Cube World

>dev finally releases game after 6 years
>people still aren't satisfied

What are you faggots even mad about? the progression system in the alpha was broken; at least with this new region system there's more replay factor with getting more gear and going to the next area. Anyone else actually enjoying and like this change besides me?

Attached: cube_world-696x392.jpg (696x392, 59K)

Other urls found in this thread:!dS4CiQLR!yynOPwvIVmwNkg-gGQl9DI60-xovJedZzK0Re2baI-E

>liking being punished for doing core gameplay features
Are you ok in the head there buddy?

Attached: u wot.jpg (800x999, 92K)

i bet you're on of those guys who plays every game on easy difficulty

Oh wait I'm sorry I guess you don't know because you enjoy this garbage heap but some of us enjoy not being spawn killed by mobs with 1000+ hp and 60dps when you start with a max 200 hp.

Attached: Successful Deconstruction.jpg (641x945, 75K)

ok keep playing it instead of making threads

it's boring as fuck, what's the point?

which one of you based retards did this

Attached: notch.png (1303x369, 143K)

Holy shit the discord is amazing, the #beta-criticism is literally Yea Forums shitposting XD
I already got muted (probably permanently) for "racist jokes via reactions"
I'm loving it and cant wait for the crowbcat video and youtube compilations of the shitstorm

Attached: cube world.png (934x108, 18K)

It happened, they can't take a joke :(

Attached: banned.png (477x181, 17K)

Except every region has the same. Every game has “replay factor” in that you can start the game from scratch.

This is the first time I've been thankful that discord exists

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I’ve seen one man and two man teams make far better games than the current cube world and in less than six years at that.

What happened to the factions? How are we ever supposed to have a half-functioning lore or story when the whole game is just copy-paste-quest world?

Attached: lore.jpg (1200x1160, 438K)

Those airships are in the game. Too bad they appear to be purely visual and only appear briefly.

Yeah I mean I know the factions exist and stuff but what's the point of showing off the leaders in-game if we can never meet them or have some sort of longer questline about the faction as a whole?

The way Wollay typed those tweets out makes me think he was just messing with his procedural-generated npcs and phrasing it like they have importance. I'm guessing he had this stuff planned out, but then later removed it when he decided that moving to new regions resets your character.

is there really no skills in this game?

Yes, you. The one screaming, "Waahh, there's a Region Lock!" and "Wollay lied to us!" and other slurs I dare not mention. Tread lightly.

You are one. We are hundreds, thousands. Millions. You aren't just IN the minority; you ARE the minority.

I don't feel awkward or anxious playing Cube World around others, and your words don't affect me. Many others, however, are coming out of their shells for the first time in their lives. This is the first time many are enjoying the beautiful world that has been procedurally generated for us - and it IS beautiful. Incredibly so. DON'T ruin this for them. We Cube World fans may have our differences, but we will not hesitate to come to the aid of our fellow explorers, especially against someone who so virulently slurs that which has brought us all together.

Don't take this the wrong way. I don't hate you. I don't fear you. I pity you.

I ask you politely to cease your unnecessary cries for attention, and instead invite you to join our ranks. Uninstall Fortnite, start-up Cube World, and breathe in the splendor and the amazement of your first playthrough, and then, maybe, just maybe, you'll see what you've been so hopelessly searching for this whole time.

What an absolutely shitty fucking thing to do.


I think you have that backwards, bucko.

>yfw Wollay disappears again, this time forever

Attached: notch.jpg (968x681, 29K)

>calling mods racist

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it was not worth it

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most of the people writing good reviews on steam are fucking giga shills i mean look at this shit dude
you can't sit down and tell me that these aren't fucking paid

Attached: shillnigger.jpg (635x213, 18K)

its a joke, the game wasn't even out

>posted sept 19
It's a meme review from before the game even came out. Obviously people had expectations. You can't post reviews now, it was a mistake that it was even possible in the first place

give me the link to the discord bro

I wish Wolly was at least charming like the TempleOS guy.


If you go check out other reviews they edited them to add some stuff like "welp the new progress system is kinda weird". Pretty sure they don't want their review to be deleted so they go semi-passive with it

why hasnt anyone uploaded this yet

ok and?
doesn't make up for the fact that the game is a pile of shit

he wouldn't add region locked items

Attached: Terry_A._Davis.jpg (420x560, 87K)

ok cool i didn't look at dates like a tard
doesn't make up for the fact that the game is a fucking pile of shit

honestly hope wollay takes it off steam

Having a small team is a good bragging point when you make a good game. Its not a good point to defend a shit game.

“The game is shit but it was made by 1 person so buy it :)”


>honestly hope wollay takes it off steam
this. how do you fuck your game up so badly that people don't even want your game anymore

The zoom in/out doesn't even work after you bind it

Dont call it a grave, its the future you chose.

>Wollay, you are removing Regional locked items right ?

Attached: masuda.jpg (600x600, 65K)

fuck you tard i deleted it when i realized i posted twice

>no funds for 6 years
wtf where did all the funds from alpha sales go

Attached: soylent.jpg (1500x1500, 133K)!dS4CiQLR!yynOPwvIVmwNkg-gGQl9DI60-xovJedZzK0Re2baI-E

have fun boys

unlikely if you posted the beta version

Should have deleted it twice shitposter


here is the real version

Attached: 7a6p6t24a2b31.png (640x519, 97K)

Can i not be a nigger in this game? I can only play pink or red human

And I can't even deal damage to catalillarz with their 400+hp.
What kind of a kek am I getting here?

Thanks for the dolphin porn

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The discord chat is destroying my sides holy fuck

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I don't look so bad now, do I Yea Forums?

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If skyrim 6 is good all is forgiven Todd

give us some screens user

link the discord kek

Based autistic german trolled the video game industry not once, when he singlehandedly invented Early Access, but twice now that he finally produced his lego game and it's driving people crazy.

