Granted the wondrous gift of free will

>Granted the wondrous gift of free will
>Choose to jack off and play vidya all day

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Make the alternatives better then.

What else is there to do?

I also drink, a lot

fuck the demiurge and fuck free will

we have no free will

While I sometimes lament my waste of the gift of life, I have personally seen far worse people than me. While I'm not fulfilled, I am content with this.

Don't worry, I also crossdress and send slutty pictures to boys on the internet.

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>Want to play games

>Jerk off to loli and shitpost instead

Story of my life.

how do you know we have free will?

>dude we have no free will everything is predetermined bro

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Would you trade your free will for a decent hair line?

But lolis...

>Granted the wondrous gift of free will
>Choose to jack off to Alice

>jack off and play vidya all day
And I wouldn't have it any other way.

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I'm too depressed to do anything else.

Yeah this world will turn out great with generations like this inherenting it. God help us. The sooner this civilisation collapses the better for everyone.

>free will
>he doesn't know

I'm into mind control and feminization so yeah that ticks both of my boxes, yeah.

I mean I'm almost 30 so I guess I can't complain too much. At least I didn't get fat.

If we didn't have free will, then we wouldn't be able to make choices, and therefore would basically be soulless machines. Humanity couldn't have got to this point without it.

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We are soulless machines. We have a subjective awareness of our past but not of our future, which creates the illusion of free will, but every thought you have and every decision you make is the purely mechanistic result of what occurs in your brain and body, and that is the purely mechanistic output of what environmental stimuli you are subjected to.

You should still act as though you have free will but ultimately you don't. There is no other way for your life to go than the way it is going right now.

There is only the illusion of choice as a result of how our bodies make decisions by considering different options. I don't even need to understand how that all works to say that free will does not exist, since it is not compatible with the laws of physics.

free choice is not free will

If this were the case, then what would even be the point of our existence?

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