>murders tales series
Murders tales series
>has the biggest ass in the series
Aren't they releasing a new game that looks better than ever?
>makes everyone butthurt despite being the real best girl
based indeed
I really didn't fucking care for her at all, honestly I don't think Zestiria had a SINGLE good female character. They were all poorly written. The men were somewhat decent but that's not saying much when a homosexual couple were the main stars of the game.
>fucks like a tiger
What's wrong with Edna
>real best girl
Sorry, guys. Posted wrong pic.
Who's your favorite Tales girl?
For me, it's Arche.
i don't really have an absolute favorite
What a waste of good character design
I thought Edna and Lailah were pretty good.
her feet taste like dirt
Well, she is the seraph of Earth, so that might be why.
Prysea. I dont have a pic of her
she needs to work on that.
Pascal and Judith. I might have shit taste in women but I love them.
I want 3D Phantasia.
Destiny,Rebirth, and Eternia maybe.
>great fighter
>great healer
>surprisingly decent AI
>redhead with pear peach? shaped ass and fairly big tits
>revives it
i want eternia just because i want to see keele and meredy in yuri/estelle cameo costumes
I want Symphonia X featuring Rody
always raine
Tear personality-wise
Farah looks(and cuteness)-wise
>Being hyped as anniversary tales
>only sold less than 350k in it's first week, xillia sold 550k, even xillia 2 sold more than 450k in it's first week
>second week sales drop, the biggest sales drop ever in tales franchise, 94% more drop
>the most return game to the store ratio ever for tales franchise, it's also the most returned game for all games in japan for 2015 (you can buy it for 100 yen, roughly 1$ on amazon japan store)
>The most hated tales of ever, japan really rage, angry, disappointed, and disgusted about this game, outburst at 2ch, yaraon, 2chan, NND and other outlets, spamming countless insult, harrasment, and hatred. Namco had to release the DLC of alisha for free because of that (and scrap other scenario DLC, because the rage is only getting bigger)
>The lowest rating tales of ever in amazon jp (probably the lowest rating game in japan of 2015)
>Have a whole wikipedia dedicated for it's shortcomings
>Death threat and harrasment to fujishima (rose and sorey character designer) so much that he had to delete his twitter
>Death threat to hideo baba and his family, harrasment and an attempt of murder? (it's reported that he got a packet containing some sulfur/acid adressed to him), so much that he become afraid and paranoid, he never appear on public again since his last interview for zestiria in april, which he got heavy backlash regarding alishia situation
>At his last interview baba is quoted saying "The Zestiria team that worked days and months throughout the past three years were truly heartbroken by all of this.・
>Terrorism threat at tales festival, the tales fes is guarded by a batallion of army and police, with baba nowhere on sight, he's not even there to announce new tales of berseria (baba usually the one who announce the new tales)
>Voice actress of rose doing dogeza and apologized for the fans and quoted saying "please let me join the tales family too", which only further enrages the fans
This Rose garbage will never be part of the Tales
Edna stole and saved the show. The game would be an abomination without her. Symonne is also good for loli fulfillment purposes.
We need to do something about the mental state of Otakus. Creative freedom is going to be bottlenecked in the east just as badly as SJW's in the west if you can't do shit without niggas threatening your life or burning buildings and shit
To be fair in this situation Baba behaved like an absolute bitch and the reason Zestiria got so fucked up is because he was a literal beta orbiter for voice actress
> Was the most hated girl in the game
> Now the most loved
How did she do it?
Cute tummy
Estelle is relly cute
Hands down the best thing about vesperia
>don't show the number of votes
>don't show all the characters, only the top 30 (or 10 in this case)
i hate these dumb polls
i concur
>main heroine
>didn't even win the Yuribowl
What a loser.
Imagine seeing harems in games where the only actual romance is between two 12-year olds
>Kills Tales so hard it had to purge itself of all the shit that made it so bad in the first place overtime
>Kills Baba's entire career and made him a laughing stock
Rose is truly based.
