What the hell is a "Strand" game supposed to mean
What the hell is a "Strand" game supposed to mean
It’s a pissing simulator
shut up and buy it
kojima made it and kojima is a genius as everybody knows
After Kojima fucked up metal gear series and got fired, he is trying very hard to stay relevant, by making up shit as he goes.
He basically thinks he invented the shit from Demon's Souls literally ten years ago and is calling it a new genre. This was already pointed out by a journalist in an interview
>put a gimmick in your game
>claim it makes it an entire new genre
What an arrogant blowhard. It'd be like Nintendo claiming Mario Odyssey isn't a 3D platformer, but a "platform/possession" game.
>fucked up MG
>by making the best selling entry of all
>one liked by literally everyone except Yea Forums because Yea Forums only wants movies
GR: You have stated on several occasions that Death Stranding is a new genre called "social strand system". During the Sony event you went into some detail, but how does it differ from games like Dark Souls where you leave clues for other players and can jump into their dimension and help? Here you also start in a world where everything is unknown. You work in juxtaposition with other players even though it's your adventure.
Kojima: I actually don't play so many other games; I am too busy. I don't want to create a new genre. I want to create something different for a game. Everyone says it's an open world, it's a stealth game, what's different? I say no. That's not it. You don't have to define a genre. A lot of people just keeps asking me "is it a mission" or? That's why I just set a temporary name as social strand.
GR: Okay.
So it is a walking simulator?
No, Mario Odyssey is a millennial simulator.
The idea guy strike once again!
Just search MGSV all cutscenes and say its not a movie.
to be fair messages on the ground isn't the same as building a bridge everyone can use in their game.
Reminder that Kojima was always a hack
>Gosling denied to meet Kojima after being repeatedly asked by Nicolas Winding Refn
>Gosling was described as annoyed when told Kojima would be arriving later to a party as a guest of Guillermo Del Toro, Gosling soon left
Considering it took me 60 hours to complete it, i'd say it had a fine ratio.
Unlike previous MGS "games" were 90% of them were cutscenes.
what games does gosling plays?
The game of sucking off 60 year old jewish producers and raping children like every single Hollywood actor.
Holy shit I can't stand that guy's voice
>No, you dont understand. It's a STAND game!!!!!!!
How come literally all MGS, Kojima or Konami threads are filled to the brim with source-less claims?
Is this the idea MGS redditors have of having fun?
Do you miss your ebin MGSV speculation threads or something?
Anyway, why haven't mods banned all these threads already?
Ever since that stupid Metal Gear general died in /vg/ the MGS redditors have been crawling all over Yea Forums shitposting about how dead their worthless franchise is.
Can't we just remove this human trash?
I thought people were pissed because it's unfinished
The mechanics are different but the concept of this strand shit is literally just reworked and repackaged elements of Demon's Souls.
Metal Gear deserved to die.
The only people who liked Metal Gear are obese, pretentious American neckbeards who unironically think a guy with an eyepatch and a bandana is good character design.
Kojima isn't familiar with walking simulators so he thinks it's a new genre
>Denied to meet.
Yes, the ESL journalists
Yea Forums was.
Most people don't give a shit because Metal Gear's plot is fucking garbage, nobody cares about it.
Bad writing + shit gameplay.
It's literally just Dark Souls but with objects instead of players, kinda like Dragons Dogma. Keep in mind Kojima is a retard who actually managed to dupe people into thinking he invented stealth games. He's probably hoping it will work again with this, but everyones pretty familiar with Dark Souls so he's going into overdrive.
that's correct tard
is just a fancy word to decribe dark souls mechanics that kojima thinks he created
kojima is a hack and im going to kill him
Can't ruse the goose.
Nioh takes it a step further by letting you get literal armor and weapons from dead online players.
It's amazing how Kojima can still breathe with his head so far up his ass.
Based baby goose.
Do you even understand what denied means? He would refuse to meet and denied meeting. Denied almost always has a past participle and 'denied to meet' is like shit syntax 101.
I was thinking to share my PSN ID so user can leave me stuff in DS. It is a good idea?
Usually Yea Forums is retarded about everything but I can't blame people for being pissed about that, you pay for a full priced game you should get it
You already could leave objects in Dark Souls there even was a cool mechanic that spawned horrifyingly powerful enemies through it.
