Why is modern gaming so soft? I swear it wasn't this bad even around 4 years ago.
learn to hide your powerlevel you stupid faggot
You can get b& in this shit game for literally nothing, friend of mine complained in chat the adc was throwing and got suspended
If you misbehave you belong in time out.
Your fault for playing a game with such strict rules. They banned people a few years back for saying GG or GG EZ.
>not shown: 37 chat logs with over 9000 niggers each
cry some more bitch
I say whatever I want
See you in 30 seconds
pussy shit in all honesty, you're only reporting this if you're salty about losing to it or to counter-troll about how you're black and offended
nah the ones putting in real work are the ones that go on actual racist or sexist tirades
And why should people be banned for saying nigger again?
unironically Riot Lyte creating generations of kids that grew up with the idea that flaming somebody else is always a bad thing.
League of Legends died when they removed the Tribunal. It wasn't perfect, but it was the only community moderation tool that made any sense.
fpbp OP is a retarded nigger faggot
because its funny when you come on Yea Forums and cry about it
So in other words it's just like Yea Forums
I don't understand about banning someone because of chat.
I understand that people can say fuck up shit but unless they play normally, shouldn't they just be muted?
>ever writing shit in the chat
Dude, if you want to call everyone nigger you do it through the mic, so there's no record
>we made a bot that automatically bans you if you say these words
>user: "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIG- wow wtf these fascists banned me for exerting my right to free speech this is drumpfs america like omg"
Why can't blacks control themselves?
Someone post the Yea Forums cap about the book that was 20% nigger
Good riddance, why don't do us all a favor and rage quit out of life little faggot.
Do you really think policing in-game chat is about helping anyone? Assuming you're old enough think of older games. Those games had no chat policing whatsoever and they flourished.
No, this trend of micromanaging players for "bad behavior" is done to create a sense of constant fear of the developers. Never get on their bad side, never risk pissing off your fellow players by acting out. Just keep consuming and be quiet.
How does it feel to be in the most retarded 0.006% of braindead league players?
>he still plays multiplayer games in this limp wristed niggerfaggot world
because they agreed to the terms of service that stated that offensive language is a bannable offense you literal brainlet, having skipped on reading it doesn't mean it's not in play, inb4 "WhY iS NiGgeR OfFenSivE ThO?" It's offensive because you're a fucking nigger user, kys
Because you agreed to not say nigger when you signed their TOS.
It's funny how Yea Forums is a bunch of libertarian conservacucks when it suits them but reees at the free market when it doesn't
>People getting upset because they can't be racist in a video game
This is beyond pathetic
Yes, please.
t. underachieving white brainlet
post the chat logs
The fact that they can doesn't justify that they should.
>buy game
>agree to TOS
>later the TOS is changed
>forced to agree with it or money stolen
Stop being an edgleord.
Zero valid counter-arguments to this, watch them default to their usual useless "arguments".
I purposefully play bad and feed and then I report the people who say racist and homophobic slurs at me.
Don't like it? Too bad.
This is a retarded viewpoint. I flame other players and Riot on an almost per match basis, and the only thing that's ever happened to me is that I occasionally lose honor level from the reports. Why? Because I'm not a brainlet retard that screams nigger in the chat. You can call your jungler feeding trash in every game and there won't be any consequences so long as you don't int or curse people out. The only people who "live in fear of the developers" are manchildren with no self-control.
Because the entire western world became soft.
You can be racist in league if you're good. The problem is OP is either le epic troll, throwing matches and saying nigger, or far worse an actual clueless shitter losing other people's games and being an edgy retard
>admits the devs do exactly what he said
In the eyes of the developers, the act of clicking the mute button shouldn't even be necessary. Everyone participating should play nice, because they want people to have a good time with their game (primarily so they buy more stuff).
When you have to choose between the one guy calling everyone else a niggerfaggot every other game, or the many players who would have a bad experience and possibly quit playing as a result of that behavior, the choice is pretty clear.
Not once did I ever use the nigger word, the worst I've called someone is braindead or retarded, how is that perma ban worthy?
XBL kiddies grew up and don't understand things like TOS agreements.
The new MW was refreshing in a sense, to hear all that trash talk and juvenile racism that I thought was truly banished come back briefly was amusing. Might buy the game just to re-experience it.
The first ToS had a part where it says that they can change it anytime, also
>caring about permabans on a F2P game
You didn't actually paid for skins in lol right?
"They shouldn't because I said so" is not an argument to begin with, nigger
dump more
>Agree to TOS
>TOS says TOS can change at any time
>Get mad about it even though you agreed
OK? Why did you agree?
