What is the most times you've ever replayed a single game? I've beaten Mirror's Edge over 300 times

What is the most times you've ever replayed a single game? I've beaten Mirror's Edge over 300 times.

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Catalyst wasn’t a terrible game. It had a lot of flaws from the ground up but when it worked, it really worked. A solid 7/10 that could have easily been a 9/10 with some minor tweaks. Just like ME1

I agree I really enjoy both a lot, I just enjoy the first one more

Mirror's Edge is a bad game
I hope you realise that

Played this game for the first time about a week ago, the fighting is ass but I really enjoyed the setting at least, much better than whatever ME:Catalyst was going for

I've beaten Megaman X4 probably around 30-40 times, though I first played it back in '98 or so and it can be beaten in like an hour so whatever.

I liked Catalyst more than the original.

It wasn't bad but comparing to first it's the definition of soul vs soulless meme. They had very basic vision on what they wanted and only good things in it were taken from the original

VtMB 40~ times.

I know ME can be beaten quickly but still. Are you speedrunning it or just really obsessed with it? It's one of my favorite games too anyway.

same op i fucking love this game

What are some other good fps games like Mirror's Edge with a lot of freedom of movement? I'm having trouble of thinking of anything besides Dying Light

Torchlight 2, I guess?
I've made around 10 characters and beat the final boss at least once with each.
Something about building a character from the ground up is really satisfying, especially if you're not min-maxing and are going for a theme-based build.

Probably Kirby 1 for the Gameboy. It's only a few hours long and I played it during car rides all the time.

probably cave story, counting all endings I probably beat it like 7 times.

>VtMB 40~ times.
Me too, I've memorized every hub and what stats you need to get the most out of every quest. I've also found up some tricks I've never seen other people use like using the shopping carts in Downtown to fly around the map.

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Pokemon Red/Blue easily

Alpha Protocol 4 times

Any other games like it?

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I like to just shelf the game and wait some time, maybe years to forget it. Then I play it again and its feels fresh and i can't remember what happened anymore. Getting 100% or just playing a game into a the ground just gives you reasons to not play it later because 'you did everything'.

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RE4 about 50+ times. Runner up would probably be RE5 ironically

Probably or oblivion or skyrim, but I never finished either one.
I dont know why but I really like the feelling of a fresh start with a bunch full of new mods to try

I can never replay games because then I constantly have the feeling that it must live up to the great memories of the first playthrough which kind of sours my vibe

same for me man
I imagine g2a makes most of their money from me buying re5 for everyone that I can convince to co-op it with me
next to l4d2 it's just the best co-op game

I replay Ori and the Blind forest once or twice a year, if not more.
Fun game with good visuals and soothing audio, gratifying controls, and I can complete it in like 8 hours casually so it's not a huge commitment.

I played the Time Trials mode a shitload of hours, probably 200-300. easily the best first person platformer ever. certain moves like crouching during a jump are just ORGASMIC every single time. incredible controls.

if those aren't genitals of some kind then wtf are they??

Firewatch. I play through it every time I'm sad, which I guess is often.

stylized tufts of fur/feathers

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>how much did you replayed a game over and over
i dunno what is mine overplayed game. maybe crash or medievil or any other ps1 game, but for sure, me mom replayed ratchet and clank 50+ times, and thats for every ratchet on ps2 alone... god i miss those times when i had to help my mom sometimes cause she couldnt nail a rocket/heli jump

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only in the crotch area? bible belt parents are just ahead of the curve on being wise to furry degeneracy.

I played Mirror's Edge once. It was pretty good.

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I used to replay this every few months just for the fun of it on the hardest difficulty, at least 20 times for sure with different co-op buddies.

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It was bad.

Campaign? Re4, countless amounts of times. In general l4d2 versus, 1600 hours in it

It boggles my mind that a game from 2009 still looks and sounds better than many games released today. It was the perfect storm of great art style and great technical expertise. Look at the main menu, it's fucking sleek

>that's a big... fan

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did you do the time trials? they're the best part

It's fucking annoying the way the Origin version doesn't have the time trial DLCs

with catalyst, I felt more inclined to cheese my way through sections to get where I wanted to go.
with the original, I felt more inclined to follow the path-most-traveled because it made for the better-looking run.
both were fun, but catalyst focused too much on combat and not enough eye-candy. mirror's edge should be for parkour what sonic is for running.

>It was the perfect storm of great art style and great technical expertise.
and only very few dollars wasted on mocap story-shit. they made it all about the gameplay and it really showed.

solar fields is an incredible artist.


>crotch area
it's common to add tufts on joints and limb ends because that's where gravity can make them stand out to give the illusion of a fully furred body. that's why you tend to see them on elbows, shoulders, and knees. and in the case of pantsless anthros, the crotch is where a lot of loose strands can freely dangle.
doesn't make it any less degenerate, tho

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Is that track really half an hour long? That game didn't deserve Solar Fields.

half life 2. ~10 times. that's a lot because I barely replay games since my memory is so good.

I must have beaten this a hundred times. It helps that it only takes around 15 minutes to do so after you git gud.

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Thoughts on the 2014 metroidvania game?

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