It's fun
Why does Yea Forums hate it?
It's fun
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Now that it's on PC everyone can play it and see that Switchfags massively overrated it
I trust dunkeys judgement
I just didn't enjoy having to waste time on completing 8 character's separate stories.
I can only play so many early game chapters until I get tired of it.
Not sure. People liked it, only started giving it shit when Dunkey made that video about it and threads where spammed with YOUR EXCELLENCY even though it's not like it's the first game to use that title.
I liked it but I can definitely see why people don't like it
>It's fun
There's your answer.
Serious question, could mods on PC actually make the game bearable? I've heard it's very mediocre.
Can't smoke it!!!
It was legit COMFY for like 5-6 hours for me and than I got BORED as fuck. I didn't finish, but I did manage to finish my favorite character's story, so I guess I was somewhat satisfied. Might go back and attempt to finish it again.
dunkey was right. It's the most soulless, bland JRPG to ever exist.
It's boring.
>muh you don't understand jrpgs zoomer
If your rpg has a less complex battle system than fucking Pokemon, it's trash that doesn't deserve to exist.
I liked the first Switch demo, then the second one confirmed everyone's fears that the other characters are just "guests" in whoever's story you're playing. They don't even show up in cutscenes and there are references to your character being by themselves despite having another in their party.
I might get it eventually. Wasn't gonna pay full price.
>People liked it
I got to the final boss but didn't finish, not out of boredom, but because it was asking me to go back and grind because you need all eight of your dudes to be endgame ready, and I only had about 6
>meh stories
>shit dungeons
>shit character building
>everything is gated
nope its not
I suppose it could if there was some sort of mod to make bosses have some better gimmicks or something. The optional job bosses were great but most story bosses are relatively easy.
Yeah, I feel like only hardcore autistic min-max NEETS probably devoted the time to grinding in this game.
It was alright, but they should have found a better way to have the characters interact in each other's stories. If you wanted to see what everyone had to say, you'd have to constantly be switching them out at a tavern.
Ugly as fuck.
its not on PS4
>Eric = Yea Forums
No. One faggot's endless effort to shitpost about it as if he can meme it into failure status does not represent anyone, let alone a board.
Because I hate every game with turn based combat. Why shouldn't I hate on this one too?
The combat is the best part.
The ost is godly
Funny meme man sad it's bad.
I genuinely enjoyed the combat, but that was when I wasn't grinding, merely fighting to get somewhere. I really don't want to run in circles for hours to make my B-team be able to survive endgame without anyone from my A-team
>Why does Yea Forums hate it?
It's not fun
But Yea Forums hates fun.
The battles are fun, the ost is pretty good, but the story is so shit and disappointing, almost every chapter feels exactly the same and all real interaction between the party is in small optional conversations, the game is literally named after 8 people travelling together why the fuck did they go that route with it, almost every other notable JRPG in existence has the full cast of party members involved in major story moments and shit. And when you get to the final boss and it's dropped on you that you needed to grind every single party member it's like a slap in the fucking face. I enjoyed a lot of my time with it early on but holy shit it just drags and drags and drags, hope they fix that shit if they do a sequel, the battle system is fine to keep but they can throw their approach to the story out the window.
shit story with shit voice acting and shit characters. the only good part is the true last boss when you get the fucking lord dump, which is just fucking text. 30 (thirty) minutes of reading text is more enjoyable than the entirety of the game's story which lasts for easily 50 hours.
difficulty is poorly tuned, it's challenging for the first 3 hours when you start the game, then it gets too easy and fucking boring for 10 hours. then you reach chapter 2 and it gets hard all of a sudden and you're now having fun. then 2 hours later you're bored again. repeat this pattern thrice. only the optional dungeons are fun.
battle system is fun, but it gets old too quick. job system is shit.
the game is just too long. if it lasted 20h i'd be fine with it. 3/10 play baten kaitos
it's really fucking ugly
Because friendless handholdless kissless NEETs wanted this game to be muh power of friendship, muh innuendos and other standard incel copes instead of what it is, 8 solid stories that stand on their own that happen to coincide at the end.
