How do we make Linux a viable gaming machine?
How do we make Linux a viable gaming machine?
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We don't. It's an archaic piece of garbage that tries to make every machine look like a PDP-11.
Just install Windows. Do NOT fall for the Linux meme...
By getting a better windows emulator than Wine or Proton
Wine is not an emulator. Wine is a compatibility layer.
install gentoo
PDP-11 never looked this good
but Linux is the superior OS. especially in my line of work.
Do you even know what WINE stands for? Also easier said than done, its not like you can just import copyrighted Microsoft code into Linux. do you have any idea how much work went into WINE and Proton?
>but Linux is the superior OS. especially in my line of work.
It's not superior with regards to gaming. Dual boot if you use Linux for work or something.
Thats what I already do but come on, thats not the optimal solution. the optimal solution would clearly be more Linux native games which will make Linux a more viable main gaming rig.
By using it. The more people that leave Windows behind, the more people will care about supporting Linux.
At the very least dual boot. Once you get shit setup how you like though you're not going to want to use Windows.
>Do you even know what WINE stands for?
Wine Isn't Nearly Enough? kek
>Once you get shit setup how you like though you're not going to want to use Windows.
except if you actually want to play games.
I disagree.
I haven't used windows since like, may.
The good (old) windows games run better on wine than on w10 though. The ones you have to worry about are the multiplayer autism ones like pubg but who would want to play that shit lol
And it's still shit
I have Linux on my side laptop
Make it a viable OS first.
>The good (old) windows games run better on wine than on w10 though.
great if you want to play old games. but if we are going to cherry pick lets look at some problems with Linux gaming.
1)wine doesn't work well on new games, especially those using new tech. DX12 for example.
2)Some games which have "Linux" version are a scam. For example Xenonaunts Linux version is basically the windows version with a wine wrapper, and the developer doesn't actually support any issues with the Linux versions.
3)Even if they actually port it. ports are sometimes horrible. Feral Interactive ports for example - gaves that give me solid 60fps on my Windows machine give me unstable 30fps with big dips on Linux.
4)Even if its properly ported, theres still issues. Oxygen not included for example is one those games like Rimworld, fun vanilla but you really gotta mod it for best results. but you are limited on Linux since a certain type of mods cause the Linux version to crash because of the game engine doesn't fully support Linux.
Whats wrong with it as an OS? its great.
Linux has like 1% market share on the desktop, user, it's not viable for people to make games run on it when 15 people will buy it.
Ubuntu's desktop environment is kinda shit, and iirc Cinnamon still breaks changing your audio device.
A)There is no reliable way of tracking OS market share so you have no idea whats the market share. the best way to estimate is by simply fingerprinting everyone that goes on a site but since there is no way to force everyone with a computer to check that site once a month its impossible. and even if it were theres people who actively block fingerprinting attempts (and I'd wager many of those people are Linux users)
B)based on several large sites. the actual market share on Linux varies between 2.7% to 6.1% but again there might be a bias here due to A
>my sales are 9.91% Linux
>I'd say it paid off.
worked for him.
D)Developing for Linux is actually very easy if you work right. if you use tools which are multiplat from the start making a Linux version is a breeze. Unity for example allows easy porting of games to Linux.
>Ubuntu's desktop environment is kinda shit
haven't used Ubuntu in over a decade. they're still on Unity? yeah Unity is disgusting. but thats the beauty of Linux. choices choices choices. theres literally dozens of DEs and WMs to choose from
>and iirc Cinnamon still breaks changing your audio device.
Dont really use Cinnamon either so cant comment on that either.
based chink
Windows is good for doing work and coding but I certainly wouldn't use it for gaming.
Well holy shit! That's gotta be what, 40 people? Truly the year of the Linux desktop!
Your meme OS will never be viable for gaming.
