>this mod will not work on stolen copies of the game
>if you want to enjoy the features of this mod then please support [Game Company] and buy the game!
>pirates (douchebags) asking for tech support will be blacklisted!
This mod will not work on stolen copies of the game
pirate the mod
poor people are disgusting and should all be gassed
>mfw i pirate their mods
Same, fuck paradox.
Literally the 2nd worst after
>this mod is private due to legal reasons, but it's very easy to do, do it yourself :^)
>looking for old ass PC game
>not on steam, GOG, etc.
>not distributed anywhere anymore actually
>the only pirated copies I can find are laced with malware
Hold me bros...
>mod is removed from site
>developer note: due to the recent election i have removed the mod. america is in a very scary place right now, if you care about the modding community or the freedoms of the people we must fight back. i will not allow nazis to enjoy my hard work when they take away our rights.
what mods do this? i never seen any.
Did this ever happen, or are you just shitposting?
This was from a Skyrim mod wasn't it, I vaguely remember something like this happening on Nexus right after the election.
games were always political bigot
>mod detects I pirated it, even tells me the specific page I downloaded it from
>delete the 2 txt files that came with the pirated download
>mod works
Yeah it was extremely shitty, buggy Skyrim mod that didn't do anything of value
I've seen the Sekiro and Dark Souls mod engines apparently needing a legit copy on Steam, but I got them both working with a crack.
Also Fluffy's Mod Manager for RE6/Re2make apparently looks only in Steam directories, but I'm sure that could get worked around.
rich people are disgusting and should all be gassed
>t. commie
It was a skyrim mod
magapigs are salty because nobody but the worst suburban boomer shitheads support blumpf
imagine being so entitled that you literally expect everybody else to approve your shitty opinions
t. meme
Just make the folders and dump the files in there
Never to this extent though
>people make a translation patch for a game
>purposely set it so it only works on a legit copy
>said game is a bitch to buy from in Japan
>it's also a handheld console game, so you have to figure out how to do patch that shit requires some technical know-how
>within a day after they released the patch, people cracked it anyway so it works on pirated copies
Fucking DGS.
Yes, it was Civil War Overhaul:
Mods that work on the executable often do this, e.g. script extenders for Bethesda's games. It's actually legitimate. They'd have to build two different versions of the mod, one for legit executables and one for cracked executables. I don't have a problem with mod makers not wanting to double their work load just for the pirates. I've seen other mods do it for non-legit reasons, e.g. DLL injection mods should work just as well with pirate versions but they make it so they don't. That might be about placating the publishers though.
Right, I remember this sperg now. Everything he ever put out was a buggy mess and he would lose his fucking mind if you pointed it out.
>Everything he ever put out was a buggy mess
Wasn't skyrim a buggy mess to begin with though
Of course. How come these type of people tend to put out really shitty mods. If it was the dev of SkyUI, people would lose their shit, but no one gave a fuck about this dude.
>be a game dev
>put a profoundly subtle alteration in a DRM-free copy (which is also seriously bugged) and distribute the buggy copy on the torrents
>support forum filled with paying customers making fun of piratefags for being brainlets
lmao what a cuck
Anything at all for Enter the Gungeon
There are probably content creators here who would've done something similarly silly if Clinton won the US Presidential election.
name 5 games that did this
I was shitposting
This, but unironically.
well, mine, for starters :3
>Pirate Larian's Divinity 1
>Encounter bug and ask on forums
>Dev responds and give me a personalized work around
>Feel like i should support them because he was being so nice
Still havent bought it.
>put buggy version up on torrent sites
>pirates all over the world say your game is a shitjob
>nobody buys your game because this is what they hear about it
Pirates advertising the game is a real thing
Too bad they aren't
>mod users point out flaw with mod
>incessantly refuse to accept the flaw is to do with your own mod
>shut the post section down and call the fanbase "toxic"
>turns out it was a problem with said mod
>post section is still down
Why are Bethesda modders such spergs?
imagine actually pirating a game like a fucking poor loser... go outside, get rich, have sex
Rich people pirate everything. Only chumps pay for digital goods.
>mode dev:new update soon!
>last dev reply: july 13th 2015
>russians crack it and translate it
>they don't provide an english version
rich people don't become rich by spending
>mod dev quits, doesn't release source code or assets for others to finish
>"My daughter is the new light of my life. I'm taking this as a sign to move on. Thanks for all the support!"
I hope she died of cholera you fucking fruit. Don't hoard shit for no reason.
myabandonware might have it and they're generally a pretty clean website
people are disgusting and should all be gassed
based, I agree
Didn’t Batman make the cape unusable if you pirates it?
Allan Wake or whatever its called added an Eye Patch
paradrones are one of the most cancerous fanbases out there, perhaps on par with applefags
they legitimately consider paradox "not like the other companies" and act is if their staff are their friends or something... completely puke inducing
No there aren't you retard, people on the right don't let shit live rent free in their heads, they just bitch about it at thanksgiving
>"this mod will not work on stolen copies of the game"
>it actually works, modder is just virtue signaling to get good boy points within the community
Nier Automata had a plugin that solved a lot of problems with the graphics in the PC release that was put up on the steamworks page or whatever the hell. The guy that made it made it not work with pirate copies, so then someone cracked his mod and uploaded it, so he put malware in his mod that triggered on pirate copies. He was reported and banned from steam.
