What does your wife do while you play vidya?
What does your wife do while you play vidya?
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Now that is a pathetic individual.
she smokes pot and plays with the dog.
Usually plays vidya w/ me, or watches Netflix.
Check out what my wife got me guys!!!
Idk what more pathetic, some redditor brought his laptop to a cafe to play while his wife "shopped" or that he brought his laptop just to take this photo for internet points
she was probably shopping for magnum condoms for tyrone.
Why does every single person speak broken english?
When she goes shopping I follow her around and check out the other chicks, she's busy staring at all the shit she wont buy that she doesn't notice.
I only use condoms with my husband I'm trying to have a baby so
>Cucked by wife
>Classic Wow
Just your average wow player
thats how officedrones type on slack/teams/whatever
why even go "shopping" with her if youre not even going to be with her? like nigga just stay home
She tanks for me :3
Why are all millennials such autistic manchildren?
My husband plays vidya, or watches TV, or is at work.
She also games. She likes more strategy RPGs and stuff like Space Station 13, while I'm usually playing shit like Path of Exile or emulating.
Get a woman that actually shares your interests, even if just passively.
>using "game" as a verb
Either does things around the house, or watches Netflix. Occasionally she'll try to distract me from vidya, but she's not great at it.
She wants you along so you can give your opinion on shit shes thinking of buying, is a good way to also dress up your GF/wife the way you like.
They'll be divorced in 2 years max.
When did Yea Forums get filled with experts on relationships?
Magic thing about English as a language is that anything can be a verb and it dosn't break the natural flow of conversation.
Lying faggots
Because they weren't drafted.
when we became boomers and all the girls with daddy issues became attracted to us because we remind them of their absentee fathers.
Many of us grew up. You're here forever, etc.
Yea Forums has been around for about 14 years now, some of us are well in our 30s or older even at this point.
This, Its not wierd lol. Even my chick who only sort of lived with me, Would chill on my bed do homework for college on laptop and id play whatever at my desk
>lying faggots
Faggot yes, lying no. He’s playing Fantasy Life right now.
They're out there user, but you'll never meet them with that mind set
>Sits in a Starbucks and plays WoW while wife is shopping
Kek, at least he has a wife, though I wouldn't be surprised if she's cucking him.
This place got to be 10 years old by now. Oldfags are closer to midlife crisis than high school.
My GF plays more games than I do.
Shouldn't you be sleeping or some shit, grandpas?
My gf has learned to stop asking me to go shopping with her. I kept telling her I'm not a faggot and shed get mad saying "it's what bfs do!". No we dont. I am not going to tag along my gf in stores with candles, fragrances or clothes while she mindlessly looks at items and ends up not even getting anything. Like god damn get some girl friends or gay nigga to go shopping. I'd like to talk to her exes and be like is this shit your fault?!
I have this laptop, it’s absolute shit and overheats quickly
Thats fine too.
Either go and influence them, or stay at home. Just whatever you do don't do what's in the OP's post, thats what soon to be cucks do.
My ex used to watch me play her Xbox games and commentate, especially Dark Souls when it came out because she sucked at it and I was really good and it amazed her
she was better at it than she let on and she wasn’t as amazed with your playing as she pretended. An incredibly easy way to win a man’s affection is to make him feel like an expert at something
What the fuck is wrong with this generation
It's funny how much of a meme gaming laptops in general are
>Friend gets a gaming laptop
>Gets Battlefield V and is playing it for around 30 minutes
>Tells me to try it out for a bit
>I put my fingers to the keyboard
>Nearly get my fingers burned
>Turns out the keys on the keyboard can heat up like a bitch from the heat of the rest of the laptop
Seriously, what the fuck.
we have to come here to talk about how games used to be better in the good old days. Now show some respect for the elderly and listen to our wisdom.
My lazy ass wife is playing some trucking simulator and I can't fucking get her to do anything else.
My girlfriend bought me a switch in 2017, with xenoblade chronicles 2, and mk8d
She watched nearly the entire play through of xbc2, I don’t know how, but she fully enjoyed mk8d
Do you really think someone would go on the internet and just lie on anonymous image board where no one knows you identity?
user your mom isnt your gf.....
You sound like one of those biggots involuntal- involuta- one of those incels and stuff.
