Worst drought for video games this year since 2014. Change my mind

Worst drought for video games this year since 2014. Change my mind.

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the only drought is on PS4

Nobody gives a shit about your opinion

There, changed your mind

Still more than Switch

An ocean of freshwater is coming soon. An ocean called.... Death Stranding!

No, you didn't change my mind. You just ousted yourself as a faggot

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>aw my fee fees got hurt
>better call him a faggot

Whatever, underage

>Still more than Switch
there's more exclusives on switch this month than the PS4 has the entire year

This year has been absolutely packed, what are you talking about?

>more exclusives

Nice moving goal post there, I can do this too:
Ps4 got more games in the last 365 days than switch since release

t. switchlet

Nigger, one game at the very end of the year doesn't save the worst dust bowl in video games seen in recent memory.

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>exclusives aren't games

it must suck to only own a PS4 in 2019

exclusives =/= good games

Everyone knows Switch has no third party support, so exclusives means nothing

The big games push is usually in November, just wait a bit

You'd think publishers would capitalize on the other 10 months of the year in which kids and young adults alike are bored out of their fucking mind. Especially in the summer. Stop crowding the last two months and maybe you won't have so much competition.

>kids and young adults

So your mom didnt buy you RE2, DMC5 or Sekiro ?
Or whats the problem here ?

>inb4 theyre all shit but I give no reasons why herp derp

You are just wrong.
The real drought is that there was no game to dethrone undertale as the most deep game both gameplay-wise and story-wise.

hylics 2 will redeem 2019 if it comes out this year

We're talking about the complete absentia of good games, not the lack of funds to purchase said games. Are you retarded?

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>average switch owner

>Switch has no third party support

>not the lack of funds to purchase
Who said anything about that ?
I posted 3 good games that came out this year and they have in common that underaged mouthbreathers like you cant buy them without their mom

This is your last (You), kid

I have a PC for third party support because I'm not poor, who gives a fuck about third parties on consoles aside from white trash?

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They're only exclusive because they're fucking pokemon or other anime trash for weebs