The stories are boring as shit
No u
What's good about them?
You whine about JRPG cliches like power of friendship, yet there's plenty of cliche shit in this game. Like Therion's entire story for example. He even rejects the girl at the end because he's such a cool epic lone wolf edgelord
Mostly dull stories(christ, fuck the priestess) and the dungeons are very short and linear.
keep saying it
Dunkey doesn't like JRPG's in general i don't see why you take his opinion into account
>b-but he liked Persona 5
oh wow a non-fan liked the most watered-down basic bitch JRPG ever!
Of course he fucking liked it
It had great potential to have a good story. But they fucked up, or got lazy, or maybe they didn't have the resources.
The only reason I kept playing after I realized how shitty some stories were, and that they didn't interact in theiir stories it's because I liked Cyrus.
>the most watered-down basic bitch JRPG ever!
We aren't talking about Pokemon.
Snoyggers hate it because it was on the switch and they can't afford PCs, people who played it agree it's a pretty standard callback to old JRPGs and is fun if you enjoy the genre
I played it and I don't like it, so you're wrong
>Bitching about cutting the fat off the dungeons
>When there's a fucking billion of them
You have no idea what you want.
I just got a Switch and this, I'm not sure who I should start as, does it matter?
What are some good Switch titles to grab? Games are fucking expensive now. I got Links Awakening with the console and bought Baba is You and Stardew Valley too.
It fundamentally had no idea what it wanted to be. The turn stocking system it aped from BD had a purpose and strategy in that game but in Octopath it is literally always break and then max turn attack. That's the extent of things. And the game itself is terribly placed because they wanted to let you pick whatever direction to start from and so everything is disjointed leading you with a handful of shitty options.
>go 1-1-1-1-etc and then 2-2-2-2-etc with the stories and have everything feel awkwardly paced as it takes hours to get back to a story branch
>go 1-2-3-4 1-2-3-4 and fuck up your level scaling
Either way you need all 8 at endgame level so you're either constantly swapping or you do 4 and 4 which means at a certain point you basically have to stop what you're doing at endgame and start the game all over with four more characters.
Ultimately the game is just a mess with a few interesting ideas.
>the most watered-down basic bitch JRPG ever
I don't understand, the gameplay is literally the same shallow menu turn-based combat like in Dragon Quest, Pokemon, SMT, and other 1000000 JRPGarbages, how could you even distinguish which one is """""deep""""" and which one is watered-down.
b-b-but this one has jobs!!!
That depends more on what you already like
kek, i gotta admit
>"it's turn-based so it must be the same"
Yea Forums hated it because it was on nintendo first. I hate it because beastmaster class is utter shit and dancer class makes the game an already easy game a complete slog.
I too trust people that play retarded on purpose.
>He even rejects the girl at the end
He doesn't reject the girl because she was never an option. She told them that he should trust more on people, he learns that in his journey, he grows up and thanks to that he defeats the baddie. It's a trope but not an incel trope.
My friend already has Smash so I doubt I'll be picking that up for £55-60 plus fighter pass
I like JRPGs and handheld option is the best way to play them 100%. Anything enjoyable really, has anyone played Daemon X Machina or Astral Chain? I'll probably grab DQ too.
I really don't want to double dip on Ni No Kuni, but I'm super close to it, what's the port like?
Got bored after doing the first chapter for each character. Really unfortunate because it seemed cool, just too much grinding to keep my characters balanced.
Fun is subjective, what do you think is fun about it?
Having poor control over your party and combat is not fun to me. I prefer having more variety and freedom, and a combat system that isn't heavily weighted towards me winning. I know it's been said to death but coming off the tail end of the brave/default combat system, the break/brave system is a disappointment because with brave/default my opponents were on the same playing field as me. With the break/brave system, winning is just a matter of time and being clever just speeds everything up.
