For me it's the contentious one that will illicit an emotional response out of the reader...

For me it's the contentious one that will illicit an emotional response out of the reader, hence creating a strong topic of discussion and leading to a successful and prosperous thread.

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i like them all. what now


you're fucking retarded is what

Far Harbor sucks ass

Me? It's dead money. You are wrong if you disagree. Also FUCK fallout 4.

They were all enjoyable outside of Dead Money.

Far Harbor had better writing than Fallout 4. It is definitely my favorite fallout dlc, although Dead Money may have the best writing out of them all.
Can you explain why?

All of New Vegas's are the best, only The Pitt and Point Lookout come anywhere close.
Also it bugs me that whoever made this image messed up the release order for Honest Hearts and Old World Blues


Far Harbour is great, Nuka World is absolute shit. Fallout 4 really needed more stuff like Far Harbour really

New Vegas' DLC were all great except for Honest Hearts which was okay. Dead Money is fucking amazing and really captures the survivalist feeling of New Vegas.

I slogged through Fallout 3 and it glitched up before the final assault on the monument. 6 years later and I still don't feel any need to play it but The Pitt looks interesting as Dead Money lite


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>Honest Hearts and Lonesome Road
>Better than Point Lookout, Dead Steel, The Pitt, Far Harbor, even Nuka World
I don't think so, faggot. New Vegas is the best 3D fallout game, we all agree, but the DLC is nothing to write home about, with the exception of Dead Money.

Unironically based. Mr. House is the best and most comfy ending imaginable. Always bet on the house, baby.

Honest hearts and Lonesome road are both really good faggot.


Yeah but how does house plan on not being a fucking invalid for all eternity

>Nuka World
>Better than anything

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Ok Honest Hearts and Lonesome Road there's an argument for saying that they are only as good as Pitt/Lookout, personally I think the NPC's place them at least slightly above
Broken Steel is only good for the fun perks and I haven't played Fallout 4

My favorites are point lookout, the Pitt, honest hearts, and far harbor

Honest Hearts is unfinished and rushed, it's "Flash Over Substance: The DLC" the map looks pretty, but it's empty, the quest design is utterly atrocious, everything about it feels like a hollow nothing, you know for an anti-bethesda guy, you're defending the most bethesda-esque dlc.
>Lonesome Road
Come on man. Another fucking meta story about "Why are you following orders dude?!?!" and it's not even done well, and it fucking gives the courier a defined past and characteristics of his own, I'll never understand why hardcore NV fans don't hate this piece of shit.

People that dislike Dead Money are babies. I'm trash at games and I still love Dead Money. Beyond the gameplay even, the story and characters are amazing.

>being a house cuck

degenerates like you belong on a cross

>Nuke World

This is how I know that your opinion is shit

so long as some dipshit doesn’t break into his room in the Lucky 38, he can go on being a NEET-lite for all eternity

Nuka World is trash, yeah, but it's better than fucking lonesome road. I may have spoken a little too soon, I'd probably say that HH and NW are equally shitty.

uh, no *ahem*
Fuck Jeannie May
Fuck Motor Runner
Fuck Cook Cook
Fuck Violet
Fuck Driver Nephi
Fuck Duke
Fuck Mortimer
Fuck Philippe
Fuck Big Sal
Fuck Nero
Fuck Cachino
Fuck Benny
Fuck Mr. House
Fuck Caesar
Fuck Lanius
Fuck Vulpes
Fuck Elijah
Fuck Dean Domino
Fuck Dog/God
Fuck Joshua
Fuck Salt-Upon-Wounds
Fuck the Think Tank
Fuck Mobius

where did I say Nuka World was good? I said "EVEN nuka world" pointing to the fact that a shit dlc is better than lonesome road.

Best for the Mojave by far, but House is pretty boring to play for.

what makes you say that? House feels like the most fleshed out option in the game.

never played any lmao

How would you do a Fallout 5?

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We can all agree that Mothership Zeta, Old World Blues, and Nuka World are the worst, correct?

Old World Blues is fantastic.

The setting for Lonesome Road was nice. Too bad they used it as a mere vehicle for Ulysses's retarded "muh bull n muh bear" unending tirades.

Anchorage, i guess. place is too historic to ignore

3's worst is a tie between Broken Steel and Operation: Anchorage
NV's worst is Honest Hearts

The setting for Nuka World was nice too.

what's so bad about broken steel? I liked being able to play post-campaign, and seeing water in the wasteland was a neat touch.

