What the fuck

What the fuck.

Attached: Captura de Pantalla 2019-09-23 a la(s) 19.20.56.png (1018x593, 179K)

Other urls found in this thread:


it's a good game, what are you upset about?

Paid reviews. Or Nintendo bonus as consolewar-rotted Yea Forums would call it. That said,
>8 critics
It'll go down.

No it isn't, Sven. It's shallow, watered down, and falls apart after the first chapter. Suddenly you're railroaded to a linear plot with barely any roleplaying at all.

>good game comes out
>good game becomes available for more people to enjoy
I see no problem with this considering how the game plays. I certainly just got it this year and enjoyed the hell out of the red prince.

just get some friends and break the game everywhere possible

>Graphics are literally lowest PC settings
>720p Docked
>Dynamic 648p on portable mode
>94 Metascore
>Can't even lock at 30fps

Sorry for the "Captura de Pantalla" tho. I'm a friendly chilean spic

Attached: Captura de Pantalla 2019-09-23 a la(s) 19.27.14.png (1140x573, 1.32M)

Switchlets are insufferable loyal dogs, God save them.

>8 critics

>the portable and powerful Switch/PC difinitive complete versions have slightly higher ratings
>this triggers the console cuck

Attached: 86568568568568.jpg (2680x2028, 500K)

Nintendobonus sponsored by /r/nintendo and IGN special gamers, nothing new.

Attached: 1498143156357.jpg (609x696, 63K)

rent free

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Attached: 1518590117426.png (784x349, 19K)

Attached: 0 0Hv1MVOj0-jK1dOM.jpg (1400x788, 315K)

Learn what an opinion is before you use that picture again, tendie.

>best switch game of 2019
>game from 2 years ago

Attached: 1536491284358.jpg (1026x581, 177K)

>9/10 game comes out for Switch
>gets 9/10 on Switch too like everywhere else
Lmaoing at all of u all

Attached: 28fj3w.jpg (633x758, 62K)

>Learn what an opinion is before you use that picture again, tendie.

Attached: Roach crying.jpg (800x1011, 87K)

That's actually the plan for every single mentally adult man who enters game journalism.
If you actually care about "reviewing" children games fairly instead of getting employed by a big company HR you're likely an incel or a retard, or there's a 0.1% possibility you simply don't care about making money.

yes, better go reviewbomb it, faglet.

>september 2019
>Obsidian trannies still seething

Attached: 1552176632005.webm (640x800, 606K)

>muh graphics should dictate a score
Fucking braindead zoomer

You guys are aware it's on PS4 too, right?

Attached: Divinity-Original-Sin-II---Definitive-Edition.jpg (1000x1000, 159K)

>every single mentally adult man who enters game journalism
No wonder these mental men support Nintendo.

Attached: [laughs in exclusives].jpg (619x320, 20K)

>Graphics are the most important thing in a game
>A CRPG needs 60 fps minimum
You aren't old enough to be on this board nigger

PC port

>definitive edition
>doesnt have local coop

Doesn't matter, as soon as it's on Nintendo, or is no longer exclusively available on Playstation snoyggers will turn on it and start claiming it was shit all along. See how they didn't care when it got ported to PS4 from PC?

They don't give a fuck, but if putting a 10 near to a Nintendo game gets them a cushy 50k/year unskilled job why should they?
Working for HR in any company is like winning the lottery, you don't need a real degree, they cannot fire you most of the time and you get to expand your social circle more than the people who actually work.

>but if putting a 10 near to a Nintendo game gets them a cushy 50k/year unskilled job why should they?
And what about the people that fall for the paid ratings, what do you think of them?

Sonegros always gets triggered whenever a game that was on PS4 gets a switch release. Especially when the port earns a good score.


Attached: bonus.png (813x450, 101K)

Let the tendies enjoy a 2 year old port with mobile performance, they don't have much already.

Attached: average nintendo buyer.jpg (900x1200, 172K)

How's the drought snoys?

>switch had 8 exclusives games this year
>sony got Days Gone and pissing sim 2019
Holy kek my sides

Attached: BY97sXSIAAELUUo.jpg (600x338, 38K)

Glad to see tendies are doing their voluntary job.

Attached: 1568939684856.jpg (737x605, 58K)

>they don't have much already
The sheer irony of this statement from a snoygger is absurd

>Captura de Pantalla 2019-(...).png

Attached: 1452923925986.jpg (500x515, 21K)

>imagine buying a nintendo switch in 2019

Attached: 1559479753742.jpg (2754x1278, 958K)

How mad are you that no one is taking your bait?

Is monster hunter ult good?

>last gen

None of those are 2019 games




>spic hates Nintendo
Like clockwork.

