ITT: Games that made you notice you're retarded

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silent hill 2's puzzles are either fucking impossible or I'm a brainlet


Portal 2 co-op

are we still doing this? get over it Yea Forums, it has been what 5 years or something?

This game killed my confidence, my god I'm stupid.

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Stephens Sausage Rolls

I am absolutely fucking shit at sokoba games and they make me angry

Jonathan Blow wanted you to struggle though. He believes player hard-earned epiphanies give games meaning.


Zachtronics games other than vanilla Opus Magnum

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even spacechem brings me to my limits and apparently thats still one of his casual ones. jesus christ.

The sort in TIS-100 was hard as hell.

The Witness is like playing through a math textbook, in that each puzzle is an iteration on the previous and there's a logic you have to understand to progress. That's good and bad for obvious reasons but solving the problems is satisfying for those epiphany moments.

Never managed to finish this, hard to say how far I got but eventually I just lost interest when the puzzles started getting really obtuse. Still want to finish it though

I don't know if "retarded" is the correct term.
"Inability to wrap my cortex into a torus" might be more accurate.

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He's not wrong.

This fucking thing. I beat both La Mulana, waltzed through casual trash like Souls or Monster Hunter, but this piece of shit walled me in the 2nd world and refused to let me pass. I can't out-think an AI. It's bullshit.

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Not really hard but hearing your partner telling you that they got it but you still have no idea makes you feel so worthless.

>I really should've written down that hint from 5 hours ago

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It gets even worse if you actually know a bit of scripting / programming, working around those limitations is hard as hell at times, because you end up thinking of ways which would work, but not within the game's limitations.

I dropped this game because I got lost and didn't remember where to go, I refuse to believe it had good level design though.

I hit a brick wall about 90 or so puzzles in, and now I can't figure out any of the ones I have access to.
That said, I really fucking enjoyed what I got out of it, is easily one of my favorite puzzle games ever.

I never finished it and I refuse to look up a guide for it either.

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I definitely got a rush of memories going through calculus 1-3 and diff eq going through the game. It’s weird having a vidya remind you of how things can fit together and compound so well.

The recorder puzzles I hated and just looked up, the rest was pretty doable, save for getting the stars. Road to Gehenna was brutal, though.

it was okay, had to look up 5-10 puzzles max. baba on the other hand...

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That's what caused me to first drop it too. I ended up trying to complete some puzzle in some far-off room and failing it would drop me at the starting room, so having to moonwalk 3 rooms sideways and then do a 760' corkscrew into the center of a microscopic cube to reach that room to try the puzzle again got grating.

I might try it again later.

at any point you can press escape to warp to the map room and see where you were where you weren't and where to go next

>Wait was that thing always there? No? Yes? No? NO?! Yeah it was.

try different things until something works

To be fair, it's still pathetic.

Someone told me the solution of the puzzle país no years before I ever played the game. I still don’t know how to solve the door puzzle.

I'm back burnering it for now. Sometimes (especially with puzzles and programing) coming back a different week and under a different mindset can help to have everything fall in to place when solving a problem.
By no means am I giving up on that fucker

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thumbnail. mobile filename. stale meme



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>code won't compile
>stare at it for three hours
>can't figure out what's wrong
>come back later
>notice right away where the dumb error is
The worst feeling

Fuck off Levine

the fuck did you just call me mobile faggot

this, but with bosses

The most challenging thing about this game is trying to do a puzzle you haven't been taught how to solve and being unsure if this is actually the case or not. When the game succeeds in teaching you the rules of how a certain puzzle type works, it's not that hard.

Obra Dinn. I used to think that I was pretty good at puzzle games, but trying to tell apart and piece together the different voices, blurry character designs, and multiple names makes me feel so goddamn stupid.

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>he struggled with the recorder puzzles

Those were some of the most fun in the game for me. The only ones I didn't finish are the optional super hard ones that unlock secrets. I didn't care enough to put all that time into them, but god damn I liked this game. I should replay it.

I still haven't tried this because everytime I hear it being described it just sounds like it was made to be obtuse for the sake of it. And that seems weak.

I thought it kind of fell off because midway it was a lot less about navigating a non euclidean space, but more about managing wonky blocks

I'm not even that guy, I said fuck off Levine. Your games suck.

This shit right there. Guys, I know this is recommendation thread in hiding, so you better play DROD instead of this.

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It's really not. The rules for how the puzzles work are actually for the most part extremely clear and delivered beautifully in a non-verbal way. You just have to accept that you will encounter puzzles that you simply aren't ready for until later. People get stuck trying to do puzzles they still don't know the rules for and then think the game is being obtuse on purpose. You just need to walk away from said puzzle until you've actually learned how it works. There are more puzzles to solve elsewhere on the island.

i was talking about the meme and how the poster was obviously a phoneposting normalfag. i don't carer about the game you retard

There is no way you are supposed to figure out the red door puzzle on your own

>looked at a walkthrough with 1 like a brainlet
>took extensive notes and solved everything on my own in 2

felt so good, wish I could forget everything about 1 and replay it

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Gravel in the swimsuit

any Zelda game


these fucking rooms in oracle of ages, this is the last one you do in the extra dungeon so the difficulty is like 2x higher but you get it
you can't see the whole room at once and even though I've played both games 5x each I can never remember any but the first

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I've only finished about 50 puzzles so far.