How much am I missing out on if I replay Fallout 3 without using the Tale of Two Wastelands mod? I feel like I'm too lazy to set it up, and between using that mod and making sure the mods I get for Fallout 3 all work, I don't know.

Base game
>Hey, there's this guy Ulysses looking for you. Don't know why, tho
>There's this other courrier that came to the Big MT a while ago. If you go to his shack, you'll see that he was looking for you, btw
>This guy Ulysses, he's still looking for you. Boy, wouldn't wanna be you when he finds you!
>The reason you're here is because that guy who was looking for you, Ulysses, told father Elijah about the Sierra Madre. By the way, he's still after you
FINALLY, fucking Lonesome Road comes:
>Turns out Ulysses is an emo edgelord who's just mad at you for something you did twenty years before the start of the game. Nothing in the games ever informs you of you doing it, you learn about it in the last ten minutes of LR.
BRAVO Obsidian, what a fantastic fucking payoff

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>Did you know that Dog backwards is GOD?!?! HOLY SHIT MIND BLOWN
DeadMoneyfags are subhuman

Seriously, why don't more people fucking hate that shit dlc? it is so bad, everything about it, least of which is fucking giving the courier a defined past, isn't that why people hate the bethesda games? because they give you predefined fucking characters, I guess it's okay when Obsidian goes "oh lol btw you're responsible for nuclear bombs dropping in this one region no big deal"

Why was Fallout 3 so forgetful?

I love Fallout 3, I don't find it forgettable at all.

>isn't that why people hate the bethesda games? because they give you predefined fucking characters
No? They've only ever done that with Fallout 4. Their track record for open-ended PCs is one of the best in the industry.

Yeah but point lookout and zeta were kinda shit.
Far harbor and nuka world we're good, but it was the only good dlc

All of the NV dlc was great, even owb with all the meme shit in it was a lot of fun

Nothing inherently wrong about giving you a defined past, the problem is when they pull a retroactive deus ex machina in the last dlc that becomes the main reason why the antagonist hates your guts. Especially when said antagonist has been teased for the entirety of the base game + DLC. It's as if, just ass Frodo is about to throw the ring in Mount Doom, Tolkien introduced Noruas, a hobbit gone bad boy that hates Frodo because he burned his house 30 years before the events of LOTR, and the last chapter was them fighting to death. It's horrendous writing, I don't know how they got away with it.

Europe city states are still fighting over the remains or the old world, you choose a city state to fight for.

I hate how they changed the narrative in lonesome road
I didn't mind linearity, I didn't minded that they gave courier back story
But why the fuck they changed, that courier as a proffesion, is some sort of "the choosen" job
I remember how in early interwievs when NV was beeing developed/published they said how they wanted to make story about bumfuck nobody with shity job, that nobody knows or care, and yet somehow you became the most important part in entire battle of hover dam, by stupid luck and determination
and yet in LS Ulysses go full
>like we are curriers man, we create life
>like we are the most important part in the wasteland
>we bring hope, like man we create roads and shit
and how they tease in other DLC endings how people talk about battle of two couriers
who the fuck would want to listen a story how two couriers fought, who would find it interesting,
you are just mail boy that is probably underpaid, not a superman allegory
god damn it
reposting from other thread because its dead

Fallout 77 without any numbers except health and damage.
In all seriousness:
>remove voiced PC
>bring back actual dialogues
>bring back old SPECIAL
>equipment degradation (optional)
>ammo types
>keep 4's customization, but add ability to attach/detach simple mods like scopes and suppressors without benches
>more color
>keep settlements, but make it optional and reduce their number
>make some actual fucking towns
>new engine
TL;DR: revert almost everything done in 4.
I'd say, make it smaller, but more condensed. It can also serve as testing ground for new engine.

Not him but I consider any kind of paid true ending a rip-off. It's fine to expand the base game with new interesting locations, but because of 3's ending is dogshit and Borked Stelee has pretty much the same characters. It felt like a patch they asked money for.

Set it in New Orleans
When you exit the vault the local communities are holding an election.
Your celebrity makes you a valuable endorsement.
Multiple radio stations that are owned by the various factions and your actions will be spun differently according to the candidates they support.