Estelle is dumb and ugly!
he was the best female character
It was so bad that there's barely even any porn of Zesteria or Berseria.
for me, it's Sheena
There's barely any porn of any game in the series, hell Zestiria probably has more than most of them because of the yaoi shit alone, what's your point
>There's barely any porn of any game in the series,
Mikleo was best female character
My dick
Fusing characters is really fun and that you can make the npc fuse and unfuse with a button makes it really fucking strategical.
So you're not gonna expand on that, just say "wrong" and expect me to take your word for it
The issue doesnt seem to be Rose but Alisha fans to be batshit insane for her and the va.
I played the game hard zoom zoom, I also dont like grinding so you gotta came up with cool strats.
I started to say that this is the Japan equivalent to Mass Effect 3, but it honestly sounds even worse.
>I played the game hard zoom zoom
>Calling anyone underage while defending the braindead piece of shit that is Zestiria
*estelle is cute and cute
Haven’t played Zestiria yet. What was so bad about it?
best waifu hands down
He's right though, Tales games do have some bite to them if you play on Insane or Chaos. I try to unlock Hard asap and play that way. The enhanced version of the end boss after you beat Silva on Hard was a pain in the ass
I think most of the complaints have to do with how unnecessarily complicated the combat can be with how many mechanics there are. Not that these are vital in the slightest but it's a lot to process
oh she won the yuribowl alright
Half your party is locked. A plot that is pretty fucking stupid, even by Tales standards. Many dropped plot points. Rose worship.
How can you murder something stillborn?
>Another fucking Phantasia remake
No fuck that
All the player characters all suck besides Edna and Alisha. The latter is constantly booted out of your party and marketing made it seem like she would be the "main" girl. There might be like one funny skit per character that doesn't involve Edna.
The villains suck besides Symonne and I only like her because of her legal lolidom.
The mechanics of the world make absolutely no sense and are full of contradictions that will make your head spin. The story isn't the least bit interesting, and I honestly can't remember the details on more than two sidequests after having done them all. Though I will say playing Berseria made Zestiria a TINY bit more enjoyable. Not saying it will make a world of difference, but if you play Berseria first and see the connections that way instead of the reverse, it may make the story a bit more bearable for you.
Towns and locales are equally as dreary, although I kinda dug the end dungeon. Most of the dungeons suffer from looking like samey hallways though. Not saying their linear, there's just no environment variety
Once you figure out that spamming arrows in Water Armitization will kill 97% of the threats in the game on easier difficulties, strategy goes out the window. Harder difficulties require you to pay attention to equipment and...
The equip system is ass. The game doesn't have anything "fun" to do with junk items like shop affinity in Xillia or Dualizing in Graces F. It takes either an autistic amount of experimentation to figure out how to get the combination of affinities you want on your weapons and items or a lot of online research
In retrospect, I feel like I'm having reverse nostalgia because I definitely enjoyed it more than all that as I was playing than Symphonia which is my least favorite Tales. I'm really trying to remember the good parts, but I feel like I was genuinely pushing forward in it to see Edna be a sarcastihole to everyone
>Rose at 2nd
At least Mikleo being 1st makes sense, he fucking carried Zestiria.
One of the cute va got dumpstered by the story and nips couldnt have that
>Creative freedom is going to be
>going to be
Nigga theyve been dealing with this shit for decades
>ranked at all
Japan has shit taste for not liking Arche. Probably because she's not a virgin, I don't see Raine on here either.
Shitty restricting combat makes fights unfun. Combine that that with the worst battle camera the franchise has ever had AND a very poor attempt at open world seamless battle transitions and you have a generally less than stellar experience.
Oh for sure. Every entertainment industry has. I'm saying it's going to get worse. Far, far worse.
I will shill this game to death but god what a dumb equipment system, utter garbage.
I'm going to ignore everything about the story and characters, because although it is mostly unanimous in how it is disliked in that regard, it is technically still an opinion, so I will focus on the mechanical problems.
-the gameplay is just a step down from previous games, it is a convoluted mess and yet still somehow just ends up being best done via button mashing
-on the off chance you actually like playing the games with other people which is rare, but as somebody who can personally speak from experience, who has played through the majority of the tales games they have played with a group of three or four people, I can personally attest to the fact that it sucks immense ass that you are effectively locked to only two people being able to play at the same time due to the way this game works, where you are basically ALWAYS going to be in the fusion state.