Having 8 shallow stories instead of 1 decent one is not fun to me. I'm not particularly huge on linear story based games, but now it's linear with no payoff. It's impossible to care about any of these characters because once they're out of focus they literally cease to exist. This is compounded by the fact the natural level curve wants you to swap between several plots, further hammering down the fact that 7/8 characters are just brainless puppets while the main character of the arc is doing their thing. They put an emphasis on the whole "8 stories, 8 unique characters" but they fail to meld together so badly that they all detract from one another.
It honestly feels like the 8 plotlines were supposed to be more intertwined and relevant to one another, but then it got axed in production and we got 8 shitty sidequests instead and that's the whole game.
I don't think it's bad, just painfully mediocre. Hard 5/10, playable but it's most notable feature is that it SHOULD have been good but it wasn't.
>"it a trope but it's okay because it's a trope I like"
Yea Forums is Sonygaf.
I was playing it just now, I just got my second party member and I'm about to get the third, pretty fun so far but I heard it gets really grindy later on, I already had a lot of trouble with the second boss I fought.
I'm even enjoying the combat despite not being a big fan of turn-based combat.
>Why does Yea Forums hate it?
it's a video game
You might like Xenoblade 2 but emulate the first to see if you like that kind of thing
>59,99 $
It's free now
It is literally zoomers bland 90s jrpg
I played Chronicles 1 and X and liked them.
I honestly haven't seen much gameplay since I never thought I'd get a Switch, the stuff I've seen is pretty much all waifubait, what's the gameplay like?
Anyone played River City Girls, is it worth it?
The average 90s JRPG had 100x more interactions between the party members than this did.
You didn't make a point for what's good about them.
i dont hate it but its not an SNES era rpg like they wanted it to be. it was a game made by people who loved SNES era rpgs and it shows
Yeah which is why I called it zoomer. They tried to copy the formula and failed.
I actually really really loved it. The gameplay had enough depth with the class system. The battles boss (especially the endgame boss) were more challenging than I expected. The Music was fantastic and I liked the artstyle. My only nitpick is the lack of interconnected stories but I liked the rest of th e game so much that it didnt bother me
>I like JRPGs and handheld option is the best way to play them 100%.
Xenoblade 2+DLC if you don't care about the shitty resolution in handheld mode.
Octopath is great if you like old-school jrpg.
And a bit less JRPG,
Labyrinth of Refrain, or other NIS game like the Disgaea games.
Fire Emblem.
Astral Chain is great, definitely GOTY material.
DXM is good for mecha fans, and there's a demo if you want to try it. And since we talk about action games, grab YS VIII if you didn't played it (it runs better on PS4 and PC but still)
Not really. You'll be trying not to get OVERleveled because the game doesn't scale to the nonlinearity well.
You don't have to grind to beat story bosses but you also need to be pretty decent at the combat system by the time you start chapter 2s. Just be sure to shuffle 1-2 people every so often so they're usable for their chapters.
Its grindy at the end.
In postgame? All RPGs are. That's optional content.
Oh okay. I Am Setsuna was bad for simliar reasons. Sure the party members actually talked to each other in that one but you didn't really give a shit about them. Fun battle system since it was ripped straight from Chrono Trigger, but they forgot everything else that made that game good. I bought IAS and Octopath so I guess I need to stop getting suckered into the memes and just play some old RPGs instead.
It's literally the final boss and affects the story, how is it "optional"?
WoFF was more of a 90s JRPG than the ones that tried to be 90's JRPGs. Ironically said game was also done by Squeenix.
What is a good jrpg that is available on pc that is not tales or dq11? I wanted to try octopath but since everyone hates it here i might aswell try something else.
>complaining about the grind in the endgame/postgame of a JRPG
Zoom zoom
Octopath proved to me Yea Forums really is full of absolute fucking LOSERS who watch ecelebs. I fucking despise you and hope you die.
WoFF outside the adult non chibi artstyle. Suikoden II.
