Modern warfare beta

Why yes I am playing the modern warfare beta. How did you know?

Are you buying it lads?

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Other urls found in this thread:

is it worth my time? I could be playing BF4 so it better be worth my time. I'm 29 years old so I don't have a lot of time left to waste playing bad FPS games.

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No, because I'm not a 10 year old or a normalfag sports loving fraternity douche. I'll stick to my JRPG's.

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>get the Marlin
>hype because I own one and want to use it in-game
>go 9 and 22

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The game has generally good game feel and is satisfying as all COD games are, but it has loads of issues. MP5 is too strong, netcode is pretty bad, the spawns are awful, azhir cave is absolute trash, and the doors are too loud.

>Buddy begs me to try it, there's only one day left in the beta
>I check out Ground War
>it's an aids infested zoomer rush
Don't fall for this crap Yea Forums. It's the same old shit.

i was eating a spoonful of peanut butter and now i feel sick thanks for that

its fun but im bored after a couple hours

>Launch game
>Dev 6063 error
Okay ... going back to siege i guess.

Guns feel good, time to kill feels like your average cod. But they really need to work on spawns. I've spawned right next to enemies so many times. something doesn't feel right about playing a cod map with 64 people
++and you can turn off cross platform play

I like it so far. It's fun with my pals.

Played it for like 3 matches. Realized they killed quickscoping and noped the fuck out.

short answer: no
Long answer: The game provides no incentive for movement and every game turns into a brain-dead camp fest to see who gets their streaks first. The 32v32 is a shit version of BF4/BF3, sniping is laughably easy and again it turns into a operation locker camp this one point contest. The spawn system is hilarious there's spots you can just ads on and farm kills. The netcode is beyond bad, it causes the game to be incredibly inconsistent. SMGs dominate the normal maps, snipers are godly in 32v32. Crouching/ADS is locked at 60 FPS. Besides all this activision will turn it into a microtransaction hellscape after the first month.

>How did you know?

because you are a zoomer faggot making shit threats about your shittastic copypaste from last year game, fucking kill yourself scum

SBMM made me cancel my preorder

Yes I saw a ridiculous amount of campers. Maps seem like they are made with poor ideas for hot spots

>it's fun with my pals
Every game is fun with friends you drooling idiot.


I can't decide if I like the MP7, MP5, or AUG better. How would Yea Forums rank the SMGs? It's the only class that matters to me unless shotties get a buff.

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Do people actually enjoy this kind of AHDH shooter thing where everyones just running around randomly like headless chickens, theres people spawning everywhere, you die randomly from people that just spawned behind you, no penalty for death at all since you just respawn 10 meters away couple seconds later etc.? And its the same thing for like 10 minutes and then the map is over?

Just trying to grasp whats the appeal of this game, this is like playing Operation Locker but all the time. In fact no, in BFs even on the shitty grind maps there still was some form of a frontline and cohesion.

Funny thing is I fucking thought this was a CoD4 remake when I was downloading it. Its literally nothing like it lmao.

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I played a bit of the beta and it's pretty fun.
I went ahead and pre-ordered it.
Actually looking forward to the single player more desu

That's not true user.
I don't know why dummies think this.

Why are you so rude? Can't you have a conversation with people without calling names everytime?

Should have played Gunfight or Cyber Attack, those are the actual good modes.

There are more gamemodes noob also get good

I need to take a shit. I've been holding it in for a very long time, almost 14 hours now or something. What should I do? I feel like I can easily keep holding it in if I tried, I'm not about to pussy out because of a piece of shit.

What are those? I played all of the ones available in the beta and its all the same thing

Try cyberattack

im playing it and its pretty good but i wont buy it because i know activision will sneak in lootboxes after a month. its really cool that it has full crossplay though. i even played against some xbox and ps4 users that used mouse and keyboard and it shows you if they do.

i enjoyed the 2v2 on the playstation beta a few weeks ago, but year all the other game modes suck. i think i'm gonna pass on this game

played the beta for 2 hours this game is hot garbage

When's the fucking BR, goddamnit?

It's fun but the respawn/killcam freezes are so bad I'm giving it a miss.

yeah, mp is fun and the singleplayer should be good too, 50v50 ground war should be great, tons of maps we havent seen yet, im also pretty good so that obviously makes me want more of it

It doesn’t matter how good or bad a cod game is. I buy it. It’s practically a yearly tradition. I’ve been buying them since Cod 3. I do feel hopeful about this one. Blops 2 was probably my favorite next to MW2/3. I enjoyed ghosts to a point more so than AW. I really didn’t care for WW2 sub 20hours. Had a honey moon phase with blops4. But this right here is the shit.

>doesn't support windows 8.1

That's a yikes from me.

So how would you rank each game in the series you've played?

>map too small for 64 players
>no semblance of frontlines since you can spawn on ANY player on your team, not just a squadmate
>UAV is basically permanently on
>Counter-UAV only targets a small area
>looking inside buildings from the outside is like the Tomb of the Giants
>weird 60FPS on crouch and ADS animations
>TTK a little too low

The game feels like a slightly bigger CoD map, nothing revolutionary. With tweaks it would be much better, but MUH CAWD fanboys don't want scorestreaks or even slightly slowing down the game. This map feels like Operation Metro, but its probably going to be like that for all the maps if this is what they are showing.

>have to use the blizzard client if you want to get COD

Why don't you complain about this but you'll complain about uplay, origin and epic?

The fucking stuttering and fps drops killed I the hype I had. Every year optimization gets worse and worse devs are incompetent.

That’s tough

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>good game feel and is satisfying as all COD games are

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nu/v/ is a trip sometimes

>million people on that ridge where APCs camp and hope for splash damage next to like 10 snipers
>they lost the map but just annoy the winning team

The way you're making it sound, I'm better off playing BF3/4 and just imagining I'm playing the newest CoD. Or going back to play CoD 4 and pretending its the newest game.

Mostly agreeable, except for the fact that you think MW3 is anywhere near as good as MW2. To me it just felt like a downgrade in every single aspect, with far less memorable/interesting maps, washed out color-palate, worse campaign/spec ops (survival did nothing for me), etc.

>Are you buying it lads?
not just yet as i want to see more of single player campaign
but i admit that so far it looks promising

Already got the base edition preordered. Had a good time so far with my friends playing. Still raging though, it’s just funnier with people to laugh and rage with.

I think I hold it in such high regard because of personal reasons. My group of friends for a time had enough people to fill a whole match.

Pretty good.

Only problems I can identify are the obvious:
>netcode and hit registering buggy
>getting under maps
>lens flare
>fairly exploitable base spawns

At its core the game is surprisingly solid as fuck, I dunno why they decided CoD needed to go back to the 07-09 foundations but it's refreshing.

>fastest ttk's
>most cluttered maps
>washed out color palette
>game mechanics that punish aggression(ie: you get blinded by light when you peak windows sometimes, claymores)
>aids spawn system
>fun movement system
it's not good. the fact that the movement system is fun makes it actually feel worse because it's dangled in front of you but if you use it you'll get punished by someone camping and holding an angle 9 out of 10 times.

>At its core the game is surprisingly solid as fuck
it's a super low TTK online shooter with random deviation
the core of the game is the opposite of solid

>Actually looking forward to the single player more
me too :$

>people crash the heli just to get a sniper camp spot
Finally, back to classic BF

It's worth it. The side roof of that first building on the left from the A point team's spawn has a geometry glitch that allows snipers to see into the spawn but can't be shot.

IW just needs to fix some object geometry.

BF already suffered a serious blow with 5 and if this game turns out ok that might be it for battlefield

The maps are laughably bad for a full priced game as well. This should have been 40 dollars.

I've yet to finish a match, crashes about 5 minutes after launching. Updated drivers and everything, help?

I wasn’t paying attention and shit happened to me, was pissed at the guy flying

Nah Bad Co 3 will be next year, and CoD 2020 will kill this game and they move on like usual.

well its only beta
they'll probably address those issues in the final game

Sounds like Battlefield: Bad Company. I'm gonna download this sucka. Will I jizz my pants?

I don't have much expirence with this franchise but the beta has been fun.
I will wait on reviews for the quality of the campaign before I think about buying it though.

Ah now I get it, I also met tons of people during that era of COD. Specifically on private Infected matches on MW3. Having a full lobby of people with mics banding together trying to survive by getting onto glitch spots to survive the ever-increasing horde of infected players was glorious, and is pretty much the only redeeming feature of that game for me.

Its solid but design decisions probably won't be pulled back so this is what we get because they listen to the vocal retards, like bringing back the minimap full stop.

Beta is like 1/4 the maps, the full list leaked.

>no community servers
i'll pirate it for the campaign

People are always gonna gravitate to the FOTM, but CoD has bad gamefeel in wide open maps. groundwar doesn't even come close to BF4 or 3 or BFBC2.

