You have 10 seconds to explain why you didn't pick Irish Chad right now.
Borderlands 3
Other urls found in this thread:
let me guess, he's gay
I didn't buy the meme fucking shit game in the first place.
I'm not playing the game.
> Purchasing a 2k title within the first decade of it being published.
Hope you bought the 120 season pass that still won't have all the content, retard.
But I did. Also where is the romance option? I want to marry Ava or Tina.
I'm planning on playing him at some point but I started with Moze because she seems like the easiest character to get a hang of.
Plus, the Auto Bear skill is fun.
I picked genderless male robot cause I like the voice and summoners
They made Hammerlock from Borderlands 2 the gay boyfriend of Jakobs (one of the major gun manufacturers)
His name doesn’t make me think Irish.
Because i like fire rate builds
>playing redditlands
>supporting gear box
>making a redditlands thread on Yea Forums
I did, got him to 50 and realised hes shit at mayhem 3, ditched him for chad robocock 2 hours after getting 50
Hammerlocks always been gay, was stated in 2
i dont play trash games
I was made to play Moze.
He sucks, Flak or Moze is where its at.
Zane is the easiest.
It's trigger his skills and forget you triggered them.
You can go full doom guy build and just get stupidly strong and fast the more you kill.
I can't pirate the game yet
I don't play zoomer games.
Because he's the worst alongside pet FL4K
In all seriousness Zane is the worst out of the four characters in terms of fighting prowess according to /vg/
Apparently Moze is the strongest. Honestly the ranking I've seen is Moze>>>FL4K>>Amara>>>>>>>Zane.
I started him, and like his character the best. Then I switched to Amara and ended up liking her green tree close quarters combat play style the best. I miss the Irish quips though. Fuck.
Melee Amara with the right items is retarded
You are correct
Moze going full nades spam with the right equipment makes her OP and never die. Sucks that her mech is absolutely useless except for specif strats.
Check it out grandpa, not only do you not have to chime in for games you don't like, they even made a board just for you!
Yeah, I heard the meme build for Amara is melee. Though I want to try elemental build with her since most guns you use will have elemental effects on them. Some with grenades.
Is he?
Primary Drone secondary Clone Zane is pretty bullshit.
Getting somewhere along the lines of +140% movement speed increase and like 80-120% damage increase by simply popping your skill or killing one guy. He becomes a speed demon with a massive damage boost while at the same time has a decoy and two auto firing skills.
Shield is honestly shit for Zane.
>elemental build
It's really fun as well. the blue tree is pretty dogshit in my experience.
>class mods skill bonuses work even if you don't have any points invested
I don't see how that is when built right he has at least double his movement speed and damage at any given time.
And with 4 more levels his Clone is just a second version of him.
Yeah, I don't know exactly why he is ranked the lowest in terms of stats. When I looked at his talents he seemed fun to play, dude gets a clone and a flying drone that shoots stuff. Someone told me his shield build is fun, if you just go full defensive.
You get crazy CC and can just freeze and slow all enemies on the field/around you. Also you are basically a tank and can't really die.
>meme build
Meme as in overpowered or dogshit?
I'm co-op with my roommate right now and 14 with Amara blue tree. Should I pick another character or does the build pay off? The skill is fun to jump through invisible walls though.
I don't know, just regurgitating shit I've heard. Does that work in Mayhem 3? I know pet FL4K is dogshit though
Because I want to lick Amara's sweaty abs.
What is it about this entire series where they have consistently failed to make characters that actually have fun kits to play with? Is it because ARPG-style skill trees and abilities don't work well in first person or is it because Gearbox doesn't actually have any talented designers? Or maybe it's both?
>Jump through invisible walls
Claptrap in Pre-Sequel was fun to play. Shame he's such a shit character and in such a shit game.
>sweaty ass.
Fixed it for you.
I wanted to be a space robot druid instead.
cringe video game
based fanart
I'm about level 25 and really enjoying Fl4k. I know the tree with the cloak ability is probably best but gamma burst is just so fucking satisfying.
Rakk attack is fucking useless
go to /vg/ nobody is playing this
Surprisingly no. He's a ladies man.
I really liked Jakobs and Vladof guns this time around, so I picked the two characters that use them the best. Abusing the ricochet with FL4K feels like cheating and Moze is godly once you get all the gear you need.
He's hard to play at start, I built into barrier and I'm almost unkillable with near permanent shields.
If you try Zane and fibd him boring or hard, keep at it.