>among 0.006% of league players negative enough to be permanently banned
Legaue is full of assholes yet somehow you came out on top as top asshole. Settle the fuck down you raging retard. OP is a huge faggot.
You guys know you can get banned for racism on most boards here right?
Show me your ban logs then.
That's a cool opinion, unfortunately the facts don't care about your feelings libtard
>Supreme Court rules hate speech doesn't exist and all speech is protected
>game companies think they're smarter and rule the exact opposite
You can literally get banned in this fucking game for asking other people to report a feeding team mate, not even kidding.
>Play a game for faggots
>Acts like a faggot
>gets banned
Good now fuck off
uh huh
>t. literal autistic moron who cant hide his power level
What are you gonna do? Shoot up your school?
He's probably just going to punch a hole in some drywall first.
You're describing why piracy is on the rise
>The first amendment applies to companies on their private platform
The first amendment only applies to what the government can do.
I member playing quake 1 using the name FaggotKiller and telling people my dad was a cartel boss and I'd send men to find them and kill their families.
Those were the fucking days. You little shits have no idea.
>playing a multiplayer game made in 2019
literally what did you expect? I never play modern MP games anymore and I certainly don't talk to people in them.
>being a racist faggot is power level
this is why you are dying out cracker
>everyone deserves respect
lol not when you suck ass.
cute girl
>walk into a school
>start yelling NIGGER FAGGOT at all the kids
>get removed and arrested
That never happend
If you do get arrested for saying faggot that’s ground for a lawsuit against whoever arrested you, or the state itself.
Are you implying that piracy has any relevance to microtransactions in a multiplayer online f2p game?
You won't get arrested though, you will just get beaten by everyone offended
factually untrue. reread Marsh v. Alabama.
NO he's talking about games in general you idiot. He's saying that people are pirating offline games because they're tired of abusive TOS contracts. Fucking dumbass get some reading comprehension already
So getting kicked out of a game is the same as getting arrested now?You fucks deserve to be perma banned from the internet, not just the games you shit up.
Imagine pretending you are equal to niggers. I bet you never had to live among them, or work with them.
People say "you are racist because you don't engage with people from other cultures".
Engaging other "cultures" is the biggest reality check about race there is.
>unironically arguing free speech should be restricted
>game where people are trying to communicate to win
>only communicate to say niggerfaggottrannypolitics
>what is the problem with modern gaming?
Thank goodness another waste of oxygen gone.
I hope he makes more, that whole "He's jewish" scene was pretty hilarious
You wouldnt get arrested for hate speech, you'd get arrested for trespassing
That was only the case because even if the town was a private town the sidewalk was still considered public.
Because play the fucking game, your spam does not contribute to victory in the slightest. If you want to call someone nigger just open the window, much more satisfying. Bonus points for going to local university campus in the evening and basking in the cacophony of hundreds of niggers screamed back at you.
Do people really still play LoL?
No you retard stop putting words in my mouth like your dad puts his dick in yours. I'm just saying your example was wrong because that would never happen.
I agree. We should expand on the precedents set and have it become a standard that ONLY developers can say nigger. Have it be in the starting logos. Absolutely chad-tier powerplay.
Beyond based
>buying a free game
Nice job.
Incels are so bad a choosing glasses lmao
The second and third lines are so patronizing just fucking ban me you retards
sure bro
its the white man that makes the nigger shoot the nigger
tl;dr, just spam this instead
>"ownership does not always mean absolute dominion"
>property rights are not sufficient to justify restrictions of fundamental rights/liberties
>only because of a sidewalk
>game where people are trying to communicate to prove you're not winning because everyone else sucks but you
that's the reality. ASSFAGGOTs are all shit games not because the mechanics are trash, but because the core of the social system behind them discourages positive social interaction.
Permabans treat the symptom, no the disease. OP should get fucked, but anyone defending the game itself can go with him.
>developers enforce strict policy of not saying particular words or phrases
>you don't bother to find out what they are
>get mad when you get punished for using them
the joke is on you, user. the game is free to play, just make another account, or stop playing.
these are democrat mass shooters
all these kids look retarded, no wonder they shot up a bunch of people and then killed themselves. blonde hair/glasses/big lips worst combo.
It's true actually. I quit playing shortly after that. Was right about the time that Riot was ramping up their anti "toxicity" rules.
You do know that Riot was the company that first started using the term "toxic" as a way to describe trash talk in chat right?
Fuck that game and fuck that chink owned company.
He changed the topic, it's not me who needs to fix their reading comprehension. Also, how does online TOS changing your access to your multiplayer account translate to pirating offline games? The two are wildly different subjects and environments.
league wasnt always free
The town was private in ownership, but its usage was comparable to of any other town. It was not part of the company business itself. It was not Disneyland fantasy town for example.