Used to have that TV up until like 2012. Would actually be pretty cool.
You are millennials, a generation that fucked it up at any chance you could, there's nothing to learn from you aside from what NOT to do.
My fiance is a pothead. She does these cell phone coloring book shit next to me. Inb4 cuck or she's gonna go after bbc.
look at this pussy who cant handle a little heat
Nice try geek, whatever you want to believe.
>playing vidya in public
What a beautiful white family.
I'm happily single.
whatever shes doing in the game as i play as her lol.
Not married because not a cuck, but the girl I've been seeing is the one who likes WoW actually, she does that and I play my stuff.
GF usually watched, or I get her in on playing, or she browses on her phone, or she's playing vidya of her own.
Now that I think about it...she does whatever the fuck she wants while I do whatever the fuck I want. We have our time spent doing things together and doing things apart. Why the fuck is this even a question, OP?
DUDE I also love the show married with children.
Nigga, I've used laptops before where the keyboard heated up a bit. Nothing like this crap did.
fucks the neighbor.
Why didn't he just stay home and ask his wife to pick up Starbucks?
And yet here you are.
Literally based Ampharosposter. Only fags fall for the relationship meme these days.
>a manchild who plays WoW in public managed to get a wife and you're still single
Fucking hell
Usually, she's studying for law school. She likes to cook also.
>writes like a girl
>has a cuck face
He should just fuck men already jesus
>megaman x
you and your wife are alright.
Have a (You) just because I actually chuckled
My last girl used to straight up make me go into victoria's secret with her. God I hated being in there but I did get to pick what she wore.
Complains im playing vidya
You're going to end up alone, kid.
You gonna enforce that?
Yes, here I am, watching people delude themselves into thinking being alone is good, claiming that all women should die and people suggesting racemixing.
Millennials are fucking schizos.
Is this why women hold so much power in the amerifat society? Because all grown men like to act like children?
Works on my machine.
Plenty of bitches that would love for you to pay for everything while they fuck other men
The LARP is getting pathetic.
haha I don't have a wife!
Asks for money until I give in and then goes out with her friends, gets drunk, probably takes a bunch of BBC, and then comes home and eats the food I cooked for myself.
Pretty meh, but at least I'm not an incel and I get to wage cuck remotely but got myself an office outside the house because my wife is there all day and it pisses me off to watch her binge watch Netflix and do zero work or chores.
But women are also starting to behave like children, so the country is finding it's balance on manchildness.
Racemixing is objectively based you retart
Bitches at me for playing video games instead of paying attention to her 24/7. I've got a clingy, needy girl. Which is cool when she's begging for my dick but absolutely infuriating any other time.
i rather be single than be with some ugly bitch that would settle for a neckbeard who plays wow in public.
Who let you open your mouth, millennial?
Serious question: why do men want women so bad? You literally trade your entire life for a wet hole that's likely been used by multiple men. Women are a mental, emotional and financial drain. It's a bad deal.
How is that pathetic. Stop trying to be edgy, boy
The answer is that he has a wife LMAO
First amendment
Because that's how humans behave.
And although you millennials are pretty much robots who's only purpose on this planet is increasingly numb dopamine shots from entertainment media, it doesn't mean everyone is like you.
Please, continue your path, and leave the fate of humanity on the hands of better people. God knows what would happen if you blue haired freaks educated the next generation.
sky daddy said so
the rest of the hive will disown you if you don't
Women are the majority of voters.
it's just nice to have someone to hug and cuddle with I guess
dose the food with sleeping pills and laxative
Most people suck, but there's a few good ones and it's great if you manage to land one
Evolutionary Psychology.
It baffles me too. I even get a wet hole if I just buy a sex toy and some lube. My wallet also gets to stay fat.
An American?
Aren't you the country with a 1984 control system implanted by it's own population?
Easy, instead of going for a gender studies degree like you, I got a proper job and i'm borderline rich.
One of many. Ever heard of the Five Eyes?
>filename ends in e621
I'm 31 and shes begging to get married to me so I doubt it, kid.
>asked me to grab laptop with
I only play vidya after the kids are asleep. The wife watches youtube on her phone in the same room.
>grab laptop with
Who talks like that?
Zoomers aren't any better.