Attached: Capture.png (612x540, 69K)

Heres the link

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Out of curiosity, I checked new comments on the trailer video to see what people thought of the game

Why are they like this?

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>Have fun maxing out your character in a month and stomp all the game
As opposed to maxing out your character in half an hour by finding a good weapon, clearing the Zone and basically having finished the game.

Dog worship is a thing.

It's a meme nowadays where games where you can pet a dog or whatever animal it instantly becomes a 10/10 title.
this shit right here

heh, nuffin persimmon kiddo,....

people are retarded and think they are quirky for adoring animals

>You keep your glider/boat/reins from zone to zone
>finding a new glider/boat/reins improves your gliding/boating/raining skills
Thoughts? Should be implementable

>got banned from the discord
have fun

Attached: mmmmmmmmm.png (741x289, 70K)

>tfw the alpha footage looks a thousand times more fun than this shitty fucking beta
Wollay can suck the hairiest part of my ass. I fucking love autistic number grinding but this game is awful.

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Haven't played or kept up with this game in forever, didn't even buy it all those years ago. But do you seriously forfeit items when you switch zones? Or am I reading this wrong.

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only special items like boats, climbing boots, glider etc

you can keep certain items but those arent even guaranteed to drop

You literally lose every single fucking item when moving between zones, including your glider and boat which just instantly vanish from your hands even if you're in the middle of the ocean/100 feet in the air.

What did you say?

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And all your other equipment degrades back to basic white/common rarity stats. Unless you farmed +gear, but even that loses it's effect if you travel across too many regions.

What's a zone? Is it like the different biomes?

yeah okay but
when's hytale


Attached: 28fee3df02b422d9d8db459aebb0c7c6.png (269x119, 10K)

Basically yes. See the white lines in If you're in a boat when you across that, it vanishes.

Exactly that, but also not. Even if the zone is the same "type" as the one you were just in (i.e. transferring from a desert to another desert) you still lose everything.

Pretty much yeah.

The progression is ok
Artifacts need to be buffed
Region Locking movement assets needs to be removed
6/10, potential is there, haven't gotten to the capital endgame yet

Attached: Murder Clown.jpg (190x497, 17K)

I'm gonna post the mega link in the discord lmao

Wollay's autism demands you start from 0 everytime. He loves repeating everything, it helps soothe his depression and anxiety

There is no endgame.

that's just going to get it reported retarded

Post here please.

Let's see what I've done since I played alpha
>Fucked trap
>Trap fucked me
>Impregnated korean girl because she asked for it
>Lost work
>Found work
>Sued for beating fag
>Dating girl 11 years younger than me
>Traveled to 7 countries
>Got hit by a car
>Bought apartments
>My dog died

Hey the fuck do you lose everything?

yeah but nothing really changes other than the creatures that are there and the way it looks
it all plays exactly the same
no temprature gimmick or anything

no one has played enough to get to the faction commanders

So wait, if the enemies are suicide missions to fight, and they don't give you anything, including exp, is there simply no point in fighting them at all?

fucking kill me.

just tried a ranger and you get slowed when shooting... no fun allowed.
replacing that satisfying charge shot with the salvo is nothing short of a deadly sin

why* god damn it

Good question.

Sorry about your dog user, I lost mine a couple months back. But I'm glad to hear you've been living a full life. Keep it up okay?

>""b-b-b-but piracy is bad!!"

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You don't lose everything, but the majority of what you collect in terms of quest/special items are gone, as well as the boat/reins/climbing spikes/glider
You keep your mats and your equipment get downgraded unless you have equipment with a plus next to them
It's not very good but that user is being excessive

>hud actually lists temperature and humidity but it does fuck all
The only hope for this shit is mods, if they even allow them.

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>still thinking they exist
they're probably one of many features wollay axed. I wouldn't doubt at all if he actually nearly finished making them but removed them because they got in the way of his autism loop

nice fantasy

>Fucked trap
>Trap fucked me
>Sued for beating fag
did you beat your boyfriend user ?

Attached: zeppelishock.png (287x540, 53K)

not unless he takes alot of the tedium of travel away first
also he needs to make some actual menus

Cube World is unironically one of the worst games I've ever played.
You may think I'm 'exaggerating' just because nobody else is happy with the game but I genuinely was bored for the entire 25 minutes i played before turning the game off and never wanting to open it again.

So the steam page only allows positive reviews? I've never heard of that happening before. That alone sounds like a pretty big scandal.

They rarely drop equipment and other items. But yes it's pretty much pointless to fight anything that isn't a quest objective or a dungeon thing.

finna play the alpha again bros

you are schizophrenic

there's a lot of datamined stuff we haven't seen yet (faction auras, dragons), it's just that wollay is too autistic to realize how to relay this information in a way that isn't too spoilery

Is there a reason for this, and do you have to leave the zones? Never played the game and wondering if i should get it

No it's just people only left positive reviews before he disabled them

let me know if your work of fiction ever gets published

What does this 711 mean? And what did he mean in the end? My English sucks. Thanks.

It's not that unreasonable

>fucked trap
>fucked by trap
>sued for beating fag

Attached: 1567990324001.png (489x543, 531K)

You forgot to put "In my discord roleplay server" at the end of each one.

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No, it's extraordinarily bad. 3 hours just to give it an honest shot, but it's shocking how boring it is.

its a gas station

retard alert from their discord
new flash

they had 6 years to make a good game

Attached: retard.jpg (284x25, 2K)

Its 7-Eleven

Anytime a game gets a bunch of negative reviews at once, it's automatically disregarded in total calculations by the system until a steam mod comes in an "okays" it.
Of course, this doesn't apply to positive reviews.