If you think a private environment in a game can be comparable to a public road, you are either baby's internet lawyer, or a 200 IQ genius jurist.
Nice falseflagging you gook cunt.
Nice try, rabbi
They sure were.
this is what riot feedback literally told me about my punishment
>there is not hate speech
it enrages me that normalfags don't know this
>filter cucks
Kill yourself pussy
He's an asian incel that spams this shit every day here and on /pol/.
Trying too hard.
Here is your pitty reply.
>Fight a good Ezreal
>Say "gg ez"
>Get reported over it
talk shit, get hit.
>your picture is a complete lie
>not a single source
Another day, another janky /pol/ infograph.
Then what is the speech i say to faggots i hate called?
Riot's ban system is entirely automated, there are no actual humans involved at all. The only way you can be banned for being """"""""""""Toxic"""""""""""" is to feed your ass off in a game with a Rioter in such a manner that you get him mad enough to check your report logs, or to say ban-words. I don't agree with the notion that saying nigger in a videogame causes spontaneous human combustion or a renewal of slavery in the American South and as such find the idea of censoring it silly, but you're explicitly told by Riot
>if you say Nigger you will be banned
I have no sympathy for you if you're such a retard that you can't at least be creative and call people nìggers or kîkes to get around the automated ban system.
Cosmo did Sandy Hook?
you really think this is a black guy. And not a troll
your god given right to free expression
newfag spergs lmao suck more cock and cry harder
sounds like you told an admin to stop being shit
>rest of the log is cropped out
So you're basically advocating that an individuals rights end at their property line?
Seriously, look at what you're arguing here.
You are advocating that corporations have a right to apply restrictions on speech.
The modern left..
It's funny how your """""""proof""""""" seem to have less mass shooting for 37 years than what has been counted for 2019 alone.
sure rabbi
Why don't you go home then? Back to your people that sold your ancestors to Jews hundreds of years ago.
Based chaotic neutral
You can absolutely get arrested for screaming at kids in a school.
Learn how Yea Forums woorks, not everyone is 1 poster
i am home,a country my people built you inbred cracker,
>literally shit talk and flame 1/4 games i play
>honor 5
The only things that will actually get you banned are slurs, specific threats, cheating, and boosting. Everything else means nothing. Very occasionally people get hit for inting as well, but that's even rare.
Also if you were actually good at the game no one bothers to report past DIV so your friend is probably in trashcan VI
Yes it was
Wow how was I supposed to know that nigger is one of the forbidden words?
hide your powerlevel or play less gay games
Random, but okay.
If only 0.006% of players are perma banned they must be doing a terrible job against bot accounts.
when are people gonna realize mass shootings are a male problem and we should all be killed off
I am glad morons like you are getting banned. You're the type of dudes that act tough on the internet and are total pussies in real life. You just make obline gaming more annoying with your ''banter''. You actually think that your sperging is banter. I mean, you are such levels of moron that you accept the rules of that shitty game, knowingly break them because you don't accept them and then get mad like a kid when you get punished for it. What a loser, my friend. Learn to function. Not bumping this shit, by the way.
go kill yourself white dude
You on the left, me on the (far) right.
speak for yourself, sweetie
>cropped log
lmao first off post the whole thing dude, secondly you are obviously really upset about this shit.
No, you just play the game a lot. It's easy to stay in Diamond once you're there.
Bots and OPs are not counted as the same kind of ban.
It absolutely was. There was a "physical" version you could buy in stores, but that just gave you riot points and skins.
I had a friend who got like 5 accounts banned
this is also you
>Everyone deserves respect
This is a shitty attitude to have. Respect is earned. Many people today also conflate anything that is aggressive or antagonistic with being "mean." Simply put, they can't handle the bants.
>permabanned in a f2p game
what do they think they're accomplishing
do you think they even realise their statistic means nothing in light of the facts they just presented?
Based WaPo calling those trannies the men that they are.
>You're 0.006%
I thought discrimination of minorities were illegal.
If it's about helping players, why doesn't the game notify you when you've been reported, and what exactly for, prior to issuing any punishment so that you know what's not acceptable in the community?
If it's about cultivating a healthy community, why don't you offer independent server or lobby options, where players of every kind can make their own rules & decide what's acceptable, offering an option to everyone?
If it's not a narrative, why do all these community rulesets in every game seem to ban the same things & make the same opinions or attitudes banworthy?
If it's about giving players the best experience possible, why are the Terms of Service made intentionally nebulous and ever-changing, ensuring players can never accurately know everything it forbids?
