I play at on a 1440p 144hz monitor, and I have an i5 4690k and a GTX 1070. I want to upgrade my processor but I really don't feel like spending $650 on a new mobo and ram. Would a i7 4790k be a noticable upgrade?
I play at on a 1440p 144hz monitor, and I have an i5 4690k and a GTX 1070...
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It's even less justifiable as a cost than upgrading your mobo/cpu/ram.
staying in the same gen, even if going from i5 to i7 won't be noticeable
just save up and do a new build. i know it sucks but it'll be worth it. i'm saving up for a new build when cyberpunk comes out, that's a good goal to have because it's far away but not that "far" and in a reasonable time frame
get a good CPU cooler and overclock your 4690k
That cpu is surely bottlenecking your gpu. You ought to check some 1070 benchmarks on the internet and compare them to your results to make sure your older cpu isn't holding you back (most likely it us)
Get a new i5 cpu, like the i5 9600 for about 250 euros and throw in maybe 80 euros for a new and compatible motherboard.
BOOM, there you go, that is my advice
t. An i5-9600k guy with an rx570
there is no way a bottleneck there exists and if it dies its begligible. i have no issues with my 1070 and 3570k that i bumped up with an OC
Gen 4 I5 wouldn't bottleneck a 1070, probably not even a 1080. You're also forgetting he would need new RAM if he upgraded which balloons the cost further.
OP, just OC your i5 if you haven't yet. Buying a same-gen CPU just isn't worth it.
Am i bottlenecking rtx 2070 with i7-4771?
no. the term bottleneck in regards to cpu-gpu interaction is thrown out way too loosely and is wrong 95% of the time
the problem is, i bought 144hz screen to play r6 at
144hz, but i hardly get 100 fps in the game, and that's with low graphics
Do games nowadays take advantage of the 6 core / 12 thread processors yet? It could be an upgrade from the old 4c/8t cpus.
>Would a i7 4790k be a noticable upgrade?
Fuck no. Buy a 3600 and a B450 Tomahawk
r6 siege has a bug with intel chipsets where it constantly spikes cpu usage to 100%. you have to set a fps cap
yeah, it spikes to 99% easily, i was just really thinking about buying i9 to fix it
just get
$100 mobo
$150 i5
$60 ram
>tfw gtx 1070 i3 8100
I had a 4670k and it was bottlenecking left and right my 1070. I play 1440p 144hz. Don't listen to the indie faggots. Literally all recent games were bottlenecked by my old cpu. Bottleneck doesnt only happens when is 100% but also in other scenarios. Now I have a 3700x, yes I know "aymd lmao". But stuff is way better, now my 1070 is the Bottleneck with demanding titles (im autistic I play everything on ultra).
>wanting blue screens
>wanting not to be able to play older games
amd only makes good gpus
>tfw getting a 9100f soon
Tfw no alien gf
>posting shitty crooked mouth tiktok girl
not even going to bother reading your post
>falling for israeli propaganda
I've literally only bluescreened one after building my new 3700X system and that was from an issue with NVIDIA's drivers. I can also play old games just fine, just yesterday I was re-playing Red Alert 2.
it would easily bottleneck a 1070 at 144hz
people greatly underestimate how much high refresh can strain a CPU
Hopefully I'm upgrading to a i5 9400f soon too
yeah but you can't play emulators for shit
At 1440p my 4790k isnt even bottlenecking my 2080ti. Times have changed. Get 100% gpu usage on almost all games if I let it fly.
Sure there will be a handfull of cpu heavy games that wil improve with a better cpu, but thats mostly rts games.
Tl;dr a 4690k is not bottlenecking your 1070
I'd say save up and make an entirely new build.
Making a rig around a 9900K with fast RAM, a good case and a decent SSD would be around 1K if you reuse your GPU.
At that point you should be good for the entire next console gen, just make sure to upgrade the GPU down the line.
>amd fanboy
Won't help him at all if his cpu was binned badly
a LOT of them were, the 4xxxk series are starting to get notorious for being awful at overclocking due to the silicon lottery
just upgrade your mobo, intel abandoned that socket after ONE generation, it was kind of a dud
>poor coping skills
>intel fanboy
nah i don't fuck goats I'm a burgerboy
Here nigga, save up the $1.2K for this and at that point you'll have a rig that won't bottleneck any consumer card being released for years to come.
>rgb ram
>recommending Incel ever
>buying a computer before next gen
Enjoy your console-tier experience.
I did a mid tier PC build back in 2014 and it lasted me until now
No, I don't think you'd notice it, especially not for games. I have a 4790k, and I can literally play anything I want, and I don't feel the need to upgrade at all. If I wanted better performance for soi games, I'd get a better GPU.
The non-RGB version costs barely any less, though of course he can go for that if he doesn't care.
user wants high fps, i'm recommending him what's best for that.
9900K beats the more expensive 3900X in nearly every title, if it's a CPU bound game by up to 15%.
>built console before last gen
>it can still play anything that comes out at 60fps
Yeah I build mine in 2012 and it still btfo consoles today but you never know, better be safe than sorry.
This. I built mine in 2015, I have a 4790K and it's still as good as it was back then.
AMDrones are braindead
Wait until you're ready to build a new PC then, trust me.
That's after the current gen started
By a year, I had a build before then too that was mid-range but a power surge fucking destroyed it. so I built a new one. Fuck nature.
no don't do it also that shouldn't be a bottleneck unless maybe you're only playing incredibly CPU intensive games
The new consoles already have specs finalized. They can't just magically pop out new hardware 3 months before release.
If you buy now, you'll be on par with them, guaranteed.
Yeah but that's the problem, I don't want to be on par with console plebeians.
You won't be if you build a decent PC now, PS5 will at best compete with a heavily downclocked 5700 and R7 3700X, a mid tier PC from last year will still be on par with (or better than) the new consoles.
I'd rather wait for the next revision of AMD&Intel raytracing. I'm not in a hurry though, I still game at 1080p and my rx580 is plenty enough.
How so?
It's 2019. New hardware is a meme, stop being retarded.
I finally upgraded from my old i5 2500k to an 8700k last year, extremely noticeable difference, from a 4690k to a 9700k you’ll see an improvement but probably not as much. Don’t buy a new intel CPU that isn’t at least 5 gens ahead of your current one