I believe you user

Post YFW Wollay completely disappears after releasing the game on steam

Attached: Cirno.jpg (320x307, 29K)

I don't see how anybody is even letting this dev get away with this shit
No backlash at all for going radio silent for 6 fucking years and making everybody think that they just ran off with the money from a scam
fuck this dev forever

It's there to prevent power creep. Also I guess it makes multiplayer simpler. The idea isn't terrible but artifacts are so shit that it ruins the whole experience. If you got meaningful rewards it wouldn't be too bad. New combat skills or class specilizations in general. Maybe an artifact equipment slot and equipable artifacts with significant bonuses (but can only equip 1 or 2).

Instead you get... +1% riding speed.

guess i'm retarded for not typing news right

6 years is more time than all of these Triple A companies get

they have no excuse even if it's a team of fucking 2

>have fun maxing out your character in like a month
That's a solid 30-90 hours of gameplay from me, which is all I'd ever want from a game. I hate faggots who dilute the core of a game to stretch it out because of "muh unlimited playtime" and end up making the game less enjoyable as a result. A solid experience that lasts you a month is perfect.

>hoping to find factions in a near infinite world
He most definitely axed it, and if it was left in, there is no chance most players would ever experience it unless someone found the coordinates in the files or something.
It seems like such a waste of time for something that no one will bother trying to get to.

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>after releasing the game on steam
We've got a week to send him hate mail to stop that

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Does anyone want to set up an Alpha server and play that instead?

I hope it's released in this state.

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>tfw the alpha is actually bigger then the beta

The beta is only 115mb

>people buy it anyway

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How do you not get one-shot by mobs? I keep getting trampled by big bird and his somolian rape brigade
>tfw someone DDOSes his fucking site again over this

They're saying the Ring Mage is broken as fuck? What do I gotta do to make Ring Mage broken as fuck?
Apparently it has some sort of explotive absurd damage

JEJ, people are in total denial on the fucking discord about the shit state this game is in

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No idea what all that menns but thanks. It just seems strange, like if you left a city or zone whatever in Fallout and you lost all your shit except your skils if i understand it right

From my understanding the current region lock system intends for you to 100% the region you're currently in. (all quests etc) Then you get a "+" next to your items and you are then allowed to carry them into adjacent regions. Then rinse and repeat. I can see what wollay might of been going for but it being unclear and punishing you so abruptly for leaving the current region without doing all there is to do is very questionable.

I think they banned all the shitposters

Yes except the only skills you get for your character are moment related and the rest are tied to your gear (which you lost).

That's not much better since Orange gear allows you to steamroll everything. You're pretty much done with the game once you clear the first region, and even getting to that point isn't particularly enjoyable.

they did

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Ranger is trash. I can't make it work, it's hard to evil survive encounters with a ranger yet if I make a rogue I can kill multiple enemies at once with no issues.

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why shouldnt you just be able to go where the fuck you want?

Honestly after the initial shock of it being nothing like i expecting and kind of being disappointed with it I feel a new sense of freedom, I don't know why.

How do I switch to water mage?

>Yes except the only skills you get for your character are moment related and the rest are tied to your gear
Sounds like fucking bullshit, guess i might not get the game then



There's nothing wrong with the region lock or leveling system in the Beta.

To all of you manbabies crying about a game made by JUST 2 people: *starts floating in the air with eyes glowing red and spheres of dark energy resonating from his palms* Choose your next words wisely.




Fire mage is pretty busted, though I haven't tried any other classes. The fire missiles are more like nukes. Entire groups of mobs are gone with one button.
Still wish he didn't remove flame rush though.

Dust: An Elysian Tail was made by just 1 furfag and is an infinitely better game than this
Half the manpower for infinite betterness


they haven't fucking banned me
what y'all want me to post jej
i don't want it to be some super offensive shit
i just want it to be shit that'll fucking pull some fucking nerves but won't be bannable
true fucking trolling

Thank god Hytale is being released soon

yeah hehe lol...

kek which one of you was this

Attached: snap.png (707x205, 27K)

Post it nigger

Attached: I DID IT.jpg (455x98, 5K)



Are these people literally children?

Wasn't terraria made by two people as well? At least the initial release?


the first two ones were barely believable for a Yea Forumsirgin alone, let alone everything else in your post but the dying dog

It's underwhelming to say the least

>this post

lost work was pretty believable

Is anyone else not able to delete the stars in the map? Before I was able to place them with middle click, and then remove them by middle clicking them again. Now I can place them but when I middle click them again nothing happens. I've got a bunch of stars stuck on my map and it's triggering me

6 million years of work? Didn't happen.

>skill tree was removed
>XP from killing was removed
>Items lose their stats when taken out of their starting biome
>Good items from dungeons have the same restriction but over a larger area
>Gliders, boats, etc. just stop working
>random terrain generation was removed
How do you fuck up this badly when people liked the original?

change spec to scout and use quick sand

The disparity in power between rarities is ridiculous. I can fight a blue dude while wearing all green gear and barely scratch them.


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Didn't they say they get paid by wollay


Has a pirate version come out yet? Im starting to think its so bad not even pirates want to waste effort on it.

Attached: wollay poster.png (1200x1200, 439K)

Reminder that i am still making a new game and its going to actually be good

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i will fix the game guys just wait

nice try wollay you wont get me this time

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Fuck off wolfram

>Items lose their stats when taken out of their starting biome
this is not entirely true if you find an item with a + modifier it keeps its stats outside of its original biome

I wanted a better version of the alpha, not a complete downgrade.

It's actually super annoying when people are like that. I work in a zoo hospital, animals are my fucking life, stop acting like you're an animal person because "oooh dogs are cuuuute :D :D :D"

let me be in the game notch

How long did it take you to figure out the mage could teleport?