I might pick it up then next paycheck. Always wanted to get back into the series. Didn't like the idea of MHW even though I have a pretty killer pc.

Currently I'm playing Iceborn which is miles better. Besides the Switch has poor performance.

>imagine buying a playstation 4 in 2019

Attached: PS4Games.jpg (1024x819, 260K)

>switch has poor performance
so you didn't get the game

>amerilard hates playstation

Attached: 125128907.png (1726x1336, 2.07M)

What is Iceborn?

>sexually harass a co-worker
>get fired
>"this is nintendo's fault"

Monster Hunter world expansion.
So if u didn't like MHW. Ur prolly not gonna Iceborne.

It's the DLC for MHW that most of us skipped

You just have shit taste

Clearly that guy was paid off and offered the job in advance as no other reviewers gave BoTW a 10/10.

>still thinking people forgot the meymey was called "sony bonus" at first and only changed it out of pure butthurt.

Snoy want to pretend we are having a 2018 repeat to avoid talking about their year long drought.

Imagine playing a 3DS 2015 game instead of Iceborne... must be hard to be a switchlet.

Attached: switch scraps.png (1955x638, 1.96M)

It's Divinity Original Sin 2 on a fucking tablet. Kill yourself, graphicsfag.

2019 has been the year of the port for the Switch though. Why even try to deny this when we had constant threads about hot new port that's coming to the Switch this week?

Attached: 1559631220654.gif (280x120, 1.35M)

Why would I buy MHW DLC?

D:OS 2 is fun game. Especially with a friend or sibling.
I played it a lot with my lil sis and we did quite many genocide runs(my sis says she finds funny how people scream when they burn alive). 10/10 with co-op for sure. Single player is much better for story

>get all the best exclusives and all the multiplats
I'm well aware of how great 2019 has been for one of my consoles

Maybe for a change of pace from all the ports on the Switch? You know, play something new.

Yes user, it's on PS4.

Hard pass bro. Working on BL3 atm and probably hopping back to GenU. No offense

>borderlands 3
Big yikes, my fellow redditor.

Attached: image_18690.jpg (1920x1080, 690K)

All the multiplats from 5 years ago maybe.

Imagine liking x because it isn't y, amirite shitposter-kun?

Fuck off with your console warring shit. Div OS 2 is a good game so there is 0 reason that a port wouldn't have such a good score unless it was a dogshit port.

Mentally ill.

I bet $10 a sonyfags will say that the Switch port is still bad



rent free

Attached: pikachad.gif (340x317, 2.61M)

>tells him to play something new
>posts DLC from a 2 year old game, and tigrex

Attached: Smiling yellow bunny.png (353x472, 172K)

Mentally ill.
Don't forget to shitpost all the TLOU2 threads tomorrow!

>that filename
Adonde esta mantequilla?

>says the guy playing borderlards 3 and a 2015 ps1-tier monhun

Attached: 18589125.jpg (1218x666, 102K)

*I pet angry user's head* "Who is an angry little contrarian~? Yes you are, oh yes you are!" *I say with teasing tone while ruffling user's hair*

>s-says you!
Does this pass as a well crafted insult in south america?


Sony unlike nintendo get third party support, and don't have to worry about getting games unlike nintendo ports and bunch of mediocre games.

Why would that be an insult? It's just the truth isn't it?

>all these Xbox1 ports

Attached: PennJ.jpg (474x612, 39K)


Why are Obsidian trannies still angry about DOS2, which was a huge success?

Play best on ps4

Speak english, Pedro.

Wait for the ps5 xcuck

those watered down console ports play best on pc you silly billy

>Play best on ps4


>Play best on ps4

Attached: images (1).jpg (273x185, 6K)


Attached: Global-console-sales-.png (482x308, 14K)

Attached: NETS.jpg (1600x1064, 439K)

>imagine being an xcuck AND a switchlet
This is what a true drought looks like.

the hell, it's on switch now? fucking nice. post parties, switch bros.

Attached: 1623234324.jpg (600x315, 44K)

>based on 46 critics
>vs Switch version which has 8
>absolutely seething over a difference of 2 points

You fags will get triggered over anything.

Sorry to burst your bubble, cuck.

The US sales for PS4 don’t make sense. Like at all.

Looks like a parody

Attached: 6458888.jpg (400x225, 13K)

I know right, who would've thought burgers could actually be smart for once?

Nintendo made 10 billion dollars less than xbox.... They will get crushed by ps5 lol.

We're not living in the current year anymore my man.


How does the switch version run? It'd be nice to play with one of my friends who was too big of a faggot to play on pc.

Show the date for that tweet.