>i'll pirate it for the campaign
with previous cods i wouldn't even bother to do that but this one seems worth pirating

The problem is the control points are spaced out like they just made one huge DOM map, instead of a WAR map. The flags should be aligned more or less in a line like a BF rush mode, so there is a clear frontline and a tug-o-war for the middle flag.

Instead we get 2 middle control points, one on ground level and one on third floor, and the rest is superfluous because everyone huddles around those two points to kill-farm in the inevitable cluster fuck since they're so compact.

i hope it will leak few days before official release

Ground War's cap points should be spaced out in less of a line of progression. On some maps at least, like BF's control points.

The top of the hill is almost it's own F point for the amount of power that controlling it gives you over the other team.

Campaign spoilers are already out there.

Why are you eating peanut butter right from the jar? Fuckin monkey

The is a few buildings I have absolutely seen no one in since they are pointless and don't cover much. E-side HQ is also too open and they can get spawn killed by the building right next to E

There is probably a way you can space them out better, but the fault immediately starts on how small this map feels. Its god damn tiny, its like they made a 10v10 map and dumped people in. Its hilarious how they said they can push to 50v50 in Ground War.

I haven't enjoyed a call of duty game since 2003 but I tried the beta since I was bored. I actually kind of liked the NVG mode, but it was only for 1 day.

>bringing back the minimap full stop
stop spreading misinformation. it literally isn't full stop, they've fundamentally changed how it works because now you need killstreaks to show any enemies on it.

I only had a blast playing the 2v2, but it's apparently a gamemode that is in rotation. Dumb as fuck

Worth playing the beta for one day, but then unistalling the next.

>turn normal mode into hardcore
Who the fuck hires these retards? You'll never get people to run and gun when they can be double tapped for an instant death.

I only got blackops 4 for blackout

CoD 4 looks like it has the same problems and 2 weeks in everyone will be glowing 5 different colors and have 3 different DLC exclusive guns

CoD games always look better in beta too. So I expect they cut netcode tick rate by 80% on release too, and within 3 weeks it's P2W DLC shit with everyone looking cartoonish.

In Ground War, that means permanently. Game wasn't even open to the public and they changed it back, with still a month to go or they could have changed it post-launch.

campaign is important
worth pirating only for it

Ground war is terrible. 20 player is decent, and some domination maps were better than others.

hackney yard is a decent map. hoping they bring some classics from modern warfare 1 and 2 back.

I do really well when playing against pc fags. Are you guys really that bad at using controllers?

A and E are terrible points, not worth capturing in campers paradise

>tfw get first blood almost every game by blowing up a heli
>last game i got a triple kill doing it
fucking losers

why is there one guy in these threads incessantly trying so fucking hard to reassure everyone that he's good with a controller? I don't fucking care idiot, all console players I've gone up against are trash because they use thumbsticks to aim (LMAO) and play a gimped version of the game (DOF stuck on + puny fov). shut up already, you're like a broken record.

In tdm i saw enemies with some red indicator above them, super easy to kill. What is that? Only happened once for like a minute

>fundamentally changed how it works
>by making work the same way it always did
big brain moment

No. I like that there's finally a decent weapon selection again (rather than having 2-4 guns per category like the previous CODs have done), and the weapon modding is far and away the best in the series, but the game still suffers from many of the same cowadootisms of the past: horrific spawns, getting pounded by killstreaks, the works.

More than anything, though, I find the map design and visual direction particularly atrocious--most of the maps are horribly cluttered and convoluted. Some of them absolute labyrinths to navigate, and there are about 50 million little crevices, corners, windows, and objects for people to hide in/behind. Enemy player models don't stand out in the slightest, and this issue is exacerbated by how incredibly dark many areas of the map are--I can't tell you how many times I've been killed by a black pixel hiding amongst a dark clusterfuck of garbage (this is one of the few games where a flashlight attachment would be GENUINELY useful). Some maps also require you to cross out into the open to leave your spawn, and offer up power positions to the enemy to straight-out camp your spawn.

All in all, the map design strongly discourages run-and-gun style play, and strongly encourages camping, which I don't personally find very fun. The only map I've found enjoyable in the beta is Hackney Yard.

well ok then they should make it the same as how it works in normal modes.

yeah, so don't actually even read my post and willingly act retarded. nice one.

Seething, I shit on pc cucks with no effort lmao master race my ass

I would believe you but you seem so insecure about it because you're posting about it nonstop... like every cod thread

Every CoD game

>Weewwww they fixed all the problems it looks so great
>hype hype hype
>3 weeks after release, 15 tick servers, netcode is shit, balance is shit, DLC ruins everything, and everyone looks like a 10 bright color clown with wavy-texture guns

Not falling for it.

Fun beta, will play next year too, but you can't bamboozle this sperg Activision I'm onto your shit.

You got me confused pal, I've had crossplay off for days until now

Modern Warfare might actually be the first CoD game I'll buy. The PC beta was really fun, and I feel like the complaints about bad spawns and whatnot are to be expected in a beta. I didn't have any issues with campers, but I can imagine that they're pretty prevalent, especially with the mount mechanic. The game feels very good, but it's highly dependent on the map. Azhir Cave is a fucking shithole and is absolutely horrible on DOM, but the other maps are surprisingly alright. Gun Runner is a solid map for DOM, and so is Hackney Yard. The main gripe I have is how awful Ground War is. I can't help but feel that it's hopelessly quaint compared to the likes of Battlefield, and it's glaringly obvious that CoD was never designed with big maps in mind. It's why I never cared much for Blackout; the entire game and its design runs counter to what a large map needs. Otherwise, the game is very fun, and I imagine that the campaign could be very good. I'm optimistic, but cautious.

CoD peaks in beta
gets worse as the game ages
The devs are forced by ATVI to fuck the game up
Also everyone looks like a retarded clown a week in to the game

Post-beta the games only get worse, trust me, don't buy ATVI shit

COD might have shit game design choices but every single call of duty game has great game feel. The shooting is snappy and fun in all of them.

this game is NOT a remake of cod4
it is rather a reboot of modern warfare sub-series, a clean slate

Maybe it's just me being optimistic, but ATVI might be cautious of events like the Battlefront II situation and opt to at least tone down the stupid shit. The campaign is intended to be more serious and grounded, with hope the multiplayer can follow suit.

>every fucking time I have 100% PC players on my team, half the team is doing fuck all
>everytime I'm playing with console, they actually try to win the objectives
What went wrong with PC? Jesus Christ, would it kill you faggots to play the objective?

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Did they finally left the quake engine?

constant crashes here too. what the heck. can't even finish a match.

They're using the Build engine now, actually

its pretty good and definitively the fps game to train on if you want to get gud at modern fps games but its so small of a game. I'd wait for it to go on sale. Feels bad to buy it for 60 but maybe thats because of how little content was in the beta. I personally would feel better paying 40 even with the story mode and everything else. Just not really worth it right now unless you are its number 1 fan or something.

wait what is this about the mini-map? was it not supposed to be in the game?

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Also they basically gave controllers full-auto aim

Not colorful enough

Shiny blue/green/pink/neon is how it will look 2 weeks in. Everyone plays the beta and thinks the game is great lol

Then 3 weeks in everyone has neon colored everything and ttk is 1/10th of now, then come the DLC guns and DLC maps

How else can they compete against PC? I feel bad whenever the other team is made up of console players, it doesn't even seem fair

Yeah, I was surprised by the amount of aim assist they had on the PS4.
They also lower recoil on it too so you can reliably melt a PC player provided he's not at LEM level or above in CSGO.

But sniping at range is where the disadvantage comes in. You can lead your targets way easier with a mouse than it is on a controller.

So far loving ground war. I dont know where all the retards saying the maps are too small are coming from.
Spending 5 minutes running into an area with no one to shoot in that period because the map is too big and players are way too spread out doesn't spell the definition of fun to me.

There's a reason why most servers for both BF3 and BF4 are both running close quarters maps most of the time.
People want something to shoot at constantly, not fucking spending 5 minutes in the wild looking for something to shoot at.

the neon guns bother my autism too much in every game, I wish games had an option to make skins not visible to you but no, you gotta look at rainbow colored barf skin since Billy spent all of his allowance on it.

Also can anyone tell me what gun the M13 is supposed to be?

Played it, coming from someone who loved CoD4 this one felt alright.
>Looks freakishly good, and runs good
>weapons feel good when shooting
>damn good animations
>the damage taken seems off, as in every gun does the same damage
>guns don't feel that much different from one another
>campers everywhere
>ground vehicles feel off for some reason, like they don't belong in the game
>sniping takes no skill (not that it ever has in a CoD game)
>ground war gets too chaotic

maps are too big too. It's awful. COD has been dead for awhile now

as long as they keep crossplay I will play & support it on PC. The reason why I quit BO4 is because of dead lobbies and playlists. Crossplay is a huge savior for this game for PC.