Melee Amara > Moze >>> Amara > Crit Flak > Amara Again > anyother Flak > Zane > Pet Zane
but Support Cryo Zane is based and playing-with-friends-pilled
Melee and elemental build are both good builds for mayhem 3. Melee has the drawback of sucking against flying enemies, obviously.
rent free
>References here and there, pretty dull humor but a few smirks
>Borderlands 2 / Pre-Sequel
>Nearly every line is a reference, upped the LOL SO WACKY humor to new levels, filled with Anthony Burtch's unique brand of cuckold 'humor'. Held together only by improved gameplay and Handsome Jack
Well it least it can't get any worse
>Borderlands 3
>Literally every single line in the game is a reference, and/or meme. Every single one.
>Every character is tryharding to be Handsome Jack, the only thing they ever got right in terms of writing. Fails hard.
>Gameplay is on par and often worse than other games, as its stuck in a time bubble. Literally make a big deal out of alternate fire modes.
>Buggy as shit
>Epic store exclusive
Absolutely disgusting.
Zane plays the long game. When the dlc comes out with raid bosses and higher mayhem levels Zane will suddenly be OP and everyone will demand fl4k buffs.
Also the movement speed/action skill pops your kill skills build can melt boss health bars just as fast as fl4k with the right gear.
>>Gameplay is on par and often worse than other games
kys weebo faggot
I've enjoyed most of the boss fights in this. I hope for raid bosses they don't do the whole DUDE NOVAS LMAO thing again but I know they will.
>devs already confirmed there wont be any dlc characters
get fucked
Zane is incredibly underwhelming compared to the other three characters and is very much in need of a rework of at least one of his trees to be competitive. The fact that his entire dps revolves around kill skills with relatively short durations is what limits him.
unironically get gud
You sound mad.
I prefer Robot Chad, but I will totally play Zane after my first playthrough.
How do you activate kill skills against a boss?
Epic Game Store
seething randydrone
I didn't buy this game for retarded pieces of shit from reddit.
Just run and jump near ledges and use the ground pound to clip
As flak there is a legendary class mod that can proc hunter skills on normal bullet damage, and bosses count as all the enemy archetypes so you can get all the buffs. I do not know if other characters get anything like this
I want to push Moze against her Iron bear and fuck her.
He literally has a skill that activates all kill skills when he uses his action skill
You sound mad.
Zane gets two actives, skills that enhance actives, lets actives use grenades since you sacrifice grenades for two actives, and a shit ton of kill skllls that enhance the hell out of him.
Zanes seems like a character that runs himself, ramps up to shiting damage, and is pretty safe if used right which is easy to do.
Yeah basically every character had “the busted build” that imo keeps them all in line power-wise. And with REALLY esoteric gear you can make the other builds decent as well.
I honestly don’t understand why they thought his Sheild was good
Amara is basically 3 Sirens in one
Flak legitimately is the most broken character in the game
Moze is only used for her Infinte ammo, and her DPS from her mid and Right tree
I mean the Drone is very good, and the Clone has its Uses but what the fuck
I picked FL4K to solo because his pet skag is a loveable retard, but I'll use Zane for co-op
Clone + Shield going full into Blue tree is actually Zane's best build right now.
>Jakobs, the manliest manufacturer, is run by a homo
Its fucking they/them, it costs you fucking NOTHING to use the right pronouns, you're clearly just doing it to piss people off.
I Thought it was his Drone and Clone that was basically the top thing to use?
The Sheild really isn’t fun in my honest opinion
I wish I could use skag, but I'm using FL4K's crit build which calls for the monkey.
Maybe I'll switch it up.
His name was Nigger Jim but people rewrote that too didn't they
Guys, should I pick up BL3? I liked BL2 well enough, played through it a few times, and I haven't played a good shooter in a while.
But I know the writing is shit and the characters & villains suck. I know it doesn't have the soul of BL1 left and it's just a cash-grab.
Is it at least long? I need a game that lasts a while.
most bosses have ads and Zane's last drone skill pops all kill skills at once if you pop any one of your two skills.
So if you alternate between both skills you are generally in Kill skill mode for virtually forever.
>Zane runs into the old cast who murdered his brother
>Oh well it's all fair in love and war all's forgiven! You guys are sure BADASS by the way, I hope you borderlanders didn't forget the ULTIMATE DLC edition you badasses!
Don't fucking reply to me.
It's more likely that I just don't give a fuck
>I know it doesn't have the soul of BL1 left and it's just a cash-grab.
You literally answered your own question. If you want something long buy a game that is long but doesn't suck shit.
People called The Bluest Eye racist and tried to censor it too but I bet you neither care nor understand why her views remain valid
I did play Zane chad. Kind of a mistake DESU. While I never had any real difficulties he doesn't really hit his stride till like 35-40.
I just beat the game and it's honestly too long and was a draining experience. I figure it's less a slog with classes who clear quicker early/mid.