-Camera problems exist due to the nature of it taking the area you are immediately in, and making it the battle zone.
There were probably some more mechanical issues, but these are the ones I remember off the top of my head. I couldn't even play the game as a trashy mindless anime game, because it was also just not fun.
why do people hate her?
Estelle in Chloe's outfit is frustratingly arousing
Someone remembers her? I am proud user.
Does anyone remember Farah?
Should I play her game for the story? Or for the best couple?
Too bad the princess is no where as good as in the anime.
My brothers of African descent.
Best childhood friend.
arche is the most popular phantasia girl, that has to count for something
pic related is the last time she appeared in any poll
i couldn't possibly forget her, philia is my favorite mage in all of tales
Of course I remember literal perfection, you philistine.
A healer that can punch things and is a tom boy?
Heck the number of people that played her game is probably less than 100 now.
It's perfect.
I want to finish the later Tales of game but my computer struggles to keep up the graphic. What graphic card do I need?
You know da way brada.
Not an integrated one, probably. I've never had any problems running tales of beseria on a 1050, and even zestiria ran on an integrated fine.
Literally everything. Even discounting the Alisha/ Rose controversy, there's
>one of the worst Tales battle systems of all time, it barely works and is ludicrously unbalanced
>story goes full retard after the prologue
>boring dungeons and towns
>waifu wars aside, Rose and Alisha have hilariously inconsistent writing, where Rose is unironically immune to malevolence because of her ego and Alisha for some reason gets treated like shit by her own friends like Sorey later into the story
The plot is guttertrash.
I know, I know, some would say no tales have good stories. I wouldn't agree, but sure. Even so, this one is so, so much worse that the entire experience is dragged down.
Thanks user! That helps.
I initially was thinking of jumping to a VR ready graphic card but then I realized I will never play VR.
>Rose worship
That's what kept annoying me too. Literally every character kept going on about how awesome she was. It just got tiresome. How about instead of telling us how great Rose is you show us? Baba's favoritism was REALLY obvious.
Rose is for ryona
I ran the game on a potato laptop back when it came out, I think it was a GTX 310M. And I'm running Berseria fine on a laptop with a GTX 950M.
The worst part is that the story of baba fucking over alisha for his waifu were all made up, the game was just mismanaged and had production issues
Further thoughts?
not gay until balls are touching
The same as before
Thanks user!
Oh, I guess it's time for gayposting
Very cute.
I almost want a mod in the PC version to make him a girl.
dumb and stupid
for some reason now i'm reminded of all those straight (?) men who liked asbel/richard because they really fucking hated cheria
Final thoughts?
This was the only good thing about Zestiria.
>gay shit
Very cute.
That's a first. But I do know she's somewhat disliked. I don't hate her though. If I knew someone as dense as Asbel I'd be frustrated too.
Retards wanted the princess to have a bigger role. The anime and how terrible the princess was as a character shut most of them up
Should I watch the anime or play the game for Zestiria?
What, you don't like their lord and saviour the princess that you would throw away your fishing net to follow until the end of the days?
I'm gonna take a guess and say that Rutee is hated because she gets in the way of Stahn and Leon being gay with each other
Pretty much
>Chester made it in top 50
based Japan
Probably. I think it's hilarious how much of a boner Japan has for Leon to this day. Was he really THAT good? I mean, his theme song was kino but come on.
I like Zesteiria a lot, but I'm easily won over by cheesy heroics
Japan loves tragic heroes
>posts Estelle
I feel like Alisha had plenty of room to grow as a character and could have had interesting character development HAD THEY NOT KICKED HER OUT OF THE FUCKING GAME 10 HOURS IN
Doesn't explain why Tear is so high up when Luke and Asch are a thing, but whatever, more for me
Unwinnable fight + slim, effeminate design + cold disposition with a singular emotional weakness + noble sacrifice = a fangirl's wet dream
You should watch the anime. And be thankful Alisha left the party when she did in the game
i don't think so, destiny characters aren't very popular outside of leon (popular among women) and stahn (popular among men)
fujoshi ship leon with chaltier, not stahn
ree i wish there were more leon/marian art
a surprising display of good taste from japan
What does the anime have to do with the game. Did they have the same writers? Did they say the anime shows what the game would have been like if Alisha was a permanent party member?
