Pay for many games

>pay for many games
>accept gift
>all money stolen
>all games stolen
>account stolen
>"sorry, we're unable to help, kthxbye"
Sasuga, Valve.
Why have these """people""" been allowed to essentially own the gaming market?

Attached: steam ''''''''''''''support� (906x678, 52K)

blow it out your ass

As much as I think Valve is garbage, you shouldn't commit fraud if you plan to keep your account, retard.

Because when you open a thread with many such cases they always resort to gangweeding saying stupid shit like
>don't say le n-word xD
as if it's the only way they can steal all your games from you
See? He didn't even read the pic and defended the corporation blindly.

I read the pic, I deal with scammers on a daily basis and know when someone is full of shit. I've heard a million versions of how someone is innocent when we have clear evidence that they're betting that we don't have. Get a job, fucking loser.

And what happened, then? Well, in Steamville they say – that Gaben’s big nose grew three sizes that day.
And then – the true meaning of Steam sales came through, and Gaben found the strength of ten Jews, plus two!

They make money off banning people. Why wouldn't they use every excuse they conceivably can?

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>still mad over some shit that happened 6 years ago
lmao get a life nerd

only a problem if you're American



>buy game from shady third party website, receive it as gift from some dudes account
>turns out to have been bought with stolen credit card
>send sob story to support
>they don't give a shit
Really, what did you expect? Sucks if you legitimately got hit by something like that but if crying about it was all it took to get an account unbanned for credit card fraud they'd be getting them in the thousands every day

Kill yourself faggot. How butthurt must you be to samefag your own posts? And yes they are samefagged because the numbers add up. See pic related.
Never post on 4channel again

Attached: Kill yourself fucking faggot.png (1893x1212, 226K)

>pay for game
>money stolen
This is """"gaming""" in the modern era.

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>shills have learned how to take screencaps
Cute. But the mods can see our actual IPs so they known they nothing of the sort happened. Also
You just outed yourself. Lurk more.

>use VPN and create throwaway steam account
>commit credit card fraud
>gift to regular steam account
they probably have to deal with that shit constantly, was it an actual friend, or did you accept from an acount you dont know? or did you actually commit credit card fraud?

I love how shills are trained to throw buzzwords around as if it was an actual argument without even reading what people are saying.

I don't even understand why they included a gift function if they're just going to ban people for using it.

Whine some more little bitch. Ah boo hoo you got banned 6 years ago for being a thieving little shit. Cry me a fucking river. Samefagging your own thread how pathetic can you be. I hope your entire family dies in fire.

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It's the same reason they include a chat screen. You should never even THINK about using a voice function either if that's included for the same reason: Literally EVERY aspect of a game """"""support"""""" these days is a barely-disguised attempt to ban you to force you to pay for the game twice.

Aww, you mad, loser?

>dat entire post
Aw, the shill thinks it makes him cool that he said the eff-word. Cute.
It still doesn't change the fact that you're obviously shilling.

Who exactly is he shilling for, Valve drone?

>Caring about games like PUBG
>That live and die by a shitty streaming service
>A streaming service that banned some fuck only a month for streaming some kid peeing in a public bathroom
>Caring about e-celebs in any sort of fashion or form

The only way to win is to literally not play. Streaming and e-sports was such a mistake, and now they're integrating it into schools.

Attached: 1251777113533.jpg (505x378, 99K)

Absolutely butt-devastated

Let this samefag, class, serve as a case-study of the shill: It flings around buzzwords and profanities like a seven-year-old because the actual point you try to make is unassailable. It might actually be aware of how retarded it sounds, but it does not care because Valve continues to pay it fifty cents an hour.

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You can't possibly need to crape the barrel for things to get mad about this hard.

Yeah no retard I don't give a fuck about valve or egs or any stupid meme "storefront". I'm a console only fag and I can most definitely guarantee you are a little bitch. You are a waste of space, a useless sack of shit that's better off being put down.
Imagine crying on Yea Forums about a 6 year old ban and then accusing anyone of calling you out of shilling. I hope this is some elaborate egs shilling at work since then I could explain this as just some pathetic shill but honestly, I don't think this is.
You genuinely would be better off being euthanized.

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