So what's up with this meme?
So what's up with this meme?
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Higher refresh rate makes for higher headache
The only meme was how millions of people were tricked into throwing away a superior technology for an inferior one. inb4
>Muh weight
>Muh space
>Muh power consumption
Looks good.
RTX performance is so bad that all it can do is CRT resolutions. That's literally how this meme started.
Right. I regret it too. I remember looking at old computers when I switched to LCD and looking down on it. Looks like I was the fool.
Based low IQ poster.
>Absolutely no input lag
>no native res / all resolutions sharp as can be
>pixels kinda rounded, aliasing much less jarring
than on LCDs
>more or less instant response times compared to LCD, none of the drawbacks of blanking / ULMB / whatever
CRT is not exactly the Jesus Christ of PC monitors. The contrast is good compared to TN and IPS but not competitive with OLED. Also, phosphor decay makes all black->color transitions become hazy, so games very much dependant on dark areas like Alien Isolation can get very smudgy, at least on my FW900
Also, I'm not sure if TV CRTs use 60hz optimized phoshors or something, but on PC CRTs 60hz is migraine-inducing
Just hipsters bein fuckin hipsters
People realizing more than a decade too late that LCD wasn't as good as they were sold on, in particular for games. Totally makes sense why CRT died, but it was pretty tragic for games.
>People realizing more than a decade too late that LCD wasn't as good as they were sold on
I think the majority of people don't give a fuck and just plays games.
Oh it's a minority of a minority for sure, but it's something compared to a little bit ago where CRT being better than LCD at anything was considered to be unanimously preposterous. Retro thing getting big started some of it, I think.
The sad thing isn't the death of CRT but SED
>The CRT's Gaussian beam profile produces images with softer edges that are not as sharp as an LCD at its native resolution. Imperfect focus and color registration also reduce sharpness. Generally sharper than LCDs at other than native resolutions.
>All color CRTs produce annoying Moiré patterns. Many monitors include Moiré reduction, which normally doesn't eliminate the Moiré interference patterns entirely.
>Subject to geometric distortion and screen regulation problems. Also affected by magnetic fields from other equipment including other CRTs.
>Relatively bright but not as bright as LCDs. Not suitable for very brightly lit environments.
>Some CRTs have a rounded spherical or cylindrical shape screen. Newer CRTs are flat.
>CRTs give off electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields. There is considerable controversy as to whether any of these pose a health hazard, particularly magnetic fields. The most authoritative scientific studies conclude that they are not harmful but some people remain unconvinced.
>They are large, heavy, and bulky. They consume a lot of electricity and produce a lot of heat.
they good for low input lag but modern displays have close to 1ms latency anyway
No input lag. TV and console wise, CRTs are good for anything 6th gen and back.
CRT computer monitors have always been fine by me, but can you guys hear a super high pitch tone coming from CRT TVs? It's absolutely unbearable for me, and I'm pretty damn old for this board.
I've played on several CRTs and I've never heard a high-pitch tone come from any of them. Is it supposed to be some sign of wear?
Yeah, on some models I can hear it. It also happened when my TV was dying.
I remember the tone you’re taking about, it was one of my dad’s pros when he made the jump out of crt.
Yeah, but I don't really hear it when I have headphones and or have the speakers on.
Fuck we had no choice. I remember switching from Xbox, to 360 and now the text was so small it was no longer readable on CRTs. I had no choice man! Forgive me! I did nothing wrong!
It's how I used to know my Bro was up playing games or watching TV instead of sleeping. Hearing the 'Dnk-screeeEEEEEEEEEEE' of pulling the 'on' switch then the TV being on.
1ms latency, lol that is completely wrong
some tvs do that some dont
When playing modern games on CRT you have to go in with the mindset that you aren't supposed to read and just play. Memorize buttons too, like the old days. Because you'll just strain your eyes forcing yourself to read.
But we're about to go full circle. Game devs are adding accessibility options in games now and this often includes larger text. So CRT isn't looking bad at all right now.
Reminder that lightguns work just fine on flat CRTs.
I need to find a few lightguns. I managed to snag 2 GC2s at a goodwill, but have yet to find any GC1s or a Dreamcast LG anywhere. May need to just bite the bullet and go through eBay or something.
Why oh why hasn't there been any reproduction units or modern replacements for this stuff?
The only Dreamcast lightguns sold in America back then were shitty third party ones.
That's because of Columbine IIRC, but I digress. I may try and import an official one, but I'm not 100% they'll work on an NA TV. I'm assuming they will.
I imported a Japanese Saturn Virtua Gun and it works just fine on American NTSC TVs.
That's good to hear.
Yep, TVs will give out high pitched noise. PC CRTs are 31khz minimum, or 480p 60hz, which the beyond the human hearing range. But TVs are like 15.6khz, 240p/480i 60hz, which you can hear, especially if you're still young.
>still unparalleled video quality
>yes it's superior to OLED and mLED (which has no place in consumer displays)
>flexibility of resolution and refresh rate
>no motion blur
>makes everything look better
>more responsive
>yes even more responsive than your "1ms" gtg display
only problem is janky fd trinitron geometry. Sony fucked up bad, Mitsubishi flat diamondtrons blew them the fuck out.
>tfw to simulate an electron gun through refresh rate we need 30 million hertz refresh rate
>Also, I'm not sure if TV CRTs use 60hz optimized phoshors or something, but on PC CRTs 60hz is migraine-inducing
TV's generally used longer persistence phosphors but you were also staying far away from them.
Yeah, and after coming back to my CRT after a couple years, I got headaches for a day or two because of either the noise or something else. I don't get headaches anymore, but I still hear the high pitched whine. I guess just take it as a sign that you're not an old fuck and your hearing hasn't gone to shit yet.
>mLED (which has no place in consumer displays)
Keep coping OLEDfag
MicroLED is advancing very fast.
I grew up with ears that underwent a lot of surgery so even as a kid I could never hear the 15khz whine. I'm grateful for this, my sister who is only two years younger than me hears it on my PVMs.
>MicroLED is advancing very fast.
yeah into a brick wall just like OLED. No future in consumer electronics. You probably think QLED exists too.
until SED or other FED tech comes out, I'm just holding out hope for displays that can at least come close.
Looks good at every resolution so perfect for /vr/
literally cost 6 figures right now. Good tech on paper, but let's see if they can get it anywhere near consumer pricing before we crown it.
Onions hipsters new trend
If you took the time to actually read that article you'd realize SED is just proto-OLED.
>The SED replaces the single gun of a conventional CRT with a grid of nanoscopic emitters, one for each sub-pixel of the display.
In other words fixed-resolution shit just like LCD and LED.
Back in the day the monitor resellers at computer shows would just hook a DC up to a multiplexer and pipe Soul Calibur to them. People would stop and stare like you wouldn't believe
We're in a display purgatory we can never get out from while everyone scavenges to make displays that are still inferior to CRT but barely better than last years blurry, high response time, "high refresh rate (lmao)", shit quality flat panels solely because they're cheaper to manufacture and ship.