I'm getting it on the PS4 because I've been burned way too many times for buying on the PC.
But I'll pirate the PC version so I can play the campaign like a normal fucking human being.

Only if the campaign is good, like Titanfall 2, and longer than 6 hours.

The M13 is based on the Sig Sauer MCX. It's a nice rifle irl.

Attached: mcx-virtus-16.jpg (1500x700, 72K)

It's alright, but no dedicated community servers = no buy.
Miss me with that gay consolenigger shit.

I bought an RTX 2070 a few months ago. Reckon I can still score a free copy of Modern Warfare, or is that just for new graphics cards?

Because the new MW doesn't beat you over the head with kike SJW shit, it's the first AAA title I'll be buying in about a year.

am enjoying it quite a bit so far, looking forward to SND and more maps + campaign

>>Looks freakishly good
Is that a joke?
The Conquest ripoff mode literally looks almost as bad as BF4.
Arguably worse in many areas.

The /k/ommando within me is very sad that CoD doesn't know the distinction between AK's after all this time. It's not even an AK-103 anymore.

As in graphically it looks good.

They didn't kill quick scoping though.

>play the normal playlist
>usually get around 10 kills but also die a fuck ton
>play the realism mode
>get 20 kills and only 2 deaths.

Gonna enjoy it while I can since nobody plays the hardcore playlist in COD.

its fun but im gonna wait for singleplayer gameplay to find out whether or not im going to be buying it at launch

speaking of other modes is there gonna be zombies or those executive modes (thats probably not what they're called) like there were in MW3

My favorite game mode is hq. Is this bad?

Also for some reason I'm better with my keyboard than other shooters.

Was a good beta. Only a few issues like geometry bugs.

Only things they should do aside form fix those bugs is increase ammo cap for Ground War and change lens flare to be lighting-based so it's a skill-based mechanic.

>was hoping ground war would be fun
>its just COD with big maps
That's a no from me dawg

They figured out the trick- nothing for the first few weeks like reviewers piss themselves all over the game then butt fuck you with DLC

what did you expect. WaW's open fields and tanks sucked as well and it's the exact same game as this.

Boy this is some buggy shit.

this netcode is nuts. people shoot you before you even turn a corner.

Honestly think this might be the worst cod game I have ever played. Even mw3 was better.

>Have to see the fucking summary of points, play of the game and match summary before you can leave the fucking game

cyber attack is the chad game mode, all the rest is filler desu

it's just

It's greater value brand Battlefield. Astonishingly bad. Even BF5 is better than this trash.

And my point is that it doesn't, it barely looks better than Advanced Whorefare.

Who here is hyped for the game? This is the first time in a while I'm looking forward to a game.

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Does it support 7?

You niggas are on crack! This shit is good.

Holy fuck, zoomers. This is Battlefield Bad Company 3!!! This is Battlefailed the way your daddy liked it.

Holy shit. RIP Battlefailed. RIP EA.

Attached: bc3.jpg (1280x720, 194K)

pre-ordered, the crossplay shit is fucking awesome, should have been done years ago already.

This is so hilariously wrong. You're just salty and suck.

Did they poach half of DICE? Poach niggas from the DICE LA?

> floaty controls
> buggy
> small text in the UI

EA and DICE went SJW and cucked out. Activision smells blood. They're stealing Battlefields fanbase.

>Install game on console
>Start it up expecting to have some fun
>Requires Activision account to play

I'm good

expect it is you dumb fuck
i played kane and lynch 2 with one of my friends and had a blast

Turn off your 4k blacked .com stream, should help immensely.

They have maps like this in Battlefield 3-4. Clusterfuck maps. Good shit.

The accounts are centralized so crossplay works you colossal unlikable faggot.

someone who gets it

i want to like it i really do
i like how the guns feel
the shooting
most everything
but i just can't get this game down like i could blops 4
the amount of just camping or someone sitting in a spot and just doing nothing but looking down their sights just really puts me off
at least in blops 4 you actually had gun fights

I am. After a fucking decade of trying to get me to play Call of Duty with him on the Xbox, they finally add crossplay to a title, and now my cousin is too chickenshit to play it because he was barely holding his own against high-as-a-kite cheeto-scarving controller mutants.

Attached: Fill'er up.jpg (1280x720, 131K)

>sniping is laughably easy
They said it when WWII was released and Black Ops 4 and Infinite Warfare.. I hear this every year.

>for 15 years people demand proper crossplay
>have to make one account and then you never see it ever again
>get this upset over it

Its delicious, and only one spoonful of it

Game is fucking great and I love that all the CoD zoom zoom kiddies on reddit are getting BTFO.

>implying I'll ever by a CoD game

>mod AK for nearly zero vertical recoil
>double claymores
>tapfire snipers across the map
>angry snipers run over with shotty because lol overkill
>run right into claymore
>mfw consistent VTOL hovers

if anything the SMG and other assault rifles need a nerf to sprayfire, you can only get hosed down so many times before you get tired of their shit. The tactical sprint + rapid gun butting is fucking great too.

Attached: what are you gonna do idiot.png (1540x980, 1.2M)

The shills are out tonight. How anyone can defend this beta when spawns are probably the worst they've ever been, the indoor lighting is garbage, the maps enable campers, they butchered the famas, shotguns are neutered, Party system tools DAYS to fix, vehicles are overpowered for ttk. I can go on. I have no faith that any of these issues will be fixed. It feels like they didn't play the multiplayer themselves. I mean, how the fuck did the PC fps drops when adsing even get past testers? Like wtf.

And despite your autistic screeching, the game will sell millions, because it's still a comfy fucking game to chill with your bros and play.

Everyone keeps recommending cyber attack but does anyone really want to play with literal niggers and mud people that can’t afford good headphones that at least have stereo? The sound mixing isn’t the best in this game but it’s saved my ass dozens of times. Also fuck elimination modes, boring as fuck while you sit there and get frustrated because you can literally hear enemies on their left ear and your teammates turn their back on them.

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>All that shit

Because I have literally not played a Call of Duty game online since the original MW back on the 360, and even then it was just for a few matches and then I never touched it again.

>he doesn't use the two most chad playermodels

Attached: MW dodge this you fucking texie.jpg (1182x1080, 223K)

The more I play this game the more I'm reaffirmed not to buy it. This is the same cod I haven't wanted to play for the last 6 iterations. The shiny new toy effect is going to wear off soon, folks.

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git gud you legit fucking casual.

>when spawns are probably the worst they've ever been
Learn 2 anchor you fucking scrub.

sorry i just like charly's retarded accent

> can no longer use weapon meant for long range engagements as a shotgun
> reeeee because have to learn to use anything but the marksman rifles now
eat shit, it was a long time coming

how the fuck did he even see you in that darkness?

Yeah, giting gud is totally gonna gonna fix any of these issues. Kill yourself. Ground War spawns are awful. Spawning into you teams spawn only to get hardscoped over and over is totally my fault. I have never seen anyone suck a game dick so hard, especially one that hasn't even been released.

>not enjoying what is essentially a remake of MW2
>not being able to one-burst
>not being able to just use a fucking semtex
>not using shotguns for their intended purpose
>not using a rocket launcher on vehicles
>being bad at videogames
>implying that not all of these are your fault

Attached: i seriously hope you guys don't do this.png (500x375, 299K)

I got a tac nuke on ground war really fucking easily. Stop being a fucking scrub already.
Its not my fault you need to zoom zoom all the time you fucking zoomer.

Had a ton of fun with it, even enjoyed “chaotic” ground-war mode much more than any battlefield game since bad company 2 or any battle royal game. 50vs50 is going to be an absolute bloodbath nonstop gorefest. cyberattack is best for me as a former csgo addict. I actually like the “cluttered” and labyrinthine maps too, makes it harder to constantly be preaimed. The guns are great, the customization is fucking outstanding. Animations and sound are really well done. Only real complaint would be the little lags that happen when spawning sometimes , and in menu character models are slow to load sometimes and look like distant models for awhile but I assume they’ll fix that. Also anyone having trouble seeing enemies, if you turn AA off the people stand out way more have a sheen to them

>>not enjoying what is essentially a remake of MW2
You are legitimately out of your mind if you think this game is anywhere on mw2s level. This game isn't even on mw3s level. Famas was at the least was a two burst in mw2. The famas in this game is a 3. Also none of these maps are even a fraction is good as Afghan.

Could've saved time by just saying you're a little faggot.

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>2 burst famas

Youre retarded for one.
IRL the Famas is a 3 burst weapon so jump off a cliff.

Yeah, totally suppose to git gud when within 1 second of spawning I'm dead because of snipers hardscoping our spawn.
>Hurr game works fine for me guys!

