You aren't toxic in video games right?

You aren't toxic in video games right?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Sometimes. I don't play games where the occassional nigger or faggot will get me banned.

Only game I can think of is TF2

Very, eat shit.

Of course. If you want some happy playtime go play a co-op game or singleplayer game.

No! I'm nice to everyone.

Not usually but when I am I do it passive aggressively and if they sperg out I get them

I only get toxic when they are clearly already mad and bitching in chat. I want their blood to boil if I see them doing that.

Rocket League has some of the best pre-packed banter lines I've ever seen. The fucking salt you can mine with them is golden.

>telling people to grow up in videogames

That's a cringe for me.

he responded perfectly by continuing

Good save!

No. I never use the chat function unless it's to coordinate teamwork, which rarely happens anyway.

games with triggering voice lines like this are the best shit

I was just in a Code Vein thread where that's a major point for debate. People were saying (and without pointing out the other flaws in the game) that Code Vein is automatically shit by default because of no pvp.

i hate the word toxic
it's fucking rito games and reddit popularized it

Only in TF2 because everybody in that game is a colossal fucking retard

What's the word for when a certain adjective is given to a person or thing, it is assumed that the description is serious enough that the person or thing should not be listened to or is guilty be default? Like when someone calls someone else a nazi or hitler. I get this alot in FFXIV where I try to help someone (and definitely no passive aggressiveness) understand a mechanic but they get super pissy and call me toxic.

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imagine being such a thin skinned faggot you get offended over the way some pixels are rearranged on your chat window so you report them
imagine actually reporting anyone for anything other than outright cheating/hacking....
fucking yikes

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What a save!

No, if I get annoyed I start trying to seduce the enemy with cheesy pickup lines and calling them pet names like honeybunny and sugarplum.
If you can speak to the opposing team I make kissing noises through my mic.

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>he can't stop a ball from going into a rectangle

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ROYROIIT absolutely BTFO

imagine imagining

I only rub it in and mock people when I get called a hacker. Which is every other round god why is the average Battlefield player so terrible at identifying hackers

yeah, I wouldn't annoy anyone like that. what a fucking faggot, spamming shit on chat

Have you tried hitting the ball, you fucking shitter?

Sarcastic call outs is part of Rocket League's fun. Especially when someone fucks up on your team or the other.

There's a different between throwing a shit fit, which is being toxic, and ribbing someone to do a little better next time--which is not toxic.

or, as is most likely, this is a casual game or a fucking ranked blowout, and so the shitter is melting down and the person spamming what a save is actually helping the RL community out by making the shitter tilt and hopefully suicide so they can't fuck up more peoples' games.

maybe the 40hz tickrate on most servers is the reason

>reee my feelings
Normalfags ruined games and need to fuck off.

Not unless they deserve it
Unless its TF2, then its part of the fun.

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Need healing
Need healing
Need healing
Need healing you fuck

theyre not at all though. there are enough genuinely toxic people in the game that i never assume someone is doing it as a gentle ribbing. like 1/50 people are actually friendly, so you can fuck off if you start insulting how i play. im not your mate.

that is annoying. i tend to follow the system and report people in RL, but i would much rather it was fully toxic and i could just go buckwild instead of getting banned for saying curse words

imaging liking to enjoy your games and have pleasant interactions with the people you play with. it wouldnt be so bad if they let you do whatever, but theyll ban you for saying fuck in their christian car game

well since it doesn't matter how pixels are arranged your shitty wojack edit and nonsensical post to go with it are pointless too (though that was already the case)

>t. rage quits at 1-0 every day

If it's more than 4-0 with less than 2 minutes left, the game is already over.

Yes I am, when I win a 2 v 3 in rocket league I make sure to make the losing team feel miserable.
Good times.

you're acting a bit toxic here frined

of course not. What would be the point of that?

I don't play multiplayer because my net is shit.

depends how you feel. ive have many comebacks with scorelines like that, but obviously ive also had many that ended up way worse. it youre feeling defeated though, it is over. and then you should stop playing.

Being relatively polite with your own team is one of the easiest ways to get to a win in team based games. Tilting your own team is completely counter intuitive.
The enemy though? Go for gold. Fuck em.

