Trails series

>fanbase autistically harasses youtubers and streamers that choose to play the Cold Steel games without having played sky and crossbell
>fanbase constantly tells lies to make people feel like if they don't play sky and crossbell then they will never understand cold steel
>fanbase never shuts the fuck up and regularly actively pushes people away from the series
>games are actually good despite it
The fanbase is the worst part of this series

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The fandom isn't that bad. The memes are just obnoxious. Also, it's definitely not a good idea to start with CS these days, given how much CS3 relies on players having played the prior arcs in the series.

i think the biggest problem with starting with cold steel aside from the story is that is hard to go back to sky combat after cold steel, i know a lot of people miss the old orbal system but the slow ass animations even with turbo mode and how strong arts are vs how shit melee in sky/crossbell makes them hard to swallow and then you have to go with 4 games of that until ao introduces master quartz so i don't blame them, as much as how easy cold steel is at least is actually fun exploiting the game with perma delay, gaius + thor or domination + tauros 1 shot laura

I played cs3 and 4. Everything you need to know is explained as backstory throughout the games. There is literally no need whatsoever to play the older games.

Calvard when?

Attached: calvard when.png (405x646, 21K)

I bet you started watching GoT from 5th season too

>fanbase autistically harasses youtubers and streamers
That's horrible, what monsters.

>play the Cold Steel games without having played sky and crossbell
Ah, that's why.

That would be like someone saying that Final Fantasy as a whole is bad because they only played 13 and 15. That said, the Trails series is literally as terrible as the Tales of series. The hype is entirely fan based and extremely subjective.

You have to admit, even if someone was a casual fan, they would get a little respect from hardcore fans for wearing this in public.

Attached: Trails of Harem 3.jpg (1200x424, 98K)

The fanbase is always the worst part of any videogame user, this is nothing new or revolutionary.

That hoodie isn't awful, but those shirts are pretty bad.

Hahafaggots from /fg/ ruin every kiseki thread
Oh how i wish to go back to Kiseki threads of 2015, that was top comfy

>There is literally no need whatsoever to play the older games.
Besides, you know, experiencing the stories the way they were meant to be and not relying on cliff note summaries to explain things you don't learn in CS.

Yeah, the haha and Rean memes really need to fucking go already. They stopped being funny months ago.

>the series autistically creates a huge universe with complex political relationships that lead to a plentora of conflicts and provocations that kill tons of innocents
>hahaha by the way almost all of it has happened because an alien cursed the entire country

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at least they haven't infected the monthly Yea Forums thread yet

>games are actually good

Shit games deserve a shit fanbase

>he's an EOP mouthbreather
>he still hasn't learned Japanese in order to play the greatest RPG games of all time

Here's your big bad bro. What are its powers? Whatever the writers need them to be! Don't think about it too much, just jerk your dick around to this bottom of the barrel galge trash you pathetic loser. Yeah, you love Falcom games!

Attached: ishmelga.png (490x499, 199K)

God did this thing ruin so many character arcs in retrospect. It turned Osborne from a brutally efficient and domineering politician to this tragic, misunderstood character who got the shit end of the stick for not being able to do anything about its curse during his past life. It turned Arianrhod from a formidable and mysterious knight to this sob story heroine with a stupid goal to beat all the DKs by herself. It made Claire and Lechter a bunch of pussies who refused to go against Osborne's orders for dumb reasons. So much potential wasted on bullshit.

don't fucking bother playing tales, most of them are mediocre at best. it's not bad though - they were meant to be like that. the new one is probably overblown hype, and will be mediocre, and the same people who liked other tales' will like this one, and Yea Forums will be laughing even though it was known from the beginning it wouldn't be goty or epic or anything else but average game.

This ain't tales retard

it's an alright series, but otaku nerds like this guy give it a bad name
only cs3-4 still aren't translated

This thread has 21 posts. Meanwhile, the Rean thread is near post limit


Are the games in the series very different in terms of gameplay? I thought LoH6 was decent, but there are plenty of other games I'd rather play than LoH7 if it's just more of the same.

What in the flying fuck are you talking about. Nobody refers to the games in This way. Stop being an autist and use the names of the games.