This is the issue with needy girls. They can be treated like sluts in bed and crave your cock but you must put up with them being super clingy and thats always a disgusting characteristic
fifth post best post
she works to make bank and support my pot smoking vydia autismo
What would happen if I put my penis inside that girl while she plays on the Gameboy?
What Laptop should I get Yea Forums?
I was thinking of getting a Thinkpad X1 Extreme, but I tried one out and the keyboard felt like garbage. Almost want to get a MBP since gaming will be secondary but justifying spending a grand extra for a comfy keyboard makes me question myself.
Your sole biologic purpose is procreation.
Breed & raise next gen then die - that's it. Modern plebs can't afford families so they escape into bullshit. Same reason they stay mental children.
> gay nigga to go shopping
or she could just get a straight nigga
What kind of "playing" with the dog are we talking about here?
women have always behaved like children. They are biologically wired to be so they can be around children all the time (like it was meant to be.)
Does she take the knot?
You underestimate how much girls suck at games.
She'd give you a strange look and then go back to playing.
>Because they weren't drafted.
How did people become officers during drafting days? Was it during their draft years or after?
the dog is a female german shep.
imagine being a man and having so little ambition for your life that having children young is your most exciting prospect
Not exist
quirky levels off the charts
Hey man, put some on the pussy and that bitch got a p b n pussy sandwich know what I mean?!?!?
And the bitch I'm referring to ain't your wife
imagine not having a career & partner that allows you to easily accomplish at a young age what is the zenith of the white man's destiny
it must be fake.. it must be......
It's more than not being able to afford families, it's also the state of modern women. With a 50%+ chance of being left alone but still financially responsible for her and any children you have with her there is no logical reason to attempt it. It's as if someone offered a bet with a 50%+ chance of you losing half your worth and being on the line for at least 18 years of monthly financial payments that if you miss you'll be jailed. You would think no one would take such a bet but thousands do every day. Also, don't hit me with "men divorce women too" because of course they do but statistically 75% of divorces are initiated by women.
Fuck off back to faceberg nigger
yeah i drop my bf off at the food court all the time while i shop with my bull. nothing wrong with that and its not like he knows what to buy anyway.
I think people with college degrees could become officers if they were drafted.
Why bother going with her then?
Is he a dog?
user, stop. plz.
no thanks
Honestly just get the MacBook Pro. The extra money is worth all the comforts that every other laptop lacks in comparison.
>Hair Color: please someone look at me and tell me I'm pretty
>the zenith of the white man's destiny
Yeah, that's why you're here posting on Yea Forums, right?
Oh, I'm retarded, I'm mixing up drafting and required military service, I think.
imagine donating to a sperm bank monthy from 21-26 and having tons of children you never have to spend a dime on and then living life to the fullest spending all your money on yourself and fucking barely legal teenagers who look up to you because you're loaded and they have daddy issues. That's my life.
Is this your wife?
My what?
Was I not clear? I said, "And the bitch I'm referring to aint your wife?" Get it?
Normally it's black.
user i know this may be hard for you to believe
but some people on here left the neet life in their early 20s, got engineering degrees, found gfs, and still browse Yea Forums after work for a little bit
unironically redpilled.
why doesn't she have the thing that actually matters - the manga
How often do you think divorce comes back to money again? Fucked economy = everything rip.
Makes me dinner. That would be the only situation where we're not doing something together, ie, cuddling or playing vidya together.
Because the Berserk manga is garbage, vastly surpassed by Dragon Ball, even by Super.
Don't @ me, redditors.
My wife plays mobile games and PC MMOs. She hates consoles (except animal crossing). She's been playing a lot of mobile MMOs lately though since most of her friends play on their phones. She sold her Black Desert account for $2000 and her Lineplay account for $1500 to give you an Idea of how intense she plays. She'll probably sell her Animal Crossing Pocket Camp account for a similar amount when the new game comes out.
sounds autistic t bh
Edgy, edgy kid baka
I don't find it hard to believe. Mainly because I got my degree too and post here after work (and during it too, since I work from home). Just not with the girlfriend thing since I don't want it. I just find it funny how much of a massive normalfag you sound like, that's all. Take that however you wish to.
Do people actually let their spouse control their hobbies? Why?
I'm still at work for another half hour. I'll be asleep in about two hours, don't worry.
