Heartbeat RPG

>dev harassed and game review bombed just for dating someone who said the wrong thing
Explain yourself, gamer.

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>it's only bad if SJWs do it

I dont care

>People can actually destroy all your fucking life for one fuckup
Also, how the fuck is these review bombs will change their mind about trans?

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This nigga said trans females aren't real females and translesbians aren't real lesbians.
This fact angered trans people. Fucking hilarious.

But I thought Steam had a new feature that was about "blocking" reviews that were not actually about the game itself?

This is what people mean when they say they don't want politics in games. They don't want ridiculous leftist lunatics mucking things up pointlessly by whining about something no one cares about.

>those reviews
I will now buy your game.

Bought this game just now

Trannies will never be women.

I'm honestly very surprised about this. When I first saw the demo the art looked nice but the whole thing looked like your standard tumblrbait.

I am now semi interested. Thanks trannies!

Horseshoe theory in full effect.

Whatever else you think of them, terfs are completely right about the transbians. They're completely unhinged. They actually think shit like pic related makes them look like the good guys.

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Imagine defending Chris-chan.

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Oh shit, I need to see this.

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>me on my way to make another /pol/ thread on Yea Forums

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>Is Heartbeat being Review Bombed?
That's the thread on the game's forums.

I can't believe anyone defends Chris as a "translesbian", they most not know who he is and the reason he "transitioned" was to try and get a sweetheart. Way to undermine your own cause

tranny hate it mean the game is good, i will now try your game

>People can actually destroy all your fucking life for someone else's fuckup
the person going on the anti trans rant is the dev's gf and not the dev. not that she's wrong, some of the shit she says about trannies is gold

wrong board buddey

I'm pretty sure this Heartbeat is a videogame, and those reviews are from steam.

>Great game i am a super genius who supports trans and thus will bomb this game.

What a bunch of naive fools.

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You're a Tumblr faggot for posting this crap.

They hated him because he spoke the truth.

the topic of the thread has nothing to do with the game itself
and it's blatantly obvious that the dev is making these threads as an attempt to get good boy points and some pity fuck purchases
go to Yea Forums

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Every single of the 20 something people review bombing this game are either furries, anime avatars or Steven Universe.
This is what she said by the way.

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Pretty sure it was the girlfriend of the (female) developer that said this shit

Feminists are shit, but this is redpilled.

>he says while posting in it

literally did nothing wrong

Holy shit, based

This isn't even redpilled, this is just objective fact

literally me

Culture war aside, is the game good, so so or bad when compared to the average indies?

TERFs are unironically based

Who the fuck cares

>that chika avatar
extremely based regardless of who she is and what she says

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>makes repeated references to a questionable doujin
Excuse me what?


>Yea Forums vidya
>who cares about the game?

Rules for thee, not for me

Looks pretty tumblry. There's a demo out if you wanna check it.
Still, props to the dev's GF for rollin' and trollin'

So is the game actually good or nah?

I had two middleschoolers ask me out back in 2017 despite me being 5 years older than them. They were girls but all over their social media pages they claimed to be FtM and almost every day they bitched about being a girl.
I was a senior in highschool at the time. My girlfriend after she broke up with me started dating a MtF tranny. Flashforward to today and the MtF tranny killed himself a few months back, no clue what the middleschoolers are doing.
I was also in a discord server before I deleted my account all together, and there were 3 prominent trannies. One tried to keep hooking up with the underage members in the server, and posted his shitty unshaven body with their tic tac dick censored in the SFW General chat because its #bodypositivity #transrights
The second one complains about their family every goddamn day and how they want to kill themselves because they don't have money to transition
The third one tried so fucking desperately to cling to any hobby that anyone in the server had because he had no interests of his own
Trannies are fucking mentally ill christ

It's a decent turn based game. Lenghty too. Probably best if you're into the artstyle.

>Shit tier indie game is not selling
>I k-know what to do! I will shill it and appease to my based redpilled bros at Yea Forums.
It worked great for warhorse studios, they got so much cash of the based twitter warriors and (you) farmers on 4 chan they are probably richer than moot the bilionaire.
You're as bad as the EA and Ubisoft shills we get here every big triple A is released but in this case you made shit worse than AC we wuz kangs OP.

Anyone actually played the game? Just played a little bit of it. Seemed like a very nice, simple RPG.

Yeah, didn't read a single word of your blog post.

That Eiffel Tower post is kino.




>You can mold your penis into the Eiffel Tower if you want
>You're not going to become France
Holy fucking based.
There is no such thing as a lesbian by the way. They are just feminists who find it immoral to give men pleasure.

Aha! I knew it!
Lol game is made by dykes. That's why it's so tumblry. Hold fire you retards.