>horrifyingly powerful
The crabs?
yeah wich sounds really good to me
i mean the only "problem" seems to be that Kojima thinks he invented it
but i mean he still thinks he inveted stealth games
that doesn't mean that mgs1 was shit
just learn to separate the game from what Kojimbo says
But they weren't, MGSV was praised everywhere.
It's literally only Yea Forums who was mad at it.
Hell, it's only Yea Forums the ones who are still whining about MGSV and Kojima.
Do I need to remind you that this place unironically shilled MG Survive, entirely out of spite for MGSV not being a movie?
Yea Forums's opinions will always be the opposite of the majority's, which is hilarious considering the recent trend Yea Forumseddit has of pretending that because they didn't like one game that it's going to flop.
I still see people saying that MGSV was a flop because of this delusion.
Dark souls
Yeah the can one-shot any build with the proper item stack
>MGS drones have gone so schizophrenic that they have spent 4 years literally making shit up
Has there ever been a more satisfying destruction of a fanbase?
Yea Forums is not one person
You are seeing what you want to see
i miss the labo announcement on Yea Forums
salt for weeks
No, Yea Forums is just a hivemind, a safespace, what happens when you allow people to just pat each other in the back without any interference.
Websites like Yea Forums, Resetera and Twitter are the best argument in favor of a fully regulated internet by the government, one that eliminates all forms of safe spaces.
It drives people insane.
>this place unironically shilled MG Survive
No one shilled survive you retard, the only threads about survive were about the fact the butthurt over Kojima leaving Konami caused reviewers(Angry Pedro for one) to shit on a game that didn't deserve it as it was just MGSV with new weapon types.
nothing, its just a buzzword to fool gullible people
I want Kojima to become the next Kayima from people calling it a stealth game to the point where he blocks people for it
I honestly can't think of another one for vidya
I'm going to be honest with you. I going to get the PS4 for this game. In that sense, Kojima and Sony won, in my particular case. And I honestly I want this game to be fun, good and succeed being best of what MGSV ever was. I want this game to be the redemption arc for HK and Kojipro.
But what he is doing, to be really good, has to be the evolutionary leap for Stalker and Rust, and that is hard as fuck.
It is ironic how back in 2016 was confident in Koji's brain working in novelty mechanics and worried about how he would made a good story after MGSV and Fukushima as the true creative force behind that department, and now, 40 days before release, I'm tremendously confident in the story and having serious reserves in the game basic play cycle. And is not about the walking simulator idea, but how little Kojima knows about the medium. How can you HK can knows and loves more cinema than videogames? That's not natural.
singstar and flight simulators
It's a new genre of game that Hideo Kojima invented, where the story is single player but with opt-in multiplayer.
>so, like Dark Souls?
>what, no, never heard of it, I don't actually play video games myself
Can someone translate this post to English?
kill yourself if this is all you have
Pretty amazing how hard the game got shilled for 3 years, driven entirely out of the fact that Kojima didn't make a movie about self-harming, emo Big Boss killing 10 year olds.
A real human being
>american education
You sound like a Kojima fanboy, anyone with any self respect would be offended by the fact they got scammed. You telling me people would be fine if say Dark Souls was finished after ringing the bells?
don't bother, it's a botpost, jannies just deleted the containment thread so now it's posting on random threads all over Yea Forums
Can you leave your piss, semen, and shit at pick up locations for other players to "use"?
No, I didn't care because MGS' plot is garbage (I skipped all cutscenes, in fact), i'm just glad he's finally making videogames.
I do think MGSV should have been much closer to a military simulator though.
This post is so retarded I actually laughed, thanks for that
thats a stranduu! :) wow!
m8 all those OPs are standard release day threads do you really have to be so butthurt over Kojima? Is it really so hard to believe people actually played the game? Not everyone lives and dies by what IGN and Angry Joe has to say about a game.
Is there anything more pretentious then saying your thing is an entirely new genre never made before? How far up your own ass do you have to be?
Reminds me of how Kodaka was such a massive bitch of making horror shit because he could never compete with dead space, he just said the games aren't horror, they're a new genre he made himself called Psychopop because it has pink blood.
No, it's just more exposure to the schizophrenic autism that MGSV not being a movie caused among MGS redditors.
>a fully regulated internet by the government
>one that eliminates all forms of safe spaces
Are you really this delusional, or are you baiting?