How can I make the coolest looking Dwarf Warrior? I think the Rape face is played out btw
>while she mindlessly looks at items and ends up not even getting anything
That's a good indication she wasn't a nice person for a relationship. If they do that they're admitting to be indecisive fags and will probably fuck other people on your back trying to select the 'best one' while staying stable with you.
Boy do I wish I could go back to before 2016.
I'm only 33, thank you.
Nah mate, you're thinking of England
it would be extremely painful
>What does your wife do while you play vidya?
She Coom
That bitch is like 20% plastic
she reads fanfiction (erotic stories basiclly) while occasionally browsing facebook and mentioning things she finds interesting there.
she will also sometimes try to coax me into having sex with her (i prefer before bed but generally we go at it most often when my son is in preschool) or make comments about wanting to have a second child though i told her i was on the fence about it and we would more seriously discuss it when her IUD comes out in a few more years.
Marketing teams being extremely successful at getting their customers addicted to their shiny colourful products from a young age.
I think it's so ingrained that it never stops. Don't get me wrong. I am a man child too but I think that's the main culprit
Probably has the pinkest pussy ever.
because they need to distract themselves from the fact that they are an economically poor generation for no fault of their own.
Serious question:
why do men want women so bad? You literally trade your entire life for a wet hole that has been used by multiple other guys. Women are a mental, emotional and financial drain.
It's a bad deal.
I'm sure they'd be better if they didn't vote to fill their countries with 3rd worlders and got a better career than gender studies.
No fucking way...
why would you let your woman do that shit
just have another kid. Give your son a sibling to grow up with. It'll be worth it in the long run.
Nice boogeyman you got yourself there.
Play with me.
y-yeah, who is this?
>vote to ruin your countries
>be a lazy bastard
>these are the types of people that call you an incel
You know what's funny? How anything you pull off Reddit seems like satire making fun of nu males but it's not. It's completely serious for them but always cringe for us.
All that matters is your face
Keep up the paranoid delusions my man.
Are you saying SJWs don't exist?
brown "person" detected.
She only plays one or two games at a time and she plays them for a year minimum before switching.
I'm not Dillon
>You literally trade your entire life for a wet hole that has been used by multiple other guys.
>he hasn't dated virgins exclusively
the reason she is for it is she came from a family consisting of 13 half siblings (her mother remarried 4 times, she was from none of the marriages, her mother passed away when she was 13)
while i'm from a family of 3 kids with myself being the youngest, never was close with my family and kinda wonder if my son would be better off being an only child so i can pour more resources into his upbringing than dividing it among siblings, financially i do alright with no debt outside of a mortgage but i'm far from rich.
I moved to Missouri. You still wear those weird fucking dress shirts?
I'm saying you attributing some quality to an entire portion of the population and constantly adding the "you" to it makes you sound schizophrenic. Or at least with some paranoid disorder.
My b
You alright buddy?
imagine being so pathetic your gf crave your presence constantly and literally drops you off at daycare to fuck tyrone
If you don't want to lose your money, you can sign an agreement to avoid that. How many people just date all their lives and never marry anyway? Wealthy countries get lower childbirth rates, either because of how modern society is or because of human nature interacting with the higher standard of living, many don't want families or at least don't want big ones.
Everything about this is fine except that he was such a faggot he posted it on the internet. If you think otherwise you are wrong.
You will mock this but you yourself will bury your face in your phone when not immediately tasked with something. If you could play vidya you would, sad isnt it.
Why do you think people fucking loath socialist programs, user? Please, take $400+ a month from my income so I can pay for a retarded Redditer to go to college for his "Game Design" program, instead of putting it into a savings account I can use as a down payment for a house in 5 years.
>Do anything
Nobody cares
>Do anything near your wife
What a cuck
Continues to not exist
>Everything about this is fine
>WoW in public
Here's something for your dumb ass to consider: Why did he even leave the house if he was just going to play World of Warcraft? He left the house with his wife to do something alone. All idiots. You and them.
Everything about this situation is mega cringe to anyone not autistic. It's exactly like that faggot that brought his Switch to a bar when going out for drinks with his co-workers.
wrong. in almost every state in the united states you are still required to give 50% even with a prenuptial agreement.
Girls are soft and you pussy feels nice on your ding dong.