Lost work and their dog dying are both pretty believable.

underrated pasta

I'm not falling for your tricks this time Wollay

Attached: 1560642499640.png (786x942, 1013K)

Based Legosi

Love seeing all the sunk cost faggots try to defend this garbage pile of a game.

How many people worked on Stardew Valley? Wasn't it just one guy?

Can somebody explain to me how you change your class specialization? How do I become a Water Mage?

im going to play the alpha again and act like its the released game

Attached: 2.jpg (340x148, 9K)

literally no one is

you have to be lucky enough to find a town that isn't cursed and talk to the guild master

Anyone wanna play together. limbimin

The + items still lose stats, but when you take them out of the kingdom rather than just the biome. Mildly better but you still lose it eventually.

In town look for the one fucker with a crown icon on the map.

>tfw you want to play the alpha again but don't have access to your account or it anymore

So I've basically finished my first zone and it was definitely fun, it just feels anticlimactic knowing that my current character is only valid in this zone and that there's now nothing left to do in this zone. But at least exploring the map is fun. Honestly if each zone feels different then I'll consider this a good game. If the next zone I go to just feels the same as the this one then that'll kind of suck my motivation to play it.


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It's like Star Citizen but sadder

Attached: Screenshot_20190923-203317~2.png (1080x973, 127K)

How do you get the glider?

He got muted lmao.

I know theres a million more far bigger problems than what I'm about to bitch about but we've already heard those a million times already so I'm gonna nitpick something that has been pissing me off.
>6 years of extra dev time since the alpha
>Still only have 2 faces for the Lizard character
Like what the fuck man? Why is the character creation so lackluster?


rip my nigga DK

Talk to npcs

You can't even have a naked lizzer like the alpha anymore. At best he likely spent a few months work on the game and that's it.

Attached: nothing special.png (311x447, 51K)

Just pirate it, there's hundreds of downloads.

to be fair, we should have realized this was a shit game from the moment we realized a g*rman was making it


>Try to make a character
>Game is pitch black
Please don't tell me the day/night cycle is linked to IRL time
I cannot see shit, I keep running into enemies and dying, who thought this shit was a good idea? How do I make it fucking daytime??????

Lol this dumb nigger is dead

We willl miss you DK

It's not locked to time. Day/night cycle seems to be slightly faster than the alpha. Not sure why you're starting in the dark though.

are you blind ? he is asian

natsu shill trying to gain attention cuz his twitter 15 mins are up

idk why you folks are giving the dev such a hard time just let him do the game before he leaves for another few years.

>downloading shit from anons
I'm not going to download your virus

fuck off, terry was based but was exploited

>all those pepes
you fucks have nitro don't you

The link in the description of this video is legit

its from the server

nope, everyhting you say not real never happened because I said so :)

Attached: Mario.png (220x337, 80K)

I can't imagine someone adding pepes to their own server unless they are from this site themselves with the public perception of it these days
if you find a bed you can make time pass slightly faster, still takes fucking forever for it to get to daytime though

I really want to complain about the game
But its new progression system is amusing and fresh. Didn't expect Yea Forums to be so casual. In short:
>most gear you get is locked to your specific region
>gotta build from scratch to beat your current region
>after fighting some of its grand objectives and beating its boss you get artifacts
>artifacts are permanent boosts that carry over anywhere you go
>they level you up too, your level is the total amount of artifacts you carry
>after clearing a region you go to the next and start from "scratch" while still having the artifacts to aid you

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ummm user, wollay here, this post does not fit my narrative could you delete it

It just seems so bizarre. The old system worked fine, you feel yourself progressing but the difficulty continues to increase. I cannot see why he would change it to this instead (aside from his autism)

Do pets carry over?

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Except the artifacts are completely useless, the level up is literally a 1 going to a 2 and every area plays exactly the same.

Just go to an inn and skip to daytime.

>filthy homeless man
>mentally ill schizo
Real based, also, God hates people who commit suicide, so Terry is in hell too btw


>most players would ever experience it unless someone found the coordinates in the files or something.
It can be easily fixed, for example using a random resident in each town with some lines that give hints about the location of a random faction, like "my father works at the cult of doom in {[(the remote/far) (north/east/south/west)] [(a far/the nearest) (town/forest/fortress) (to the north/east/south/west)]}.
It would give more incentive in exploring and villages would become more popular.

lol just find a town

you can do that? do you need the innkeeper? because the first time I went to a village he's missing

To add to this, all gear dropped after you complete a zone can be carried over

He'd be in the land of the dead, not hell.

>God hates people who commit suicide
>mentally ill schizo
you retarded bud?

Is that guaranteed? So if you fully explored a region, you can kill something, drop gear and carryover that gear to another region?

Attached: Wha.jpg (302x302, 38K)

Yeah, just like Jeffery Epstein committed suicide.


Attached: Smilingman.png (404x443, 108K)

Yeah you need an innkeeper.

Not hard, learn how to use the map. The witch stuff is bullshit though so tough luck if you get that.

>artifacts are permanent boosts
Yes a +1 to boat speed, how wonderful.
>>they level you up too
No, you have a number that counts your artifacts. You are not leveling up.
>after clearing a region you go to the next and start from "scratch"
This is only the case if you didn't + your gear before leaving. If you did, you will then faceroll for the rest of the game, providing you repeatedly swap out every bit of gear you collect and then +.
This update fucking sucks and a week isn't going to be long enough for him to fix it, if he even gives a shit.

Yes, they'll have the "+" which means they work within the kingdom you are at (and kingdoms are very very big)


>Spend five hours in the starting region
>Pretty sure I've found everything
>Looking for sealed doors previously seen that can now be opened with the Divine Harp
>Trip over a previously unexplored spot that grants a treasure spirit thing

Could have used that shit a long time ago. I can't believe I'm still finding new things the starting zone

Nope. Just shills regurgitating lies.