I kind of wanna roll a new class, but honestly since there's no real end game bosses/content I'll prob just go back and finish Iceborne or buy Greedfall.
Let's refer to Fl4k as "it" instead of "they" because, you know...robot.
whats a game that is long and doesnt suck shit
I'm sorta the opposite. FL4K felt too... Off, I guess. Probably playing FL4K on 2nd playthrough.
Yeah. It's fun and soulful.
>made to look like a badass extrovert who gives zero fucks
>personality is completely flat and 1d to the point you wonder if she's developmentally challenged
Biggest fuckup of the game in my opinion
Haven't gotten that far yet. but Mayham 1 I melt everything with a shoddy build So I expect to to only improve.
3 is basically the best Borderlands gameplay wise, and actually improves on all the shit 2 and 1 got wrong.
I don’t need to tell you that the guns feel better then ever but there’s something.
Everyone knows that the writing is shit (Albeit a little overreacting) but it’s all subjective.
I said don't fucking reply to me, I've no time for racists (more so when they are also transphobic as you proved)
Do not reply to me, you're a trash person.
I thought you could swap the pets in or out whenever you want, and unless the skill specifically calls for a particular pet it would apply to any of them?
there's a lot of things that make it smoother to play than the old borderlands but the female PC's are pretty generic and they ruined matchmaking. Wait for it to go on sale
>Let's refer to Fl4k as "it"
I honestly can't believe how non-binery people are treated around here. Is it jealousy?
You can swap pets in and out whenever, but the monkey gives bonus crit which is really good.
Also I can't use upgraded skags because no points in that tree.
Zane feels stupid good to play. Hitman + Double Agent is the best combo. Lvl 40 now. Easily one of the best characters in the series.
Toni Morrison is racist? Right, you're the reason why blacks are put in prison by fascist dems. Pseud
There is the Speed build (Drone+Clone) and the Cryo shield build (Clone+Shield), both are pretty strong at the moment, the later has a lot more survivability than the former so it gets consistently better results.
Didn't like BL2, haven't gone back into the series since
Not a good track record, only having one game I like
>If you want something long buy a game that is long but doesn't suck shit.
Gee you fucking think?
Yeah but that doesn't answer the question. I get that the guns are ok, but does that make the game actually worth playing?
What I can't believe is why people would take a character voiced by a male, modeled structurally after a male, and call it anything but a man. Fl4k technically doesn't have a gender, but if he did it would obviously be male. He's not here to represent non-binary people.
I don't really want to support him, if he gets too much focus that might be a bit problematic and something about him has to change, like his sexuality or gender.
I don't play shitty games.
cuz I can't afford the game
What are things Borderlands get right? Honest opinions
>Weak bait
>but just in case
Just stop replying to him holy fuck
Nigger shit cunt kike faggot bitch whore get the fuck off Yea Forums and die in a fire dense fuck before I skullfuck you to death
Easily the best Borderlands gameplay wise, improved on everything from BL2,TPS&BL1 that those did right.
Storywise it has issues and humor may not be your thing though. Soundtrack is really, really good this time around though
>They sound and look male, so they are male!
THIS officer, this post right here!
Ah, okay. At least earning cash is trivial so you can respec whenever you want.
1? Characters.
2 had an entertaining villain.
3 is more mechanically improved, even if everything else suffers for it including the graphics which look even worse than a game released 7 years ago.
Yeah, but going stealth and ricocheting everywhere off of bodyshots is amazing. I'm having trouble changing off.
If fucking despised Torque weapons in 2 and Pre-Sequel. They were slow, inaccurate and the bullets travel at a snails pace.
BL3 made Torgue weapons the best thing ever to me. They made them have the ability to increase in damage with the sticky alt fire. They fire and travel faster now and they are normally not complete dog shit for accuracy.
But Hyperion. Fuck me did they fuck that whole set of weapons up. Only one worth a shit gun and it's the fire 8 shots in a second Legendary Shotgun.
Some of the class set-ups and skill trees are pure fun and very clever. Setting is pretty unique even if the writing is usually pissing in the wind half the time. Some of the boss build ups are perfect(Bunker) and show they can do kick ass set pieces. The gameplay is never really terrible, it has highs and lows and is typically average or better and significantly better with friends. It's a good $10 and at least one pal series.
Yes, he is. If he behaves like a male, talks like a male, presents outwardly as a male, probably a guy. It's not a simple concept, it's just common sense. Do you have any?
Play Borderlands 2.
Honestly yes I’ve put just 20 hours on one character alone(I haven’t even started TVHM) and I had fun with it, wether it was Solo or Coop, it just depends
Why do you assume gender when gender is a social construct and not biological? It is not based on looks or sounds, you are simply an outdated bigot, you need to learn that.
