A DLC manages to stay top selling for weeks over full and highly anticipated games

>a DLC manages to stay top selling for weeks over full and highly anticipated games

How did they do it?

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It's Monster Hunter.

Japan loves Monster Hunter. What's new?

Gotta make sure the mech genre stays dead everywhere so waifuhunterfags can whack the same dumb lizard with a big stick for 30 realtime minutes.

Why does FIFA sell well? Why does Call of Duty sell well?


I have never seen such an obvious "neverbplayed the game" post in my entire life.

Monster Hunter is huge in Japan.

Which game? Because that's 100% accurate to MH. MH jp is fully sustained by hikikomori spending hours in character creator and doing monotonous hunts.

What do you think you do in DXM? Whack a grand total of five (5) bosses that all drop within 3 minutes. That's literally the entire endgame. The mech genre is killing itself by releasing half-baked games since the inception of the genre.

The new IP's name is trash, that's why.

>mech game
>highly anticipated
even fucking gundam games sales aren't that good

Mecha games never review or sell well.

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>Daemon x Machina
Anybody who actually thought this was some huge highly anticipated game is genuinely braindead

>highly anticipated
If only. Among mecha fans, sure. But even in Japan there aren't too many of them.

Besides MH being a huge franchise Mech fans got what they wanted so it doesnt matter

But Iceborne flopped in Japan.

>outsells every IP for weeks

Attached: LeonKennedy-1.jpg (500x500, 33K)

the sales chart in the OP is for japan. It definitely didn't flop, which is unfortunate for you, but a celebration for everyone else

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At least DxM is in the top 5. Not amazing, but good enough.

>a DLC for one of the most prolific and beloved franchises in Japan stays top selling for weeks over a mech game
wow, what news.
next you'll be telling me about how pokemon will sell 10 million units and how ea's next game will have microtransactions.

It's not just DxM. Tons of major Nintendo and other company IPs got outsold by Iceborne