People actually still give Blizzard money

>People actually still give Blizzard money.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>wait no i meant NO POLITICS I DON'T AGREE WITH IN MY VIDYA please give me back my name you hurt my feefees :(

based blizzard

easy. make a new guild called OBAMA and see if they care

>salt-white incels getting BTFO left and right
God damn I'm lovin' it

Nobody gives a shit.

>blizzard hates hearthstone so much that they don't even want to think of their prime chink anymore

makes sense, Trump is pretty offensive in how ugly he looks and how dumb he talks. Depends on where you live I guess. I guess it's less apparent in the US where most people are of his... pedigree.

How is that the same thing?

I was forced to rename my pet gorilla who I named obama back when he was president. Time to settle down

Keep your politics out of my vidya please. Fucking SJWs.

>People actually still pay for today's video games in the current year.

Fixed it for you, OP.

>NAZIS thinking they can come to our safe spaces.

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Based Blizzard. /pol/ weenies LITERALLY on suicide watch

Aww, the poor incel is seething!

Which client type that regularly added new content (like retail) would you play the most if all were available? Keep in mind that retail is a default option and in my last poll, Classic+ won for pre-Cata while MoP+ won for post-WotLK.

>Retail (9.0)+ - More expansions and patches for retail which expansions presumably continuing to change up the game as much as we saw between MoP to WoD, WoD to Legion and Legion to BFA. The game continues as normal.
>Classic+ - A third client type that adds Classic-style content to the Classic world, building up patches and possibly expansions in the old style of world design, dungeon design, quest design and gameplay.
>MoP+ - Picking up after Siege of Orgrimmar, this client type pretends WoD, Legion nor BFA ever happened. New patches and expansions are regularly released adding MoP-style content. This content is not exclusively Pandaria-related whatsoever, only the style, gameplay and philosophy.

being a blizzdrone is to fail at life

Except Blizzard injects their politics heavily into all of their products.

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if i cant name my guild che guevara why should someone be able to name theirs trump

>don't pay for video games you like
>throw a tantrum when companies no longer make games for you

I think OP is on your side user. He wants politics to be out of Vidya otherwise none of this would be happening.

but thats literally what current WoW is. Dumbed down zoomer twitch bait that shotguns even the worst player with piles of loot, pets, mounts and achievements for taking 2 steps.

Seethe harder, Drumpfies.

then he wouldn't be mad a guild named after a politician was renamed

Like what?

one could say blizzard trumped their rights to use the word trump

That was a long time ago

Developers pushing their tranny and communist agenda into a game isnt the same as a bunch of shitposters naming their guild faggot or nigger or trump

>be gay
>name my guild Guzzlers
>get reported
>threaten to sue for homophobia
big brains only in mmos.

cuckrighters getting btfo again lmao

Then don't name your guild Trump. I have to hear his fucking name everyday on the news, I don't need to see it while playing vidya. That goes same for king nigger.

What if barron trump as playing the game and just wanted his guild to be named after him?

orly? please point me to the political message in any of their games
protip: yer a fag

These are hardly equivalent in scale although both should be allowed

>they're agendas when they're things I don't like
Triggered much, trumpledyte?

> all the orange man bad posters ITT

welp. it could be worse. it could be a discord tranny circlejerk thread

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>Guild name TRUMP
Okay that’s fine, it’s a fucking wo-
>how is the name of the president offensive?
Okay, so that implies that he named it that way to be political.

Fuck off with your bullshit.

>Call your guild after a playing card term
>Get reported because they think it means Donald Trump

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Two different things here, retard

You can go into White Alpha Male Theft Auto 7 and name your character TransRights123 if you want, no one will care, it's not the same as injecting an agenda into your game


lol that policeman is so fucking fat. in fact, every single person in that picture is fat. What shithole is this taken?

blizzdones on damage control lmao

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All the fags in Overwatch are a DNC endorsement, retard.

The fuck is wrong with her head? She looks like a fifty five year old alcoholic manlet.

>criminal president with at least several impeachable offenses is actually a good guy!

They never made that chink Hearthstone player named Trump change his name.

Really makes you think...

Oh lel, you really don't have a clue about your political system. Binary retard :D

Fuck off back to r/news, silly bastard.


Good one user, good one.


again, its not the developers putting a weapon that is named TRUMPete and does 60% extra damage against brownskins, its consumers and users WRITING WORDS

Post proof, you literally can't

you have to be stupid to not expect something in all honesty
if anything im surprised they didnt just start banning members outright or some dumb shit

Names aren't politics, commie shithead.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome as well as Autism.

Should have ordered Obama to maul the retards suggesting it

Post what, a party that hides behind trannies to do whatever they want?
Do you need a picture, a video?

MoP is literally where the design decisions of WoD/Legion/BFA came from.

WotLK/Cata+ would be the more ideal choice, as that era had very different design compared to the current game.