So stop spawning on your team mates nigger

That butter burger looks revolting Australians really are subhuman

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>not being able to hit the head in one burst
>being bad at videogames
>implying your opinion matters when you have declared yourself as this much of a faggot

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I only played MW2
Will this new MW be equal to it or better in content? (weapons, customization) Stuff like Akimbo... LMGs... lots of guns

That's literally not what I'm talking about. It takes 3 series of burst at the least to kill someone. Why bother when you can just full auto someone with a m4 and kill them quicker

Can't wait for Realistic/Hardcore mode.
Going to be so much more fun and tactical.
Assuming they dont give in to zoom zooms and change everything for their casual asses.

I've played all weekend long and seriously had a blast.
Aside from the slight downgrade from the Alpha, mainly the smoke and other effects not being in the Beta, and also the shotgun nerf, it's great so far.
Playing from my PC with my flatmate on the PS4 feels really good.
Lol you just got outplayed.
Much more content, look at the gunsmith system.

I'M NOT SPAWNING ON MY TEAMMATES, YOU FUCKING MORON. Groundwar has a spawn that is the default spawn, like on Battlefield. The issue is there is no protection on that spawn like battlefield. So you can spawn in and immediately get sniped by someone hardscoping the spawn.

How do I play realism mode?

>Pic related for the diversity quota
>M4 and MP5 melt in 2-4 bullets even at long ranges rendering every other gun completely useless
>"Sheeeeiiiit nigga, gonna bunny hop around everywhere frfr nigga SHHHHEEEIIIT BRUH!"
>Maps are designed to have 2-3 choke points for each spawn to encourage trapping
>Can't see shit in windows or doorways from outside, niggers are invisible in the dark corners
>get shot at before people even round the corner, on the kill cam they're there for a solid second before they shoot. Shitty net-code.
>pistols are dog shit
>everyone has super sprint to abuse shitty net-code dashing around corners
>Sound design is fucked, noise pollution everywhere, can't hear a single fucking enemy footstep some times.
>UAV jammer is the only slot two perk you can use with how many UAVs go off all the time
Idk if I'm as excited as I was before for this game......

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>not enjoying what is essentially a remake of MW2
It baffles me how people actually say that this game is comparable to MW2 in what world does this game have anything to do with MW2?

initial mp reveals had no minimap, just the compass. now everyone bitched about it and game gets the minimap back.

He's a shill, they were told to equate this to what is widely considered the best game in the series.

Hide, wait for apc to spawn then hop in race over and blast them to pieces, ever play Rock Paper Scissors? there’s always something to defeat the other thing. Or spawn nearer to them and flank them with smg/ar. Worst case scenario, change load out to sniper rifle and start shooting back.

>Why yes I am playing the modern warfare beta. How did you know?
Oh look, the "HOW DO YOU DO FELLOW KIDS" marketeers don't even know how memes are used.

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>is essentially a remake of MW2
>even though it's actually a Battlefield clone
I'm just glad both Battlefield and COD have such diluted identities, it'll help them die faster.

what am i missing if i buy the base game?

It the same game every year.

Pointless cosmetic shit.
There's no season pass.

I'm actually going to try the beta out. I want to see how badly it runs on W7.

You are wrong, this time they made a game mode that it's literally a clone of Battlefield.
They copied it so hard that they even have the same garbage spawn system.

MW at this point is just a worse BF3/BF4.
Dice quickly needs to come up with BF6 and bring it back to a modern/near future settings.

It's not a Battlefield 3 or 4 clone. It's a their version of Battlefield: Bad Company 3 that fans were asking EA to make.

> trying to cuck EA out of the fanbase they betrayed
> BF1 hurt the camel, BFV broke its back
> cucking the guys on STEAM, too

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Horrifically unbalanced, awfully designed, shit playerbase, cancerous devs and mad fun if you're exploiting the fuck out of the imbalanced shit.

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It actually runs fine, at least better than the previous ones.
I get 40-60 FPS on an i3 6100 and GTX 960.
Only problem is that the game is blurry as fuck, it's as if it was a native FXAA x64 or some shit.

nice, so i'll still get dlc?

>It's a their version of Battlefield: Bad Company 3 that fans were asking EA to make.
The thing about Bad Company is that it's focus was on the mode where you destroy two bombs and keep advancing, it wasn't focused on conquer at all.

The only thing MW has to do with BC3 is that it has no planes.
In fact, it has no aerial vehicles at all, just kill streaks.

How the FUCK do you hide when you die right after spawn. Mother fucker, I CAN'T MOVE.

>shoots at you and kills you from 30 meters away while you desperately try to find where the bullets are coming from

Attached: sneaky ninja.png (1920x1012, 474K)

They'll release free maps and such, but don't expect nearly as much as when they made paid DLCs.
Their focus now is on microtransactions, so they'll likely release a shit ton of guns and camos and stuff you can only get through lootboxes.

It's like the snipers are playing whack a mole with our team. And as far as I'm aware, you can only spawn on partied teammates.

>vtol can shoot you through solid buildings
why is this game so unoptimized? barely getting 50fps with gtx 970 and i7 4790k

>SMGs dominate the normal maps
What's new?

It had conquest.

All Battlefields are designed around Conquest and Rush.

Honestly though, those quick scoping niggers always find a way.

Bad Company was designed around Rush.
That's why in conquest all maps were narrow and elongated instead of being big sandboxes.

Rush was adapted into War from CoD WW2. Demolition the moves across a large map.

Game has a layer of vaseline smeared on it, it looks so blurry or un-crisp.

Had the same problem, try this:

Also check out film grain in graphics.

Because it was designed for consoles and PCs. The XBOX and PS2 versions didn't support the large player count. It was capped at 12 on 12? I don't remember. The maps on PC were larger. On the console version, the borders were crunched in.

Conquest was more popular on PC than console.

I had a team of snipers shooting our spawn tonight from that hill on left ahead of you, switched to sniper and started firing back with another teammate, killed one then got in apc when it appeared, drove off to right so they wouldn’t see then cut sharp left once past a few buildings drove near and blew up 3 more, never got sniped again in spawn for rest of map. Even with the periodic spawn lag they only got me once, do you have and old slow HD’s or gpu or something, the spawn lag isn’t bad enough that you shouldn’t be able to move before getting shot more than once. Usually it’s only happens when loading to area you haven’t been to yet or recently so if loading to same place again there is no lag and you can move before being shot

Attached: ADHD.png (1839x971, 440K)

I'll make you uncrisp nigga shut the fuck up god damn nigga

It was capped at 32 players for both PC and console.
And most servers on PC had rush, everyone hated conquest due to how badly the maps were designed for it.

Is there any camos in the beta?
Haven't found any options for cosmetics.

I get it's for balance but realistically, good suppressors don't reduce range or "damage". They're net positives for operating.
Also some of the weapon mods make no sense in terms of bonuses. Heavy stocks are a hindrance and don't add stability whatsoever.

zoomer hypesquad will tell you yes, but the truth is no. this doesn't feel anything like MW2


Nope. Console capped at 24 and with smaller maps.

Honestly just the same trash Multiplayer that's been regurgitated for years now and hasn't been good since the PS3/360 era, but now with added deceptive marketing trying to get people to think this is some kind of sequel/homage to the original MW despite being not only false, but complete garbage at the same time

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They'll be added in with the lootboxes a month after launch when all the reviews are in saying that there isn't any lootboxes.

Tfw you realise that the 32v32 player cluster fuck mode is going to be 50v50 on release

Shit game lads, awful spawns, netcode and Killstreaks are still a retarded idea

I like what I've played but there's too many little mexican kids talking on mic all the time. Spic accents make me sick. Even worse when they try to talk like nogs

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It was 32v32 on consoles.

Anyone hear about the campaign? It sounds top notch honestly.

>no option where I can have iron sights along with another sight

I fucking hate when they don't let me do it.

Look it up. Do some research. Bad Company 1 and 2 were capped at 12 v 12 on consoles. 24 player max.

BF4 was the first at 32 v 32 on consoles.

CoD kids wouldn't understand co-witnessing and would complain the front post is in the way.

Fuckers bitched about that on Buck's gun from R6 siege and got it fucking removed. I was so fucking mad.

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This game is gonna be big because other straight up traditional FPS MP games are cucked and EA/DICE shit the bed.

Only games like this are from last gen and BF4 at launch.

Azhir Cave is a conspiracy designed to sell raytracing and HDR monitors. Fuck running under direct sunlight getting shot by Allegiance niggers camping in a cave.

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>grind out every weapon to max
>find out nothing carries over besides a shotgun just from being level 10

Fuck why am I like this

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>white helmet shilling

I fucking hate this map.

That's Activision's playbook now. Sneak the microtransactions in when the journos are less likely to notice. They pulled that shit with CTR.