>gameplay is the most important aspect of a vidya
>octopath has much better gameplay than 99% of jrpgs because of the battle system alone
>is still being called trash
Probably because each of the stories has its own conclusion and it's only available after completing certain tasks. A lot of players might not ever even find it on their own since the game is implied to be over with
>waaahhh how dare you disagree with my opinion
Literal retard go play 64 faggot
>depth with the class system.
nice joke sir it job system in this game is shallow as fuck
Just started playing, I started with the scholar, fun dork, got to the cleric town, pretty generic story, but it's fine, though I yawned several times during her story. Combat's fine. But I hate how they don't integrate each character's story with the other party member. It feels quite jarring. They shouldn't have made the game have the players pick the starting character if it meant the narrative and story cohesion is sacrificed the way it is. Does the story got connected later on at all? I mean is there an overarching plot where each character will work together to end the big bad? They seem to hint at it.
What are you complaining about lil zoomie?
It ties all the stories together, it's not like Culex or those Kingdom Hearts bosses where's no context. I don't really see how you can call it optional
I said there was "enough" depth, I didn't say there was loads of it, ESL bro
I'm about half way though and loving every moment.
The one thing I'm afraid of is everyone is just going to end up using the same 4 passive skill. Maybe one or two switched around for physical and magical characters.
>Yet another JRPg
>Boring, not so unique combat
>There's fuck all for likeable characters
I watched dunkeys video too! KNACK 2 BABY!!1 XD
That's how it will go in general, but some specific job combos & builds would benefit from more particular support skills to maximize effectiveness.
switchfags will take anything and water all over it because all they have is mario shit and pokemon copy/paste
Because you need all 8 characters to be like level 70+ for the true final boss and unless you used a Dancer to get x100 EXP like 8 times, you're grinding for hours.
I never said it didn't tie anything together. But
A)As I said, each character had their story come to a complete conclusion. And without completing specific quests and going to a specific screen, you could easily never know it existed
B)You have to beat 8 bosses in a row and and then two or three forms of a superboss. It clearly wasn't intended for everyone to find and beat
Just make sure to level everyone equally so you dont end up like the retards ITT complaining about the grind
Wow, what a fag.
You fucking faggot.
So am I just really bad at this game? I chose the huntress first then went to the cleric without grinding at all and I had a lot of trouble with the cleric chapter 1's boss, took me like 20 minutes or more to beat it.
Her boss is kind of difficult as a second boss
pirated it on pc after being on the verge of buying it
im so glad i didnt. holy fuck, fucking boring as fuck. and i actually believed some fag comparing it to dragon quest for a second.
I'm playing it right now and I just got the 8th character
I'm liking it despite the disconnected story thing everyone seems to hate
A part of this might be that I have very little JRPG experience outside of the Paper Mario/M&L games
This game is actually objectively one of the best JRPGs to exist yet.
Say what you want about MUH STORY and MUH INTERACTIVITY, but actual gameplay is the most important aspect of a video game, and it's what this game focuses on despite the misleading advertising. It has arguably the best battle system in any turn based RPG besides Pokemon, that ALONE makes the game a lot interesting than the average JRPG, then throw in the NPCs and towns that are actually interesting and useful, the soundtrack, visuals and all the freedom and sheer number of boss fights there is to do.
JRPG as a genre has always been "story over gameplay" garbage for the most parts, go watch an anime or some shit if you primarily looking for story and characters (IMAGINE playing video games for that). Anyway, despite Octopath's flaws, It's an engaging and actually challenging & fun turn based RPG, simply because the standards for JRPGs are shockingly low because they do a shit job at being actually FUN VIDEO GAMES.
>It has arguably the best battle system in any turn based RPG besides Pokemon
stopped reading there
Right I suppose ATTACK ATTACK HEAL HEAL ATTACK is better?