Attached: laughing kaiju.gif (385x288, 989K)

*ignores your criticism completely*

Attached: 1550836903639.png (608x411, 38K)

What does this icon mean

Attached: Nani.png (62x60, 2K)

>I'd like to invite you to the Cult Of Doom! Here's a teleport spell to the capital!
or something like that who knows

He was a szhizo and killed himself, yes?
Do you Terry fans actually think that someone faked his suicide like with Epstein?

At least characters spawn near villages.


name every single one of those games, please

This would be fine if the loot was exciting. Think about roguelikes. Loot is usually temporary since you'll lose it as soon as you die, but it's still exciting to pick up loot because the games usually have really cool and over the top loot that can give you cool new powers and stuff. Cube World has loot reminiscent of a typical RPG, items just have different damage and hp values and all that. That would be fine if loot was permanent but since it's not it's impossible to get excited over loot. Oh look I got a sword that does more damage, but it's temporary so I don't really give a shit.

he doesn't read anything dude, that faggot has his wife filter every negative shit that is being said.

>removing mage float
>removing unlimited walljumping
great, he's making the game shittier

Attached: cubeworld.png (1902x878, 230K)

Do you not?

all gear dropped after completing an area will carry over

rejoin moron

based, should have been
the virgin wollay vs the chad notch

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It's safe to say most of this thread didn't know Cube World existed before and can't play the game

i dont even care about the game or am i getting this shit
im only here for the fucking drama and this shit is fucking hilarious

Hope it was worth the wait.

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How do I advance time? Nighttime is full doom4can'tseeshitcaptain in this game it's insanity.

>mage float glitch

I just wanted to have fun

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Now they can!dS4CiQLR!yynOPwvIVmwNkg-gGQl9DI60-xovJedZzK0Re2baI-E

Inns are easily the fastest way to do it. Occasionally a campfire will have a bedroll you can sleep on but much like the Alpha is still takes ages.

>abandon cube world development
>come back after 6 years with barely any changes and milk the goy a second time

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>shitton of npc races that you cant pick


Oh cool I'll just find a town in the infinite darkness.

Someone tell me what the point of this is.
You don't even throw them you just drop them

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The only people playing right now are people that bought the original age ago and the feedback is overwhelmingly negative (outside of the hugboxes).

This beta was a terrible idea since now everyone has a 1 week notice that it's trash.

Too busy making posts like this

ah yes, the CIA assisted suicide

Learn to use the map lol

to be fair the map is still fully coloured
good luck getting there though

cute and quirky :3

just fun.

He did not make a cent yet, the game is not out until like another week, its only early access for original buyers

just release hytale already you niggers so we can finally play another fun minecraft

I always wondered about that. He said getting DDOS'ed gave him anxiety and shit, but was it ever actually proven to be malicious or was it just a bunch of people trying to buy the game?

Shitposting in the discord is funnier than the game itself.

No such thing happened, why would you lie on the internet?

Was it actually proven he has anxiety?

How the fuck do you think anyone other than Wollay himself could prove that?

he has genuine autism, and not the "can still relate to normal people" kind
he probably did have some kind of breakdown

A psychiatrist

No? What, did he have a bunch of dirt on the other homeless people? Do you think anyone cared, was the cia just really pissed he called them glowniggers? People like you who and his other "fans" who kept egging him on are at least partially responsible for his death too.

wollay has like 7 days to fix everything, how will he do it

No, he just said it in a blog post.
I figured he believed he got targeted and let it get to him mentally, regardless of whether something actually happened. He might just be lying for sympathy points, I guess.

There's Mana pumps around that make you weaker. It's like a Ubisoft tower with lots of high level mobs in it.

Who said I egged him on or even directly interacted with him ever? You're trying to paint me to be something I'm not, just like a glownigger would

>guy has a wife
>guy has a support system
>guy has a shoulder to lean on whenever he falls on hard times


Fuck Wollay, he doesn't fucking know how good he fucking has it.

Attached: wooly.png (846x544, 10K)

>Someone told me yesterday 'dude just find a world boss, climb a nearby tree, shoot it from atop the tree and enjoy your free loot
>Tried this
>Boss smashes the tree to pieces AND THEN CLIMBS ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP TO KILL ME
what the fuck bros you lied to me

Attached: 4124.jpg (1024x768, 95K)

>be weak
>have an even harder time progressing because I need to clear out a place full of high-tier enemies to remove debuffs

>The Totally-Not-Sonic people have blue arms

Attached: notcwc.png (879x604, 971K)

he doesn't filter anything. cause that'd mean he actually had to read the negative stuff, and if he read the negative stuff said since beta was out he'd probably be dead already from hanging himself.

Shitposting aside, how would you rank the classes from best to worst?

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i don't think you can. the whole game is based on his shitty system

I'm saying his fans who convinced him he was on some crusade against aliens and the cia are responsible, but nah, that doesn't matter, he said nigger a bunch of times, so he's BASED

That's why you should always use file hosts to offer downloads, they exist for that purpose. Get a pro subscription for like 20 euros just once from any decent file host (MEGA or MediaFire are pretty decent), then unsub after a month when the dust settles.

Anyone need the crack? And has anyone tried cracked multiplayer yet?

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pee pee poo poo game bad.

oh cool, i'll head towards the town in infinite darkess and stumble upon enemies with my 1m LOS lantern and get insta killed.

I remember when the game was good

Watched someone streaming this on Twitch. Is it as empty and aimless as it looks?

It's more of a navigating the darkness where I'll get jumped by things I can't see and constantly go back to the same spirit shrine.

He's based because he single-handedly created an entire operating system from scratch and was one of the brightest minds of his generation, whether he hated niggers or not. Don't let the fact that yourself hate niggers cloud your perception of him

You live in a fantasy world.