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Losing your shit over a game you don't play competitively is pretty salty behavior faggot. Learn some patience and just have some fun. It's not end of the world.

Depends, i don't like playing with Randos so i ghost the fuck out of people if i end up forced to play with them due content and such, blame the devs for forcing me to play with you. Offline i like to think no, i tend to get "GIVE ME THE CONTROLLER BRO" when people struggle, but i try not to.

GG EZ no re

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what do you mean by competitively? like pro shit? national competitions? im still playing ranked and want to win. whats the point of playing if you cant even get invested enough that people fucking about annoys you?
im not depressed and detached enough to take it in stride yet, maybe im a newfag

I;m a fucking GC. Believe me, if it is 4-0 with less than 2 minutes, it isn't worth playing the rest of the game out. maybe 1 in 20 games you can come back, but it is just faster and more efficient at a certain point to just ff and queue again.

Absolutely. There's a finite amount of fun to be had, and I'll be damned if I'm not having all of it.

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>mfw egging a guy on in ffxiv until he calls me a faggot then reporting him

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depends what youre playing for i guess. when im in a good mood i dont mind playing them out, im not autistically trying to maximise the efficiency of my time or boost my way up ranks.

>spoof my in-game account name and ID so even if I get reported for saying "nigger" nothing can happen

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No one actually triggers me because I'm good at video games so they're the ones who get salty, but when your team turns against you because they're bad boils my blood.
>unironically saying you should have won a 3v1
>genuinely believing you going 50-5 was part of why they lost because objectives are more important even though I get all my kills at the objective while they can't even leave spawn without dying
I hate the selfish mob coping mentality.

If pic happened in a match I was in I'll report the guy who said "fucking" and laugh my ass off when he gets banned

Depends. I only fuck with people in retaliation. There's nothing more satisfying than having someone teabag you after winning a round only to taunt them every round afterwards since you end up going 3-1.

Kek what's the context


Rocket League. Other team scored a goal

I think that toxic people are those who are unintentionally talk shit in vidya.

I personally do this with an intent to piss people off so i'm not really toxic.

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>tfw you get him banned too for passive aggressive harassment and creating toxicity

That's what the rule changes were for, and damn it felt good

The "What a save!" is a pre-generated line in that RC car soccer game. It's used more often sarcastically when people get a goal.

Like a lot of words, the original meaning makes sense, it does create a "toxic" environment for new players if every time they don't know something or make a newbie mistake their teammates chew them out. The problem is that it's used to describe anyone voicing any kind of negative thing in chat, even if they are trying to give constructive criticism, and then now is just used for anyone saying anything someone else doesn't like.

Actually just had a guy message me to call me a loser for shotgunning him and teabagging, so yeah I guess

That's fuckin hilarious

I'm playing to improve, and watching another two minutes of my team whiffing every ball isn't doing anything to help.

>get called a nigger
>I am one

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>playing rc car soccer is a serious business
I wish i could make that up.


Why not just act oblivious to it and have them snap at you?

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Name any game other than TF where you can "Drop the occasional nigger." Bet whatever you say is complete asscheeks. Like some random DOI server still barely limping thats empty aside from your ass anyway. You might get away with Faggot in select rising storm circles, but not Nigger.

Imagine reporting someone for saying nigger and they get banned and you watch them seethe on Yea Forums

Pretty glorious

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every time I play
when you get a "WTF ARE YOU DOING!?" I know I found a good server.

I've had dudes go absolutely ballistic when I dont reply "Thanks!" after a "Nice Shot!" or something.

I use vgs in Smite to the fullest of it's capabilities.

jesus this board really sucks a fuck in terms of bait

Dota 2

>when someone dies
Nice job

this, if you're going to be a manchild at least accept it and lean into it.

>say nigger in overwatch
>players distressed and having panic attacks to the point they stop playing entirely and go on a rant inside spawn on how much of an ass I am
>blizzard notifies me days later my account was silenced but it only affected voice chat so I never realized
>say nigger in tf2
>someone gets offended and tries to vote kick me
>rest of the team votes no and laughs at him
>they proceed to purge every player that found it offensive
>get autobalanced
>realize the enemy team did the same to the ones that were complaining about me too
>match keeps going normallly
I'll never understand how the normies that started to play after 2010s survived into adulthood.