I like it, about to dive into everyone's second chapter. I wish you could change party members on the fly instead of having to go back to town. When you're in an area with monsters with specific weaknesses to break their shields it becomes bothersome when only one party member can break it. If you're having a bad time it's because you didn't pick the badass knight as your first character.
Thats literally what pokemon is, most braindead shit ever
t. never played multiplayer
i like it now that its on pc but for a while i spread a false narrative against this game because it was a nintendo switch exclusive lol
Way late here but the NNK port is just a literal port, no different anything. Not worth full price. Mario and Rabbids + DLC is an excellent game and consistently on sale for $20 or less.
Come on man, are you really defending Pokemons battle system
It's literally Bravely Default combat but more restrictive in favor of adding the break system.
The whole of the Break system is for it to work with the Boost system to add risk/reward elements to boss battles and it works greatly. The only similarities BD and Octopath have is the Boost system which have many major differences from each other still.
I picked the huntress first, really regreting it now
My friend who loves JRPGs said that the characters and story were so bad that she didnt bother to finish it.
That's your problem
>best battle system in any turn based RPG besides Pokemon
stopped reading there
Anyone defending this literal shitpile deserves nothing but scorn. Anyone who thinks this game is good literally does not know shit about video games, it's the same type of person who praises shit like Bioshock: Infinite or Skyrim as masterpieces. Octopath Traveler has absolutely 0 soul. There are no surprises or secrets to be found. The plot isn't exciting, it is a disjointed mess that is just kind of there. All of the dungeons are copy+pasted. All of the stories are boring cliches where the party doesn't even interact with one another. Almost every single city is just one screen, many of them share identical layouts as well. DO NOT EVER BUY THIS GAME IF YOU ARE A SWITCH OR STEAM USER. PIRATE IT, PLAY IT FOR 3-5 HOURS LIKE EVERYONE ELSE DID, THEN PUT IT DOWN AND NEVER PICK THIS PIECE OF SHIT UP AGAIN. I honestly get angry knowing that there are people who think this utter travesty of an experience is good. I get even ANGRIER at myself for buying this hunk of shit for $60 on launch when it is just as soulless as a mobile gacha game.
>Boost system
>Combining jobs to make broken shit
Not to mention the boosting is literally the main fucking point of BD, saying its the "only" similarity is being modest. The break system just to get in the way and force you to use certain setups over others, ESPECIALLY in the postgame fights.
Ok fag
she's 110% right
You are literally me
Fucked up thing is I guess I picked her in the demo a year ago and I just bought the game so when it asked me if I wanted to continue where the demo left off I just said yes.
Part of me wants to start over but honestly it's not all that bad; the game is still really fun despite her being kinda crap.
give me good JRPGs to play someone post a chart
>>gameplay is the most important aspect of a vidya
>>octopath has much better gameplay than 99% of jrpgs because of the battle system alone
Octopath has better gameplay than 99% of jrpgs because most jrpgs are shit made in a year with a small budget and a team that doesn't care
>JRPGs have job systems
>JRPGs have mechanics like Break system in Octopath which forces you to strategize instead of spamming ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK
no fucking way...
Shes a huge weeb when it comes to these kind of games, so when she told me it was bad, it must have been really bad.
Earthbound, FF8, Grandia 2, all of the PS2 SMT games, all of the 3DS SMT games, Persona 3-5, Live a Live, Tales of Phantasia (the other games in the series are good but Phantasia is best), Wild Arms 1/2, Fire Emblem GBA games, Suikoden series are some of my favorites
Is she cute?
>force you to strategize
More like grind, no boss in Octopath I felt like I loss due to poor strategy. It was either a cakewalk or retarded mechanics (ala the true final boss). Most of the time you could easily get by with just spamming attacks, especially with how OP magic is. And Tressa's hired help. Sure building team comp is fun, but it felt unnecessary for most of the game
>more like grind
stopped reading there
She cute
Furthermore there isn't one interesting city and town in the game. I kind of touched on that earlier, but every single town is just a boring set of buildings. You'll never come across a town as interesting as Halure from Tales of Vesperia, or Timber from FF8, or the canyon from FF7 that the talking wolf is from. It's literally just bland, static, lifeless enviorns.
too much bloom
You’ll love Octopath.