The pace in which you get loot and levels. I never felt any lull in any kind of increase of power, but I haven't hit level cap yet. Weapons now can have specific bonuses that are pretty tight, like enemies will take 25% more damage after getting hit by Rakk Attack and such. Skill trees are more fleshed out than ever, build variety is pretty solid. Once you unlock true vault hunter mode it stays unlocked for your entire account, so you no longer need to beat the game once as a new character to get the mode. Mayhem mode really expedites the leveling process, mayhem 3 gives a 50% bonus to XP and a whopping 500% to loot quality.
>I’ve put just 20 hours on one character alone
That's like, 1/16th of a game. Please tell me it has more content than that.
Because I don't play shit games.
Because he speaks, sounds, talks, walks, acts, as a man would. If you open your mind too much your brain will fall out, and it's evident critical thought isn't something you possess. It's fine if you want to accept being an idiot, but don't bring other people down with you because you're choosing to be close minded.
I honestly don’t know why they fucked Hyperion so much, especially their Shotguns, and I’m pretty sure they stopped doing Pistols on them to. The Sheild mechanic is just shit, and pretty much every other company got huge buffs
Read Judith Butler, you fascist
Do not reply to me again, bigots.
I don't like the Maliwan charging weapons
Read Judith Butler and Helene Cisxous you mansplaining Male body
I'm a woman and I said do NOT reply to me again.
Me either, the swapping of elements isn't really all that stellar either when you can still sling most elements easily through different guns and skills. So they just end up being unfun weapons more often than not, though I have gotten some pretty neat Maliwan legendaries.
Other then the story the end game, has stuff like Circle of Sluaughter(Wave Horde mode survival), Proving Grounds(Basically Digistruct peak in), and most known Mayhem Mode. I haven’t got into that stuff yet so I can’t really say much on it personally
You are male because you define people like a male.
Few questions:
-Can the game be modded?
I heard the game uses devuno and heard you could be banned if you do anything outside of what is intended. So are 100% orange drops completely dead?
-Is there like a "BADASS RANK" shit like in BL2 where you put points into a limitless system that could be edited easily?
-Will Gibbed save editor be making a come back?
>get purple fire Maliwan SMG in 1
>shreds enemies
>get purple fire Maliwan SMG in 2
>still pretty good
>get purple fire Maliwan SMG in 3
>shit charge up time
>does no damage
>underleveled Jakobs revolver outclasses it
I don't like Torge ARs. They've srmi-automatic, but the don't feel as good as Maliwan's, Dahl's or Jakobs' ARs.
>You have 10 seconds to explain why you didn't pick Irish Chad right now.
Not cracked yet.
>dropped Amara since i couldnt get into her skills even though i always pick siren
>start playing moze
>go into grenade tree
>explosion pistol
>4th of july every level
who else has fun builds like this watching myself get down and revived from my own explosions is fun as fuck
he canonically dated Lilith so no
oh what, the monkey gives bonus crit? damn. I thought it was just movement speed or whatever. I just picked the skag because it gave damage and pissed on the floor and stuff.
SMG monkey is movespeed + crit damage, which is the last one in the stealth tree.
I already did 5 times.
>Why do you assume gender when gender is a social construct and not biological?
As we move into a post gender-coded world, we will increasingly rely on objective markers for making determinations on matters of identity.
I don't think he's the worst, but his power is very gear dependent, Moze has that issue with her passive stuff however the Iron Bear does crazy damage and gives you a breather to refill shields.
It was incredibly exciting to see such a diverse Vault Hunter cast!
FL4K is genderless and has neutral pronouns.
Moze is transgender pre-op.
Zane is a pedophile.
Amara is a POC woman.
Kudos to Gearbox for being so progressive!
Since when is Jakobs "manly?"
Jakobs' shtick is Western, no elementals, and ridiculous per shot damage.
If anything, Torgue should be the "manly" gun manufacturer.
>else suffers for it including the graphics which look even worse than a game released 7 years ago.
Never go full retard
>Can the game be modded?
Too early to tell, the series isn't really known for its robust moddability, but it does seem to be extra anal about messing with the .ini files
>I heard the game uses devuno and heard you could be banned if you do anything outside of what is intended. So are 100% orange drops completely dead?
It does, but I haven't heard anything about anything getting banned. The save files are stored locally, so worst comes to worst, you can get a save editor in like 3-4 months.
>Is there like a "BADASS RANK" shit like in BL2 where you put points into a limitless system that could be edited easily?
They changed the name of it (it called guardian rank), but it's locked until the first completion of the game.
