Binding of isaac

Greed is the most fun character prove me incorrect

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Fun is subjective and differs from person to person
I have proved you incorrect

There is no such character.

You mean Keeper?


i like the lost because he starts with flying and can take devil deals for free

Yeah, woo, devil deals.

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Keeper is unironically a ton of fun in Greed mode, but only after he has Wooden Nickel. Normal/Hard mode is only bearable if you abuse sacrifice rooms.

literally fucking blown to shit.

close the fucking thread, it's over, OP got destroyed.

Can't wait for Edmund and Nicalis to ruin Antibirth while they're porting it for Repentance.

Attached: D7sK9KzWsAAxErc.webm (180x180, 809K)

didn't edmund abandon nicalis?

They've finishing up Repentance.

That isn't Cain

Yes, but he said that Repentance is too far along in development to be affected by the fallout, it's releasing "as planned"

Cain hasn't been good ever since they nerfed luck foot into uselessness.

god I fucking miss that lil pill muncher ;_;

oh yeah, cain he can um
he can um
he can't do shit now

Don't worry, Kilburn will do that himself.

Do tell how, I'm curious.

IV bag Samson

You never find the IV bag when you want it

Not with that attitude