I really don't feel like this is fair. There hasn't been a single good Tales anime. Abyss was the closest one.
No. I refuse to ever watch Japanese produced animation based on Japanese produced video games. Especially in 2019.
The anime handled the characters better. And Alisha's character was the same as the game's only more involved making it obvious how bad her character type was for the scenarios. She would have to break character to not be an annoying tard
Tales of Phantasia sucks? That's a shame. I was thinking about checking it out.
Symphonia anime > Abyss
its alright
Eternia is the most fun
Trying to cram a JRPG story into 4 OVA episodes isn't gonna work out. I think it was alright for what it showed though.
Symphonia did get an OVA though?
You know, the Alisha thing probably would have worked fine if instead of having her leave the party they just killed her instead.
11 OVA episodes and they were great
I bet you think Vesperia would've been improved by Yuri actually killing Estelle, too.
Eternia totally fucked up Farah though.
My bad, I was thinking of Phantasia.
Yuri should have slayed Rita's virginity
vesperia would've been improved by estelle being the protagonist
t. not rita
he DID hold her hand that one time
That would be nice
Do you guys have any Tales wallpapers? They are almost nonexistent.
The cutest.
No. I'm dead serious.
People eat it up when JRPG party members bite the dust.
Aerith was the main heroine of her game, yet her death was lauded as a genre defining moment.
Hell, I can even recall a few examples where a party member death was lauded and memorable while a party member just leaving and being replaced with someone else but not dying felt shitty and nobody liked it.
Aerith was never the main heroine you tard.
Not so fast.
Where's Rose's merch before the game came out?
Yes, she was. It was pretty common back then for Square to split main heroine status between two females across a single game. Aerith got the spot light in the first half while Tifa's time to shine came in the second half. No different than Terra and Celes one game prior.
Alisha had potential but it went unrealized because Baba forced the writers to write her out of the story halfway through and make a new role for his whore Komatsu.
The anime effectively rewrote her into a much better character.
What would the Top 10 of a Yea Forums Tales poll look like?
She's the only one in the franchise that isn't garbage.
yuri would be at the top, followed by a random smattering of whichever unpopular characters the contrarians just happened to converge upon
Except that we know for a fact that the whole Alisha/Rose situation was the result of Zoe Quinn-style corruption.
We have the twitter logs that show Komatsu was fucking Baba to get a role, we have the interviews in which all other VAs say he was forcing her into the game and we have the weird timeframes of her being hired and recording her lines (Over a year after the VA for Edna had finished her work).
This shitshow wasn't planned.
That's not Zestiria.
not to mention the weirdness where alisha's weapons are still in a bunch of shops you can't possibly have access to while she is in your party
who the fuck is first?
Yuri, Jade, Tear, Velvet, Magilou, Lloyd, Judith, Patty, Rita, Sheena
Won't even bother with the order but it's mostly boring taste
Shit, almost forgot someone, replace Rita with Kratos
reala from destiny 2
Yea Forums is zelos town
>Gets the guy who was ruining Tales fired
Based dyke
Leia wasted all her time chasing after a boy when she could have just been a lesbian for someone who would have accepted her.
You forgot Reid.
Good job failing to mention all the shit that happened before the game was released.
Several twitter posts in which they were blatantly flirting show Baba telling Komatsu that he "gives in" and will give her a role, just days before the game's script and development underwent large scale changes for the sake of including the previously unannounced character of Rose; I think it's very clear Komatsu fucked her way into the cast, and by extension Baba cheated on his oh so beloved wife. Sorey and Alisha's VAs also confirmed that Baba pretty much forced her into the project late on production, with her recording her lines about a year after the last recording session (Edna's), that he was adamant on Sorey being rewritten to include nods to himself (Including his personal nickname) and to have some sort of implied "True partner" stuff with Rose in the story, which is what they based the constant bashing of Alisha from the seraphs and their constant praise for Rose.
