How do you mustard the courage to approach people in games?
How do you mustard the courage to approach people in games?
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I mod them to be naked.
Ketchup on your english, op
it's easier to talk to people irl than other players in video games, honestly
People who feel the same way you do are a diamond dozen, so don't worry about it.
You don't. Socializing with people over video games was a thing of the past, It's both difficult and bothersome now unless you luck out.
You mayonnaise need to find a common ground of interests and try to work from there.
>Imagine posting your Steam profile in EVERY fucking thread for the last like five years
Get out of your apartment or house. Get some hobbies. Meet people, also see a therapist.
I don't. That's why I don't have a single friend. It makes it even worse that I really want some friends to play games with.
>Meet people
> also see a therapist.
nice meme
What games do you want to play?
I don't fucking know, but posting your steam ID dozens of times a day for the last five years isn't healthy. If you're that desperate and lonely for dick pics and sex then join some dating site or some shit? If you're a legit NEET than I don't know what to tell you. You won't get physical sex with someone if you never leave your house.
I would be fine with anything at this point.
>Obvious ERP thread
Mods shut this shit down. They're just gonna ERP with each other and talk about gay shit.
Dr Nokonashi's Gynaecology Centre
add me up losers
> then join some dating site or some shit
I want a bf who isn't a slut with stds.
Why are you gay?
Who says I'm gay?
Just attack them and pick their items from their corpse.
First step is to pick the right game. If you want to socialize, don't even bother with anything competitive unless you plan to actually go to tournaments and shit. At best people will already be grouped up having fun with their friends IRL, at worst you'll just have baddies calling you a nigger all day and telling you to get good.
You are gay.
What do you do all day? Only TF2 entertains me anymore and the day it dies I'm fucked, you probably know how to deal with that.
t. slut with stds
The healslut thread just got pruned
Read manga and do outdoors stuff.
I know, I was getting off to these anons ERPing and now my source is gone
rpwalk toward them
Maybe if they come back
Why do you want to be fucked in the bootyhole
I wish, most of the time when the thread gets deleted they fuck off to discord or just scatter. I hate discord for ruining the fun of it being publicly seen
>play The Crew 2
>get dropped into instance with a bunch of randos
>drive up to rando
>spin wheels
>see how they respond
The most play sessions I've had on that game were unironically the ones were I just fucked about in cars with a couple of randos for 2 hours, and I usually get a friend request or two out of them.
Someone was sucking my cock during that last thread and before it was getting good it was deleted. Sad times
people are just problems in your life
oh, then you were one of them. Sad indeed, wish it could have continued a bit longer. It was just getting good with more people joining in.
I’ll still be here in case they return