>Will Gibbed save editor be making a come back?
imagine playing this literal meme tier piece of shit that still hasn't fixed any of the problems of the franchise aside from having multiple active skills per character
>we will increasingly rely on objective markers
Fuck off casual.
>the manliest manufacturer, is run by a homo
Torgue isn't gay tho.
Reminder it's sold over 5 million copies already. Yea Forums got BTFO hard with this one
>Implying I'm White
>touching Borderlands 3 at all.....
What a fag.
Thanks Pal, I already got Shadowkeep for D2 so I'm set once this game comes out on steam
This I just got a life steal artifact with her and it's fucking nuts.
It's a shame most of her headgear options are shit
Look at Sir Hammerlock then compared to now user and tell me it's not worse lmfao
The characterization is somehow even worse than BO2 and the matchmaking is complete fucking dogshit that throws you into the same lobby even if they're all AFK
guys, which character out of the seems best for lategame and killing bosses? thanks in advance
My brother bought it and I can't be bothered to play it. While I love Borderlands, I can't fucking stand the PS4 jet engine sounds anymore. It's fucking unbearable.
Make me
The only one I really don't like pkaying as is Fl4k. I havent really played him at all though so take what I say with a grain of salt. AMARA IS THE BEST CHARACTER
>Just got Kings Call as Flak
>Mfw using it with fade away
They are not useful for ads.
They are boss murdering weapons.
When a AR has 7% increase in damage for every gyrojet you land before reloading and the Ar has like 27 bullets.
Than a full clip does somewhere close to 3x damage. Even more if you landed those shots on a weakpoint.
Doing this to random schmucks. is a waste of time because it's normally just faster to hit them with almost anything else.
>Best for late game
Flak, Moze
>Best for bosses
Flak with fade away build
Moze with grenade build
I'm currently playing with Amara now, but I head FL4K and Zane can cheese at least some of the more annoying bosses in the game.
So can you get legendary weapons when you get the Eridium gun thats shoots guns?
whos the brick or BL3?
Amara and her Melee build
5million by todays standers isn't very good.
if a game dosent do GTA numbers, its a failure
>wonder if she's developmentally challenged
that's the best part user
Very low chance but yes
Ah, the game only seems to give me Torque when it comes to blue and above ARs, but I'll make sure to keep one around. In all honesty, despite as playing as Amara, I've been a total lucklet when it comes to elemental guns in the first place.
Yes. Better off just mercing old bosses over and over again.
literally the only good thing related to Ava
It's disgusting, I have a Lyuda and a good Lucian's Call with cryo but neither match the damage King's Call does in fade away.
>the only thing they ever got right in terms of writing
Um, actually he ad-libbed most of his lines.
So who DID you buy it for?
>Gameplay is on par and often worse than other games
>the quest where you get to shit on the legacy of Mordecai's gf
>moving the goalpost
Massive cope
Is it possible to pirate this yet?
I think she was a child senpai also fuck you for doing that
>Implying I was the one to buy it
This is such a bait character.
>Too cool for school ladies man who is some kind of bounty hunter/merc/smuggler/criminal
>date(d) the hottest gals in whatever universe he is in
>Sarcastic/full of him self attitude
Fuck you guys fall for this in every series
Your point being?
He looked like the Soldier based character and I played Roland and Axton before him so I was gonna play him regardless.
technically it was ran by his father and family before him, all of whom i imagine had the sex with the females to create offspring. the current head was killed off-camera before we reach Eden-6.
Despite being 13% of the US population, Blacks commit 53% of all violent crime.
It's more like she's a badass introvert who gives zero fucks
Jakobs weapons are the best.
If by weapons, you mean only shotguns, sniper rifles, and pistols yes.
Here to remind you; You can refund the game, and still keep it
>ruins your story
His brother regularly sent assassin squads after him to try to kill him as a way of "checking up" on him.
Can someone give me the bog rundown on all the gun manufactuers bonuses and shit?
Only one I knew was that Hyperion had elemental damage on it and one had big ammo clips or something like that
>low hanging pants and leotard with hip showing
cursed with this specific fetish for eternity since BL2
>Not Lilith
Moze felt more like a soldier based on the trailers. I had Zane pegged for a cross between Zer0 and Salvador: thinks he's cool, looks and acts the part, but is kind of an idiot.
They really outdid themselves in making a new worst character, outside of the player characters this guy was the only new character I actually liked so of course they kill him off in the same game they introduce him
>implying we arent getting the prequel going on typhons adventures 20 years ago
It's coming from a mile away At least I hope, I just want S&S to come back, no more of this hacky bandit shit anymore.
What the FUCK is the point of Vaughn?
Literally adam jensen
Pandora primary questgiver.
