments if you mess up (and likely will mess up)?
Yes, you can have great gear and have the perfect setup, but one man with a high caliber rifle can blow your head apart with one shot.
And there is STILL no loadout manager/buyer
I don't think I can play it then, it's too high risk for someone like me.
I can understand the appeal however.
*Well normally any normal rifle cartridge would do it but since the devs are retarded and biased as hell helmets are way to strong if they're trying for realism which they say they're going for.
I can understand that I got burnt out on it from just how boring it gets from trying to play to win instead of just having fun.
No, I don't play video games.
Another EFT thread filled with misinformation.
Never change Yea Forums you absolute based retards.
What's incorrect?
Ok well then inform us God of EFT
Yes. Haven't played since .11 I think, so it's been a while. Did they un fuck the quests so you can buy things and hand them in? That was the dumbest change ever and I stopped playing then.
Also, hope they don't fuck with contaniers. I get all the streamers who play 10hrs a day want it so you can only take items out, but 90% of the player base doesn't have the time for even more grindy shit. It sucks dying in the game, at least with secured containers it's not a total 100% loss/waste of time.
>And there is STILL no loadout manager/buyer
that is coming with .12 thankfully
Are they removing the shitty raid game mode and replacing it with normal PvP?
Because otherwise fuck this low risk high reward grinder box.
80% of the things said in this thread
helmets had to be buffed or people would only run 9mm ap and delete everyone
Uh huh, just like hideouts right?
Doubt it, but you might see long raids circa 2022
>Uh huh, just like hideouts right?
yes. who fucking knows when .12 will drop though
they did say something about a arena mode a while back
Just like god intended.
I haven't played the game so I don't know what's wrong.
what does the patch intend to fix, and how will bsg fuck it up again?
>Doubt it, but you might see long raids circa 2022
Literally this game mode is worse than DayZ. In fact its by far the single worse, most unbalanced and poorly thought out PvP mode I have ever seen. Imagine actually making your game low risk/high reward. Fucking everyone knows that running around with a hatchet, or even worse running around with an SKS or AK with no gear is better than taking in gear.
As I remember it they mentioned that years ago and still have not released it, and knowing them you would still have this shitty gear system.
Its such a fucking shame, had this been a normal shooter but with these amazing guns and customization people would have loved it, instead they did a survival meme and failed.
>Fucking everyone knows that running around with a hatchet, or even worse running around with an SKS or AK with no gear is better than taking in gear.
actual decent players have no trouble running full gear
>Fucking everyone knows that running around with a hatchet, or even worse running around with an SKS or AK with no gear is better than taking in gear.
This, it was fun for the first few wipes but I eventually just got over it and hatchet ran all my quests if I could and then had fun just buying kits off the market or making something fast and dirt and going to town in Factory or Labs before they locked it behind the card.
>no trouble
No shit? That does not change the fact the core game mode promotes low risk/high reward gameplay. I have wiped entire squads naked with nothing but an SKS and a few mags, taking in what is the equivalent of a few thousand bucks to leave with hundreds of thousands in gear.
Its such an utterly flawed and stupid system and it pisses me off. They could have quite literally competed with CoD with this game and they fucked it because they had to follow the DayZ/Survival meme.
>competing against cod
that would literally kill them
Is the firerate still affected by fps?
I think they fixed that for the most part.
You mean like how the game is literally dead and never took off? They sold a fraction of what they would have had they released a normal god damn PvP mode.
its sold pretty well for a russian game like this desu
competing against cod is signing your own death
hachetlings make the game less fun though
its not really a grind in the first place, its easy to make money just by avoiding players and filling your inventory with shit to sell
>next patch fixes everything
It would have to rebuilt entirely from the ground up as a different game in a different engine for that to be true lmao
well it is getting a engine upgrade
Yes, I'm sure. Just like Day Z always promised.
>You mean like how the game is literally dead and never took off?
Battlestate have gone on record saying they've made more than enough money to see development through to the end already, not counting future sales.
its pretty much nearly ready to go, any day now
What's the point in posting clips of people who literally spend HOURS EVERY SINGLE DAY playing ONE GAME?
That's not representative of most players.
But the engine change DID fix a lot of things in DayZ. What are you talking about?
>making a successful game is death
As a niche indie product, that is nothing to boast about.
Never happened.
Don't mind the eceleb cocksucker. He's as bad at Tarkov as he is dumb. All that californian tranny cum got to his head.
Bitch, I've played DayZ for the entire duration of its early access life cycle. The engine change DID happen, and it made shit like the recently added climbing possible.
>As a niche indie product, that is nothing to boast about.
its honestly fine.
no realistic or semi-realistic game will ever make it big
because real life war fucking sucks
Did it make the Zombies actually work finally. You know, the Z in the title of the game?
It's true that he's in the top percentile but most players who play to a high tier take the most meta gear and run around mag dumping their 60 rnders into others because they've got so much money from playing the market or grinding it out
It didn't. I'm going to let you in on a little secret. There is no way to change the game engine that far into development. They would have had to start all over. Didn't happen there and won't happen here.
unity engine upgrades are quite possible
I tried it once then quit when 5 shots to the chest with an SKS doesn't kill a guy, instead just barely touches his health and blacks out the body part
>5 shots to the chest with an SKS doesn't kill a guy
>just barely touches his health and blacks out the body part
that's not how it works at all
If your chest gets blacked out, you die.
>yfw you didn't fall for this scam