Help me, Yea Forums

I went on a nostalgia trip this weekend, playing games that I could still play, (MGS series, Ace Combat Seies and some other PS games,) there are some not around that I could play sadly.. but.. after an hour of beating MGS4 I started crying. I broke down for an hour.

how do I live with knowing there won't be games like the good days, back when Singleplayer was still an option? How do I live with the fact companies abuse their IP's? The fuck do I do? I want justice for the series tossed aside because of the fact they 'didn't make x money.'

Help me, please...

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shut up faggot

>Help me, please...
Sure thing OP.



why don't you check out other games from the 90's and 00's that did singleplayer well?
You play DMC or NG yet?

I have.. it's not just older game.. I want good sequels, remakes, spin offs..

I just want the good old days of years ago to return..

I remember beating MGS4 at a buddies house, shit was amazing. Other games like Nier Automata (yeah I get it lewd fan service lmao shit taste), but honestly that was the last game to really feel like a master piece. Focus on yourself for a bit, games will always be around bud.

Thank you :)

I get the exact feel as well user. It feels early ps3 era is the last glimer of love games get. Im hoping getting a new console next generation on launch will fix it but most likely not. It genuinely hurts my soul, the last game that I played that made me feel the same as the past is Demon's Souls

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Never got to that one but played Dark Souls 1-3 after.

>how do I live with knowing there won't be games like the good days, back when Singleplayer was still an option? How do I live with the fact companies abuse their IP's?
Tell me about it. Pic related is my mental state.

All you can do is enjoy the good ol' stuff, preach of their beauty everywhere you can - as even some bigger classics are starting to get forgotten, and make it as clear as possible that the cancerous exploitation of old IPs in shady business practices is not cool. And while at it, support the few truly great games that might come out every once in a blue moon.

I've personally been struggling with this shit for a decade now.
The cure's been to go and seek out older games I missed or hadn't even heard of before. Found a lots of great gems, like System Shocks, Banjos, Parasite Eve...
Also, 2017 was a nice wind of fresh air. Say what you say, but BotW, Persona 5, Nier:Automata, ...etc, were pretty much like PS2 games made long after their time.

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RDR2 and God Of War, Last of Us. There will be titles that still excels at single player story telling. Few, but they exist.

Found out recently my favorite fps now is brothers in arms, too bad its made by gearbox and would probably gutted in the next release

Personally speaking, I just try to seek out old games that I missed out in growing up. Discovered a lot of new favorites that way, with the DMC and SMT series being one of my more recent examples, along with some FF games. It sucks the old times will never come back but it’s never a bad idea to look out for new games on the horizon. I been playing DMC5 recently and it’s legit one of the best games I’ve played in a long while. Feels like a PS2 classic given a modern look.

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It was, 2017 gave me hope.. then it just faded away.

I'm really tired of Companies mistreating us.

I just want that old feeling of waiting for DLC that isnt skins and knowing a good sequel is being workedo n again.

Even the Fallout 3, New Vegas days, Halo 3, Ace Combats... Metal Gear mainly, fuck I could go for 6 or a spin off. Kojima would be a plus.

And the sad part is.. I've just played them so much, TOO much.

If you like Ace Combat you should really try 7, it's pretty great.
And videogames like those are still around, but in fewer numbers really, ps2-and-early games were strange. It was a time when it was admissible to give a bunch of dudes money to make some weird ass games. Those are bygone days sadly, it's a complicated, hard to explain feel that simply doesn't exist anymore.

I feel you dude, but unfortunately, that’s how it is. That said, it’s never a bad idea to go back and try to look for something you missed out on. You might even find a new favorite or two.

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I did try 7 actually It saved the series IMO, but I still miss the old ones.. mainly 6 as I can't play it anymore.

I've seen the Japanese game devs still doing the "good old day's" style of games and it seems to be working, doing good. I.E. Yakuza remakes.

You're right.

I still have hopes things will turn around...looking to Japan really.

mgs4 is a fucking terrible game to have nostalgia for

It was'nt just 4, whole series.

Also fuck you.

God i have this exact feel and it hurts. It would mean the world to me if konami actually tries for once and makes a good mgs game that rivals portable ops at very least

I would take MGS 6, or remake/remasters.

nigga you are gay as hell

no u

Bro just make your own video games

Yes, let me just make a game where I know how everything works.

Should be fun.

This was how I felt when I beat Ys 8. That entire game was JRPG kino.