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i'll make a little game of typing nig at the beginning of my league of Legends games. Say nothing else. then follow up with "ger" at the end of the match. Havent been banned yet.

That being said, having tyrones, cletus, chads calling each other nigger, fag and other sorts of words is tiring. I'm legit getting to old for this shit.

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I'm a fan of using okay or oops when people die and nice job when they miss abilities.
Cringe post

>players distressed and having panic attacks to the point they stop playing entirely and go on a rant inside spawn on how much of an ass I am

Actually, what really happens is

>Call someone a nigger
>They report you
>You get silenced

You can make up your own world where your buttblasting people, but it's not really a thing

I don't talk to people in games at all

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I'm nice to everyone as long as they're nice to others. Reporting over language regardless of context is lame.

I too report people who don't affect my experience of the game.

>Well played!
>Well played!
>Well played!
>New meta!
>Top is missing!
>We need wards!
*50 pings per second*

>Playan rocket League with frens
>Other team scores because I fucked up an aerial
>Guy spams "great defense"
>Later on scores a goal again
>Spams again
>Another goal
>More spam
>Focus all my gamer energies to force myself into the zone.
>Get 6 goals in the last minute of the game.
>Flood chat with "great defense" on every
>He gets so mad he wishes I get raped to death by niggers.
>TFW I report him.

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i'm not bad at games, so no


why does gg ez trigger so many people?

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Isn't "nig" just universally shorthand for nigger? I could see getting away with ni and then gger at the end though, especially since the latter could be assumed some bastardization of "good game".

Cool, we should continue it, for a better world :)

>you get silenced
come on user, muting people? But then how will they inform you how offended they are?
We wouldn't have our current climate with politics, state mandated matchmaking and the toxicity meme if people would just use the mute function.

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>why does being a cunt trigger people
i wonder, user


this, be a chad mute that cares nothing for people who report and redditors who cry and scream for you to communicate with them, it's the only solution these days

one motherfucker did this at the fair in town. He leaned back too far and rippen through that canvas ceiling above him. I guess it fling him about a block away before he landed in somebody's yard.

They still use the same machine, but there's a huge duct tapped patch over one of those triangles in the ceiling.

I'm usually just the person who tells people to grow up, toxicity doesn't make for a better gaming experience.

Rocket League players deserve to be bullied though since they lack basic common sense.

>huh, I spawned by the goal really far from the ball
>surely I should boost as fast as possible towards the ball! I will certainly make it there before everyone else!
>ball slowly rolls into the goal because someone forgot the adhd meds


gg is now enough to trigger shitters thanks to moba babies

This is super true. I'd rather the rules be enforced well or not at all. Stupid shit like r6 siege auto banning words is a bad system. Mordhau was great while it lasted

in COD you can yell nigger in voicechat all you want and no one gives a shit, it's practically part of the game.

Well sometimes I like to say gg was close even when it wasn't close at all

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i miss this

This, holy fucking shit why are people so stupid

The blame lies solely with riot and later blizzard and their obsession with "toxicity"

I played overwatch for like 15 hours and it was a "toxic" shithole, I imagine all that effort was for nothing

Just got out of a match where some annoying asshole wouldn't stop spamming oof after getting a kill

>said gg and ez every game for a year before blizzard put it on a filter
>at least one person on the enemy team would fall for it and lose its shit every game
The first year of Overwatch was fun while it lasted.

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They ban people for spoiling capeshit movies. That are adaptations of decade old comic arcs. Either blizzard are fucking retarded or they make more money from retards by banning the meanies.

yes, its always your teammates fault for being shit and never yours for being an insufferable asshole

I love listening to people whine in competitive CSGO when they realize theyre gonna lose another game all because of me. I will try to manipulate the team to kick people and eventually i kick everyone from the team and its a 1v5. i then cry to the enemy team saying "omg my entire team just left!!!1!!" and they buy it. they say "aw man that sucks, i had that happen before."

i mean, your example is just people siding with you and you having an easy time. its not like you did anything special

TF2 keybinds are an excellent form of toxicity/bm, I love watching people go crazy when you start using them

>troll the fuck out of everyone, even stupid Yea Forums faggots
>laff and a half

RL is essentially the same as seige, too. 95% of reports that actually go through are just people saying "fuck", because its an automated system. the ones who flame and always blame teammates, go afk, smurf etc. never get caught because that would require some actual oversight

overwatch by design is toxic because of it's rigid uninteresting class based cooldown FPS gameplay.