An internet "fully regulated by the government" would be a much stricter Resetera, where instead of being banned from a website for "drive-by racism" you'd be banned from use of the internet.
Who cares if YOU like the plot or not retard, that isn't the point. Point is everyone was promised a full game and paid as such only to be told afterwards the last 1/3 won't be happening. People were pissed at ME3 because they were told all their choices would matter at the end but nothing mattered, they just phoned it in. Why can't you understand people are pissed off at MGSV for a bigger offense to fans?
>you'd be banned from use of the internet
Even better, then, everyone would be eventually banned form the internet, humanity would be free from it, and it would go back to being what it was meant to, a simple network for the government.
The bandana+eyepatch combo is bad, but either of them on their own is awesome. You are a fag if you think otherwise.
>it's another kojima hate seething thread
It's getting old.
I too wish to be freed from infinite knowledge and worldwide communication.
>First person shooter shooting game
>the last 1/3 won't be happening
There's only 4 parts of MGSV that are missing, and one of them is actually in the game
>Battle Gear
>side op in Africa about killing Chico
>Mission 51, which was planned to be DLC and got cancelled
>Chapter 3
Chapter 3 was just the Paz sidequest.
So it's more like 1% of the game is missing.
>Why can't you understand people are pissed off at MGSV for a bigger offense to fans?
Those fans are mad because of plot related reasons, and the plot should never be the focus of a videogame, this is why MGS is a failure in and of itself.
Videogames are not for storytelling and they are actually a horrible medium for it.
It's a Hack n' Slash, But without the Slash.
I just realized who Kojima reminds me of.
Doug Naylor from Red Dwarf.
The tv show was a team effort but Doug saw it as his.
After it ended he wanted to continue the series on his own as a Movie franchise.
He got big name American celebrities to agree to do it with him but no-one wanted to fund the film because everyone saw him as a has-been and a hack.
he would eventually continue the series on tv with no celebrities or budget, but nobody watched it.
Red Dwarf was a team effort, and he just wasn't good enough on his own.
Kojima, is the video game version of Doug Naylor
Considering it's turning everyone into retards and that the "infinite knowledge" can be found in libraries, I think it's a very fair price to pay to save humanity from the cancer of the internet.
MGS was shit for other reasons, mainly the gameplay.
But Sony literally bankrolled Kojima's game.
I think your analogy is failing.
They look fine in Halloween costumes.
As a designe for a soldier it looks horrible.
The mere idea of a soldier being able to keep up with just one eye is laughable.
"Strand" a motif that connects to many story beats and gameplay elements featured in the game, this kind of word emphasis and repetition is common in Japanese writing.
The social strand system he talks about is a form of asynchronous co-op where players collectively build paths/roads in the game by leaving hints and building things for themselves and other players to use to make navigation easier/faster, which is all shared online.
It is if you look like that.
It's not like Dark Souls! Shut up! SHUT THE FUCK UP!
Thats some of the worst "How do you do, fellow kids" I have ever seen.
Imagine being such a hack that you think you created a new genre by copying an existing game that didnt even create a new genre itself.
Can't wait for this shit to fail hard
its crazy that every single post is ESL
def some jap shills
Mudrunner + tps
Declined would be more appropriate.
Fucking nigger monkey
>nigger monkey
a bit redundant
Describe your favorite game the Kojimbo way
shit taste
Nothing. He's up his own ass making shit up so you talk more about the game. This oh-so-original shit he's doing is incredibly similar to how you see other player's ghosts in the Souls games, and Miyazaki didn't go to twitter and start saying he invented a SOCIAL SOUL SYSTEM or whatever retarded shit. Kojima is really fucking jittery about DS releasing and being met with criticism, because he can't bullshit his way out and say "Konami fucked up my project!" like for MGSV.
>Miyazaki casually adds indirect online mechanics into his own games without making a fuss over them
>creates fairly deliberate mechanics like lost items becoming randomly travelling enemies or coop spawning chime ringing ghosts that attract invaders
>Kojima steals it and labels it as a new genre
>completely loses his fucking spaghetti when the first journo asks him about ripping off Souls
A game where you can cooperate with others asynchronously and see how their actions change your own world. Apart from leaving supplies behind on resting spots, you can also create "paths" by laying ladders and ropes. When a player connects an area to the Chiral Network, he will be able to see what other "Sams" have left behind, the path they took and objects they created to traverse the difficult terrain.
