Who are your favorite Resident Evil characters and games?

Who are your favorite Resident Evil characters and games?

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correct answer is claire

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>Favorite characters
Leon, Jill, HUNK, Mike and Wesker.

>Favorite Games
Remake 1 and 2, RE4 and RE Outbreak

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RE2 remake. Claire is the best part of RE.

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>a character
He's as much of a character as Tofu. And Tofu is actually more hardcore than Hunk.

For me it's Moira

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Becca is a great girl

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Rebecca, Wesker

Remakes and 4

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Claire is best girl, Jill is better than Chris or Leon, Wesker is not dead, CVX tied with REmake for best classic game, RE4 tied with RE2make for best modern game.

>he couldn't finish Tofu survivor

>Cant have RE thread without waifufagging
May Allah forgive me for saying it but Resetera is
unironically better for discussions.

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Jill and Claire.

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Her REmake face was best

Well then, get the fuck out of here and go back to Resetera, tranny.

They produce some of the best women in all of video games.

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you need to go back there then

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yup. 10/10 character desgin

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>Dies ass up
If you were Chris would you use this opportunity while she still warm?


Sue Valentine and REmake

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How does this happen? I've replayed REmake at least 5 times, and have never seen this before.

past a certain age, a claire without a family can be a bad thing

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hope this goblin offs himself immediately

Back in your cage NOW!

>Favorite characters
Leon, Jill, Claire, Wesker, Piers and Moira
>Favorite games
RE2 98', REmake and 3
>Favorite save theme
Code Veronica
>Favorite boss
Pic related
>Favorite boss theme
Alexia 1
>Favorite enemies
Lickers and Hunters
>Favorite gun
Long barrel Desert Eagle

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anyone go back after re2make and play te original for the first time? how was it?

still the best

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>favorite characters
Rookie Leon, Claire and Sherry
>all time best boy
Barry Burton
>all time best girl
pic related
>favorite games
REmake, RE2, Outbreak File 1 and 2

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how hard is re2 for a complete shitter?

chopper mike

For shitters Easy difficulty exists

Make a post about RE and I will go out of my way to reply to it

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i hope hes playable in the re4 remake

The original or remake? Anyway, for beginners you may have a small struggle. That's if you're not good with item management and sense of direction. After a couple playthroughs, it gets way easier.

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It's a bit dated and schlocky in places, but it certainly feels a lot more fleshed out. Kinda bummed that RE2make cut so many corners by omitting a lot of the B scenario scenes (the cause of the helicopter crash, mr x being airdropped, etc) and the initial gauntlet leading up to the station.

Leon Sex Kennedy and RE2 (original)

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How much for that bunny-maid girl there? Oh yes, I've been looking for a new one like this to train

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does irons have sex with his victims after or before he kills them?

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>Go fuck yourself Yoko! You think you're better than me only because you have a backpack? Well fuck you, you rice commie chopstick!

George "Lincoln Rockwell" Hamilton

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Neither. He wouldn't ruin perfect specimens by defiling them, either before or after death.

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