PC gaming really isnt the master race. Tried it for a year and came back to consoles where things are comfy.
PC gaming really isnt the master race. Tried it for a year and came back to consoles where things are comfy
Other urls found in this thread:
Cute tranny
>buy gaming PC for 150 bucks
>i5 2nd, 8gb, rx 470
>all games work at 1080p high-ultra
I see no problem
Emulation is a thing user
This piece of shit made me buy PS4. Holy grail of crashes and freezes. DX errors. Spend 3 fucking days trying to fix it. Installed new windows, drivers, but still didn't work despite having i7, 2060.
Sure user do you play them with your supermodel girlfriend too?
One of the main reasons I despise PC gaming. Those crashes and freezes bug me alot and the worst scenario is that when you fix everything and it still doesn't work
>inb4 buy new GPU, RAM, PSU :^))
>fix game
>game finally working
>next day crashes again.
I have 5000$ sexbot user. Does that count as super model gf?
This isn't even good bait. Nintendo shit of all things, the easiest consoles to emulate. Not that the other consoles need emulation when they have even less exclusives than Nintendo.
Honestly? Yeah
>game doesn't work
>uninstall it
It's not so hard user
>pay 60$ for game
>hurr durr just uninstall it bro
BF1 and BF5 have massive DX issues. Nothing new here.
>i7, no generation specified
>thinks 2060 is good just because it is 2000 series(durr bigger number on name means better right?)
>troubleshooting illiterate brainlet
Why is console "comfy" lol
you sound retarded, it works well for me
Honestly troubleshooting is too much of a hassle desu. Especially when you have to install new windows and drivers just to play one game. I'd rather play that game on console
I love pc gaming ever since I switched over since I can do everything else at the same time and on the same machine.
The only thing I hate is that we don't get certain games (bloodborne, the list goes on)
>paying games
i7 3rd gen.
>troubleshooting illiterate brainlet
I tried every single fucking fix and still crashes.
It crashes and pic related erros show up
how is the 2060S doing to you user? im selling my rx570 and aiming up to 2060
>Thinks the consoles don't crash and freeze games.
>Thinks frequent crashes and freezing is a universal problem instead of a self fail on their part.
I'm sorry, I don't have all these crashes and freezes, you sure you just aren't retarded?
god she's so cute argh. Fucking video game lads. I just a qt gf
>3rd gen
two digits iq poster i see
>be girl
>make a funny face near a Triforce
>get free money
It's not fair bros.
Christ. It took me 5 mins to fix that error. Watch this fix. youtube.com
I don't know what you were doing but if you're having problems with PC it's always on your end. There's no mystical unexplainable shit. If something's broke then something's broke.
Stop installing non-LTSC windows 10 for a fucking start and stop installing every shitty driver that comes out. Stop installing shitty launchers and overlays and injectors and your shit will just work. It's as simple as that.
>GTX 770......................
>Probably isn't even slotted properly.
Amazingly well, I've thought about buying a 144op60hz or a 1080p144hz monitor just to make more use of it.
If you keep getting that error despite fixing everyting. You GPU or PSU is faulty. Trust me. I kept getting that error until I changed my PSU
They are because I can get almost everything for free.
It is, but I really hate the effort that goes into avoiding screen tearig.
All forms of vsync are flawed, you NEED gsync or Freesync to have a good time.
The best part of consoles is you just don't have to worry about tearing in most cases, though a well thought out build outclasses it.
>all these seething PC elitists having trouble playing games
>meanwhile I enjoy 4k hassle free gaming on Xbox one X
Just get the 5700xt for like 30 bucks more, or around the same price on newegg, its a better card.
>3rd gen....
>Gtx 770....
The origin store offers refunds, dumbass.
>amd gpu
yea no thanks, already got meme'd once
>meanwhile I enjoy playing previous generation games at 4k30fps dynamic resolution that auto scales itself down once it runs into an area that's too demanding on Xbox one X
>Just get the 5700xt
enjoy those broken drivers and no RTX as they rush them out the door to compete with nvidia
>consolefags cant even into full 1080
Very long load times so you can catch a nap in between levels. Top tier comfy.
There's two types of people who pretend PC gaming isn't infinitely superior:
Shitposters and retarded children. You literally can not enjoy console gaming without being one of those two things.
$150 really? A decent graphics card is like $250 you lying copeniggier
I agree. For pretty much every genre that isn't a FPS or an isometric, top-down perspective, consoles are simply better. PC gets you better graphics, of course, but graphics are the least important part of the video game experience. And how much of a premium are you paying for marginally better graphics? Witcher 3 ultra settings is only barely better than PS4 settings, and hard to notice outside of side by side direct comparisons outside of relatively minor things such as shadows. Being able to play it at 60fps makes a FAR bigger difference than any graphical uptuning.
The unfortunate truth is, PC is simply a much more expensive way to play the same games, only slightly prettier, and running at a better framerate. And if the game in question isn't a FPS or top-down perspective game, you aren't getting any advantages in terms of controls either.
>same old bait threads
>same old bullshit every day
I'm getting bored of this place.
Make more epic store threads loser
i like chilling on my comfy couch with my doggos next to me, some friends and a cold one playing vidya in my big ass living room. can't do that with a PC. I watch my nephews game on their pc's at a cramped desk sperging empty chatter into their headsets while the heat from their gpu makes them drip greasy sweat. nah, i'll pass.
>card is like $250
>he doesn't know that you can buy cheap rx 480s for 80bucks from alibaba
See, shitposting.
>all these PCfags who can't troubleshoot properly
>rx 480
you really are a nigger
>cheap rx 480s for 80bucks from alibaba
I got pic related and it won’t play on my PS2. I mean it says PlayStation, I don’t know what the fucking problem is. That’s why I quit consoles for PC. Everything just works on PC, consoles are too much of a confusing hassle
>battlefield on consoles
PC is mad comfy though I do wish there was more effort put into the home theater/ HTPC experience in general. It's very stagnated and fragmented.
Based and true, consoles just work
Comfy is such a faggoty fucking term.
No, it's always going to be the master race. Sorry about your downs.
PM'd you the fix :^)
>can't do that with a PC
But I chill on the couch with my cats and play pc games all the time?
Consoles were designed for the purpose of playing video games, and apart from the better controller functionality there's no reason to play on consoles.
shed find it comfy sitting on my dick like the good girl she is
user I...
Feminizing a cock hungry boy is better than a girl
This but unironically
I used to advocate that consolefags try out PC but now I see that is flawed, some people just don't possess a triple digit IQ and should be relegated to these for their own good, they don't know what to do with freedom.