MGS Goes Open World!
MGS Goes Open World!
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Meatal gear solad
Remember all the interesting and visually distinct locales of past titles? We replaced them with what looks like randomly generated rock terrain!
>what looks like randomly generated rock terrain
It's arguably the most realistic looking desert of any game.
Realism is bad level design.
realisticsm kill games
Yeah and that's not interesting
rdr2 shits on your weeb game kojima cuck
the next MG game better not be open world, or at least more linear.
the best solution would be Zone based maps, with a lot of them being like camp omega : multiple ways to complete it, and could have some side ops after the main story.
>next mg game
Just let it rest.
if they made the russians more active like STALKER AI game could have been legendary. maybe add some afghans in there for infighting
They still can do plenty of things, if not a remake.
something is gonna happen regardless, most of the old kojipro still remain, heck the studio itself still exist with a different name.
I give it 2 years maximum before a reveal, and E3 2020 would seem more likely.
Man I wish that base was like twice as big. Its so fucking small, every base but that one giant airbase in Afghan is disappointing
let's sacrifice interesting level design (one of the most important aspects of a stealth action game) for an open world
and make you go back and forth between the open world and your home base.
what the fuck was he thinking.
rdr2 is a empty game with literaly nothing to do
sounds even better than what MGSV ended up being
the controls in this game made going around the pretty maps really fun
I wish it had more to it though
>he didn't play it
i played rdr2 and once you finish the story its boring as fuck, there is literally nothing to do
You now remember
sony always cucks rockstar cuck. respect your superiors
there is more to do in one mission of MGS5 than the entire game of RDR2
I don't think open world is inherently a bad thing and I think that MGS V handled it pretty well for the game that it was. That's not to say it was the best move for the series but it works for what it is I think.
Its not a movie anymore where you just walk in corridors and wait for the next cutscene to play, its an actual game now. Curse you Kojima!
>cant go in mgs1 style with everything osp despite there being a mission with those parameters
You can with mods
Yeah, every point of interest in both maps is really small except for the main soviet base, except for the african airport which is empty instead.
It's like a theme park but if every attraction was made for ants.
I've played both. MGSV's map feels vastly more empty.
too bad that i play on ps3
MGSV gets boring as fuck before you finish the main missions because they literally start rehashing loads of old ones. So lazy.
i liked it
Remember when this game was supposed to have mods and a level editor?
Yea, that went nowhere.
You dont have to play them, its just the same missions with added difficulty if you want more challenge. People always talk about it like they are forced to play them to progress the game.
which is worse, pw's last chapter or mgsv chapter 2?
The big issue with open world is that the AI doesn't scale well.
Because of weak consoles CPU we will have to wait for next gen to see open world with good gameplay.
canada. i like having the whole series on one console
all that wasted potential but it was still pretty fun while it lasted
Where the fuck is my corridor of cutscenes Kojima? No wonder you got fired you fucking hack, open world is a meme
yeah sure javier
take a look at and tell my that shit is not a corridor
Disappointed there were no actual Mujahideen in the game just mission flavour text
Pretty sure the game was hamstrung so it could be played on PS3 and Xbox 460
It's Afghanistan. Why do you care about a shit desert.
Might as well have been UAC Like FarCry 2.
>rdr2 shits on your weeb game kojima cuck
RD2 trees.
Wow, cool PUBG map.
>take a series well known for it's story
>make it a sandbox gta clone with mini side quests
What were they thinking?
shitty shitty game.
>take a movie
>make it a game
Woah what did Kojima mean by this bros
Nigga that’s after some 50 hours of story. That’s pretty you fucking no life 1000hr nerd
>realistic looking desert
So randomly generated
As much as people like to shit in this game for being unfinished, I had tons of fun with it and it really was a diamond in the rough (for me at least) Makes me sad to think that it could have been so much better if it was finished.
Oh wait, nevermind.
Konami hates Kojima too much to continue the Metal Gear franchise.
Reminds me of FFXV, where they showed that giant CGI map and the actual game was only playable in like 20% of it. Plus that glitch that let people out of bounds and could explore the rest of the map to see all the stuff they cut/never finished.
realistic city design killed gta v for me
I feel like the majority of people shitting on MGSV are old-school MGS fans who only like linear story-driven games. I'm one to readily shit on open-world titles but MGSV was actually one of the only fun open-world games I've played in a while.
>being able to finish the story
How? Every time I try to go to the next mission I pick a fight with a stranger which snowballs into a bounty and a bunch of dead bodies.
I am one of those old school MGS fans. Part of it is the linear story driven aspect. The other part is the way this game set up its missions and told its story. The missions always seemed a bit disconnected to me, and those dumb credits spoiled any possible surprises. Additionally, too much of the story was told through those dumb audio recordings. This isn't even touching the shitty rushed ending and unfinished aspects.
Open world is fine. They just should've made it more dense.
Most of you zoomers never played it, but my boomer dad introduced me to Delta Force when I was growing up. Huge, sandbox maps. You could pick your own loadout, and decide on your own how you were going to tackle objectives after being dumped into a large environment.
I love Metal Gear V not for the story, but for the presentation, and the ability to freely dictate how I'm going to tackle whatever objective I'm going up against at the time.
In other worlds, TPP is Delta Force, but in Third Person and is currently not a dead franchise. Rip.
wow that blows
I'm sure they modelled this huge hole in the ground for no reason. The game is definitely complete.
Delta Force 2 was my shit man, setting up traps at the enemy armory, sniping from some hill 1km out, flying hackers with machine gun grenade launchers. I miss it.