Time to report RoyRoiit for offensive language

Absolutely based. I hope he lived and still shitposts IRL to this day.

Do you think pissing off Yea Forumsermin is an achievement?

>mfw I trigger vermin like you just by being genuinely nice to people you don't like

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Why wouldn't he just say thank you to that nice man supporting him? What a mean person.

>no fun allowed
People like you are the reason most online games are such boring, sanitized experiences. It's a competitive match, not a fucking chaperoned hopscotch game at a kindergarten. I don't need an army of tight-assed mods to protect me from some 10-year-old calling me a faggot.

even then, trannies will start flinging shit if you drop the 'gay' word at them.

I can almost immediately tell how a game is going to go based on a few factors, mostly involving boost management, rotation, and raw mechanical skill. Sometimes I am the shitter, but it isn't as often the case as it used to be, and if anything it is refreshing when it happens.

I will use my friend as an example because it is a bit more obvious to show what I am trying to communicate. He is much better than I am, he is a top 100 player, and so his mmr is also much higher as a result of his skill. He hovered around 1900 or so mmr in season 9, yet when he queued into matchmaking he would pair with players ranging from 1400 to 2200 (there were about 20 players, mostly pros, with mmrs this high at the time). I don't know how to realistically describe the differences between even a team of 1500s and a team of 1700s other than to say the 1700s will never lose to the 1500s. The games would never even be close. So imagine a team with two 1700s and an 1800 vs a team of one 1900 and two 1500s. the 1900 is pretty much speaking an entirely different language in terms of consecutive hits and the types of touches he can make, so his teammates cannot figure out wtf is going on. The mmr window they allow is based on how many players are on at any given time, but even at peak hours there are only so many people in a queue, so there are maybe 10 or so people of that skill level and rating, but split across two or three different game modes.

The same happens to people anywhere above 1400 mmr. You can be teamed with people better than you, or worse than you, but as you improve there are just less people statistically speaking who are just better. So you tend to get placed on a team where you are the best player. This doesn't happen below 1400, as those skill levels are highly populated and your queue times will never stretch into the double digits.

>someone calls me nigger
>i start fuming as if he called me subhuman
>report him


I feel like every time my team had good chemistry and started throwing bants at each other from the start we always steamrolled the opponent. On the other hand, I've had matches where we were winning and the entire team began throwing because some autist literally started screaming over his mic over some misplays and nobody wanted to play with him anymore. I genuinely don't get why people feel the need to start insulting their own team over video games. My friends do it when they play Dota and I get annoyed by it despite not even playing the game. It's not fun having somebody question or criticize everything you're doing in a video game.

I wonder how many people that bitch about how they're stuck in elo hell and every team they get is trash are actually half the reason their team's lose just because they tilt them.

this. it's meta game and should be allowed. mocking and harassing your opponent is just a dirty weapon that people can either agree to use or agree not to use.

I'm not toxic.
I'm citotoxic.
Like I'm so toxic it can seep through computer screens.
I'm also writing this from a secret facility in the desert of New Mexico

how was the festival my dude

what's the source fag

toxic doesn't mean anything because everybody has their own definiton
telling someone to fuck off can be toxic
but so can playing a way you prefer and not the meta or any number of things that whiny bitches don't want


Not rocket league but
>I'm using Tilt controls!
It's always the most random things that become taunts.

>someone calls me a cumskin
>feel proud and masturbate until I cum on myself, thinking of my ancestors

I love being an abrasive shithead when playing CSGO
>inb4 playing CSGO

didn't read lol

I'm in favour of strict enforcement of very strict community rules in all games, at least on official/ranked servers. No abuse, no harassment, no racism, no sexism, nothing like that. Violators should be banned immediately and permanently, with no warnings, no second chances, and no "strikes" system.

The truth is, games and the gaming community still has something to prove. It needs to become a positive, fun place to be for everyone by default.

I'm also in favour of unmoderated community servers. A warning would be shown before they're enabled, and the devs would disown any drama that happens in them.

