What are some good MMORPGs that people play these days?

What are some good MMORPGs that people play these days?

Preferably not subscription based

Attached: PSO-PS4-1.jpg (1680x945, 342K)

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fish wants eat chicken lol

Attached: fishchicken.png (110x64, 11K)

Find a good private server for Maplestory 1 or try Maplestory 2

Attached: efrlwpv1oix11.png (747x348, 430K)

haha chicken fish

>preferably not subscription based

just fill my shit up with p2w and microtransactions please

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 229K)

I was thinking more along the lines of TERA
You can subscribe for some really good benefits but there isn't locked content like runescape

Rise up

How's Warframe?
How's Black Desert?

Pick one

>Black Desert
I tried that one and it was a bad time

Warframe looks like an shooter lol

>Black Desert
Pay to "play" auto clicker

Don't do BDO unless you are a saudi oil prince.
Warframe is a shit game that has devs that can't take criticism. So it is just a hugbox.

pretty sure the only good MMORPG with no sub is GW2, but honestly the entire genre is a bit of a shitshow right now

Pick a subscription-based MMO that has private servers you don't pay for.

Any recommendation?

No and no.

Join a discord and find a private server for PSO1

Attached: Phantasy_Star_Online_Episode_I_and_II682462300.jpg (480x384, 43K)

where the fuck is PSO2

Spring 2020

Pick zero