I am not talking about the top 10 among the niche corner of Yea Forums where autists gather to waifupost about a JRPG series most people still think is dead
That's what a top 10 would look like for Yea Forums in general, extremely limited experience with the series and all, I really don't think anyone would consider Lloyd a top 10 character otherwise
>Ludger 2.0
>Lailah 2.0
>Elize and Teepo 2.0
Who will be our 3 other members for Arise?
>I think it's very clear Komatsu fucked her way into the cast
lol no. Or at least there is absolutely no one else that believes this.
Something like that would kill her career. On the contrary, she's more popular than ever.
The whole BabaxKomatsu thing has stayed completely within the Tales fanbase. If an idol sleeping around actually happened it would affect all of japan's seiyuufags opinion of her, but they don't care.
>Elize and Teepo 2.0
>tfw will be nowhere close to being as based as Elize
They can always rip Milla again or Judith.
Alvin (aka traitor) 2.0
Is Anise the only female traitor?
Please play Act Cadenza Strife.
It's a good tales game.
Eleanor maybe?
Though she never really betrays you but she was passing info iirc
Ange and Ines
>no graces f ports
I really want to replay this game but I have no idea what the fuck happened to my PS3
Forgot about her.
Wait for the Graces anniversary in like 2 more months
>no one ever includes ras in traitor fanart
Post more, but with timeskip Mikleo.
Poor guy.
jade looks surprisingly nice
i didn't think anyone besides klarth himself could look good in that costume
I always hated Mikleo because he came across as anti-human and never really had to confront or grow beyond it, because he'd always follow around what Sorey wanted regardless of how he felt himself.
Hopefully it'll be dual audio. As big a dork Asbel is, I like Sakurai's rendition
Edna and Zaveid are the only reason I slogged through this game.
She's a bitch with a huge ego, an obnoxious personality, constantly gets praised and her dick sucked by the story and characters, and sabotages Sorey's own character development by dealing with the necessity of killing humans for him.
cheria sounds far better in japanese too
So useless she actually got kicked out of the party lmao. Every person I've met that liked her was a waifufag who only liked her cause uuuungh sexy anime girl!
For me, it's the autistic researcher.
Magilou. I would crawl through glass just to suck the cock of the last man who fucked her.
Which should I start with?
monkey island chapter 1
Monkey Island
Tales of symphonia is the only good tales of game there.
I'm sure there is a good joke about the tales of monkey island there, but I've never played it so whatever.
I'm gonna give you the short of the long of it here, play tales symphonia, abyss, and then vesperia. Those are the three best modern tales games, and if you want more, you can go back to the older ones.
Tales games after vesperia aren't worth playing.
Oldest to newest.
I can understand getting sick of the combat in Berseria after a while, but everything else about the game is pretty good. Especially the cast.
Nothing too special. I’m running Tales of Berseria at 4K 60fps with an RX570, and that’s probably one of the most graphically challenging Tales games. It barely gets over 70c unless I’m in a daytime battle with a lot of magic either.
If you asked me to define what I disliked about berseria, I admit, I don't know how to explain it, but I do know one thing, I stopped playing it, and if I literally just can't be bothered to start a game up, it probably isn't that good.
I know that the idea of a game not being worth playing if I don't want to play it is somewhat recursive, but it works for me.
waifu for laifu
That's not answering his question.
Reminder that Tales of Furries will never be translated ever.
But it w-
oh you mean the good one
Shame. she's a waste of a good design.
I think it's pretty obvious that Eleanor was their apology by making someone who is fairly similar to Alisha in personality and who uses her moveset (expanded to full.) Though obviously her plot is different since she's a church knight who has to put aside her moral concerns to fight a greater evil and decide between free will and order, whereas Alisha is a full on major political figure who would probably have to learn to put aside her nation's interests in favor of the Shepherd's duty to protect the world.
Oldest to newest. so start with Monkey Island and than go to Symphonia. Play Vesperia if you like Symphonia. Do NOT play Zestiria. Play Berseria if you liked the previous two.
Good, I fucking hated her the moment I laid eyes on her obnoxious self. Arise may save the series, but the damage is already done.