>games and the gaming community still has something to prove
To whom? Why should I give a fuck what literal boomers or pretentious "high art" chodes think about the current state of the COD community? And further, why should games have to be more positive than fully established communities for IRL sports like football, which are if anything MORE "toxic?"

>haha yeah im what you might call a master troll
>just calls people nigger

Lol he told that nigga "fucking grow up"

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What a save!

People like yourself would be best served by the unmoderated community servers I mentioned.
It's interesting that you mention football, because I feel the same way about that. I'm from the UK where football hooliganism and drunken violence between opposing fans is particularly common. I think it should be treated with absolutely zero tolerance, with fans banned from all stadiums at the slightest sign of disruptive behaviour.
>inb4 loicense

>why does gg ez trigger so many people?
because its a smug dipshit way to say gg but not an endearing way like saying "maybe next time" or something like that. announcing that it was "easy" is just stroking your own ego like a fag

The only toxic thing here is you on this board

>getting this butthurt over some words

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I think my favourite instance of """""toxicity""""" in games is when the game gives you the option to give accolades to people at the end of the match, and an accolade is given to a member who very clearly did not deserve it. It makes me laugh so much, when I used to play league of legends and the biggest retard on the team would get distinction for "great shotcalling" or when I played overwatch and the person who did the worst by far gets honoured or whatever. Great stuff.


>I think it should be treated with absolutely zero tolerance, with fans banned from all stadiums at the slightest sign of disruptive behaviour.
Stadiums are different from vidya, though.
Shitty behavior online is different from being a genuine danger.

You're obviously missing the point of these games. The "hooliganism" is half the fun, which is why the sport is so popular in the first place. You think any Canadians would watch hockey but for the brawls? Any Americans watching college football but for the extreme banter and off-field antics the students engage in? Of course not. There are plenty of games out there for milquetoast people like you to have mild, respectful experiences in; your desire to impose those preferences on EVERY game just makes you an authoritarian dick. Go play your own games and let the dudebros have their fun.

what are some good YT channels besides Stgggs?


Yes, I spam emotes all the time

Oi punk where is your riot loicense?

I dont enjoy actually playing video games anymore, the only enjoyment I gain from them is being an asshole and laughing at peoples reactions

I remember I used to be pretty wholesome person in games. I'd always start every game by asking how's everyone was doing today and tried to help people. Nowadays, I got tired of everything and pretty much stopped saying anything in chat besides basic communication and call outs for the team.

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In most cases, it's to stroke their own ego. Sometimes, it means that you can probably outplay them into making a stupid mistake because their hubris will get the best of them. Sometimes they do it ironically to tilt you.

gg ez m8.

>Fucking grow up
This has GOT to have been posted by a woman.

besides that

>Game starts
>Someone immediately starts mic spamming this

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why yes i am
check the date

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Good one

I never talk to anyone in video games.

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my work here is done

Only to niggers

fitzthistlewits but he hasn't posted since 2014

jirxin, another one of the OG boys

>behaving like a 12 years old is half the fun!
Maybe you should stop playing video games if you don't enjoy them for their own sake

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Imagine being such a faggot that you play video games, watch anime, read comic books, collect toys, watch wrestling, and shitpost on Yea Forums

>mock fags for acting like children with toys and nintendo gear and what not
>behave like 6 year olds online
i don't get why Yea Forums is like this
is there just no self-awareness

What are some other things I can say that are as innocuous as "gg ez" that send people flying into a rage?

I don't get why would anyone be a cunt to someone just because of their race.
It's not like there is canon of nigger beliefs that teaches them to be cunts or anything.
Sure, many niggers are genuinely shitty "people", with subhuman traits like violence, lack of empathy, homophobia etc., but it's not their race, just individual low IQ.

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>he doesn't bait people into being toxic and then report them
Look at this faggot seethe

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"lol" after killing someone
nothing else

Whenever you get a kill/goal/point/whatever, just type ?

Defend transgenders.
I'm not sure how to cram that in a video game, but it works really, really well on Yea Forums.

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What are your "auto rage" things you say that send people into a flying rage.

For me it's cry about it

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Cyrilic writting/usernames

Yeah so fucking what? do I know you IRL? no. will you fucking care the day after I called you a fag online? no. who fucking cares about what someone call me or what I call them online on a video game.

