Are you an active member? Has a certain game ever caused you to subscribe? Which game was it?
PlayStation Plus
if you kill your enemies they win
Only subbed because online play and even then the ten dollar option
my pc is junk
Yes. At first I had a bunch of different friends who also had PS+ so we'd try out any sort of multiplayer game we could find. Recently though they've lost their jobs so they've cancelled their subscription.
You forgot one
I used the free trial and then stopped, during that period there was very little I really gained from it outside of the occasional message in Bloodborne. Seems like an utter waste of money for what it is.
I don't get it.
so i'm guessing hes fucked now after this
I don't even remember the last multiplayer PS4 game I played.
His party will win a minority (hyuk) government. Almost assured.
I generally enjoy the 'free' games. They're never things I would normally buy otherwise, but they tend to hold my interest until the next month rolls along.
What a clown, fitting
You can see the anguish in their eyes. What an absolute monster Trudeau is, unforgivable.
Nobody gives a shit about Canadian politics.
Source: Canadian that doesn't give a shit
Had it for tekken but just decided to buy it on pc instead.
he keeps completely changing outfit/culture/whatever, like hopping from service to service
Doesn't sound like a very impartial source, then.
I am just for the free games every month. Never play online.
desu I honestly don't see whats wrong with black face. If you appreciate the culture and dress like them to fully immerse yourself I would feel honored.
its like a black man raising a nuclear familly with a white picket fence.
Black face has a history behind it.
Seriously fuck Gillette.
When his subscription expires, he creates a new account using a fake email with a fake name/personal background.
lol no, the left only jumps on the right for being racist, never their own.
Remember that Democrat Governor, his secretary of state AND Attorney general all did blackface and other racist things?
yeah, nothing happened to them
So has your mom but people keep enjoying it just the same.
I've been a member since September 2012 when they were giving away Red Dead Redemption for a pittance. I've been collecting games ever since, I have an absolutely phenomenal collection.
And of course, being able to play online is a Playstation plus :)
but what does that have to do with the individual at that point in time?
seriously why does it feel like the black community is the only ones forced to remember into the past.
There's nothing wrong with it. It's a tool kept alive by people that want another way to destroy their political opponents.
Really think why someone from Scandinavia, for example, should have any more guilt for the american slave trade than a fucking mongolian. It's literally racism whereby anything considered bad today perpetrated by any single group of whites is blamed on every single white. Why? Is this logical? Why shouldn't someone without any history related to blacks have to feel such guilt that they can't say nigger or wear blackface?
Of course nothing happened. They can't make fake news about that unless they somehow they spin it into a controversy about Republicans
hes kinda handsome desu
Is that a new Age of Empires?
I think most people realistically don't have a problem with that.
But the photo was meant to show the double-standard that exists, And it worked.
Tons of libs are either turning a blind eye or not giving a shit because he's a liberal leader.
theres not that many black people in canadia
probably not, he's lucky that leafs are cuck and forgive him for being the same piece of shit they constantly "fight" against
Not yet
Because that's all they got.
"They" being guilty white people.
Does anyone actually believe Justin "My cabinet is full of women and minorities" Trudeau is a racist because he had some politically incorrect photos? That's reaching.
This is a good one
No it's just the other side trying to get him "cancelled" because the left has done it so many times to them.
Why would serial rapists in hollywood support feminist organisations?
He's definitely not the minority loving environmentalist that he pretended to be during his campaign at least
It's a form of mocking races for racist caricatures. If someone black did whiteface it would probably be based on rednecks and christian fundamentalists.
No, But it points out the double-standard and hypocrisy.
how is bottom left blackface anyway
And desu would be applauded
I'm lefty and I don't give a shit because it's Trudeau.
>the type of people who post political shit here always bitch how pussy the left is and they bring up old shit that doesn't matter to use as ammo today
>a lot of the same people now also post mocking trudeau for wearing costumes throughout the years
Then you were a dunce already, and now just a hypocritical dunce.
I only buy ps+ to play games with friends because they either didn't have a pc when game was released or too retarded/poor to afford a pc. Once ps4 dies and everyone switches to ps5 I will never buy it again since I have no intention of getting cucked by sony again. Fool me once faggots
Kind of funny.
Wow dude you must be like 210 IQ
>>the type of people who post political shit here always bitch how pussy the left is and they bring up old shit that doesn't matter to use as ammo today
>>a lot of the same people now also post mocking trudeau for wearing costumes throughout the years
Except seemingly the left will get away with it, That's the issue.
I love ps plus. I have a massive backlog because of the free games. Highly recommend.
trump prefers his daughters cunny
Holding people to their own standards is too funny to pass up, user.
Probably because we have a thicker skin about racism. Well, most of us. We're rarely on the receiving end unless we work food delivery or go looking for it on the internet.
wtf is this real?
Actually i think i'm just average and they are below average.
It'd be hilarious if he ever used one of the costumes on his official trips, It certainly felt like he did.
He's already not well informed, After hosting that Sikh terrorist that entices murder and violence in India.
The opinion divide and identity politics are getting out of hand.
>cucked by a fucking leaf
how can magapedes ever recover
I subbed for a month to play Monster Hunter and Soulcalibur, but I'm already bored of Iceborne and SC is dead as fuck
Why the fuck should I care about Canada? Trudeau means nothing to me because Canadian politics mean nothing to me. That's like getting mad at me for not caring if Zimbabwe's leader takes a shit in public.
Nobody on the left thinks it's alright. That's his entire problem
I would be shocked if Trudeau won again, he is so shit he makes Harper look decent
Actually a fake quote
He's being portrayed as the victim now. Liberals love him more for how "brave" his apology was
>Nobody on the left thinks it's alright. That's his entire problem
I've yet to see anyone from the left bring him up to their standards, Because there's a double standard.
Just curious, do you think trump will win again?
Rules for thee, but not for me
>If they don't like trudeau, they must be right wing and love trump!
It's a simplified paraphrasing of a speech, retard.
>blaming others - or, better, an idea - now counts as an apology
jesusfuck, this whole timeline is just gone
Where you paying attention at the last elections? Ignatief lost to the fucking VanCats (Well, their lead singer Haper anyways).
Canada can make stupid decisions, It shouldn't surprise you at this point.
Oh boo fucking hoo. I swear the people who bring this shit up are always the most historically illiterate
Go on /k/, say something nice about Zimbabwe's leader, and watch them go apeshit.
online games are already retarded on PC where you don't need to >pay a subscription, imagine paying to hear other people calling you a faggot