>It's all made up, says I and my retarded astroturfing dev making vague statements
>I don't know how to explain it
For me, it was how similar it was to Zest, to which I dropped hard. The cast could not keep me anchored. The reskins of Xillia zones and literally nothing music with fields wide for the sake of being wide with nothing in them were their own kind of grating.
I wanted to like it, really tried to after having such a great opening too. But there were too many glaring factors outside the combat that made me drop. Also skits, skits, skits. Just make a drama CD.
that middle expression looks really punchable
>Message is about how humans should be forced to live with the furries who until relatively recently enslaved them, are physically and magically more powerful than them so they always dominate, and let them fuck their women because of tolerance or some shit
sucks to be you faggot, zesty was awesome
Just play Vesperia and Berseria. Sympnonia is too old, and Zestiria is hot garbage with your typical naive young boy saves the world bullshit for the story, it's incredibly boring and soulless. So much heavy handed pacifism (oh this dude just murdered hundreds of innocents, let's spare him so that he can do it again, ugh), made me puke.
Oh, you haven't played any other Tales of game. Got it.
To be fair, he didn't necessarily say the actual plot was good.
i have played most of them, so go get you a cope and seethe and shut the fuck up
Maybe he likes the combat best, but Rebirth is the odd duck of the series so it'd be strange to think it's the best gameplay wise but still like the others.
Alisha was literally sold to us as the female lead and one of the main characters. Then some whore fucks the producers and directors, and gets written in as a SUPER AWESOME KICK ASS ASSASSIN NINJA TOUGH CHICK WITH A HEART OF GOLD and they literally spend the rest of the story talking about how stupid Alicia was.
This is not what I preordered.
Are the Xillia games worth emulating?
Honestly none of the tales games are really worth playing anymore. Possible exceptions are Symphonia and Vesperia. The rest are pretty awful.
Don't let anyone meme you with Abyss, that game had probably the most horrible cast in the entire series. And it started the trend of making mages just 'melee who can cast a few spells but should never do because it just gets their shit pushed in'
can they even be emulated
1 no, 2 yes, but 2 expects you to know a lot of stuff from 1.
The game was a strong 1/10 but it's sad for rose's VA, I met her once and she was pretty nice. She's obviously very talented too.
The waifus look bad in pre-PS3 games, so I won't be touching them on that reason alone. Sorry, but yes I'm that shallow.
>Not liking Abyss
Yo what the fuck.
You should start with Symphonia because if you play it after playing more modern ones you're gonna hate the battle system.
It's not just that it's petty, that's literally not even true
I'm disappointed in you.
If it's towards Mikleo. I've always posted him sometimes.
Why do only fujos get such high quality porn, it's so unfair...
Just because idols cultivate such an image it doesn't mean they're actually innocent and pure in private, show business works exactly the same everywhere, these whores sleep with producers all the time to get roles.
The reality is that the twitter logs are very sexual and flirty and heavily imply at the very least that she was at the very least cock-teasing him.
waifufags are lazy
i want to git gud so i can draw my own shit
Tear looks fine to me, at least in the 3DS version of Abyss, I have no idea if they updated the graphics but it doesn't seem like they did, the engine looks exactly like Symphonia 2's on the Wii.
>pre-PS3 games
I'll throw rocks at you.
I'm sorry but Xillia did that much earlier.
This is the first time I see you post him.
I believe in you!
she's just a generic oniichan complex lolidombait, original loli looking girl do not steal
That's a pretty cute boy, but I dunno how that has anything to do with what he's talking about.
only if you can undub 1. jesus christ that dub sound quality was atrocious. I can't believe japan got Miyuki Sawashiro for Milla, and we're stuck with what's her name lisping her way through the game because she presumably recorded her lines at home on a laptop microphone. It's a shame too because her dub would've been tolerable without the hideous lisp.
I tried Tales of____ only once. I played Tales of Legendia and it sucked pretty hard.
A friend claimed to me once that Legendia was possibly the worst game from all of Tales to try. How true is this? Which game should I try first if I'm okay with playing anything from PS era till now?
Never noticed how many cutscenes have Anise's tummy right up near the camera until I gave her this costume
Don't bully.
>Earth Temple
>Edda is so lonely~
I know it was intentionally out of character and fake but that's how I saw her character for the most part.