Nigger, I'm playing windows Rimworld through wine, never even has the thought crossed my mind to get the one for Linux. The only valid criticism in all that is that DX12 isn't supported (I don't know of any good game on DX12, though)
Other way around I'm retarded so disregard my opinion anyway
we need more game engine recreations like openMW
Have Valve make SteamOS a fully featured distro
>He didn’t pirate VMware so he can virtualize Linux without fucking his Windows
Jesus christ this, it's mind boggling they haven't fleshed it out at all.
windows 10 is so shitty that i'm afraid that one day hit will just not work so i've been using ubuntu in dual boot recently
Another thing that sucks about Linux is trying to use mods. In Windows, most of the game files are in one folder, the game folder, so you can easily insert patches and mods and stuff. On Linux all the files are scattered all over the place so it can be hard to tell where to place them
For my purposes, it already is.
>t. Low Spec Masterrace
>On Linux all the files are scattered all over the place so it can be hard to tell where to place them
You can install to a specific directory, you know that right?
>devs care so little about linux that someone had to make yet another compatibility layer to get games to even run within 70% as good as they do natively on windows
i guess if some freetard can now throw their allowance money away on a few games then good for the devs i guess.
You actually got that shit to work?
I couldn’t
You mind telling me how to get that shit to work, I literally need to due to a coding boot camp I’m training to get into in November
the last part was quoting >Windows is good for doing work and coding
I know its probably a typo but you made me laugh. now go restart your windows after that forced upgrade.
have you read nothing I said? there is no reliable way to estimating the Linux base. 2.7% is the low end of the estimates and the actual number is almost certainly bigger.
>Nigger, I'm playing windows Rimworld through wine
ofcourse Rimworld would play well on wine. its made to be Linux compatible from the get go so it wont use proprietary code which wine would have issues with. but most games do use proprietary code and then you have to roll the dice on how well wine can work with it. now I do admit that wine does a great job with all the games it does work with but its never as good as Windows.
>The only valid criticism in all that is that DX12
you missed my point DX12 is an example of newer tech that wine is still trying to catch up with. wine always has to play catch up with windows when it comes to that
With Wine I've only really had an issue with Denuvo Antitamper which flags wine, and Clip Studio Paint.
Sorry shitheads, all the big bucks engineering jobs require linux or Mac
i'm not really tach savvy, I just remember that you have to create a partition in your hd and install ubuntu into it, them everytime I turn it on it asks which one I want
You need an EFI partion for your grub (That's what you use to pick what OS you boot into make sure that is set as boot media or you'll skip the grub)
Make some SWAP that's ~the size of your memory available, and make what's vaguely left your ext4 space where linux will actually be installed.
Just emulate Windows inside Linux. It's what I do.
dont forget Steam count people who dual boot on both Linux (or Mac) and Windows as Windows machines. and since most gamers dual boot so they could play games which aren't playable on wine you get a cycle where it cant really grow.
So glad you never had issues but lets look at winedb compatibility rating listing filtered for games only.
2772 platinum rated games
2460 gold rated games
1895 silver rated games
1446 bronze rated games
2373 garbage rated games
so roughly half(52.2%) of the games on winedb dont work well or require major loops to jump through.
port League of legends, Fortnite and World of Warcraft: Classic to it.
>dont forget Steam count people who dual boot on both Linux (or Mac) and Windows as Windows machines. and since most gamers dual boot so they could play games which aren't playable on wine you get a cycle where it cant really grow.
oh and people who use wine to play steam games also count as Windows games.
good to know. i dont give a fuck about windows or linux and only use windows because games dont take an entire month of tweaking to get running half as good as they do on windows. windows is THE platform of choice of gaming on pc, that's just how it is. im not about to spend my entire life bending an OS to work the way i want it to because of some retarded and childish vendetta against microsoft.
In my 12 years in the IT field have yet to see a single engineering job which requires a Mac. tons of Linux and occasionally a few which require Microsoft certifications
>remember that linux is millions of lines of bloat, distributions use systemd which is more bloat, the programmer ""community"" likes to use stuff like python which is even more bloat
blackpilled again
>remember that linux is millions of lines of bloat
and you've seen Windows code to know its lean right?
>distributions use systemd which is more bloat
You can use init if you want to. FREEDOM.
>the programmer ""community"" likes to use stuff like python which is even more bloat
Python is a doubled edged sword. sure its "bloat" but it gives you so much more functionality. and with how strong computers are its not like its that big of a problem.
besides, Linux runs better than Windows even with all those "bloat" ontop.