The man recoiled, freaked out, and went dark for years when a huge margin of his feedback was positive. He's basically a pussy.

to keep your pets from failing a platforming segment or jumping in lava
It's not really useful

Gotta love the abusive relationship some of these fans have
>"Don't upset wolly or he'll leave again! and take the game with him!"

Mage > Rogue > Warrior >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ranger

So, Yea Forums hates on cube world now?

You live in a fucking fantasy world if you think this faggot is depressed enough to keep everyone on the hook fore 6+ years and have it be legit. Is he so DEBILITATED that he can't support himself? Meet a woman? Have that woman actually think he's good enough to marry? No, he's not, he has no fucking clue what true depression is and neither do you.

How long until we get mods that are basically just a complete game fork that adds in all the shit wollay promised?

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There's some reasons why ya know.


he could've made this a minecraft version of monster hunter and people would've liked this, instead he did whatever the fuck "beta" is.

Seriously they sound like beaten housewives or house niggers,

>dropping weapon customization

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So let me get this straight.
You go through the game using the same abilities you start the game with? You don't get any new ones....?
Answer this please because if that's true then I don't even care about the other shit everybody else is seething about, I'm not playing a game where the only thing you're improving is numbers, I want new abilities as I level ffs

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I don't care that he hates niggers, I hate niggers. The guy was undeniably incredibly smart, but what bothers me is that autists, a lot from here, fed his delusions and shit, because they liked when the funny man said glownigger.

still need to create a new account, im lazy

Anything Monster Hunter is automatically good.
Except Dauntless I guess.

>only thing you're improving is numbers
That doesn't happen either

Fair enough

Yeh, I know, just the threads before today were all about "Cube World is finally coming Yea Forums, which class will you play" or "Alphachads just keep winning!"
This mood swing is just, uhhh, "surprising", I guess?

You only get mount/swim speed as you level

yeah, most of the skills from the alpha were removed too. You get a standard m1 attack, your m2 attack, and a special R attack that lasts 15 seconds and has a minute cooldown.

So more like a Minecraft chunk instead?

There's also secret attack that you can use by dodging while standing still and having full stamina bar

I hate that I'm enjoying the game in a one region vacuum.
I know as soon as I finally finish it and have to cross a boundary it's going to turn me off of the game immediately.
Still pissed about the skill changes, what the actual fuck.

can someone confirm this?

The discord is a shit storm full of sjw's that can't take being told their favorite game that half of them have never played or paid for is shit

... So why are people praising this game? It sounds simple and depthless with no content.

>people talking shit about the god of all games the greatest thing ever to grace vidya

So that IS gone? I was wondering when it might pop up again, maybe on the stuff you'd take to another region or w/e? No?

>m3 while idle
shift+m2 let's me target the shift+m1, but I'm not sure how it works with other classes
not having more skills is bullshit


open the game, is it there? no dude

Because it was like that but better executed in the Alpha, people thought that it would've been improved upon in the 6 years it was taken off the market

It's in but you have a max. I only tried it with a basic weapon because I couldn't be fucked playing long enough to get anything better, but I had a cap of 16 upgrades apparently.
It wouldn't even matter since if you made a fancy-ass weapon it would be useless the moment you changed area/kingdom.

Yes, though it's a lot bigger than 16x16.

How do i pet? How do I mount?

I wouldn't mind it

Stardew Valley only had 1 dev, and the only other people who work on the game are the people porting it to consoles or translating the game. Everything else is done by the original dev

so wait, game basically got starbounded?

stop fucking lying. there is customization. just no spirit cubes.
remember, it's getting updated tmrw, so we need a kind user to give us the updated version. please remind the next thread this.!dS4CiQLR!yynOPwvIVmwNkg-gGQl9DI60-xovJedZzK0Re2baI-E

>had a cap of 16 upgrades apparently.

what like 16 blocks?

you can only add 16? can you remove and edit stuff like before? post a webm please

13 is prime indeed, looking forward to roleplay as Megumin.

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wollay is so fucking stupid that he gave a week for alpha testers to play and criticize the shit game before he actually makes any money, now half of that revenue will be gone.

I can't be fucked opening the game again sorry. I never tried to get the cap because that would require grinding metal so maybe you can add more and they just don't contribute to the stats. I couldn't figure out how to remove/edit either, but I was never very familiar with the Alpha customisation in the first place.

Thanks user.

Attached: velociraptor earth.jpg (400x400, 14K)

>find pet food
>look up what animal likes it
>use it near that animal
>find reins in a region
>push T near pet
Not all pets are mountable

>Remembering how pissed I was at the Starbound Early Access
>Coming back years later to see if it improved.
>All the interesting stuff is gone.

Attached: Cube World 2019.09.23 - (960x540, 447K)

>He doesn't like alpacas.

>Well if this sucks so much let's see you do better.
Why does this argument pop up so much? Its always been a garbage argument.
Also Cave Story

I enjoyed the early starbound gameplay loop of exploring a sector to get a new metal to summon and fight a new boss to reach a new sector and get that sectors new metal far far more than I did the release version with the hamfisted quests.

I see that a lot with art. The best part is how they start backpeddling when someone actually posts an example of their art and it IS better.

same, it was fun to see what kind of crazy new armor you'd get
i was really disappointed with how it ended up working

Is there a good reason for this or is it purely for performance-related stuff? because it sounds dumb tbqh.

I think I could learn to live with Wollay's insane "progression" system if the artifacts weren't trash.
Fucking make the artifacts improve and/or unlock new abilities so when you go into the next region and have to start building up your gear again, you actually have something new to play with and keep combat interesting while you get your glider for the fourth time.

This wasn't in the Alpha, so no, it's just Wollay going full retard.


