So Yea Forums, what are the requirements of making a good horror game?

so Yea Forums, what are the requirements of making a good horror game?

Attached: horrorshit.jpg (1920x1080, 159K)

A horror game should NEVER have adaptive difficulty

first person

not being able to defend yourself

Have good sound design

It has to be scary

Then people just complain it's a walking simulator.


cute little girls

meh, scary is the least important aspect of horror.

Fags who get scared from a video game.

The sense of being hopeless is a good start
I wouldn't say that, but I'd gladly accept using whatever you can find, even dishes or some shit
This too. The game shouldn't punish me for being good.

Emphasis on sound design

Uncomfortable music/sound effects for one.

Immersive environment, good lighting, good contrast between light and dark, good audio work. Those are the core aspects.

atmosphere is the most important aspect imo. the setting should make you tense and create a sense of "i dont need to get out of here asap". once this is achieved, the rest usually falls in place.

No jump scares. They are cheap technique. Environmental horror is better.

>i'm only scared by things that are happening directly to me

Fucking zoomers.

Nothing's wrong with a well timed jumpscare.

then it’s just a horror movie

That is dark and spooky.

Spatial awareness sucks in FPS games. Almost all good stealth games are TP for that reason. Same goes for chasing scenes. So I think TP are good for horror.

Slowy building up horror is better. Like the first Licker encounter in RE2, you saw that shit crawling on the windows, you expect that shit. Doesn't make it less scary.

lots of jump scares, they are literally the only way to scare someone who isn't a huge pussy

This. It's when they're saturated like no fucking tomorrow where it's a problem.

Not entirely true, The Evil Dead had moments where Ash eventually fought back.

I mean opportunity for action from the player, without being able to fight back you’re just walking/running from one jump scare to the next

Fighting back is an option, but it isn't a good option.
Jump scares exist, but are uncommon.
Sometimes sounds are just atmosphere, sometimes they aren't, keep the player on their toes.
Guns are a thing, ammo isn't.
No one should get used to seeing the monster.
Quality lighting is your top priority.
First person is more immersive.

Monsters you'd still fuck

Attached: The_evil_within-Laura-02-1400x788.jpg (1400x788, 880K)

Id like to add that fake jumpscares are pure cancer and should never be in any game

beat me too it
i came here to post this same exact thing. Third person games are far less scarier than fps horror games.
VR horror games put everything else to shame however.

Don't explain story
One or two iconic jump scares
Minimal combat so it seems like you can fight back but in reality you cant, unless it's important to defeat enemies (condemned, resident evil)

Keep the player on it's toes at all times, something that bothers me with horror games is that once I figure them out they stop being spooky, biggest example is Outlast, I was playing it like a pussy until i found out i could move faster than enemies and had regenerative health, after that i just ran constantly and it worked.

A degree of lack of information or unpredictability.
Things like Sanity in Amnesia was a non-mechanic, but players think it's real.
Enemy with an AI that is difficult to understand.
Level design that you can understand but maybe not anticipate.

Then also things like, not showing the monster. Hell, even disincentivizing looking at the monster is a good idea.

Sheets over furniture.

Attached: pumpkin smile.jpg (1920x1080, 96K)

Bad horror game starter kit:

>terrible controls
>glorified walking simulator with simple fetching
>convoluted plot about how LE CHRISTIANS R EVIL XD

As a bonus, if the game starts with a quote about Stephen King and the devs keep beating you over the head every five fucking minutes with shit about Stephen King. I'm looking right the fuck at you, Alan Wake.

>le christians r evil
ye i like it when horror deviates from real life