I wonder what camos will be in the game and how do I obtain them. That's the only reason I play CoD

It really should be considered false advertising but for some reason false advertising laws never seem to apply to videogames, this isn't even a purely American problem.
Valve should get fucked for their false advertising of their adult games policy but courts are too busy going after them with petty bullshit like refunds or resale.

Isn't the US passing the bill that makes lootboxes illegal?
Or did that fall flat?

>turn brightness all the way up

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>it's another modern triple A billion dollar company reusing the same map for 4 differant game modes episode

the animation models look good for once though, too bad they're stuck in a shit game.

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game sucks

console peasants

I'll admit it's superior to battlefield in design, graphics, execution, gunplay, and general feeling

however, battlefield is just unplayable console shit, so what's the point

they have to decide if they want to make a serious FPS e sport or just more casual console shittery, not try to make both at once

I've been liking realism mode, the game looks much better without HUD and the headshots are so fucking satisfying.

this game somehow makes BFV look good in comparison. I don't understand how these people can make the exact same game for 13 years and have nothing to show for it.

nah BF's gunplay is seriously annoying and the WW settings are unimmersive (due to their execution of them) and annoying, plus the graphics are way too high contrast

COD gunplay is kinda satisfying, pretty much just laser pointers.

Getting between 60-80 fps on W7 (7700k, 1080, 16GB DDR4), no matter the settings. Can't reach 144 which sucks and can't get rid of blur (editing the config freezes the 'fetching online profile' stage).

I feel the gunplay is better in BF because you can't magdump across the map and kill the whole team. Getting killed by a shitter standing in a corner doesn't feel bad either cause you can just spawn on the squad leader instead of spawning directly into the enemies ADS god damn these are the worst spawns ever made.

yeah COD has some shit spawns but the gunplay in BF is supremely annoying, so much recoil and bullet travel time there's just no reason to play that game plus just like COD it's got a dogshit ADHD consolepleb gamemode

Fast ttk is a bad thing? are you retarded, friend? maybe just get better reaction times

TTK should absolutely be fast in Realism mode. Also getting shot first you shouldn't be able to just spray back and get a kill.

Not in battlefield 5 at least

>ttk too high or you have to reload every 5 seconds
>no aimpunch when hit
>people just headglitch and adadad spam like faggots and oneshot you
dice can't balance their games for shit everyone's running around with mp44

Forgot to add this is at 1080p. If they fix the framerate I might get the full game.

Faster TTK literally just means better players have less of a chance to outskill people. If you round a corner into two shitters then you'll probably die to one of them 9 times out of ten even if you have god-tier aim and reactions because you literally just don't have enough time to kill both of them before they manage to spray enough bullets and kill you.

maybe you should not round a corner at full sprint lmao

Even turning the brightness all the way up doesn't help that much. Cranked the brightness all the way up both on my monitor and in game and I could still barely see anything but a nameplate half the time on Azhir. The lighting is just plain fucking bad.

What's wrong with that?
People are quick to forget it's just a video game. It's fun for everyone if it's balanced

Positioning is part of strategy friend

>It's fun for everyone if it's balanced
"Balance" only appeals to autists. Balanced games are fucking boring.

I honestly hope the next halo is good so that all the arcade shooter lovers can finally fuck off and play Halo instead of infesting and ruining every other FPS with their balance ideas.
This game is not for you, deal with it.

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>people just headglitch and adadad spam like faggots and oneshot you
how is this any different from the same in MW2019?

no because they dont care about pc and aren't fixing the issues of the windows 7 version

adadad spam does not work at least so that's one less nuisance.
High ttk = out-adadad someone with an smg with stock, which is just as low skill as camping. It also makes weapons with low ads speed useless.

I'm no autist I just want a game I can jump into and have a good time with.

The autists screeching are mad that the game has *gasp* RNG and screeching that their scripted recoil playing same map over and over counterstrike autism isn't a thing in a game like Call of fucking Duty


The small maps feel like paintball arenas and cpu 100% constantly so it feels like there's massive input lag(i5 [email protected]). The blurry graphics are so fucking horrible and none of the fixes make this game look good. Mw2 is godtier compared to this garbage.
I was hoping for a lot more. Not a fun experience, not gonna buy this

I was just giving an example. Another example could be trying to hold off multiple people pushing you one by one on HQ and ultimately dying because you just don't have enough life to fend all of them off (unless they all completely whiff) even if you're aiming far better, reacting faster than them, and they're making poor decisions.

I wasn't saying there was anything wrong with it. CoD is meant to be played casually. I was just saying it wasn't necessarily a good thing. I also wouldn't call it balance, you can have a perfectly balanced game that requires a lot of skill.

funny how unrepresentative of the final product the advertising is. I was briefly hyped by the trailer and then totally disappointed by everything afterwards.
>doors will matter!
they dont matter at all
>leaning is back!
yeah but to lean you have to stick your head 3 feet around the corner setting yourself up to be oneshot
>its slow and tactical
its another fast paced twitch shooter with autistic smooth brained children for an audience.


Reminder that the beta is the BEST the game will ever be. The maps have been hand picked, the modes have been hand picked, the whole experience has been HAND PICKED to SELL YOU THE GAME.

It is all downhill from here. When it comes out, half the maps will be trash. There will be loot boxes. There will be microtransactions. There will be season pass bullshit. Everyone will have figured out what the best weapons and attachments are. The meta will be born. The novelty wears off and the game is SHIT, just a platform for Activision to sell you more SHIT on


Enjoy the beta but don't for a FUCKING SECOND think the game is worth buying. It isn't.

what dpi setting should i use
400 800 or 1600?

never above 800, go lower if you can afford the real estate

how much space should i have if i were to go 400

60 dllrs for a 7 hour movie, jesus are you that hyped for shooting bad guy #1289, walk, shoot bad guy #1290, etc

Watch that shit on YouTube

hey buddy some of us actually like to play our games

> enjoying a game with actual reward for dying (Deathstreaks)

Gamer retard detected

I don't fucking know dude that's something you figure out for yourself

Yup, pretty much a campfest.

Why does movement feel so restrictive in cod games?

post em

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This game has female operators. It's bullshit.

I am not a CoD hater. When MW2 came out I was 16 and must of dropped over 500 hours into that game and I loved every minute of it. I even played and enjoyed Advanced Warfare with the mobility increase. That being said this new Modern Warfare is fucking pointless as long as BF4 and other games like R6S exist. Ground War is so fucking terrible and broken and unbalanced and lacking basic ass Conquest features that BF has had for over a decade. The 6v6 and 2v2 is the only part of the game that is not complete shit but at best it's just mediocre. This game feels soulless and depressing, vehicles are abject fucking dog shit, TTK is way too fast for how accurate every gun is and how relatively slow and predictable player movement is. 2019 and CoD still hasn't added ANY sort of destruction to the environment despite adding vehicles and large maps with 64 players. The Ground War map is trash, it's so small for 64 players. It's literally almost a flat linear path across all flag points and 75% of the 64 players at all times are in the 2nd floor meatgrinder near C where they can easily be spawn trapped because they all spawn in in front of the wall next to the top of the stairs. There's so much hilariously wrong with the beta and the game's out in a month, there is no possible way they can fix this shit if this is the best they willingly had to showcase the public.

I work at a burger joint and this disgusts me.

i agree
honestly i bet bf4 will get a boost in players after this

>tfw I got killed by a door

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pick up
shoot dudes for an hour eating pizza without much thought

It reeks Ghosts and Infinite Warfare. Funny, but it has nothing of Modern Warfare 4 to it.
Absolutely skipping this garbage.

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Can you paint every parts of the weapon or only a small area like in WWII?

I can't stand the neon textures. People who use weed camo should be shot.

Actually based but, where are CoD 2 and 3?

Pro tip for CoD threads everyone:
If you see

>but it's only a beta they will fix it later

It is obviously a paid shill. There wasn't a single instance of CoD where devs fixed horrible spawns or peeker's advantage. Because it is not possible.
Spawns are fucked because maps are tiny, netcode is buried in the very core and is done and finished far before beta.

Beta you are playing now is the absolutely final product minus lootboxes which will be added month after release.

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>pre-order to get beta access!!!
Fuck off, I thought this shit was free.

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pre ordering is for fags

Open beta was going for 2 days now user, but the game is shit.
You have about 12 hrs left to try it if you want, without pre-ordering or any other tricks.

It is retard, pre-order people just got access sooner. The Beta ends today at 10am PST Burger Time, you missed it.

I checked it yesterday through the Blizzard app on PC and it told me I had to pre-order to get a beta key.
Google told me the same thing.

Attached: wat.jpg (505x431, 26K)

I had the same shit with BO4 beta.
You need to reinstall Bnet, yours is some old version which was kept up by the updates but is not suitable.