>several impeachable offenses
name literally just one
And no, headcannon alleged "offenses" without any SHRED of evidence dont count

Good. MAGAtards are worse than playing with Brazilians.

Aaah, people holding flags, the sign of a retard.

That's gay, I know a guy called BJ irl, and that was his wow name. It got changed for him.

Honestly, they should just banhammer everyone in that guild for racism because you just know it's full of racist neo-Nazi fucks from /pol/. They deserve to be completely pushed off the internet and out of civilized society in general. Nowhere should be a sanctuary for them.

Wasn't there something awhile ago where a player had the name MAGA for years and forced to change it during the elections because now it was offensive?

>Everyone to the right of me is the same person

>implying it wouldn't have been banned even if it wasnt named for political reasons
Don't be a faggot.
Someone make one named DRUMPF or WARREN and see if it gets the same result.

>I'm going to do what my predecessor didn't do
>continues to do what his predecessor was doing

It just goes to show you, the importance of PR.

You are fucking stupid for even asking this. You are just baiting for the obvious muuh russians bullshit.

>You are fucking stupid for even asking this
Name fucking one
You said several
Tell me about a single fucking one you triple nigger

Can i sign a petition to remove the word trump from the dictionary i find it offensive

Listen fag, Trump said no collusion so no collusion. End of story.

Not even a mutt but this is bullshit.
Should name the guild cum guzzlers or butt pirates or something and state that your'e gay and accuse the cunts of homophobia when they complain.

Land of the cucked.

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He said mean things about foreigners. That is illegal unless you are a Democrat.

rofl i love how leftists don't even pretend they aren't pro censorship now "how dare he say a word i dislike"

It's video game related and it's fucking retarded AND Yea Forums is one of the few places you can say "it's fucking retarded" and not get perma-banned or whatever, it's not relevant to /pol/ so you shut your faggot cuck mouth the fuck up before I shut it for you you fucking faggot piece of shit.

It got deleted lmfao

More like there was no collusion and you made a headcanon the same way you go around comparing a random goon to Voldemort without killing yourself once you go home..

If they remove Hillary or other names then its fine.

We dont need obese american memes in our roleplay game.

>two year long unlimited scope investigation found nothing
>Trump guilty
whew you must like the taste of the kool-aid

So did mueller

So if I name my group Hangman because Heydrich is it cool?
Answer me: is that cool? Can you prove I named it after Heydrich?

Why didn't crooked Hillary ever go to jail?

Really makes you think...

>my pet gorilla
Are you a Saudi prince?

Why didn't a wall ever get built?

Really makes you think...

Ask Epstein why.

ok fine I'm gonna name my guild "TRUMP" then

Yeah it is fucking retarded. Who names their guild TRUMP

I can’t wait for 2020. If Trump wins, the liberal freakout will be glorious. If Trump loses, we’re going to see shitloads of mass shootings. It’s mass chaos either way.

When are they going to ban TrumpSC

Trump would be in jail right now if Epstein hadn't be offed. The guy is definitely a child fucker.

tranny jannies will delete this thread boys. save it and repost. they can't stop us all

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Imagine for just a moment if you will, actually giving nuBlizzard money.

>what are war crimes

Just because congress turns an eye, and people become desensitize, it doesn't mean it is legal for all the shit that is happening on the middle east.

Who cares? Also who cares enough to report them?

>shut your faggot cuck mouth the fuck up before I shut it for you you fucking faggot piece of shit.
t. bullied incel with wet noodles for arms

Exactly. Who cares? Why does this need a thread?

>right-wing chimpout killing sprees all over the country if Trump loses

At the end of the day are no better than niggers. In fact they are worse. At least niggers are slowly becoming more civilized. conservatitards are rapidly devolving.

What Obama and Bush did in the middle-east pale in comparison to what Trump has done. What makes you think he would get charged for war crimes when they didnt?

The western world is heading towards a collapse

Usually it's liberals to look like weak fucks, or they wouldn't be liberals to begin with.
You're the equivalent of a masochist cuckold, the actual fetish in real life with semenslurping and pegging, acting tough.

muh feels=/=illegal
show me ONE illegal strike or bombing he ordered

*what Trump has done pales in comparison to Bush and Obama


>wait no i meant YES POLITICS I DON'T AGREE WITH IN MY VIDYA please remove his TRUMP name you hurt my feefees :(

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MAGApedes are very sensitive creatures. They must respond to any slight against daddy.

You're so cute, ignoring what happened with the last true white "chimp-out".

Typical /pol/tards. I wish you and tumblr all just got put on an island and nuked.

>404 page not found

fpbp, made a lot of drumpfys angwy

No political references in names. That's the TOS since the times of actual vanilla.

Jesus, I had to sit through a lunch with boomers with the same dumb mindset.

