New Ape Escape during State of Play

>Dad was such a drag... Every day he’d eat the same kind of food, dress the same, sit in front of the same kind of games... Yeah, he was just that kind of guy. But then one day, he goes and kills us all! He couldn’t even be original about the way he did it. I’m not complaining… I was dying of boredom anyway. But guess what? I will be coming back, and I’m bringing my new toys with me.

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TLOU and Bamham are enough. It's a state of play, not a bloody E3.

Quick, invent a new gadget for AE4

Belive me

the absolute STATE of play

A noose

Any other Ape Escape games worth playing besides the main trilogy?
Part way through the second game after beating the first and I'm addicted to hunting these goddamn monkeys.
If it's japanese only that's a no go.

>If it's japanese only that's a no go.
Pumped and Primed is good

Wikipedia says it's a party game like mario party so definitely not.
I was just curious, I'm sure there's nothing better than the main trilogy anyway and it would all be in japanese.

Million Monkeys and Big Mission are good but still Japan only

>Caring about Japanese franchises westerners don't buy
lol, good one

Enjoy your photo-realistic moviegames and FIFA

A gadget that pinches you to wake you up from the dream you are having.

You mean like Sekiro, DMC V, RE2 Remaks, Judgement, Yakuza 7, Iceborne, Final Fantasy VII, Death Stranding and Project Sakura Wars?

literally a drone with a camera, not like draw distances are an issue anymore

delete this

I forgot two, Elden Ring and Bloodborne.

>Any of those games

Are you fucking retarded?

PS4 has only sold 8 million consoles in Japan, that's 8% of the install base. Not surprising they moved PS HQ to California and are doubling down on western games, the Japs don't give a shit about Playstation anymore. So you're not getting Japanese games from Sony, why the fuck would they spend tens of millions making more games 2% of the PS4's install base will buy?

Almost of those franchises sell better in the west than they do in Japan and none were developed by Sony, so I have no idea what your point is. What do games developed by Capcom and SE have to do with SIE?

Nobody want to buy kids game on Playstation console anymore

Based retards, none of these games would sell without the PS4. Especially considering no one in Japan has a PC.

>"Sony doesn't make good Japanese games anymore because the Japanese stopped buying their hardware"
>Proceeds to name a bunch of games not made by Sony
I still don't understand what your point is

>Sony doesn't make good Japanese games anymore
Not what was said lol.

A vacuum that sucks off monkey pants

Imagine if they fucking announced it with that paragraph

Jump Rope, can use it to b-hop/dash and lasso monkeys (a better hoola-hoop).

ass resizer so spike finds another way to distract those apes

That's exactly what was said, I said it, you stupid faggot.

A new morph that will turn you into a tranny jew.