OK thanks will check it out.

I played a couple matches then stopped. I hadn't played COD since my console days and on peecee I just got my shit pushed in hard.

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>Australian burger.webm
>even though the source is a restaurant from Wisconsin
did this guy get ass blasted by an Australian poster or something?

I wanna use the Mk2 Lever Action so bad, but there really is no point when it needs 2+ shots at ranges >20m. Meanwhile the M4 shoots 6 shots if not more in that time, and has no damage fall off at all.
And the Mk2 doesnt go higher than level 20 in the beta, while heavy barrel is unlocked at 21.

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The only other gun that stands a chance to the m4 is the M91. It shreds.

Been playing the Grounds War for 2 days now and I absolutely love it! But rest of the game is dogshit, and I don't know if I want to buy it jsut for one gamemode that I don't know will ever get expanded or how many maps it will have.

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>women in SAS

Attached: Military fantasy.png (1920x1080, 3.18M)

M13 is good as well, no problem dropping consistent 35+ bombs, but I love the look and feel of the lever action.
Maybe if the game had a Stopping Power perk, but no dice. Hope they do some weapon rebalancing before the game releases. Really no point in using anything other than an AR or ZMG (Zoomer Machine Gun)

>he doesn't know

Uh, you apparently missed the memo. Women can be in the SAS now.

>smaller hitbox
Nothing personnel
>no qt asians
>no good looking females in general

Yeah, they "can" (which means they are allowed to) do a lot of things. But they never do them.

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Game just feels like discount Battlefield Hardline to be. I was honestly hoping for something more... Original. Guess that's impossible for fps games nowadays.

Netcode is bad, getting prefired like crazy.

>implying command sends them out into the field

>putting words in my mouth
All I said was they can be in the SAS now. Keep in mind, this is a FICTIONAL video game you bum.

agreed with you up until you brought up JRPG's
go suck some more nip dick faggot

All games are fictional, retard.
The thing is if you base your game on some level of authenticity and realism it's important to get certain aspects of it right to fool the player into thinking he's playing something real.

Nope, most casual CoD to date, it's garbage. Kind of sad because there's no FPS worth playing right now and this could have been it.

>there's no FPS worth playing right now
But there is. Stop playing exclusively AAA shit.

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>Fool the person in thinking it's something real
>You respawn after every death
Admit it, you just have an issue with Women.

>completely missing the point
I'm sorry user. Stay retarded.

Yes that is the purpose of multiplayer cod mindless shooting and dumb fun

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the run and gun in this game is worse than normal. you can just super sprint and rught before you round a corner just jump and aim and you still maintain pinpoint accuracy going at a high speed. shits dumb

You would make no complain if they put actual dwarf as SAS operators in their games?

No, there isn't. The genre has been creatively bankrupt for a decade.

No, the beta was fucking terrible. At best i'll pirate the game to play the campaign. There's no way i'm spending money on this turd.

The FPS genre is overflowing with FPS games. If you can't find anything you find fun in the mountains of vidya available I don't know what to tell you.
I think you're just a jaded cuck.

Drone spotted enemies

I thought WWII was decent what did you not like about it? My biggest gripe was small amount of maps on launch plus they were safe 3-lane snooze worlds

Women don't belong in military
>Male squads, teams, and crews demonstrated better performance on 93 of 134 tasks evaluated (69 percent) than units with women in them. Male units were faster while completing tactical movements in combat situations, especially in units with large "crew-served" weapons such as heavy machine guns and mortars. Male infantry squads had better accuracy than squads with women in them, with "a notable difference between genders for every individual weapons system" used by infantry rifleman units. The M4 carbine, M27 infantry automatic rifle and M203 single-shot grenade launcher were assessed.

>Male Marines who had not received infantry training were more accurate than women who had. In removing wounded troops from the battlefield, "notable differences in execution times were found between all-male and gender-integrated groups".

I don't think it makes much of a difference anyway since the US military is incapable as fuck.

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I can find fun, older games. New ones no. There aren't any that do anything better or are worth anyones time. Not everyone eats shit like you do.

But there's not. There are old games, sure, but the playerbase is always either dead or on life support.

And incels don't deserve to be alive, yet here you are.


That's what COD is you fucking mong, it's about running and gunning instead of camping in a corner waiting for kills

>tfw CoD WWII has a Normandy map in the War mode
I can't believe that DICE still has not made a Normandy map for Conquest or rush in BFV.

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I love Titanfall, but it's dead.

>I feel the gunplay is better in BF
Not in BFV. Also I have a feeling that the animations are also slower than in the previous BF games.

CoD 1 and United Offensive should be on the list and at the top.

>doesn't want to kill female operators in a video game
Are you a homosexual?

>il joue en français

You are me I’m 29 and love the guns and setting of bf3-4, worth it for sure, I’m making the transition from pc to console. Dad life am I right. The guns in mw are fucking satisfying.

normandy maps are always shite.

What's everyone going back to once this is over? I need a good large scale shooter to play.

It could have been nice for a rush mode. You start on the beach and you deeper into the land.


yes i am 29 and a new dad too lol

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Nothing. Multiplayer shooters are fun for a few days but then it's just tiring.

Redpill me on CoD. Haven't played one of these since one of the Blops on PS3. I'm actually having a lot of fun with the beta, but should I avoid buying the game? Am I gonna be fucked over by dead servers and DLC? Aren't these games more popular on console than PC?

I just want to be a ghillie nigga popping fools who wander into the killzone with claymores blasting whoever tries to come get me. Sniper-countersniper shenanigans were great.

>Devs try to give the impression that the game is slower and grittier than past cods

>”Mounting” walls meant to be like peeking around cover
>Half your screen is blocked by the wall as if you’re concealed
>On everybody else’s screens you’re standing out in the open like a complete retard

>Maps seem like they were designed for players to move through, checkin corners and setting up good Line of Sight
>A 12 year old can sprint around the map with an SMG and be totally fine like every other cod
>Setting up a good position to watch a corridor/the objective means nothing when an enemy spawns behind you 10 feet away

The amount of times I’ve spawned right outside the objective just because there weren’t enemies there at the time is ridiculous. How is that fair for the other team? They gotta run across the map while we can just set up claymores and capture the HQ immediately

Also, the map design is kinda shit imo/ it’s like two extremes of “wide open area with no cover” or “building with a million ways in/out”. It’s not a tactical shooter where you can carefully watch open areas because a retard with an smg can run up behind you with an smg at any time, and you can’t even bother trying to carefully move through these fucked up buildings because a retard can run up behind you with an smg at any time. There’s no cohesion whatsoever it really made me remember why I haven’t played a Call of Duty since BO2

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Have they removed killstreaks yet?
I'm not touching any CoD with that cancer in it.

t. shitter who can't even get UAVs

> Bought WW2 on Xbone as my first CoD in years. Had vidya crisis where nothing was fun for me anymore.
> Ended up enjoying it a lot.
> Bought BLOPS4 as WW2 was that good.
> It ended up being quite shit desu. Maps were not fun. Operators were shit. Blackout was fun for a while. Zombies were overcomplicated garbage.
> But now I bought MW on PC. Enjoyed BETA a lot. The only gripe I have are blurry/grainy visuals but I just need to put some time into configuring it properly.

imagine being so brainlet you dont understand cod games

There's no season pass.

imagine finding zeroskill shit fun lmao
found the casual scrub

Ummm sweetie i think its about time you GET GOOD

>Implying they won't implement it and every other cancerous microtransaction, cosmetics, time-triggered "events" and everything else as soon as the review copies have expired and sales are trickling down

fuck no, it looks and feels like a f2p
pure trash

Is the M4 OP, or what?

Explain how free kills mean getting good?

turn off Film Grain in the settings

you wouldnt understand, you need to get good first.

right, so you have no counter-argument. you lost the argument. killstreaks are objectively bad and make an already zero skill game even worse.

Well of course they will add microtransactions but no season pass is a good thing since it won't divide the playerbase.

>dropping phosphorous on ground war

Attached: 1460432684559.jpg (631x796, 50K)

Does CoD have ranked now? If so, whats the ruleset?

Attached: 1469089395659.jpg (1024x1024, 182K)

>zero skill
>but I can't even get UAVs
Yikes. I hope your mother can find some help with taking care of her mentally unfit manchild son, what a sad situation.

Probably has his settings all fucked up so you can see everything. Probably uses reshade to boost that.
It makes the game look like shit though

Just disable voice chat altogether

>FPS stuck at bellow 50 and performance sucks
I don't get it

>i5 4670k
>8gb ddr3 ram
>6 year old 2tb HDD
>AMD RX580

runs solid 60 all ultra settings lmao

battlefield bad company 2
>still full servers
>still fun
haven't bought a cod since mw3

>spotted the nvidicuck
*Game ready(tm)* drivers aren't out yet.

this is wrong though. it does not take 9 bullets to kill.

but they are

projecting how bad you are isn't an argument
you lost, hold onto that L kiddo.

