why does the russian player base ruin every multiplayer game they touch?
Why does the russian player base ruin every multiplayer game they touch?
grow some skin faggot
Equivalent to niggers
I just noticed that he has Lara Croft and Cate Archer stickers, based.
>See a decked out player in a game
>They walk up to you and whisper you
>URL with a Russian extension
Nope, nope, nope!
In my experience Russians have always been bros in online games, Americans, Swedes and French people are 90% of the time insufferable shits though
Dota and CSGO are not "every multiplayer game"
>every multiplayer game
You mean Dota and CS? Those two are played by every normie in the country. The people you're playing with aren't Russian gamers, they're just normal people. Mostly old dudes. Don't be surprised that normies are retarded
100% agreed on swedes and french faggots
Where do you live if you play with both americans and europeans?
I never had much problems with Russians, they are usually cool and chill.
BUT fuck the fucking French nigger blasting thier french nigger rap in the background and not speaking a single word of english
obvious rus defending his shit ass country
I blame ukrainians, churkas and Israel.
Not as bad as brazilians and overly sensitive burgers desu. But in monkeys' case, they need to shitpost in games so they can cope with living in that shithole of a country, burgers have no excuse tho.
Aren't you some kind of cyka)))))))))) OP?
You mean improve, da?
Good eye, detective. Trying to play a real time online game with that much ping would be insane.
Sometimes I play in the middle of the night and switch servers cos Europe is asleep.
Dont be upset burgerclap/garlicbreath/autist
they're the supreme white trash, just as bad as brazilians when it comes to online retardment
>In my experience Russians have always been bros
p much this, back when I played zombie panic and killing floor they were bros especially on zombie panic since I was mostly drunk when I played that game and so were they.
What the hell are you talking about?
I always like playing with russians.
Eastern europeans = white niggers
Eastern Europeans == Poles/Ukrainians
Russia is not European.
Nah bitch.
You want to know the true online cancer?
It's the fucking Chinese. Even with their commie asses getting dedicated servers they always find a way to fuck it up for all the others. No other nationality uses the massive amount of hacks and cheats that the bugmen do.
because ruska świnia grows carpets on their walls and can't overthrow their communist government so they gotta cope somehow online
smierzochy polachek
stop playing free to play random matchmaking team games retards
You just lost online credit, friend.
The real question is, why are westerners OBSESSED with glorious mother Russia?
>can't even curse
go and watch your carpet grow
Bugmen think that the better player is the one who has access to the best cheats, not who has most skill. In their mindset cheating doesn't matter if you're winning.
I'd rather be a "white nigger" than an actual nigger like Pierre and Hans.
>communist government
You sound like you know a lot about politics user
>wykopki znowu się złażą jak muchy do gówna
>zombie panic
it's been a while holy fuck
>stupid pole has been drunk since 1991
Doesn't surprise me actually.
>I'd rather be a "white nigger" than an actual nigger like Pierre and Hans.
drunk ass faggots
want to know how shit French people are? I work in customer service in Finland. Most people in Europe always try to write in English. Every fucking French person writes their shit to Finland in French. I mean are they fucking serious? Do they expect anyone to speak French in any other country except France?
Fuck them, fuck them so hard. Worst part is I translate what they said in French and then reply in English. They understand what I said and they have the nerve to reply again in French. I want them gassed so bad.
>kgb candidate
>throwaway candidate
>kgb candidate
>throwaway candidate
you too, user
>russian being sober
what's the occasion?
I've never understood this "Russians are a shit community" meme because every interaction I've had with them hilarious, helpful, or they rarely speak at all. Maybe I just don't play games with enough of them in it.
Russians and Japanese are the best people to play online games with outside your friends, and you aren't above a double digit IQ if you disagree.
America is really like several countries in one though.
A Portland burger might report you for being "toxic", while a Dixie burger will probably be the one trolling you and being "toxic".
And then, I'm a midwestern burger, and we tend to be the ones in our own private chat ignoring everyone else in the match.
bc whites without education are worse than nigs
>when they try to type on an american server
broken english is cute
ukrainians are less white than russians, retard
Russians are pretty great and massive bros. The Chinese and French are the ones that ruin everything by being annoying fucks and terrible players.
Post your face, creatura shitskin
Russians are directly responsible for so much BASED shit. In the online version of fallout 2 the Russians had an enclave full of amazing gear and just ganked English speakers all the time. Eng speakers had to slowly work together to even hold their own against the Russians. It wasn’t uncommon to find more and more last stands of eng speakers ravaged by the Russians the closer you went to their turf. Russians as unstoppable advanced different language speaking enemy in post apoc fallout 2 is better than anything someone could make themselves
its the cucked white boys afraid of the big slavic bvll
all online players base are shit, trying to blame it on one ethnicity makes you a single digit low iq scum
Genuinely: they ruined EVE Online.
For this, I will never forgive russians