Seething mods disabled emoji reactions LOL

they banned me

"If you think its easy to make a game on your own, why dont you do it!?!" fucking retard

Fuck, I think I know where he got the idea from, it might be my fault (a thread like 2 weeks ago).


I have the Divine Harp, why can't I get in here? I mean I ASSUME it's used to get in here, when I picked it up it said it lets you into sealed places.

How the fuck do I open these gates?

Attached: Divine Harp.jpg (2558x1440, 459K)

It's okay user, it's not your fault. Tje last screenshot he posted with EXP visible was in January.

so does anyone think this game will be modded? If wollay doesnt fix the shit i know for sure the community will

this is a total disaster

these sjw mods have no idea how worse they're making the situation

they start banning negative comments on Steam forum, what a bunch of cucks.

I heard somewhere that the Spirit Bell opens those but I'm not very sure desu.

you have to GO GHOST

Join us cube world plebs on the hytale hype train.

>find sky whistle
>it does nothing
>hear from NPC that you need to find a bird statue
>realize you saw one hours ago but forgot where because they're unmarked

nice story, gave me a laugh

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The funs over.......

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>thread of electionfags posting dead memes beaten to undeath and killed again on discord
fucking newfags

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WTF is going in mthis game im gettign one tapped by every retarded mob????????

pull mobs to a group of npcs, they distract it while u kill it, eventually ull get a weapon 50+ dmg of what u had

Sounds like you are the retarded mob, user.

so many things he could've done to make the game have a long staying power instead he choose the most retarded option


how is this good game design again?

it's not, that's why people are fucking pissed


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Honestly any other game to look foward to? I was hyped for cube wolrd but it seems to be more of like an arcade game now. So far I'm waiting for Hytale, Blue Protocol. Any games which will be out soon?

i cant find any city though how do you find one?

I'm waiting for the PC port of the Iceborne expansion for MHW.

i hope blue protocol isn't f2p, don't want to play f2p mmo trash

this isn't even close to an arcade game . this is more close to a first year programmers dream while she deep throats tyrones bbc

get back to town and pay the innkeeper 10 bucks to make the sun come back

oh no a fucking cool down
i'm SoooOOoOoo scared of these mods

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it's not at all, i just exploited the shit out of it lol

city is just a flat area with evenly spaced cubes on the map, but i mean pull the mobs to like a roaming group of npcs

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I'm waiting for Code Vein but I was only going to buy it so I'd get a laugh out of how bad it was. Now after all this development time it doesn't seem too shit but may as well go all in.

unironically same

How do you change your spec?


Stop spamming Sans, guys

There are no towns nearby

Guys WTF I'm actually having fun playing this
at least I am now that I cheated in money to buy every eagle spot in the land

>exploration game
>but you can just find everything on the map from the beginning
This game just gets worse the more you see of it

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The Alpha had fog of war, another feature removed from the beta

>game now crashes whenever i try to use the furnace
dont know what the fuck i did but now i cant upgrade any gear i get, this just gets better and better

>Close game once
>Play it again and now the fps won't go above 5
Well it was fun while it lasted.

Other than terraria and minecraft what other game that is similar like this? Fuck this is such a fucking dissapointment i have no idea what to think. Anyone here played Portal Knight?

I'll one up you and say that + gear is unnecessary if artifacts are actually artifacts
Like in Magi where an artifact is a supernatural weapon that allows you to faceroll the shit out of everything

>not blaming the glow in the dark cia niggers for his death
Why would you show everyone you're a retard?

yeah, it works fine. you have to have steam open and invite your friend just like you would in the legit version (by pressing J) then you have to find the flightmaster in a town to fast travel to your friend(who will probably be 100000km away from you)

Every one of them is shit. Just play Minecraft and terraria

Trove gets thrown around, but it's a P2W shithole which makes this Cube World situation even more infuriating.

Fuck off you cia glownigger

No pirate version yet?

lurk more.

just filter it

learn to ctrl+F you braindead namenigger

Tell me lads, do you think there is a way to mod the game to at least bring a decent level of functionality? Even if it is just getting rid of the bullshit region lock for items? The only thing I enjoy of the beta is how the world is formed but everything else is just fucked. Getting rid of the region lock for items would be a small but alright step in a better direction me thinks.

At this point no. The fundamental progression is fucked and even removing the region lock would just mean you steamroll everything with your first orange weapon. I personally don't enjoy the new world formation either. Only mods for the alpha could salvage this game, no amount of modding the beta would work.

you can already kind of un-region lock, if you complete a whole region all the gear from that region becomes +
which ends up making all combat completely pointless since you just oneshot everything

Why would you take out the skill tree? Is this nigger retarded?

Is it true that the experiance from enemies, leveling, and skills are still in the game files, just disabled? i keep hearing this, be nice to get some confirmation.

Maybe wollay just disabled them for the beta for some reason?

whats your opinion on this tier list?

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They were gone starting back in January too, based on his Twitter posts. Shits just deliberately fucked.

damn. I really want to like this game and I personally find the world in the beta interesting with it's layout. Any idea on how to reverse engineer the alpha? Or am I better off letting go on what is a scam creating a feverdream?

How do you switch classes?

that's about right
but good luck finding a town to be a water mage

I played Trove during the glory days, feels good

Guys, it's actually really rewarding if you complete a region.
I got a 2% bonus to my swimming speed just from leveling up!
Can't wait to go to the next region to get another 2% increase in a random stat while I grind out more gear that is ultimately useless.

>the single piece of '+' gear I got in 10 hours of play was a blue shoulder armor

Attached: biggains.png (1207x697, 631K)

What ever happened to the big ass cities?

Find a town that isn't petrified and talk to the person represented by a crown on the map

I hope you're not implying you think + gear is something you just stumble upon.