This is also me.
Words only have as much power as you give to them.
trannies don't even make up 1% of population, what a fucking retarded statement
>niggers think they could live without white people
imagine if we just cut off all the welfare you monkey's get, we'd get LA riots 2 electric boogaloo
>white male problem and you should all be killed off
also you
You're not "black". You're a nigger.
Black is a word nice white people who felt bad for your primitive, proto human species gave you in an early form of political correctness.
You're not "black". You are, always have been and always will be, a nigger.
that twunk is qt!
>why doesn't the game notify you when you've been reported
don't they just tier bans, so first its like a day ban, then week etc.
dota did a recent banwave too
is riot like valve cause valve only banned people from using the public match maker
they could still play dota and do anything else on their account like trade or sell items or go into custom lobbies, private lobbies, or custom games
all valve did was ban from using the public match maker since they were people who had consistently 10 reports to 1 commend ratio walk down mid feed ruin games or cheaters, basically those who abused the public service
does riot just close your account and all that money and shit you spent is now gone? that seems illegal
>posting an genetically inferior ape
nah this is superior
also me
imagine being so awful that even in the league community you are in the bottom 0.006% of worst people
retarded niggers going on Yea Forums and trying to act socio-normative is an interesting tack, everyone already knows ya'll weirdos irl tho they can smell it no matter how many mentally retarded spastics you woast on here my dear zoomers.
>black man wearing white mans clothing
ive seen this sort of thing at the circus you know
My friends and I would regularly call each other faggot nigger heads and no one did anything other than give us an occasional dirty look. You zoomers are too soft for life.
>play a game with a "banme" button right next to your name
>act like a shithead
>people click the banme button
>get banned
and yet they're most of the suicides
>You are among 0.006% of League players negative enough to be permanently banned.
Wow, well done OP
this is also me btw
me > you
how many friends do you have in real life?
In what, LoL? I don't play mobas because I'm not a child, kiddo.
u mad?
>Why is modern gaming so soft? I swear it wasn't this bad even around 4 years ago.
Interesting how this entire topic was avoided so we could talk about some terms of service.
ToS says you can't have multiple accounts, breaking that rule is an automatic, non-negotiable permaban of both.
Any group of people whose words describing them keep turning into pejoratives again and again should be genocided.
With the state of modern online gaming, I don't get why people just simply don't stick to playing only single player games.
Act like a shitter get treated like a shitter. This thread is over kids.
Actually white men are the biggest contributors to suicide rates.
calm down dude, I'll beat you up.
Yeah, the white boys that choose to be trannies
>klein invented underwear
that's cause dota is based
Because somehow I'm able to not become a screeching /pol/tard when I have a mic.
not that guy but I would like to include heart disease as a form of suicide pls and see what the stats say.
You really retarded, that number what about trannies suicides isn't actual suicides, it includes ATTEMPTED.
No, its mostly men in the midwest and south.
wow there's actual niggers in here
do you flood every one of these threads?
Corporate shills like you will get the bullet. Fuck off gloomer
This is why I only make fun of white people; they are known to have thick skins and don't let their feelings control their actions.
Woah woah woah, I didn't mean for this thread to turn into a /pol/nigger fest, all I care about is being able to say what I want in vidya, to be able to talk trash, without some middle aged old white man telling me what I should and should not be able to do. Is it that hard to understand? You retards can take your shit back to /pol/, all I care about is my chinese cartoons and vidya.
That's the most embarrassing thing I've ever heard.
Good thing you stopped that before XBOX live or else you would have got curbstomped. Those were the true glory days.
I'm not against calling people niggers you nigger, but spamming anything in chat is equal to actively throwing. If you fuck with me I have every single right to fuck with you.
They also wont try to kill you
>accept terms of service
>break them
>get banned
I had multiple accounts because I'd leave games constantly back in like 2011. Streamers openly talk about using multiple accounts. If it's in the almight ToS then it's not enforced. At all.
Clown, I called people niggers all the time on Xbox Live and you dumb monkeys couldn't do a thing about it
i call it bullshit
i tell people to get cancer all the time and i have honor lv2
yesterday i told someone i hoped his mom died from aids and never got even a single warning
My terms of service now say you have to let me fuck your ass. Bend over little cucky, or I'll take your precious video game account away. Better do it or else.
I didn't accept to them though
holy shit shut the fuck up
>get a message from some retard redneck in Dark Souls 1 calling me a faggot after I killed him
>report him
>check back later, his account is banned
4 more years my dude
i cant wait to see how bad the trump derangement gets
Sorry dude. But I can tell you were the litttle kid who called his mom crying and we all called her a whore too.
