Modern Warfare: the beta is still up and should be extended edition
Modern Warfare
nah fäm im good with bf4
Bf4 is dead on ps4. Worst $14 I ever spent.
>on console
Fuck off you right clicking faggot
>shit TTK
>can't see shit on some locations, bad lighting
>shit spawn points
>no lean
>shit ttk
Low ttk is good noob
Shits so dark I’m convinced I need glasses
im not sure if it's just me but i have a hard time discerning enemies from teammates and the environment.
This game is honestly fucking great. Ive literally preordered. Its a good step forwards after a long list of shit games
no its not
you need ttk high enough that people can turn around and kill you first
You're an idiot if you don't think CoD/BF are designed around consoles primarily
I had fun but I haven't played a CoD since BO1.
Does the PC have a big enough community for CoD games now?
How fucked am I when it comes to microtransactions?
Literally any game in better on PC no matter what platform it was developed for. First person games doubly so.
the game has crossplay so that shouldnt be an issue
if console players are forced to play with pc the game will die because console players leave, or if they can turn crossplay off everyone is gonna do it and pc dies
After some faggot on pc went 44 and 3 in my lobby I turned off crossplay
well there you go
playing cod on pc is just dumb, and playing fps is console is dumb. ergo cod is dumb
Lmao git gud
Nah I had the same issue since the default multiplayer skins for both teams are almost exactly the same. The 'good guys' are wearing blue, while the baddies are in yellow, but they otherwise look the same.
Don't you have some weebshit game thread to be in?
im not a consolenigger so why would i play weeb games
It 404’d and grand master cum stains is too busy jerking it to moe
lol I went 60-11 in Headquarters and I'm a Sexbox user. I wasn't camping either. I was using the MP5 with silencer and ghost perk, and the low TTK makes it so you don't have to magdump into a single enemy while his teammate sneaks up on you like in BO4. I actually like BO4, but it's much more cartoonish than this new game. The customization in Modern Warfare is the best I've ever seen in any COD. You can tool each gun to fit different playstyles rather than each gun having a fixed niche. Obviously, some guns are still going to have limited use, but the assault rifles and SMGs are very customizable.
To fix this game they need to simplify and strategize it
>Get rid of the tdm gamemodes
>Rework audio so you can use audio cues to predict enemy movements
>Put clear round based objectives to direct the pace of the game and for players to fight around
>Imitate CSGO, OW, Siege, and Quake, not BF
Ttk's fine, gunplay's pretty much identical to siege and way better than BF's
Not everbody wants to play csgo you shitter
Yea csgo is stiff garbage
What MW needs is to brighten up the maps so I can fucking see
>>Rework audio so you can use audio cues to predict enemy movements
>you can already do this
>mimic shitty games and remove the main reason to play COD
get the fuck out.
>Get rid of the tdm gamemodes
lolno that's always the most popular mode in every COD. You won't have to play it in the full game if you don't like it. They just had a rotation of random modes and maps on for the beta.
>Rework audio so you can use audio cues to predict enemy movements
They already have this. I expect they'll weak it a little bit for things like the overly-loud doors and gunshots sounding like they're coming from different directions than they actually are, but I was able to play stealthily by listening to enemy footsteps in several games.
>Put clear round based objectives to direct the pace of the game and for players to fight around
So you mean like every mode that isn't TDM?
>Imitate CSGO, OW, Siege, and Quake, not BF
Not sure what you mean by this other than you want smaller lobbies. Most modes in this game are 6v6 except for the 32v32 Ground War and the Gunfight modes, which I believe are only 2v2. Most modes in some of the previous CODs like BO4 were only 5v5. 6v6 makes the games feel fuller so you don't find yourself running around for long periods of time without encountering any enemies. It also makes the games more fair if someone on either team drops out of the lobby midgame. I'd be fine if they added more smaller lobbies with objective games for 3v3 as long as the maps are appropriately sized. The Gunfight maps would be too small for 3v3 objective games like headquarters and cyber attack.
>You think darkness is your ally?
Aaaand the beta closed.
20 tick servers ruin anything positive about this game.
I was hopeful for a crossplay game so me and all my friends could play something together again, like the good old days.
While the core game feels okay, and I appreciate the mw2 vibes I get from the multi-player, the absolutely terrible connection quality is a game killer for me.
That sucks, because it was honestly some of the most fun I've had with COD multiplayer in years. The mix of firearms they decided to include in the game was interesting. I think MW2 and BO1 had the best selections of weapons, but it was nice for them to include a few WWII and oddball guns in this game alongside the modern firearms.