Have friends that play MMO

>have friends that play MMO
>all act fairly normal
>decent mix of male/female characters
>one day two of them decide to get married in-game
>suddenly start acting lovey-dovey
>not even really as a joke
>hug emotes and the like
>posting on social media about it
>one of them pays $40 so they can both share a surname
>insist I come to the in-game wedding that they spent another $40 on
Do MMOs just make people gay? I'm not adverse to it, just confused. This kind of thing has happened multiple times to people I know and it can't all be coincidence.

Attached: gay meter on the line.png (371x188, 135K)

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So we know off the bat that they didn't spend $40 on a name change and they didn't spend $40 on an in-game wedding. What else are you lying about?

I went to someone's RuneScape wedding. We were all like 13-15 back in 2005 tho

Who gives a shit? Let them do whatever they want, imagine caring this much. It's just a videogame. They obviously didn't spend $40 for a surname change.

t. mmo autist

should specify i'm talking about Final Fanatsy 14, where changing your name costs about $20 per character, and the highets tier wedding costs $20 per character.

How did you deduce that?

Actually my bad, just checked and it's $10 per name change.
But as someone who's often broke it still kinda vexes me

For context finalfantasyxiv.com/eternalbond/na/

mentally unstable

I've yet to find an ffxiv guild that wasn't dominated by complete nolifes. I guarantee you if they were normal before they've been corrupted by degenerate guildmates who've convinced them that this kind of behavior is normal.

The lack of physical contact, only viewing the person through a game character, will actually make the gay. Makes them see the other as an idealized form of their partner no matter the gender.

Sounds like a case of prison gay desu.

They were either always gay or were provided the opportunity to experience being prison gay. If it's the former it will work great for them. If it's a latter they have a few months until they can't handle the dissonance.

Go to the wedding you silly
Be happy for your friends

make no mistake I am glad they're happy and having fun but I am just absolutely perplexed.
One of the two friends in question was vehement on being straight. These are two guys I'd never expect this kind of behaviour from.

They might be doing a meta joke user.

not surprising, seems like a goldmine for wanna be traps to larp as anime girls.

>should specify i'm talking about Final Fanatsy 14
oh yeah don't worry we all knew it already.
FFXIV is THE den of degeneracy and mongoloid coddling.

Well that specifically doesn't mean much when you have homophobe politicians getting exposed for using grindr to cheat on their wife


>You're afraid of spiders? You must secretly want to fuck them
Le same meme argument from 30 years ago

can confirm that game makes you gayer since it happened to me

Attached: 1435247494624.gif (280x224, 842K)

Nigger just go to their wedding they're your friends have fun
Even if the relationship will very much likely not work out 1-24 months down the line 99% of the time and they just wasted that money

What? I'm saying that it's impossible to know their true intentions from what what they publicly say. These people probably don't even know where they stand themselves.

It was XIV, wasn't it

You're a retard.

user your friends were gay the whole time and you were just oblivious to it

MMOs bring out fucking weirdos all the time

Plenty of guilds in wow exist because of fucked up social dynamics and at their core there is a girl officer who will ruin everything

Anime makes people gay/trans, not MMOs

can confirm my own obliviousness

pls gib sauce, I had food poisoning all weekend and need a laugh

Please explain what you don't agree with

Just search "homophobe pilitician grindr" and there's a ton of articles about different people and even lists

>friends enjoying themselves with their little in-game romance

How do you function when you can't do anything but get mad at people for having fun in a completely harmless, wholesome way.

Like just let them flirt and hug each other.

But the pepe posters told me it's degenerate and the degenerates must be stopped at all costs


>"I'm not adverse to it, just confused"
>"u get mad at people for having fun???"

Attached: Gorilla side look.png (243x327, 100K)

This, you need to get better friends OP

OPs friends sound like they're based and know how to separate fiction from reality

I'm not a hater or anything but gays need to understand that gay shit is nasty to straight ppl.

Fags always want to tell you all the disgusting shit they do.

just pretend you got hacked and open a new account. What seems to be the problem?

So, which one is gayer?
The one who play as male or female character.