He also fucked Moxxi
its they for flak it says so on the skills and such, no?
nothing more manly than fucking another bro
How pathetic do you have to be to fish for (you)s like this?
I mained Wilhelm in the shitty pre sequel, so, I thought I'd try a character without a flying turret sidekick, this time.
I like the robot
Why would I play as a European faggot when I can be an unhinged robot.
you baited me there i really thought you hated this guy, He oozes charisma and it would have been an amazing game if you just followed him around the whole game instead of lilith
everyone but her kids fucked moxxi he ain't special
thats like 90% of them dingus
The soundtrack is so good. Big step up from the previous games
pretty sure that fl4k is the best for bosses with moze right behind but moze is also a mobbing god as well so she comes out on top rather easily, it comes down to level 50 builds and multipliers
That's about the only thing considered a big step up
Hammerlock has been gay since 2 though.
I would have much rather Mordecai’s apprentice have been a thing. She was dead and I could already tell she would have been more likeable than Ava.
Truth. I only run Jakobs. They had decent pistols in 2, but in 3 nothing is resistant against pure damage and they are 2 star against armor, plus the bullets ricochet essentially randomly giving it splash damage. When you find the pistols that have %Crit %Damage rolls it is fucking broken, especially with the pistols with larger mags and a high fire rate. Everything simply explodes when you inevitably get a headshot.
The only time I switch is when I find insane firerate Vladofs or Dahls with elemental.
>throw porcelain grenade
>kill every boss in seconds
It’s so broken I almost expect them to nerf it
Great Vault? Destroyer?
Zane got the best headgear options
The only bad thing about him was the constant TURDS TURDS TURDS shit.
I think Marcus, Mordecai and Jakobs were the only characters who never pissed me off at some point in the game.
>no Sal
>no Gaige
>no Axton
>Kreig is audio tapes only
They’re just saving them for the DLC right?
Hopee you didn't waste your money on this garbage
...Hammerlock is Maggie?
dont they get left behind due to lack of element damage in endgame? U love Jakobs but I really dont have space for it when I do TVM/UVM
waiting for a sale
>Playing Zane
>Fl4k exists and is voiced by a decent VA
>Amara exists and you can crank a fatty thinking about her amazon positioning you
>Moze exists and you can imagine prone-boning her while she shoots a LMG and the recoil bounces her back on your cock
Are YOU gay my nigga
Because I do not now nor have I ever had any intention of playing Borderlands 3.
I picked him up knowing he was a Flynt, related to Baron & Captain Flynt.
I expected some banter about it with Lilith and other veteran npcs, boy was I disappointed, with the exception of a couple of lines there is nothing else, might as well have him named John Doe instead
It’s alright, he asks Moxxy if she remember the weekend they spent together at a casino to which she chuckles and replies no.
Don't own this shit. Plus there's probably an echo of him chomping down HRT,
How viable is a Fl4k Pet build?
Pets are kinda cumbersome to use, but can be reasonably powerful.
Maybe if they fix the AI, they'll be pretty decent. As is, they often just stand around doing nothing.
He pounded that magic pussy before it became dead nigger storage.
I fear they will become underwhelming on higher difficulties just like axton turrets
I got a completely OP blue Hyperion shotgun that lobbed radiation splash damage orbs that had a 40% proc chance that carried me from 23 to almost 50 that I have yet to see another version of, I imagine it would be incredible with a 50 version too. No it wasn’t a Torgue.
Can you get his Tesla whip?
Hyperion - Weapon Shields. Pretty much fucking it.
Maliwan - Large Charge times just to shoot. Switching between two elements on command. Lowest damage output.
Jakobs - Fires as fast as you pull the trigger, Low ammo count, High damage output, No element ever, Crits cause ricochet to nearest enemies.
Atlas - Tracking puck/grenade causes normal bullets to home in on the puck or victims of the grenade.
Tediore - multiple firing modes from full auto, semi-auto, underbarrel rocket, tri-pod
Torque - all bullets explode. Most have a two firing modes between standard rocket to Sticky Gryo bullets that increase in damage depending on how many you stick to a single enemy.
>implying Typhon wasn’t just taking a nap after being thrown into a stone wall
I'm to busy playing FL4K. I really like having an animal companion even if they are useless half of the time.
I want him to seduce me though.
I'm level 50 and the pets mostly serve as a distraction for enemies plus reviving you. However I don't have any points in the master tree so I don't know how good they can get. The jabber with the rocket launcher can still kill basic enemies though
Never played the prequel, should I play it?
No he didn't, he dated Moxxi
Characters have really good skill trees but are unfortunately trapped inside a shitty game
Voiced by a gold voice chubby chink
What character would you recommend if I want to have the most fun
He had a fling at a casino with Moxxi.