I don't know how to confirm that, not a clue how to look into the internals of the game's files.

Anyone else getting Starbound flashbacks from this whole shitshow?
Maybe we can get mods to make it playable when they release a stable version and a workshop on Steam.

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I honestly don't know, care to enlighten me?

Ok thanks.

There's no workshop support, though it'll probably still be moddable.

It is. I went into a brand new fucking area and got a + drop even though I hadn't finished any objectives there. The 100% thing is bullshit.

Noita comes out tomorrow.

Attached: Noita.jpg (1280x720, 125K)

Trove, but the grind on it is insane.

Notch is such a cute bear. Would definitely cuddle with.

So what's the verdict on Cube World? fucked beyond repair or still hope?
Any word from Wollay and the wife?

I feel hope, but it might just be delusion on my end. It might be as others say, Probably just going to have to try and mod the shit out of the alpha.

yes the wife was transparent and announced on twiter that she fucked BBCs bulls while wollay the cuck tried to fix the game, sad!

Boy I would at least give it a try if it actually fucking loaded up and not crashed on start up.

fuck this game
I remember getting in the closed alpha. It was so fucking boring too, you do the same shit over and over and it was decent until they added microtransactions up your dick

building was kino tho

I'm still holding hope. Wollay posted an update on twitter fixing some bugs.

>I hope you're not implying you think + gear is something you just stumble upon.
>got a green + piece in my first 20 minutes
>the fucking shop was selling a + piece for 100 gold

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Not beyond repair but he'd have to scrap a lot of existing concepts and go back to old ones and that doesn't sound much like wollay.

Dead on arrival, to fix these issues would mean scrapping what we have and starting over.

It's fucked.

He could've just released the same old alpha build and people wouldn't be nearly as mad, instead he chose to release a worse game lol

>fucked beyond repair or still hope
There's a really fun game buried in this shit heap.
I'm waiting to see if Wollay is going to pull it out and reap the benefits or not.

Can't fucking wait m8

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Shill me this game

someone explain to me how I fucking fight anything

I played as a rogue and a mafge and even the white cows, moles and fucking FLYS were almost killing me

i just dont get this fucking nigger ass game. im luring mobs to the city but the guards get 1 shotted too


If this was a regular developer then yeah it can be saved but this is wollay so no

This actually made me depressed.

Holy shit.


you should see twitch, i see more pepes there than here these days

If you play a berserker fighter you can use left shift to do a dark souls spin to win attack to kill most generic mobs

Because we didn't have reason to hate it yet, other than pure pessimism or shitposting. What information we had been drip fed over the years made it look like it would be an actual improvement on alpha, but it wasn't, so now we have actual reason to hate it and no reason to like it

its not coming to the west so i gave up hope on that too

terraria update

The game is surprisingly brutal in how it explains absolutely nothing and relies entirely on your own exploration and experimentation, short of looking up spoilers.

This kills the zoomer.

>people actually play this worse Trove clone

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thats just warrior, works on guardian spec too

Found an arena and some pink names slimes spawned. Turns out they're super slow at climbing stairs so I ran to the top, shot at them, ran back down when they got up there, repeat.
It took a while since they each had like 3000 HP, but now green enemies do 1 damage to me thanks to the item drops.
I don't know why he couldn't have at least done some system like D3 paragon and just made the enemies more balanced or scale with gear progression

Well, that sucks, not for wollay, but for us, we waited so long for a quality product, and then poor design choices come and fuck it all up.
I was hyped, now I'm sad.
Thx user.

*pushes you*

zoomer nothing, you idiot, your attacks do jack shit, so you have to use your spec, try to get some chip damage(which is basically fuck all) if you were lucky enough to ko them, then run while you wait for your special to recharge

mcfucking killyourself

>want to play the alpha because the progression was unironically better
>can't because the warrior changes in beta fix every problem the class had
what the fuck do i do

Adapt to change instead of whining like a fucking faggot

Daily reminder that this could’ve all been prevented if he just just asked people opinion. Goddamn such small communication would’ve prevented such a big problem

Whoa jesus, settle down there wollay.

hope for mods I guess.

Even if its repaired, what we will have is repetitive, procedurally generated bland rpg in square aesthetic.

The game did well when the alpha dropped because the minecraft hype was real back in 2013. Not so much nowdays.

I don't think he can recoup 6 years of money spent on developing no matter what now.

>playing through alpha again
>pick rogue
>having a fucking blast

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Powder toy made into a full game, you play as a wizard that descends into a cave system for reasons we don't know because the game isn't out yet.
You customize / find wands, and collect gold to spend on abilities to swap into them or just buy powerful wands themselves. The main slogan the game is marketed under is "every pixel is simulated".
It's a early access rougelike, so if that scares you off you should wait a few days after it releases to see general reviews of it, and do your own research before you buy.

>everyone and their mother used to shitpost about Hytale
>Cube World releases
>suddenly everyone hyped and waiting for Hytale
holy kek cube worldfags are so pathetic.

>omg i have dpreshion wroking on da gayme so hard ;((((


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You'd really have to be a brain-dead boomer to put up with the grind they present you with in this game.

Enjoy your ten hour nature walk, gramps.

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?????? this game literally makes no sense. this is the first time i have been THIS triggered about an game.

tue or false?

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yea but pepes are just monkas there which is universal isn't it?

trove is the clone tho

This is another case of retarded devs who have ADHD and think they know better than everybody else.
Same thing happened with Starbound
>Game has a roadmap
>Everybody LIKES and WANTS the game that will be built from said roadmap
>Dev decides to completely deviate from it for LITERALLY NO FUCKING REASON
>Game turns out fucking trash and misses the entire point of what made it fun in the first place

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>6 years
>couldn't even implement a PAUSE feature on singleplayer

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