Only children are always fucked up.
>asked me to grab laptop with so I have something to do
>Bringing a laptop to the food court while your wife shops, and not use the time to enjoy each other's company
It's no wonder women are lining up to get fucked by bulls that will abuse her between pounding her pussy. At least getting smacked by Tyrone is more of an emotional connection than sitting on your laptop all day.
If you're single, I'm not being judgmental. But if you're in a relationship and pull that shit, you don't get to act like a victim when they inevitably leave you.
This worse are the guys who do it and dont ever plan to have kids. I get it if you want kids but why the fuck would you marry one woman if you dont even want a family?
seriously these fags cant go an hour of shopping without playing precious video games LMAO
my husband usually either messes with the guitar or coops witu me no im not a fag
Prenups only apply to premarital assets. They aren't thrown out it's that most people are retarded and don't know what a prenup actually does. Shared assets are always split.
Start a corporation and don't actually own anything.
because good relationships are good
it's just that most people don't have good relationships
prenups are worthless, the bitch can say she was "pressured" into signing it and that's all it takes for the hack justice that resides over the clown show that is family court to throw it the fuck out. Family law is a joke, pretty much the only court where I've heard of justices outright ruling against established statutes.
he probably would if she let him
>Prenups only apply to premarital assets. They aren't thrown out it's that most people are retarded and don't know what a prenup actually does. Shared assets are always split.
>marital court
pick 1 and only 1
>poor person headphones
>poor person mouse
>poor person laptop
>the most expensive coffee
Sure is a lot wrong in this fucking picture.
>bringing your 8k shit to the mall, and not your shit that you are fine with losing/breaking/having stolen
I can never masturbate to women who take pictures of themselves nude. I feel like if they are confident enough to do that, they would never fall for a guy like me... sigh
>watched Toonami's run of berserk once while texting chad
the absolute state of western men
>being so phyisically inept you lose or break your fucking laptop
>getting robbed in a mall, at a coffee shop, in front of everyone (pretty fucking rare)
Sure m8.
hey fat people in burgerclapistan steal food out of garbage bins, what makes you think they won't try to steal electronics
>bringing a computer to the mall at all
holy shit max is that you?!
most people don't really care about spec masturbation
its not stealing if its in the trash retard
okay Ricky
>complaining about being in a lingerie store where your gf tries on stuff
If you're playing video games and have a wife, she's having sex with other men. Full stop.
watches TV and pseudo entertains our 19 month old.
you lose property rights over sperm deposited in a cumdumpster so your idea is flawed
while i wouldn't say you worked it the best i do agree you do have a fair argument of how an only child tend to turn out.
so far he was been turning out great but he isn't even 5 yet so there is plenty of time for issues to arise, for now he is heavily socialized as my parents take him to their car club meetups on Friday nights and the occasional car show during the weekend if we don't have plans ourselves and the positives are quite clear compared to other kids his age, he enunciates quite well and behaves around other children while quickly making friends at preschool.
my wife and i also occasionally go to those car meetups, it's a fun casual event where we bring older cars to a fast food restaurant and the manager gives everyone a discount or free stuff with an order like free icecream.
>I'm not like the other girls, I get along better with boys haha
I dont really either its just the dude picked the cheapest in every single category. I know from personal experience the nagas are shit and break after a year. It's better to buy a slightly more expensive product that will last than a cheap one that will break.
You dont have to drop 8k on your fucking on the go pc, but at least have a little sense when it comes to getting the most value for your dollar.
you know the fucking rules
>[Tyrone off-screen] C'MON BITCH TAKE MA SPERM
At worst they are fucked up, at best they are weird. I've never met a normal only child.
good old Brad, allowing his wife to go shopping
is this a personal attack?
yeah, you actually are. you'd be a good foot soldier.
>coloring book
more like the ABC amirite
>driving a spicmobile
Damn, I fee like slapping that girl, removing her shirt and giving her a new one. What a dumb fuck.
And so do I
OP's wife or janny's mom?
it's a Chevelle with a truck bed.
Did you really expect anyone to be impressed with this gardening truck and childrens' toy? Be honest.
Unfortunately it's too late. The other post said 1-2 years until an IUD comes out and he'll be 7 by then. 4 years is really the maximum age gap you want in a sibling, 2-3 is ideal. Even if you have another kid he'll still go though adolescence alone.