You should try to get at that, user
WIsh I knew a cute weeb gamergirl irl :(
thanks user
DO NOT FUCKING BUYING OCTOPATH TRAVELER I AM WARNING YOU RIGHT NOW. DO NOT BUY IT, IT IS THE BIGGEST WASTE OF $60 IN THE WORLD. Astral Chain has some major issues but it has a heart and a soul, and it can be fun. Ni No Kuni is better than Octopath in every single aspect.
>Astral Chain
yes its really good you should get AC I havent seen Evangelion but people say the story is like that
I'm better off just fixing my PS3 HDD then - noted
Already got it lads, sorry to disappoint. I'm enjoying it so far!
With I'll definitely be checking out Astral Chain.
AC story is trash. Same with the investigation segments. Play it for the combat, visuals, and music or not at all.
You're gonna think it's cool for 3-4 hours max, then the illusion will wear off and you'll realize you're playing a $60 mobile RPG that doesn't have a soul.
Give me Champions of the Continent now, dammit.
Yes please show me the variety of true final boss party compositions that are viable when underleveled
Nah, she already had a long time boyfriend before we met and even if she was single, she isnt my type.
i hate how fast you level up my main olberic is 60
while rest is 36 -41
fuck this
>investigation segments.
these are optional but i still enjoyed doing them my first playthrough. The writing had its faults but i dont think it was too bad
Almost all if not all characters and jobs are viable and frankly you'd have to intentionally try if you want to have a bad party compositions.
Admittedly this game is a tad bit on the easier if anything, like no really you have so many options to the point you can fuck around all you want and still win if you know what you're doing.
pretty much this. except 10-15 hours
>uses meme cats
Why is the main villain in a fucking optional sidequest at the end of the game?
Anyone played the FFXII remaster? I liked the game when I played it and never got a chance to do the zodiac version
>Octopath which forces you to strategize
Octopath has zero to no "strategy."
All it does is make basic attacks weak as fuck. You are required to use whatever element/weapon the enemy is weak against if you want to kill them any time soon... and that's it. You throw out one of each type of attack to fill out the list if you didn't know their weaknesses already, and then use the ones that break them. You don't look at the enemies; you look at the list of weaknesses below their name.
Every fight felt like a chore, they were effortless yet at the same time extremely time consuming. Boss fights weren't even a battle of attrition, it was just you whittling down a big fucking healthbar doing the same routine of attacks to Break the fuckers every other round and dumping Max Boost damage on them over and over and over. Oh nooo, he switched his weaknesses... strategy doesn't change, each of my fucking characters can target pretty much every weakness and Break enemies in one turn anyway.
The only enemies in the game that were at all difficult were two of the four advanced job guardians and a boss or two that could pull some bullshit to shut down your characters in order to actually impose threatening scenarios.
define sidequest
>All it does is make basic attacks weak as fuck.
Yeah too bad you can't just ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK your way out of everything huh?
>You are required to use whatever element/weapon the enemy is weak against if you want to kill them any time soon
What's the problem with that?
>You don't look at the enemies; you look at the list of weaknesses below their name.
Except as you may know the enemies actually attacks and shit, in boss battles you're supposed to learn how to deal with a boss's attacks/pattern while at the same time setting up Break and boosts/buffs.
>Every fight felt like a chore, they were effortless yet at the same time extremely time consuming
Seems like it's your fault if every boss fight takes an hour long. It's not all about surviving, you need to actually do damage.
>each of my fucking characters can target pretty much every weakness and Break enemies in one turn anyway.
If you are really geared and capable to do such thing then you should also be geared and capable of dishing out a shit ton of damage each turn. By the time I got to my second Chapter 4 boss I kept reaching the 9999 damage cap. git gud