It's embarrasing you think getting 3 kills is something to be proud of, user.

Attached: 250pxScout_taunt_laugh.pngt20111212001935.png (250x364, 109K)

I can't even launch it because they lied about windows 7
Wasted 45gb

incompetent retards
I am definetly not going to buy and absolutely not on the blizzardshit store lol

>they lied about windows 7
they did not

Why do you think it's hard to get 3 kills? Literally any shitter can do it. How did you even manage to get to Yea Forums today? Do you have a state aid or something? I'm so sorry, user.

found the shill everyone

I don't. It's pissy easy to get 3 kills. I get 15:1 regularly. But that's not what we're talking about. You bringing that up proves you are too low IQ for this discussion. You lost the argument. Bye bye now.

> I get 15:1 regularly
>complains about killstreaks
Uh huh, that's like a millionaire complaining that millionaires don't get taxed enough. Prayers for your disability, user.

you still haven't provided a counter-argument user. the fact you keep replying only makes you look madder :/

no but felt more enjoyable to play then most crap they keep spitting out

Never bought a CoD game before, i did play them but only for the campaigns. This new CoD multiplayer has been quite enjoyable, i'll most likely buy it and do cross-play with my console friends.

Imagine seething this hard over the facts literally can't relate lmao. Good luck on that first UAV, user. Maybe try hardline LMAO

God the spawns were terrible, especially in headquarters.
The headquarters nearly always spawns the opposite side of where the last one was, guess where the team that just held the headquarters are now spawning

The only problems with the beta I found were the stupid spawns, apc and sniper mountain and dying from the smallest fall damage. Enjoying a cod game for the first time since BLOPS2

you keep responding because you lost lmao this is embarrasing

>can't spell
>can't even muster 3 kills in the most casual FPS on the planet
>never had sex
Born to lose. I wonder when this user will off himself.

>can't provide a counter-argument
>loses the argument
>keeps responding with adhoms
I win you lose haha.

It's fun and runs at 100FPS at 4k for me.
Hope I still get +60 when turning on RTX :)

get cancer and die

>get cancer and die

Attached: 1563425714131.png (454x520, 11K)

I like this type of shooter as well as others. I've had my time with Quake arena and the likes back in the day, I've gone through COD 4 and the BR craze. I still like this type of game when done right. I dropped Black Ops 4 pretty quickly and barely touched the multiplayer. This will be the first COD in years which I think I will put a lot of time in. I still play Rainbow Six Siege and whatever other games come out that look interesting. You can like different things at the same time, user. It's something people do.

Careful, this is exactly how Totalbiscuit got cancer and died.

Why cant they just do lean the same way Siege does it?

Any other projections you'd like to add before you pack up your L and leave, user?

not enough buttons on the controller id imagine

You're already holding the L until you give a counter-argument

I understand you flunked out of middle school, user, but one has to present an argument before receiving a counter-argument.

I'm pretty sure siege has lean on console.

Theres objective based gamemodes. The developers have already stated that the spawning isn't working as intended.

I did, but you adhommed instead because you got btfo and butthurt. a massive L for you.

Where has the developer been saying this stuff anyway? I've seen literally zero communication during the period of this beta.

They reply to posts on le Reddit, the patrician gaming board.


100% true

Where though? I haven't seen a single post.

It does. You hit r3/l3 while ads to lean in the direction of which one you pressed. It works surprisingly well on a pad. I don’t see why other fps games don't adopt it.

They reply only to funny clips and posts about gamebreaking bugs.
Spawns, under the map glitch and some other minor glitches will get fixed before the release afaik.
Apparently no delay on claymore was also a bug, they added it in the latest patch.

Correct is 100% true

it does but cod uses a different layout and every button is mapped. where would you put the lean? yeah i know on pc it would be q and e, but we all know the console is going to dictate changes like that.

They don't even look like women, they are all trannies.

Where though? I haven't seen them reply to any bug posts.

Had fun playing it, but no way am I buying it. It's just the same as all of them since MW2.

Attached: giphy (1).gif (480x362, 3.16M)

Remember when games had hot girls?

Attached: COD-Ghosts-concept-art.jpg (1200x1151, 573K)

Nobody is going to skim the entire thousands of posts in a subreddit for you my man. Do it yourself. Sadly the people running it dont put a tag on posts that have dev replies in them so good luck.

I'm not a shill.
I'm just making the factual statement that it runs on Windows 7.

You die fast and like that cause you dont camp. Yeah this games map design clearly caters and rewards literal camping and no I dont mean defensive playstyle like holding your position to recover health/reload and shit like that but literal hard camping in certain spots that let you abuse spawn system. I dont mind campers I just dont understand that playstyle but problem appears when In 9/10 games there always was an cunt opening scoreboard with fancy KDA having 0 imput towards actual objectives these faggots just should play TDM. I always was playing aggro in CoD games without any problems but here number of angles you're getting shot at makes it impossible to even get a chance for any kid of recovery you just die instantly. People already were hard camping with tanks/apcs in ground war mode and abusing spawn points since certain spots at that hill wont let you lock on them with rocket launchers lmao. Same with other modes because maps have shit ton of small and dark as fuck corners/spots close to spawn points so you cant cover all of them its physically impossible to do so. Ive tried to play like that and it works great so if you want good KDA you dont play objective/aggro you just hard camp and abuse spawn system. When it comes to actuall skill then CoD peaked at Promod for OG Modern warfare everything after that is just abusing broken shit - in MW2 it was noobtube and other stuff for example and here its camping.

Ah, so they haven't actually posted. Thanks for confirming what I already knew!

Shut up bitch.

>see enemy first
>enemy sees you first
no thanks lol

This is the worst CoD in ages in terms of catering for camping. Or best for campers I mean.

>Every building is filled with strangely dark corners
>Can peek indestructible doors now
>Moving at all sounds like explosions going off
>Everyone is on radar 24/7 especially in Ground War unless you go Ghost and sit in a corner
>Killstreaks are back instead of the superior scorestreaks which encourage objective play, while killstreaks encourage camping safely
>Super fast TTK

>Get outplayed by knowing the map, listening to footsteps and holding proper angles so you can get the drop on someone
>Get rewarded for it by getting the kill


>getting error 5757 every time I start a match
Epic. Haven't been able to play it for longer than 2 minutes during the whole weekend.

Do you think people should be able to get the drop on someone, magdump then and the guy still survive and do a 180 quickscope headshot and win instead?

i was referring to me winning the argument but since you still haven't provided a counter argument i'll continue to hold this W while you avoid the argument with your L

You should have an advantage, but it makes having aim pointless. I know its designed for consoles so you can't expect any quality gameplay, but it just feels shit on PC.

How does having aim not matter? If you can't aim then situations do arise where you get the drop on someone, miss a lot and they win. Especially from range.

Because the TTK is so low that reactions and aim account for nothing. There's no weapon mechanics to fuck up on.

You die in like .2 seconds in this game. If you get the drop on someone and cant kill them before they react then thats bigger than bad aim, thats like having Parkinsons or something.

>waiting til the last hour to complain about it

boy you dumb

>calls an M203 heat shield a heavy barrel
>there's not even an a grenade launcher on it

Attached: A-MQD.png (300x237, 99K)

this game fucking SUCKS dude, it looks great and sounds cool but it just blows its like videogame laser tag.

I agree. As an CoDfag that played since CoD2 I even was on LANs and had a team back when CoD4 Promod on PC was big the main problems is that map design is one dimensional while that wasnt a thing in old CoDs. Apart from abusing broken shit you could play aggro,defensive or just hard camp so most players could have their own playstyle and didnt got punished for any of those while here thats not a thing at all you just have to adapt and thats a very bad thing in my opinion. Ive played all of them for at least houndred of hours I just skipped that shitty battle royale mode and this one is legit like catering towards one type of players.

imagine unironically posting this low IQ trash.

I just want riot shield gameplay

People who think quickscoping is dead are just modding their guns to be heavy as fuck with slow ADS. Just dont use attachments. Watch the first minute and you'll get the point.


