How come when people say they want more "Freeze Peach" in games what they really mean is they want the freedom to do...

How come when people say they want more "Freeze Peach" in games what they really mean is they want the freedom to do pic related?

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Clearly balanced though

Because it's fun and ordinary people, white or black, don't give a shit.

Let people do what they want. What harm is there?
Just a bunch of letters really.

wait what?
there's also filthy frank on that team

Right? Imagine being offended by reading the word nigger lmao

FuckThemNiggers is usin kbm tho
superior player, superior controls, superior tastes

i report peoples names in game and posts on instagram if i can get them taken down. after laughing at them of course

The duality of man

I have to agree, FuckThemNiggers is considerably more based

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Because your pic is funnier than genericname336.

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I miss black ops 3.

Is this a cross platform game? What is it?

>2006 (?)
>maplestory implemented skill macros
>you could make your character shout something when you used the macro
>glitch made it so that skill macros werent subject to the swear filter
>made my character say "nigger penis"
>some people got mad but everyone mostly just made faces and found it funny
>spammed "nigger penis" in kerning
>mod came in
>he just said "lol" and gave me that buff that mods can give players
what happened bros? why are people so sensitive nowadays?

>what happened bros?
Consoles and matchmaking.

You must be 18 to post on 4channel

>having no sense of humor makes you mature

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Maybe they are friends

This is made up /pol/ shit that never happened. Mods in every game hate you racist revisionist losers.

Sometimes stormfags go so over the top I cant help but love them

I'm pretty sure people hate cry baby faggots like you more

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come on guys dont give the obvious bait (You)s

You're right

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Go back to /pol/ you retards and stop ruining my board.

Onions green is people.

Go back to your moms crusty pussy and stop ruining planet earth.

CoD MW 2019 open beta

Fuck off racist you chuds keep ruining/v/

Because they don't actually want free speech they just want to be able to be racist without repercussions

Chud this dick nigga



really embarrassed for you tbqh

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imagine being entertained by it

I thought it was well known that PC is the white platform.

it's not a username, it's a display name, so people can type in whatever they want. i saw 4 Dunkeys.

The duality of the M-rating is as fascinating as it is troubling.
Like in Red Dead Redemption 2, where I have to kill 100 police officers during a single mission in the city but I'm not allowed to name my horse "Black Niggerman."
I'm thankful we're not game-cucked like Australia or Germany, but where they draw in the line is often questionable at best.

Is it wrong that I found the nigger one funny but got offended at the White People one? It's like the nigger one obviously is a joke but the other one... maybe if it said FuckDemCrackas