"Easiest game of my life", no matter how close it was.

I said "shitter genocide best day of my life" when a teammate died and he lost his shit for 20+ minutes

keep it up senpai

It won't work as well. A lot of online games and the people who play them consider that acceptable thought because it's the mainstream now. If you wanna ruffle feathers you gotta go against the grain.


That only works here. Try pretending you're a terf for maximim asspain. The more normalfag the game the better.

Squad, rising storm 2, CS:GO,Arma 3, COD, mordhau, Dota 2, etc.

>4-0 with 2 minutes left
>team tries to forfeit
>I refuse
your time means nothing to me.

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Again, there are plenty of games for Supreme Gentlemen such as yourself. Feel free to go play them instead of telling other people they're playing other games the wrong way.

>because it's the mainstream
It's not.
/pol/ has memed this up because /pol/ loves to pretend christtards are persecuted, but in reality it's totally not the case.
And it gets even worse in subhuman shitholes. Slavic gównolands have rabid catholicism as social default.

here we go again


This also works on Yea Forums. Bugs Bunny's advice has held true as long as it has existed.

god I wish I annoyed you in a game

There are more slavic countries than russia and poland.

>there are plenty of games
That doesn't mean anything. Which games? All of them?

But some people on this thread are saying it themselves, they don't enjoy the games. Just acting like kids with no repercussion.

The addition of crossplay to the new Modern Warfare will probably bring this back in spades. There is now console war faggotry so you'll hear 19 year old black kids being like "fuck you XBox niggas ya'll trash" and so on
The beta was really fucking fun, and this helped a lot

faggot get off the mic

The only time I consider being "toxic" is when I'm playing smash.
More specifically, when you run into turbo faggots playing online and do little things just to fuck with them like crouch walking, waiting as long as possible before quitting a rematch, and stalling out matches.

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I never go toxic. I realized being toxic to my teammates will never make them play better

>Spam "gg ez" regardless of if I win or lose
>People get even fucking angrier

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I'd do the same in Overwatch because it was always some salty teammate who wanted to blame everyone but themselves. The best part is, you could say literally whatever you wanted as long as you said it in voice chat because there's no evidence. I did it constantly while my stupid friend would type and he got banned twice

I’ve been permabanned from Ark on Pc and PS4 for calling everybody a “nigger”

lurk moar newfag

>spew views straight from containment board
>r-rent free!

did he die?

>yfw while posting it in chat

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Imagine imagining imaginative imaginations

Yeah and you are probably one of those fucks in real life that rather avoid conflict by acting like it never happened.

Anyone that says gg ez has probably never achieved something at a mastery level so the ego stroking makes them think they have.

>inb4 still getting butthurt over some words.

See what I mean? Works every time, like a charm.

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why do people get so fucking mad about kicking a ball around

>Get steamrolled
>Say gg ez as a joke
>Two people on my team flip the fuck out and everyone gets into an argument
Overwatch was a strange time

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No. I used to speak in game more often but it almost always devolved into a fight of some kind as sooner or later some badass just starts talking shit. I don't have the energy to talk to tards anymore.

It's why I rarely post here.

Because they think they're living vicariously through "their" team. That's why so many say we won instead of they won when their chosen team wins a match. Same shit with celebrity gossip.

They literally make it a culture war.
It's their equivalent of console war combined with racial war.
Plus, football fans are low IQ tribal retards who want to get mad over shit. If they were on Yea Forums, they'd cherrypick twitter posts to get mad about.

>win game
>I am on bottom of the scoreboard by a large margin
>nobody else has said anything
>say gg ez
>both my own team and the enemy team start seething

and I'm glad I stopped playing that shit, everyone was so mad... I wonder if they even have fun

you are a tiny baby

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But my mind is vast and mature.

basically any online valve game

Holy based

I hate this word so goddamn much, go back to twitter or reddit you thin skinned faggot and stay OUT of my site

Too bad it's mostly filled with /pol/ obsession.

Stay salty, try hard.

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Noticing patterns is not obsession.

Sure, but what you do you call it when a person assume all opinions he disagrees with are from the same group of people?