What a fucking retard
>contrived alt-history scenario of German victory
>actively removing fun features because new devs find them too "unrealistic"
kaiserreich is objectively the height of autism
oh yeah the pirate federation is driving the fucking economy in indie-shit no one cares about. Your comment literally shows your age "adult man."
>mostly like a mod except 1 or 2 features
>ask how to change it on the forums
>"you can always play vanilla if you hate my mod so much you fucking prick"
modding scenes involve some of the most insufferable and insecure people you will ever find in this world
>that guy who mods tales of games and sperged out so hard on the berseria forum over people shitting on denuvo that he got banned
Programmers are massive autists, and many develop god complexes.
>buy game
>have issue with it and ask about it on a forum
>”Maybe you should have bought the game instead of pirating it ;)”
lmao yeah like your paypig ass has any sex with all the physical pc game cases laying around in your stinky room
>actively removing fun features because new devs find them too "unrealistic"
don't know much about their changes since i stopped giving a shit about KR past DH, but judging from their italy rework it's clear that they have no notion of realism
they invoked that northern italy should be the socialist one due to historical polls showing a slight left-wing advantage in the north, completely ignoring that the north was right next to austria and germany and thus received massive anti-communist aid on the original script
Wasn't that the samefaggot that ID banned some steamusers from his mod because he didn't like them or something similar? iirc it was either this or FF XV.
Reminder if it's on steam you can rip it with steamworkshop.download
including cuckreich.
>they legitimately consider paradox "not like the other companies"
point out the $200 dlc cost and watch them implode with ass devastation.
I like parakike games but they are some of the scummiest of scum game devs. there's a reason I haven't bought a single game from them even though I've played every one of their games.
kek, how would you even make a mod that only works on legit copies? partner with denuvo?
Some Mass Effect mod but it's more for technical reasons I think.
>pirates pirate game
>it's buggy shit on purpose
>they wom't ever find the incentive to buy it
>pirates pirate
>enjoy the game
>a few of them actually buy it
In one case you get absolutely no extra sales and the pirates will have negative word of mouth towards their friends.
In the second scenario you might get a few extra sales and a positive wom.
And yeah, using the words "absolutely" and "might" was intentional, as one scenario gives you a chance whilethe ier has a chance of 0.
You must be braindead if you think putting up a buggy version on purpose has any positive effect on your game.
you did the right thing user
>removed monarchist paths for mexico
>removed mongol empire restoration
>removed president Charles Curtis and preventing the civil war
>removed pope Italy
>removed the AOG
>removed la plata
>still no Hungarian focus tree
>still haven't fixed the crippling performance issues
I have given up on those faggots, I'd rather play the fucking MLP mod because at least the devs seem somewhat competent there
This is why I'm glad I actually learned how to program at my school. I mostly understand what modders do and can influence the mod like I want. Look up some programming tutorials, it's not that hard for a few changes in mods.
Oh yeah, I remember that too. The mod had a little blacklist of steam IDs and people said he had done it before.
Kaldaien, and his profile is just completely blank now. It doesn't even show "this profile is private." It's just nothing. What does that mean?
>have hundreds of hours in their games
>haven't bought one since HoI2
and yes, it is funny to watch them try to justify 300€ dlc for a 8 year old game that's still sold at 40€
Recklessly spending your money on something you can easily get for free is the sign of a poorfag.
>mfw this is actually real
what an obtuse faggot
>removed the AOG
what the fuck was their problem?
and now he has a new account that is brand new with no games on it
did this nigger seriously dodge a permaban on steam and just come right back with the same name
>HURR DURR not realistic enough for us here's 10 near identical Chinese warlords and no you cannot go syndie or start a new Chinese dynasty those fun paths are too unrealistic also we're removing the Triad path for the legations cities hahahaha fuck you
>you will never be a commisar in the aftermath of the revolution, shooting snotty rich kids who refuse to work
>be poor
>despise rich people
>become rich
>vote against higher tax rates
shut up nigger
who will pay the gas bill then?
Smart pirates already know how to grab the mod anyway,fuck Paracucks
I put resource heavy shit in my mods so that its more taxing on the hardware
>invisible objects spawning in the far distance x 10000
>tripfag and also a newfag
his name is feelsguy
Don't give tripfags attention, just filter and move along
Fartfags are disgusting and should all be gassed
t. probably sold his sold when steam tried to sell paid mods
Kaldaien also defends Denuvo at every turn. Either the perfect consumer drone or he is angling for some industry gig.
>mod dev includes nudes of themselves in an obscure folder
>they're actually pretty hot
I haven't payed for a game in years and I most assuredly have a broader and more refined opinion on video games then most of the mouth breathers that currently occupy this board
>people make a translation patch for a VN
>it's only for the Vita version
>you have to join the Discord to get it
>you have to show them proof that you own the game before they send you a link to the download
>someone leaks it anyway
>said Rayquan, as he rode off on the unlocked bike he found outside the local coke den to go pick up his SNAP benefits at the city welfare office.
What game, I might have it and can rip for you
Didn't some /vg/ lad manage to make a paid mod for Skyrim Kike Edition?
are you having a stroke?
Your fault for playing HOI4 in the first place