Other players can also help in boss fights, sending items depending on your relationship with them (how many likes you have, how many likes you were awarded, etc).
lmao which interview?
Miyazaki lost the chance of naming this new genre, Kojima is such a chad that was able to see that and got it for his own.
game is in its base state, but as long as players keep leaving things around and help each other, further unlocking things, the game world changes accordingly. To what degree? Guess we'll find out after the game launches.
Jesus, i like some of his games but you can tell they were made with some restrains on that fucker from putting making inane shit all over.
No wonder from MGS4 onward all of his games were subpar and Konami was up to here with his bullshit.
It's about connections you fucking retard. Pretty self explanatory.
>lost items becoming randomly travelling enemies
Marketing never needs to care about whatever random shit pops out of their mouths.
You bullshit in interviews to get attention. Just say whatever, man, it's not even your problem (it would be the developer's problem because they have to live up to all the hot air you blew.)
Kojima is a master marketer, like Molymeme who would make similarly outlandishly bullshit claims about his video games.
the guy's generating press by being as nonsensical as possible
from using that walking dead guy as a lead to coining this term "strand" it's all for attention because he knows no one wants the sort of singleplayer experience he offers
I see this is your first time hearing about Kojima.
walking simulator
no wonder his team had such a hard time understanding wtf the game was about
Fuck off reddit
>MGSV too hardcore, i make stealth more casuar for stupid fanboys ching chang chong
There you go, ran it through jewgle translate since you couldn't.
This is impossible, every Hollywood movie and modern western video game I've played has proven scientifically that women are smarter and stronger than men!
it's a game that makes you COOM so hard you blow strands of jizz out of your dick
presumably we're getting full frontal nudity and the like
Minecraft sort of did it earlier too. People could mess with your world when you were away. You could log in and find a safehouse for starters to stay safe and get their bearings or load out if you wanted.
Its definitely a unique take on it, but the "quasi MP" has been done plenty before Kojima even thought of it and thought he was revolutionizing gaming.
So it’s online action co op game. Why is Kojima trying to steal the the brilliance of Hideo?
Sorry guys, now I have access to a computer.
Basically Kojima has to beat Rust and Stalker with Death Stranding. This game has to be the next evolutionary leap in cooperative games. Moreover, he has to make an open world game not focused on murder, something fun. I keep my hopes up, but my hype is well guarded.
Strand = Web. It's a spider-man game without spider-man.
What a horseshit answer Kojima gave.
Can someone please explain to me what the hell any of this is supposed to be about?
>What happened to the US?
>Why is Kojima so obsessed with the US?
>Why is the game so empty?
>What's with the babies?
>What are those shadow creatures?
>What's with the guys chasing you down?
>World War I??????
What the fuck is he smoking?
You'll have to buy the game to find out gaijin ;^). Or watch youtube and streams afters release if mommy wont give you the money
Sorry user, all your questions will be answered after 50 hours of gameplay.
Players will fuck up world
>What happened to the US?
some apocalyptic shit, ghosts and crater explosions, ppl being taken to purgatory
>Why is Kojima so obsessed with the US?
he's a westaboo
>Why is the game so empty?
in-game explanation: apocalypse
real reason: laziness and lack of budget
>What's with the babies?
Kojima being weird + inner child bs
>What are those shadow creatures?
they pull you into the purgatory
>What's with the guys chasing you down?
they are homos who don't want you to connect the chiral network. they like being isolated, they don't want to join the united cities of america
>World War I??????
WW1, WW2, vietnam war were shown so far, so maybe more wars will be shown and then some final world war that led to an apocalypse
Forgot my picture.
Then why are you on the internet?
it's called kojima doing what he knows best: weirdass marketing that gets people to pay attention.
I'll definitely torrent it if it's good enough.
>new strand concept/connections
what are fucking dark souls messages
>Konami shill changing strats after his FUD over Kojima's tweets fell over
I just saw the tweets and saw the actual translations and it's vastly different.
Why does Kojima have a shitty translator?
it mean standing but because Kojima is a Japs so its stranding
Whats your favorite vidya genre and why is it strand?
A better question would be why can't Kojima speak English after 30 or 40 years of being an Ameriboo. I've seen literal niggers pick up English in just a few months.
Once you get bored to death walking around you will strand your character wherever they are.
Kojima is a hack