Fucking post them
My wife plays WoW with me. We both rolled Nightelves girls~
She heals and I tank and dps~
i'm not trying to impress anyone, it's part of the bastard years. it's fun to drive and i'm using it to learn how to do engine work.
An el camino is not a Chevelle.
Moves the mouse
You sunuva bitch
yes whitey
play videogames while Nigger McNog fucks your gf
>continuing to guzzle Quentin's spunk
Trash is abandoned property, you cannot "steal" it. Most you can get hit with is trespassing if you dive into a dumpster with a no trespassing sign.
I fail to see how that case has relevance here.
She play toyblast or watch TLC or ID
it's about as much as the Malibu is, even comes with a Chevelle manual.
they used the chevelle station wagon frame, put on a chevelle front end, then the back half of the car/truck was original pieces but the back bumper was shared with the chevelle wagon.
>since I don't want
Since you can't have it.
bruh these people are mentally disabled if you've seen their youtube
I would say their weight is related to their brain problems
Tell her Elite Dadgerous is a shit game from ftroop.
why is fat dudes left leg more swole then the right? its like that coomer meme but instead of a buff right arm its an extra fat leg
She plays with me and we cuddle.
Trump is going to deport you, spic.
>being dropped off in the kids' corner as a grown ass man by your wife isn't pathetic
Best part about not wanting a relationship are the seething retards who feel the need to get mad about it and act like they know you better over the internet. It never fails me.
Lays her feet on my lap and watches.
When your body gets so much fat that it has nowhere to swell it will make a place for it. It is called a Lipedema.
Woah you're playing wow inside a starbucks! now that's fucking epic!
When you've been married long enough you'll understand that guy. Women take forever to pick out clothes, and they dont actually care about your opinion on them
if i was any whiter i would be Jim Gaffigan.
What do you do if your girl has a terrible sense of style/doesn't align with your type.
>Women are a mental drains
Find a woman who is actually educated and has good taste.
>emotional drains
Find a woman who had good parents or a good childhood who isn't a mental midget.
>financial drains
Imagine not being married to somebody who makes a decent amount of money and missing out on the DINK for years and years.
I truly pity you, I bet you're an incel, too, fucking weeb lmao.
The worst part is when one of the other women look at you. Like, im not here to check out what kind of undies you wear, im here for my wife's
jesus christ, have you ever been in a relationship
Suck it up/ask her to dress the way you like on dates/make her wear a bunmy costume during sex
Sure you are! No white person owns a spicmobile.
Alrighty guys, i need some advice. Wife and i just had our first kid 3.5 months ago. How do i get back into regular sex? Asking her annoys her but she doesnt initiate
Don't these people know books? Books are best suited for when you need to wait for something, but you cannot be totally oblivious to the rest of the world as an autistic child. And on top of that you learn useful things if you are not a complete retard.
circular logic right there but i don't even know of any Hispanics who own one, it just has a Spanish name.
ok spic no spics own the official car of your people
user people can't appreciate decent cars. I love the El Camino, would like an old Ford Ranchero to fix up eventually. I'd love a nice 67-69 El Camino but living in leaf land they're rare and cost loads of money since the boomers like pricing them up the ass. Might settle on a 1980's since those are cheap and there's a few in my city for sale every year. Enjoy the car user and fuck these meme spouting faggots.
120 character limits of social sites
i absolutely do enjoy driving it, good luck on finding a 67-69 el camino, the ones that are decent go for quite the premium but i've seen a 1970 for as little as $6,500 in pretty decent condition.
honestly if i was just a month slower on buying a car to use as a toy i would of likely bought a '72 Ranchero instead as a fantastic example showed up at that time, though i like the '71 better.
Because being alone is a horrible feeling after experiencing being in love with another human
What part of "You're here forever" don't you understand?
I'm will find you
I don't feel all that comftroble playing vidya when my gf is over, because we aren't living together so I want to spend the time with her. I sometimes play vidya when she falls asleep or takes a nap though.
A new what, user?
why would you call deer, gamehen, other "game" game? hmmmm..... they are in motion i suppose when they are being hunted
Hm let me try
You're fagging pretty hard right now
You're right!
Source, hurry