I don't give a fuck about story in video games,, MGS V just isn't a very good game. If the game had been more like the subsistence missions it might have been fun but being able to and sometimes being required to call in supply drops really dampened the experience for me.
I had only three problems with the open world aspect of the game.
>Only like 4-5 big bases on the maps (OKB zero, Airport, the hangars with The Boss AI, etc). The rest are tiny outposts that don't require any strategy.
>Not enough enemies. I read it was because of the cross-gen but I don't get it. There are ps3 games with more than 10 enemies on the screen at once.
>Tranqued enemies wake up after less than 5 minutes. Ruins the fun of slowly taking them out one by one, especially in big bases.
Other than that, I liked it. I wish they'd do more open world stealth games.
God Ground Zeroes was so good, TPP should have been set out exactly like Peace Walker if it wanted the mission based structure with actual fun side ops like GZ and PW where it could have multiple camp zero like locations, hard mode, opportunities to actually use your fucking weapons outside lvl1 tranq. Also did anyone else hate the r&d screens it's so cramped it gave me a headache. Of all the games, this one gets me the maddest I could go on forever in a way I just cant care about with other games.
I like the game a lot in concept, just needs more polish in terms of level design.
>MGS3 is basically a line
try again son
What was the point of flare grenades if you could simply use the fucking stupid idroid to call in the chopper?
call it to an area that doesnt have a landing zone, then it goes pew pew? i never tried it
Kojima watched rambo 3 before making the game
nips got a long ways to go
You can call pequod on top of every base in the game barring wialo village, but then you can simply call him into a nearby LZ and he'll fly to your location to give you cover fire if you're already in combat anyways.
wait, this is supposed to be impressive? hahahahahahaha
ya, compared to nips
Soi of war about a ruthless killer softening up won (((goty))) 2018 surprise surprise
meanwhile a year later I just logged another 4 hrs hunting and fishing in the kino west grizzlies
thats a lot of empty space
compared to?
Name ONE(1) Japanese game that's visually impressive
More like everyone's got a long way to go, you just can't compete with big r
even this one? you can see
>2 giant enemies
>lots of small enemies
>a city to the right
>A cristal castle to the left
>more buildings going straight fowards
now compare it to empty space redemption 2
>nothing to the left
>nothing to the right
>a single cabin middle, probably with 2 npc for the game to auto shoot at
>nothing to the left
>nothing to the right
>nothing in the middle
>definition of empty space
this one has more stuff
>boring trees that you cant interact with everywhere
>a cabin in the left
>river in the middle
>more nothing in the right and in the distance
>oh there is a bird in the left
empty space; the game
DMCV and RE2
now name a single western game with good gameplay that doesnt involve shooting in any way
I liked MGSV for the most part but imagine how much better the game would be if the people who wasted time doing the motherbase horse shit and spent time populating the open world with buildings and loot and shit.
Don't be obtuse.
Ironic that RE2 is nothing but shooting
it has puzzles.
wtf did snoy queers lie to me?
god damn looks amazing even on mediocre 2013 hardware. I can't wait to see how it will look on PC
we're going to find out in a few months
Character models and some interiors look nice in both games. REngine looks like shit in big environments though. I remember loooking out over Raccoon City on the rooftop of RE2 and laughing. Neither one sniffs RDR2's visuals on fucking console no less
small environments full of stuff to do > empty space
unless you are BOTW, and every single detail of the world is interactible in some way you should make your game world smaller
>unless you are BOTW, and every single detail of the world is interactible in some way you should make your game world smaller
that's cool and all but user...
probably in terms of story telling. cause i'm DAMN SURE it wont be in world and stuff to do.
I just want a procedurally generated fallout/TES world. (not daggerfall)
Prince of Persia
>user sees his first marketing spin
How adorable!
good one user
realy good one
> Completely different geographical region with different flora and fauna
ooof, must be fun to be this retarded
Funny how much seething this post caused.
MGSV looks great and Snoycels just gotta cope
Are you fucking dumb? Both are in New Austin. One is on a mountain looking down. The other, the player is on his horse going down a road in New Austin.
how recent does it need to be?
nobody cares, fuck off
>Nintendo using rockstar to market
Be glad that it's dead. Ubisoft isn't what it was back then.
It does, though. There are plenty of fan made mods and sideop expansions. There's even a fan made level editor, but it's a bit rudimentary right now.
i know. but it still hurts
I'm talking about comparing it to fucking Afghanistan which is where the MGSV landscape is set in.
>Wu SPistol
>Wuss Pistol
Why did it take me so fucking long to notice.
fuck mission 45 holy shit
That's why I put on a good podcast, pour some Knob Creek and go hunting. Comfiest vidya yet
Why does Yea Forums shit on MGSV so much?
>Being this retarded
It's the fucking desert you fag.
nice achievement count.
why did they cut the ddog encounter we saw in the previews?
Guess we're both lazy at collecting all damn animals.
What's the other one? It better not fucking be complete all side ops...
Does anyone have a vid of this out of bounds world in FFXV?
I agree. If we got a game like Ground Zeroes but with about five bases instead of just one, it'd easily be the best Metal Gear of all time. Should've spent all that money on crafting the best bases they can think of, they could still have a surrounding area for multiple points of entry but the game really didn't need vast swaths of empty land if nothing mechanically interesting is going to be done with it. I thought the open world would be used for things like taking out power lines to shut down power to a base, shit like that, but there really is no mechanical point to that scale.
Is it really open world when you just make a bunch of camps on the same scale as struts in MGS2 and separate them with 10 minutes of walking instead of 10 minutes of codecs.