Only good to bully Meebo.
That would have actually been late enough in the game to have proper development and meaning, along with playing on Yuri's utilitarianism. It could have given him actual conflict and regrets from that point onward and deeply tested his character. It'd be a hard decision that he himself would find extremely difficult to do for once. Killing Alisha 10 hours in would just be hokey.
Who is Ludger's waifu?
thank you user
clearly the cutscenes were tailor-made for devil anise
Farah is one of the best hand-to-hand characters and great as a character to boot.
tear's hugemongous head!
What I don't understand is why they'd want to linger on a game that put the franchise on the ropes, especially when lingering isn't a franchise standard. Instead of burying that mess as quickly as possible, they gave it a two-cour anime series and a mainline prequel. No other Tales game has had as much content made around it as Zestiria. What were they thinking?
>especially when lingering isn't a franchise standard.
>Gaius getting called a little bitch by Leia's mom as she explains how she'd take him down
Too based to be playable.
I just want the PSP version of Phantasia in english desu.
Her game is the most underrated Tales and it's amazing.
Goodnight good thread.
You were good.
2 has really nice gameplay and story amid the asset reuse but I really don't know how enjoyable it would be without playing 1 first even though 1 is mediocre as fuck.
But I heard 2 has a silent protagonist and I really hate those in JRPG's. In 1 you can play as Milla, a voiced protagonist and a girl to boot.
BASED Magiloubros
I just want anything Rody has appeared in to be translated for once
Just one thing
The anime and Berseria were already in production before Zest came out. They obviously thought it was going to do well and when it wasn't they were too far deep to pull out.
Expected some boring pure girl but she became a surprisingly compelling character.
I want to have sex with Rose.
Velvet looks like Michiru Kaioh from Sailor Moon in that picture.
Eternally sealed character who will never be found and waken up forever.
Rose, I want to caress and pinch your cheeks.
Is Magilou a virgin?
Velvet sucks
Actual spoiler: she's like 40 so very unlikely.
Something about her face just pisses me off
Rita got friendzoned. Estelle is a sexual muppet.
Fractured Milla
I want to rub Milla’s Belly.
Legendia is the best though. Symphonia however is the best game to ease new players into the series.
Was there any reason for him to be a silent protagonist, even though hes silent for most of the game he still has a lot of personality. Just feels like wasted potential
Nah it was perfect. Best Tales games
Duke, did you kill Rita?
considering in NG+ he's completely voiced it was most definitely an intentional choice from the devs
Quick rundown, was there one specific thing they were pissed off about?
Lazaris is the best Tales yandere.
>Get to see her obsession grow and evolve over the course of the game
>Starts out merely wanting to make you agree with/understand her goal and help her accomplish it
>Crush and need for you to freely agree with her gives a good excuse for why you're constantly spared instead of being killed
>By the end she becomes so obsessed with you that she is willing to completely abandon her original goal and her world, and her own life, just to try and FORCE you to finally join her, as little as it would mean at this point
She's also a mentally broken sociopath, so it's a coin toss between "I've never had sex because I can't feel close to people and don't see it to be worth the effort" and "I've had empty meaningless sex before because of the physical feeling but it didn't really make me feel better."
people tended to like alisha a lot more than they liked rose, and believed that alisha got shafted in favor of rose halfway into development
Milla's lisp was fucking cute and unique. X2 not having her lisp was a disappointment.
It was to hide the Victor twist.
Tales of the Tempest is the worst, but Tales of Legendia is the second worst.
Nobody here has played RM3 because it's Japanese-only.
Tales threads always come to this complete stop
I have.
It is always so tiresome.
This is what is wrong with neo-weebs. Literally nothing matters except waifus. This is why JRPGs and anime are getting dumbed down.
Abyss > Vesperia
t. Got memed and bought Vesperia
I'm sorry you didn't have a 360 when it came out, but it has been a fucking decade bro, you have to get over it.
I've played Vesperia on 360, it is a good game but it is not the only good game in the series, much less the best.
My issue is with you vesperia-only fags who haven't played anything else yet treat Vesperia as the second coming of Christ
There are two kinds of people who dislike vesperia, people who missed out, and just plain old contrarian faggots. Guess I just gave you the benefit of the doubt there.
