Here is what i've been told:

Here is what i've been told:

>Nippon Ichi was acquired by Microsoft, its the first time they acquire a studio who didn't work with the Xbox brand, it will be revealed tomorrow. No details on games until X019.

>Tim Schafer remastered games from Lucas Arts that were released on PS4 and PC will be released on Xbox One this fall, all are day one Gamepass. Announcement tomorrow.

>Psychonauts 1 and Conker Live and Reloaded heading to Gamepass this week.

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>Bungie is going to help on Halo Infinite, nothing was said about a reacquisition, at least for me.

>the reason is because Bungie and Microsoft were already on talks few months before the contract between Activision and Sony was rescinded.

>There are big plans for the Xbox 20th anniversary in 2021, wouldn't be surprised if Halo Inifinite gets delayed.

This is great news.


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Stop lying on the internet

>There is still at least 3-4 acquisitions left before they stop completely, and at least one of them will be a second japanese studio.

>Xbox One models will get a price cut, SAD will be 200, S 250, and X 400 dollars, considering that those consoles are sold below their MSRP, SAD will be easy to find at 150-170.

I'd love to see Microsoft buy Nippon Ichi but everyone knows that isn't happening

>its the first time they acquire a studio who didn't work with the Xbox brand
Strangers Of Sword City released exclusively on the Xbone though didn't it?

>Bungie going back to a large corporation after the Activision debacle
never ever

It wouldn't surprise me. Bungie has a fuckhuge staff that's bigger than 99% of studios out there they cannot sustain no matter how much cash they have saved up. Also Phil Spencer is good friends with the CEO. I don't want that to happen but it very much could.

>Nippon Ich
Don't they just make pedo games?

It would be hilarious. I'd love Jason Jones to write a tell-all about Bungie's history.

Kinda. Though they are basically broke so it wouldn't suprise me if they sold. Out of any jap studio to sell to MS though I would expect White Owls, Grounding, or Mystwalker since Sakaguchi, Swery, and Futatsugi are pretty much the only Jap devs who have good relations with MS. Swery is also friends with Tim Shaefer who would probably tell him if anything is going fucky after getting bought out.

The Xbox version wasn't.


NIS is definetely a strange one, but when I asked why such random idea got into, I was told that some of the studios are offered the choice of leaving Microsoft, provided that they have the cash for that. This is how Bungie got independent. Microsoft had/has a small participation shares on the studio.

And Phil Spencer and Bungie CEO had played destiny 2 together on stream recently. It’s all too fitting

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How the fuck did Twisted Pixel afford to leave though? 'Splosion Man couldn't have made that much.

I heard that NIS is in financial trouble, so I'd rather Microsoft buy them than have them disappear.

I rather NIS get bought out by SEGA than die doing nothing at Microshit

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External investors user, Bioware and Pandemic were actually owned by a investor fund, Microsoft made an offer to Bioware back in Jade Empire - Mass Effect years, but the fund management refused it.

Guess who was the president? John Riccitielo.

Who the fuck was investing in Twisted Pixel though? They made like one pretty fun little game.

cope harder

Go outside, copulate and stop wasting time rping as a ''my dad works for video game company'' retarded leaker on a Chinese sowing forum

Sony should buy them.

Sony middlefingered small to midisize developers.

Sony stopped giving a shit about small developers mid gen.

sony needs good studios

All Microsoft needs to in order for me to renew my faith in Halo as a franchise is to reveal that Joseph Staten is writing the campaign, and that Marty O'Donnell is doing the music. That would produce an instantaneous thermonuclear nut from me.

They're starting another one in Santa Monica though to milk Uncharted even further I thought? Probably not a great place to start one since it's already oversaturated and MS has been poaching talent in the area. I just wish they would start a new studio to revive Socom. I miss Socom.

Staten doesn't want anything to do with Halo anymore, he's too busy flying his planes and fucking around with Ken Lobb. They should have gotten Dietz or Nylund. If they couldn't get them they should have gotten Troy Dennings since his books have actually been really good.

Sony doesnt care about making games, they are worse than Konami

Nylund would also produce a similar reaction to Staten for me, because it would imply them angling back towards hard sci-fi kino

>Bungie is going to help on Halo

Sorry user, everybody lies on internet.