>Proneboning Moze while she is shooting a LMG
Drawfags, Please.
>DLC Vault Hunters
Boy, do I have some bad news for you
So has literally everyone on Pandora.
What do you mean?
>Tediore - multiple firing modes from full auto, semi-auto, underbarrel rocket, tri-pod
That's Dhal & Vladof you mofo
Gay nigger detected
No new Vault Hunters planned, instead we're going to get new skill trees for the current ones
Instead of that they're looking towards DLC skill trees
I'm only about halfway (?) into 3, so I can't fully comment on it, but 2 (if you can stomach the writing) > 1 > Tales > 2 (if you can't stomach the writing) >>> TPS.
I totally forgot Dhal and Vladof existed because I rarely got one and just though it was a Tediore thing.
My bad.
He's talking about 2's Vault Hunters appearing in 3, not 3 adding more.
That doesn't sound too bad desu
I picked Amara since I've never actually tried the Siren characters before. I always stuck with the commando and pet summoner type characters before.
Why isn't there any good moxxi porn
>that ending
Jesus christ that was some dogshit
Dunno, all I know is that I enjoyed playing Krieg and the Doppleganger more than the starting VHs. Krieg was the sole reason I jumped back onto BL2 again and played as much as I did
well counting that the other classes are 2 brown turbo lesbo dykes and a gender fluid robot you have no other option
Didnt Jakobs had a wife tho?
Isn't Amara actually straight?
Im not the only one who immediately thought of that scene in iron giant right?
I had it in my head that she was a gopnik and would have a stupid heavy Russian accent just because she was serving Vladof and i'm still disappointed that's not the case. I wanted my female mech pilot
Fl4k crit build is beyond broken to the point where you might as well not use any other build.
Don't get into it, it never ends. Just keep your faps to yourself and everything will be fine.
is it true that game doesn't run on consoles
What was the line Scooter always said? Skag den so wide it's like tossing a hot dog down it?
Obviously not, the writers had to if they ripped it off this wholesale.
Ever watch Brokeback Mountain?
Claptrap has interesting skills, he's tricky to play but a lot of fun, and surprisingly not nearly as annoying as a player character as he is as an NPC. Nisha if you want to be a space cowgirl gunslinger. A lot of folks like Wilhelm, too.
Only when someone's in the inventory on split-screen
Moze is incredibly fun. Mixing mech weapons is insanely fun
I play on a regular PS4 and it's ran fine for me
All of the skills in this game look so neutered it's crazy. All he has is some free crit shots and it's the most powerful thing available because everything else is just that underwhelming.
I think they're bullshitting because they'll be paid content not included in the season pass and they don't want to stir up shit and get everyone pissed off right at launch.
>Not mentioning Athena
>They dont want to stir shit up and get everyone pissed off right at launch
Meanwhile the lead developer of the game is bragging on twitter on a daily basis about how steam users are trash because the game sold well on the epic store. Gearbox thrives on making people angry.
It's a fucking robot, I'm gonna call it whatever I fucking want
Never played as her, sorry
True, but this would unilaterally piss off everyone who bought it across all platforms
>Borderlands 3 is so desperately trying to recapture the "MEMEY MEME MEMES MEEEEEEEEEEEME" shit in 2 because's it was the popular one
>yfw Randy Pitchford unironically wishes he was Anthony Burch
Don't worry, if you watch the pictures in the credit roll you can see Tannis looking for Lilith, calling it now: one of the future dlc will have you find and rescue Lilith.
Also... fuck the people who lived on Elpis, right?
Who the fuck wrote the story, trannies?
I did pick him, but I feel like he might be the weakest of the four. Guess they wanted us hard for mister they/them robot
>Anthony Burch is nowhere to be found
>The games writing is exactly the same, if not worse, than it was in 2
gameplay is great. Must buy if you have a friend to play with since it gives you an excuse to play two different characters.
Whenever I play split-screen with my roommate we have about 5 minutes before we're able to play, not counting opening menus which only adds to time. It's unoptimized as fuck.
I did and now I can't see myself playing any other character.
When you get the right gear, you can solo Proving Grounds so easy with Zane.
well that's no good because the selling point of the game for me is splitscreen
It was until the twins killed him and his faggot son took over
Their commercials play off the tough as nails lone cowboy archetype. Pretty standard tough guy thing from every cowboy movie ever made.
Torgue is more the extreme dudebro. which is pretty stardard straight male area but with the SJWish stuff Mr Torgue has spouted in the past puts that in question.
Boomer Jensen is the only good thing about redditlands
i thought Starcraft 2 ending
Man Maya got shafted.