Reminder that Zestiria anime is canon and Alisha and Rose got gay ending.
>"If you don't agree that Vesperia is the best game in the series and no other game is worth playing then you are contrarian"
Die. You are a splitting image of what the meme image describes.
I've never said that no other games are worth playing, you came to that conclusion on your own.
But if you don't agree that it is the best, you are absolutely just a contrarian faggot.
Literally retarded considering they are about to release like three games at once.
>He thinks idols and voice actresses don't fuck around to get to the top in Japan
I can't imagine being so wide-eyed and naive as a full grown adult.
pretty sure he meant the quality of the series.
Zestiria and Berseria were both kinda shit.
>when a homosexual couple were the main stars of the game
Wait a second, has there been a Tales game where this WASN'T the case?
I thought the whole series was just fujo-bait?
You might want to go to the doctor to check on that Alzheimer's you are developing
>Honestly none of the tales games are really worth playing anymore. Possible exceptions are Symphonia and Vesperia. The rest are pretty awful
>But if you don't agree that it is the best, you are absolutely just a contrarian faggot.
Eternia is better and so is Xillia 2 despite its shortcomings.
sorry mate, that's not me.
I take it you are new to anonymous image boards? You may wish to try a more tradition forum, where there are names to prevent you from getting confused.
Besides, even if that post were made by me, it would still imply at least one other tales game is worth playing.
Sure it isn't "bro", you can't trust a retard who thinks everyone must agree that Vesperia is the best or they are simply contrarian
If you can prove that is me, I will relent, but you can't, because it isn't.
Welcome to Yea Forums, I imagine you won't be staying much longer if this kind of thing trips you up so bad.
Ironically the game I've seen the most women into is Destiny 2.
She isn't brown
Presenting to you Yea Forums, an improvement to a bland girl
Fuck, japan's taste is ass.
I should go over and break your fucking computer right now. What a faggish comment.
That's just wrong. How horrible. The fanbase is ass.
Yooo, my boi sorey and mikleo ain't faggots. They're friends and rivals, just like Asta and Yuno. TAKE YOUR dumbass headcanon somewhere else. Take it and shove it up a pussy because u need it. Turn you into a decent human being.
Eat shit, your computer deserves to be broken, delete that crap off your pc weirdo.
You too, keep posting this shit and you'll potentially revive hitler.
Fucking faggots, too many here. Get the hell out of here. This website isn't for the likes of faggots. It's a heterosexual website.
fucking based.
Crazy isn't cute.
"Young boy". Do you realize Sorey is 17 right? He's not some "boy" anymore. Dumbass.
I've played a lot of tales games but I believe tales of symphonia is ass. Dawn of the new world was better than the prequel.
Most of the weirdos making this are male faggots not females. the hell... And high quality? It's fucking faggotry.
Real men don't sleep in the same bed together. A faggot isn't a man.
Anyway, some people are comparing the tales games. Some of the best tales games are dawn of the new world, vesperia, graces and xillia as well as zesteria, the others just can't compare as much.
too brown, needs to be more red.
Fine work though.
I think the point he's trying to make is that when idols are found doing that, the otaku completely abandon them (see Hirano Aya) but Komatsu is still popular.
this always gets me.
I love Tales girls!
Imagine having this much autism
Nope, those who use "autism" as an insult are retards who don't have any regard for science.
>Do not exist
I feel personally attacked.
No, it's not actually my favorite tales game and I don't think I'd ever want to go back to the game on account of the godawful maps, but I enjoyed it more than I probably should have, despite all its problems.
Passive aggressively replying to posts with directly replying to them is far more autistic
I don't really remember most of what you described, iirc Lazaris doesn't even appear all that much in RM3 until the very end of the game after Velatropa, I always felt she was by far the weakest of the villain trio in RM3 in terms of character and presence, kinda like ab unsatisfying middle ground between Widdershin and Guede, not to mention here theme and Ougi suck compared to the other two too.
Now that I think about Widdershin does have a pretty dope theme despite the recycled Eternal Finality and Sephiroth looks, pretty cool boss all in all.