No way. They all have the same small loop that absolutely blows.
>mild fun at the start if you play from launch
>suck dog dick if you join even a couple days late
>you learn the maps well enough to start anticipating opfor
and finally either
>utterly dominate pubs by camping sweet spots
>utterly dominate pubs by running and gunning around areas you know you can catch enemies by surprise
If you play competitive or against another squad it's even worse, every engagement becomes wallbanging and chucking nades until one side runs out and gets rushed and sprayed down. Even the most casual lootershooter has more engaging loops.
The only mode worth anything is S&D, and with killstreaks it's fucking garbage.

imagine being such a turbo brainlet you actually enjoy this bullshit

I prefer snipers tryharding like this over having them on my team skulking in the shadows miles from objectives.

but it's just nonsense

it's literally

>enter room
>scan for enemies
>shoot them
>whoever shoots fastest wins
>repeat ad infinitum

You could say shit like that about like all MP FPS that have PVP mode. Hes right Id rather take tryharding cunt quickscoping but while running around at least covering objectives/being around them so he can trade my death and take over point instead of a faggot that after respawning rushes to certain spot thats at other end of a map and just sitting there like a decoy with his realistic tactical sniping dream and being free kill for opposite teams killstreaks.

Give me your lunch money, kyle


other FPS have sensible gamemodes rather than just chaotic TDM

they also have things like audio cues so you know where people are

this and BF are complete run and gun simulators

go cap the points while we get the kills, slave

>are you buying it lads?

You know, I wouldn't mind buying another rehashed arcadey shooty game where I an shut off my brain and have so me fun.
However, you fucking know what's going to happen. It's going to be crammed with lootboxes and (((microtransactions))) the moment reviews are out. And buying this shit is pure cuckery.

I fucking love the Oden!

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Ew, imagine being this much of a shitter. So instead of "chaotic TDM", you prefer something where you can lay prone and wait for footsteps so you can "outsmart" your opponent instead of actually, you know, outaiming him. Your boiled down gameplay is "outcamp the other guy" instead of "whoever shoots fastest wins". Wow, that must be a lot of fun for shitters!

>Idiots buy their random barf lootbox cosmetics
>Makes them 10x easier to spot than if they had just used default black/brown gear

well yeah, since I'm not autistic so I don't like a mindless zerg fest that just goes on and on forever until the next title is released a year later. I also enjoy engagement ranges further than 20 feet because I can aim accurately at further distances than that and it's pretty satisfying.

>misses one shot
>begins whining/bitching/moaning
i hate people like this so much. they think they're such hot shit but they're little whiny faggots

Attached: INSS 4chan.png (437x357, 344K)

Nah, you're just shit at games.

t. mad codshitter

you sound like a PCfag, care to explain why no one except consoleshitters plays your defunct series?

You could say that about and simplyfy these tactical shooters like that too but instead of run and gun you want to ,,oustkill'' them with an tactical sitting in a corner and being posted towards certain spot you memorized from hours of playing so you know enemies will come from there lmao. Thats literally instead of who shoot fastest to who was sitting in a fucking corner and was posted towards certain angle so essentialy its basically the same thing minus reaction time factor lol..

Go to a shooting range if all you care about is purely aiming skill. These games are about having elements of map knowledge, strategy and planning and not just being purely the best shot.

I'm not mad, just good at video games.

Nah, I'll keep playing high skill games while shitters like you deepthroat other milsim LARPers over who can camp the hardest.

Holy fuckin shit, did you really think you were cool typing that? Jesus check out this faggot. Muh JRPGS I wish this was satire because it ticks every damn box

Then you won't be playing this. Maybe Quake or something.

well the thing is with the gamemodes you play on the good games you have to attack as well as defend so you have to beat campers as well as successfully camp against aggressors

avoided the question codshitter, if the game's all about aim why's the market full of people who can aim precisely and carefully (pcfags) rejecting it so hard?

Sounds like you need to get better to enjoy it. Honestly I just get high and play it, keeps me from raging out too much.

They're not. You're only hearing a loud minority of whiners. This game is just as run and gun viable as previous iterations and people are greatly exaggerating the camping.

>only use shotguns
>all shotguns are fucked in this game
>like 3 headshots to kill

Attached: S8rVo3b.gif (500x375, 486K)

He clearly saw you and followed you in, knowing you would be waiting right around the corner for him.

Wrong, but I do play Quake.

I didn't avoid anything. People reject it because they're shit at it. Can't tell you how many GE/ESEA CS casuals I absolutely shit on when they think they'll have an easy time in "casual" CoD. Same story in Quake and UT, always has been.


>tried the pump action
>usually get a one-shot if I’m close enough
>try the over-under one
>usually takes both barrels to kill someone and only if it hits them in the head
What’s weird is the description says it’s claim to fame is supposed to be it’s range, and yet if you don’t barrel stuff with it, you’re just going to get hit markers all match

bruh explain how you're supposed to play this dogshit videogame

in CS and Quake you have tons of strategy and audio cues to tell you how to win

this game is just running around shooting people

it isn't fun, there is no strategic depth to it

I was running an 8-core processor OC'd to 5 GHz per core and it was still randomly CPU limited. Not recommended.

All you need is to be the god of aiming which I am. My pure unbridled aiming skills allow me to destroy campers before they can even react.

Mind explaining why this is only a successful e sport on consoles, the platform for people that can't aim?

It's not even vaguely similar to based BFBC. No destruction, no realistic gun physics, camping heavily rewarded, killstreakz brought to you by Mtn Dew Gamer Fewl TM, no destructibility, guns are still hitscan.

Because the kind of dudebros that actually watch esports all play on consoles. Anytime normal people see PC esports its always weird cringy Koreans.

>BF players and infecting the game with their meme strats of putting claymores and C4 on ATVs and recon drones

Yeah, people definitely don't watch CSGO tournaments.

The same cues and strategy exist in CoD, I'm not sure how you missed them, unless you're just hivemind hating on it, which wouldn't surprise me.

All of them are good,mp5 is the best due to 10m.

Go out to your local college and ask people. 95% of responses wont even know what CSGO is.

Games rarely use 8 cores. Many use 4 max. If it's an FX series processor you're using the single threaded performance is not very good.

There are plenty of white people playing esports on computer. The entire CS and Quake scenes are basically American and European. You sound so dumb, it sounds like you just make up whatever bullshit you can to come up with a response without really thinking it through. The computer E sport scene is very definitely bigger than the console E sport scene.

I'm pretty new to the series. To me it seems chaotic. It's like TDM but with ever shifting spawns. Not a lot of room for strategy.

Attached: apu flyswatter.jpg (657x527, 41K)


lel. my Ryzen ran it flawlessly

Yes, any fun you have with the game is in the beta. It ends at the beta.

Only a fool would consider buying this


lol but thats also a thing in gamemodes in CoD. You cant run around and just get kills in certain game modes just like you have to successfully hold your position like in HQ mode. Your positioning especially while defending HQ since most shitters just legit camp few pixels from HQ ,map and spawn point knowledge is also big factor in these modes. 90% of CoD playerbase dont give a shit about objectives thats a fact but you can use that to your advantage and legit win whole match solo while your faggot teammates are camping and getting kills for fancy KDA while having 0 impact on shit that actually matters. Plenty of times when I was being at top of scoreboard with shitty kda but had tons of captures/defends in Dom while fag camper has 30 kills and two deaths is second and goes h-how thats possible?!

Why the fuck do you think? You think Activision are going to advertise you a game on the promise it's good, have some fools go and buy it thinking it will be as good as the beta, and then be cashed in on and sold loot boxes, micrtoransactions, season passes, whatever the fuck Activision comes up with

Time and time again this happens and people NEVER learn. It's sad. Like lambs to the slaughter

I've played enough battlefield to know that any gamemode called domination is a godawful hamster in a wheel experience of scurrying around from point to point trying to avoid getting banged around a corner and occasionally getting shot from across the map

This is very true, but its why I like COD. Mindless fun. Simple. If I had to choose between the autistic sperglords in the more 'strategy' focused games or the two braincell stoners on COD. Id go COD every time. Then again, I am playing video games for fun.

I guarantee both of you suck shit at aiming

I can have fun in an environment with lootboxes and season passes. Preferably without P2W guns though.

>We have finally entered the timeframe where people actually brag about being pro twitchshooters on here and make up of silly concepts such as "strategy and tactics and planning and objectives"

make fun of* woops

This doesnt apply to CoDs Dom because maps and player count is a lot smaller so if you properly use map knowledge and especially spawns at certain points(like where enemies spawn if we have two points taken,or when your team is being dominated) then you legit can solo carry whole match and wont get banged around a corner. I agree that tactical shooters require more tactical approach towards your objectives but saying that its going around from point to point and getting banged proves you're just shit at the game.

If you don't care about shiity business practises then why the FUCK would you pay full price for a game that has them? Just go play some free2play shit. Go play fucking Ironsight or something instead of supporting dogshit like COD

he's right, it's nothing like MW2, don't listen to the zoomers

Because AAA titles have more polish to them.

IDK dude you still haven't sold me. I can't play any of these games for free now that the beta's ended, and honestly it just seems like Quake for retarded historyfag brainlets, or CS for ADHD console fags.

I havent played fps game since Dirty Bomb's samurai class release, but TTK is so low I still can kill everyone before they can react... "fun".