>7640 calories
Like said, even without him they're trying to replicate his crappy writing and somehow doing an even worse job of it than he did because they took the wrong lesson away from 2's success - "MEME GOOD, USE MORE MEME"
Because I picked Amara and have a super fun elemental build
More like snapped
Maya's personality is nothing like how I imagined she would be after playing Borderlands 2.
Amara is the only cool headed Siren in the game.
Also holy fuck Amara feels unkillable end game with a elemental build and the roughrider shield. Why are Sirens always the most fun?
Cowboy archetype is still homo-friendly.
See Dudebro is nothing but testosterone.
Torgue is still top, or at least higher than Jakobs when it come to unapologetic manliness.
Because I don't buy Epic exclusive garbage.
However if the roster doesn't add anybody even more appealing to me by the time BL3's out on Steam I'll be going straight for Zane. I wanted to be hype for Amara but her personality is so bland and all her abilities are just dude damage lmao and damage abilities NEVER scale worth a damn.
Still hoping the Eridian from the end of the Pre Sequel will be one of the DLC hunters, I'd main the shit out of a big shield ayylmao
>Maya's personality is nothing like how I imagined she would be after playing Borderlands 2.
>Maya's personality is nothing like how I imagined she would be after playing Borderlands 2.
Welcome to playing Sirens. BL1 gave me a happy-go-lucky superpowered rookie in Lilith, BL2 turned her into the ultimate fuckup gigabitch.
Lilith feels in line with the voice clips we got of her in 1.
Maya seemed like a more calm and cool character who could get heated when needed. Then in 3 they turned her into Lilith lite
Moze is straight tho
How do they manage to go every game with fewer manufacturers each time?
>only appealing character
>is a shitty jack of all trades master of none
into the trash it goes
its bugmen dogfood.
Because I'm a mozechad, not a zanevirgin
Could they not just get a fucking Irish guy to voice him? he sounds retarded
Wait a year, is what I should have done but I'm retarded
Maliwan guns are trash here, seriously. What's even the point of them?
The pistols are incredibly satisfying to shoot and the particle effects look good
Keep in mind bringing in the old PCs back to influence the story was fucking retarded and was only done because they couldn't write an original story for shit.
I forgot to add CoV, Dahl, and Vladof.
so that's 9 manufacturers.
That's one more Manufacturer than 2/PS
Only manufacturers missing is S&S Munitions due to being out of business and Eridian weapons.
But I did and he’s my favorite
>Maya's personality
I expected her to be the cool and collected badass like in Krieg's BL2 trailer. Similar to Roland in many ways but not as obsessed with "the mission" like he always was in BL2.
> Jack of all trades archetype
Really thought that wasn't going to be a thing since each character had 3 active skills. And if the DLC skill trees are true, there's even more reason to specialize/meme-build instead of generalizing.
Not all manufacturers have all the guns, though. Atlas for example only has two gun types, rifles and rocket launchers.
>beat all the little girls records
>enjoy every second of it
>get a legendary that carries me 5 levels
Fucking worth
t. didn't play Boderlands 3
>even navigating to epic games website to contemplate downloading their launcher
I hate this idea they’ve gotten where manufacturers having gimmicks makes the guns more fun to use. It makes some manufacturer weapons completely unusable if you don’t like the gimmick. Looking at Atlas/Maliwan here especially, who actually likes the tracker shots and charge gimmick?? Tediore can also be fucking annoying.
I was really, really hoping Lilith was going to die at the start. Why does she keep coming back?
They have pistols too
That makes it even better lmao
>adds brand new DLC vault hunter
You have to start this character from the ground up and experience the whole game with their upgrades/skills at a normal pace and really get to learn you character + new personality/dialogue.
>add skill tree to an existing character
You go to one of the customization machines, respec into the new tree, play with it for a few mins, get bored and move on because at the end of the day it’s the same character you already put tons of hours into.
I say a soldier main has gotten the shit end of the stick here. Roland was extremely based in BL1. Then comes BL2 completely throw his old VA/personality out the window and make him so stoic still some what based leader and then he’s the first protagonist death in the series. Axton was cool, but of course he’s a faggot. Now here in Borderlands 3 Roland is of course dead, Axton is nowhere to be found, and Moze while cute has the personality of a piece of cardboard.
I beat the game once as Amara. Playing Moze & Zane now. Moze is a glass cannon with a bitch personality but becomes edgy D.VA in combat. Zane has the worst abilities in game. His clone & drone are the only two viable ones with the clone taking much longer to spec right. But they're just not fun to use. Shame too because he has the best personality of all the characters.
All characters have been shit user, Gearbox is tone deaf