Yea Forums

Yep, that's you.

why are you so obsessed with yelling nigger, exactly? Hell, beter question- why do you pretend you don't like being told not to say it? Is it because the only reason you use it is because it's the last swear with any power to draw ire?

>everyone is Yea Forums, everyone except me

that would be "knigger"


I'm challenger since 2 seasons in league, diamond since s4, i have like 20-25 perma bans at this point about 10 of them were master/challenger accounts.
Some were ticket reports/manual bans i guess, although i never trolled/intentionally lost a game i always tryhard.
I can't change, i'm so addicted to this game.
I've boosted so many worthless motherfuckers this season already on fresh accounts it's insane.
I can get 100% wl to p2 (d3 mmr), i don't even know why they changed the placements, before i could start from plat on fresh ac, but now? I just keep inflating the already fucked up ladder each time i get banned.

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And you're still toxic?

Can I suck your cock, unironically?

Maybe it's just the role im playing i'm literally a dog owner when smurfing in jungle, i'm tryharding so much to maintain 100% wl, both parties should be satisfied even when im toxic.
It's not about bad macro/mechanics because that's understandable more like not following pings, i'll get ping muted and get enraged so much i'll just spam some nasty shit on chat, this will happen few more times... 14 days then perma, always the same cycle where i'll lose my control.
I'm not perfect i make mistakes, my mental is garbage i'll lose my shit when i lose after playing for 3 people when smurfing and still losing.
Pic very rel btw ;)

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by ping muted, i mean ping muted by game because i try to get their attention on baron for example instead of chasing for a kill, not that someone muted me.

Insurgency Sandstorm. People yell all types of shit in-game, especially at the end of a match, and its great.

Pot calling the kettle black.

This new generation of "trolls" get carried by the fact that zoomers are easily offended babies.

>people getting angry and dropshot and rumble
>duos getting pissy because their random isn't performing perfectly
>ragequits galore in casual mode meaning you can never get a decent casual game in because bots are worthless above silver level queues
jesus christ come on i just want to play video games

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low iq people resort to being toxic to make up for their lack of skill

Someone went on a rant about homophobia because I called him gay. It was a bizarre experience, have people really become this fragile?

I throw rocket league games for fun in ranked

Ive been chat banned so many times they swapped to game ban. Love telling people I fucked thier mums and to kys nigger

The best part is I don't even care since I have ps4 and pc copies and lmao just can play another game and abuse there too

Does anything confirm that you are a weak litttle manchild with no control over your pathetic life like being a bad socializer in video games?

Normal people expect online interactions to be similar to real life. And online interactions lack tone and other elements of offline interactions.
There is no way to jokingly call someone gay online in a way that just suggests you want to suck his cock, like you tried to do.
If you went all homophobic against someone IRL, you'd get a similar reaction. Unless you did it against a real subhuman, such as an actual homophobe.


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Neither of these stories actually happened

Keep imagining the epic ownages that didn't happen.
Most online interaction isn't Yea Forums. Average internet nigger is smarter than a /pol/tard and can't be turned red with frothing rage just by telling him that trans women are women.

Depends on the game.

Moar art like this please

I did this all the time, then once a fag got audibly flustered and started masturbating to my voice. Now I just don't use mics much anymore.

>be me
>playing rocket league with friend
>we are losing by 3 goals
>i type ¨ni¨
>tell friend to type ¨gg¨
>then i proceed to type ¨ers¨
>none of us can get temporarly banned this way

"Toxic" is a word for bug people.

No, bug people have their own variant. It's something like "not compatible with principles of socialism".

It's not that hard user, you'd be surprised how easy is to find these people in any popular online game, also you don't need to be a /pol/tard to have fun in video games you know?

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>"trash team, bunch of noobs"
>say "don't be so hard on yourself, you'll learn :)"
gets them everytime.

>stopped playing multiplayer games
>tfw missing out on buttrage
What are some non-shit multiplayer games that don't require tons of reflexes but have 14 year old /pol/ zoomers to trick into saying bannable shit?

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i don't know

russian roulette

how can you stay mad for so long? like how have you not fucking changed? I got desensitized to people being ass blasted after a year and dont care about how dumb they might be or how much they type in chat.
just accept you're a negative nancy and that you're going to think everyone around you is a retard every game no matter what and be sure not go into a typing fit in game.