GB2 fortnite retard
Anyone have that pic of the black guy crying cause the white guy didn't have to do anything but say "wanna go on a date"
terms of service and eula are not valid in the majority of the united states, they are not binding. nice try kiddo.
Nah they will try to kill you, they just have to be cops first.
>The people who bring up trannies in every thread are complaining about niggers
>A large portion of a country with 370 million people.
Even if you say that only 60% of them are white, suicide rate for trannies is very high, most are men to women, and most are white. Even if you take a
Quarter of a present of the US population to be trannies, the rates of suicide are so much higher than the general public that it represents a huge statistical outlier. Don't be
Stop giving retarded devs your money.
We're in Trump era right now and white boys cry about shit every single day
why do these people always act so appalled when they get banned?
its one thing to bitch about banned for saying the no-no words
what dont understand is going to the forums to post about how youre such an innocent dindu faggot about it
You accepted them by logging in. You can accept them by simply seeing them pop up on your screen. Bite the pillow, I'm going to shatter your sphincter with my 9 inch jewish capitalist dick.
>see a black person on tv
thick skin btw
>Bant with enemy team
>Get banned because the salty player reported you
Perfect WORLD
glad I dropped this piece of shit game
you signed that captcha now get on them knees
Wasn't me, bub
>Quarter of a present
Reminder that phoneposters are legitimate cancer.
>it's another "pretend that literally anyone actually reads that legal jargon before every game they play" rerun
You'd casually "digitally sign" a document permitting them to take your firstborn and be none the wiser.
Unironically drown yourself
why are you just mad, gay, and pathetic all the time newfag?
When these 8 years are up you'll see a legitimate race war, and it wont even be the "nazis" who kick it off.
This isn't a legal issue you stupid retard, it's them allowing you to continue using their service which it is absolutely valid for.
God /pol/ incels are fucking stupid
Can't handle the fact that you are just as bad as them huh? Cope friendo
Fair enough, but it's still walking a narrow line. Banning popular streamers for smurfing would usually do more harm than good, but I'd imagine if they caught a ban-evading account they'd be all too happy to enforce that rule.
>muh history
>Actually getting perma-banned for being a toxic little faggot
Jesus Christ user, how retarded must you be to get yourself banned? Just call the team shit if you HAVE to be a whiny little bitch, otherwise shut the fuck up, no one cares what you have to say and only you get affected by saying shit
lmao dude
>terms of service aren't valid if you didn't read them
>every day
>pic is literally over a year and a half old
yeah man those liberals own all sorts of firearms
>i cant talk like in 4chin, this game is unbased reeeeee!!!!!!
Also /polv/
nah majority of states do not recognize eula's as valid and have rejected unilateral legislation. you buy the game you own the game, you can't deny service unless I used your service to commit a crime kiddster.
Typically games these days make their code of conduct very clear and separate from the pages long TOS.
Imagine comparing a commission job vs. a universal terms of service
>yeah man those liberals own all sorts of firearms
The glowies do
Yeah dude Yea Forums doesn't cry about anything lmao
yikes, shoo shoo dusty old donkey
I just said this isn't a legal issue you dumb shit, they absolutely have the right to deny you from using their service when you break the terms of service.
It's a F2P game you stupid retard
False equivalency.
You are retarded, this isn't a legal issue, you are not legally entitled to their game.
Yup, gottem. You can't refute it because you're hypocritical retards.
>I purposefully went against the rules and now I am paying the price for it!
Fucking do something about it and stop crying on Yea Forums like a little bitch. I'm so sick of threads like this holy shit.
the problem you're experiencing can be entirely fixed by not playing shit games.
denying property is a legal issue, it's theft by definition, sorry not sorry lmao :^)
>OP still hasn't posted his full chat
>refute my ad hominim or else
you sound flustered my dude
You don't own a F2P game you god damn moron
Even in a paid game the online is a service and not the product
Learn what ad hom means you dipshit
This is why dedicated servers must exist, on PC at least.
If it's an only online game, they should refund you. Don't like hate speech ? fine, give the money back and we part ways. It's a win-win for soi devs and free speech absolutists.
>Stealing a f2p game
This is advanced autism
Why do they keep doing this?
>property on a f2p game is not property
neat better tel;l the EU then steam can just bypass all of their regulations be claiming that all ownership on their platform is virtual. boy you guys are fucking dumb lmao
>play jewish made game
>surprised when you get banned for saying any word
you first cutie
>bringing in steam when the discussion is about LoL which isn't a steam game.
You just get dumber and dumber every post