Struggled way too much

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DROD is neat

This. Jesus fuck.

This game was stupidly easy and a disappointment

It is much more than 'neat', IMO. Take music, for example:

I only beat Seasons, but what the fuck am I even looking at? How are you supposed to know to do that?

this shit.
i never figured out that you are supposed to use the cane for the last tile

Except its more like making a math textbook a CYOA book
Most of the time you dont find the panels that start you off with a new mechanic before you find a higher tier version

Then people say "just look around more" as an excuse for lazy game design

your not supposed to do the high tier puzzles until you find the tutorial ones, they are put on your path to give you something to come back to once you know how to do it

>Retarded is me

I agree; you mistaking a narrative device for a puzzle is pretty pathetic.

Levine > you

"Fuck direction, just wander around aimlessly until you happen upon the next thing"
Nice game design.

Direction doesnt have to be linear, it doesnt have to be a waypoint. You can literally design the game so that it pulls the player to the place they need to be just by the design

Was that the shipwreck one?
Is the only puzzle I just could not solve



Whatever was the correct way of solving that one, anyway?
I remember trying to link the sounds up to droplets, but it just made no sense at all

>the audio based puzzles
Made me realize I was deaf, not retarded

This game is supposed to be tough. And it doesn't help that the game is way too cryptic in the order you're supposed to try the puzzles

iirc there's an invisible second line, you have to draw it so one matches the drops and the other matches the ship creaking

Good to know I was on the right track, at least

I think I'll stick to click on bad guys to shoot them

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Medieval Engineers.

Crusader kings 2.
Any Total War.
Dawn of War 1

Forgot the image.

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it wasn't a narrative device, it could have just not been there and nothing would be different.

This, but in kind of a different way than other games in this thread. It’s not exactly a puzzle game, but no other game jams my brain as badly as it does. You see, the actual gameplay OR the rhythm you have to keep up aren’t too bad on themselves, but my brain is literally unable to deal with both at the same time, I just can’t focus on either of them and ultimately I end up being unable to process even the simplest gameplay scenarios. It makes me feel helpless, like a literal boomer who gets a video game controller in his hands for the first time ever.

It boggles me that there are some insanely hard playable characters in it, for example, there’s one who dies instantly if you miss even one beat, and people are actually able to complete the game with them. You could offer me fucking Jeff Bezos’ fortune and Half-Life 3 on top of that, but I know that I wouldn’t be able to do it in a lifetime no matter what the stakes. Fuck.

And the fun thing is that I can play normal rhythm games rather well, it’s just that combining rhythm stuff with a roguelite action game turns me into an uncapable retard.

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I did like 5 puzzles and got fed up

I completed ShenZhen IO, but Exapunks ramps up too quickly in difficulty and the zines that come with it do a shitty job of explaining some of the mechanics
Infinifactory was fine, but I got bored with the same thing over and over again

I had to look at that hint book way too many times.

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I didn't find Talos too bad, but didn't realise there was more than one ending, so I was just buzzing through the boring text chat with the AI w/o realising, and was mad that I missed some puzzles.

It was a narrative device precisely because it would have made no sense for it not to be there.

To elaborate: Columbia can only be accessed by people who know how to open the door to the rocket. This is why the Luteces give you the code: they want you in Columbia no matter what and have made all the arrangements for you.

The lock not being there wouldn't make sense because it would make no sense for Columbia to be accessable to anyone.

If you can fail it then its a puzzle.

I just wanna play with dwarfs and do dwarf things is that too much to ask?

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So just make it a key to a door, no need for the bells.

I unironically love this puzzle because it's straight out of a SNES game for babies. Shows you how despite how good the graphics have gotten and how "deep" the storylines have become, video games remain intended for toddlers.

Fuck this piece of shit!
Literally the first and only game to give me motion sickness.
Whoever programmed the camera has to be a retard.

Those can be stolen or copied, it's far less secure. The lock on the gate to the rocket works because nobody from Columbia would allow outsiders in, at least after their secession.

They let in outsiders, if they didn't there would be no reason to set up the rocket lighthouse and priest at the start of the game would have just shot Booker and tossed him off the edge

> Those can be stolen or copied, it's far less secure.

Yes and the bell order can be stolen/extorted/obtained too. If you wanted secure, don't have a gate you can bust down by force if necessary. It still makes no sense why they (developers, speaking out-of-game) decided to make it some dumb bell puzzle.

I got stuck on maybe 3 puzzles, it's not that hard.
Zachtronics games

How the fuck is it secure to have a code you can bruteforce within minutes?

you are telling me you beat all 200+ levels without any issue and spending significant amount of time per level?

>spending significant amount of time per level?
The most I spent on a puzzle was 20-25 minutes.
If I had to guess my average time for each puzzle, 10 minutes?