Yeah kiddo, that Y2K situation really ended the world, or was it the 2012 everything ended? How about 2008 back to the stone-ages? No? Damn how about literally every single other time people think everything is going to collapse and it doesn't?

trump banned Epstein from all of his hotels and everything after meeting him

Insulting the President should be a criminal offense.

It's too bad Blizzard has to waste time on shit like this. Meanwhile the RP servers might as well not exist since they withdrew the policy that requires you to either RP or keep your mouth shut.

This. Just look at the dumb pieces of shit crying ITT

Not in WoW they don't.

when are they gonna ban asmongoloid then? doesn't he have something like "make azeroth great again" or something?

Recommend me some good guns. When shit hits the fan this election I'd like a weapon with which to defend my family, friends, and property from those hoards of rioting MAGAtards.

Hey! Don't call Obama that!

He may be an uneducated non-citizen but at least he instated all those ICE border policies.

Why don't you test it with Obama and Clinton and see what happens?

Imagine PAYING blizz to cuck you. WoW and every other pozzedblizz game is dogshit and you should be gassed for playing them

Cardfags you troglodyte

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To cover his own ass.

Worked really well for blizzdrones paying. Game turned into something none of them wanted. But just keep paying it totally will work next time.

Paying customers are allowed to voice their concerns on forums that's what they are for, how is that comparable to asking the government for help


seriously, trumpshills are all fucking entitled children and hypocrites

>haha because the right wing NEVER tries to ban things they dont like
>muh war Christmas!
>muh lords name in vain!
>muh joke that went too far!
The only thing more retarded than right wing censorship is pretending like it doesn't exist. The right wing literally invented blasphemy laws which is "get punished for saying things I dont like because it offends me".

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You are one dumb nigger


/pol/cels cannot refute this


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Dear MAGAcels


she just needs a good dicking to get these weird ideas out of her head really

no, the guild is named Olympus.

There's probably a part of the ToS that states no names of any real people can be used, so unless you can prove it was referring to the word trump and not the name Trump then they are within their rights to change it regardless of politics

Don't like it? Don't buy it. Nobody's forcing you to play THEIR game.

I don't play this trash.


Good. That's akin to having Hitler as your name. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Hopefully they learned their lesson that their bigotry and racism and white supremacy isn't tolerated in the real world.

Re-read what I wrote.

>what are proxy wars
>we been doing it them, so its ok

All my feels are for our economy.



>10 counts of obstruction of justice listed in mueller report
>bribing foreign officials in exchange for information on political opponents
>asking FCC to stop mergers and other business deals of media companies unless they give him favorable television coverage
>intentionally manipulating stock market via tweets so his friends can profit
>multiple emoluments clause violations

Attached: KYS_tranny~3.png (670x1024, 948K)

are you pretending to be stupid?

I'd make a guild called soetoro

Like I said, you can't

All baseless accusations and none impeachable if they were true. Try harder.


right wing retards have been asking the government to regulate social media companies. right wingers like to pretend that breaking TOS agreements and getting a resultant jusitified banning is being a victim of bias.


>the intellectual dishonesty of this post

Coulda have skipped all the rest and just said she's swedish.


It absolutely is when leftwingers are allowed to break those same rules constantly so long as they're attacking the right targets.

None of that is as bad as Obama and never got impeached.


How do you even get these?

yes, yes i'm a new'fag' answer my question will ya?

Probably does happen, but I don't know if that applies here

Based for calling out the furtranny menace.

You still can't tell us in a crystal clear manner a single illegal thing he did that deserves impeachment.
Jesus fuck, trump derangement syndrome is a real thing. I thought people were memeing this whole time about it but I can clearly see what it means now.

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Read the FAQ.

literally everything i said is true and documented
and most of the things i listed trump and his swamp friends straight up admit to
>none impeachable if they were true
at best, you MIGHT be able to argue the president directly interfering in business agreements and the stock market isn't impeachable, but that is a stretch since those are still wanton abuses of executive power
all of the other offenses are 100% impeachable. nixon's articles of impeachment included obstruction of justice, and bribery is one of the only offenses specifically listed in the impeachment clause of the constitution.

It's amazing, we're 2.5 years into Trump's presidency and people are still pretending he's not a disaster despite the constant flood of evidence. The average MAGAtard must have sub-70 IQ.

I hate SJWs, but bullying MAGAtards is so satisfying. They're such whiny little bitches.

what??? how delusional are you?
what did obama do wrong that even got close to any of these?

I hope they win and blizzard gives them their names back, but these people never play by their own rules.

>*gets blue checkmark*
>Say a single thing that doesn't confirm with far left American identity politics
Yeah, nah, cunt. Social media needs to be made into utility already, we live in the age of mass communication. Social media is a vital part of every day life and regulating it shouldn't be at the whims of people who can arbitrarily decide to silence anyone with no repercussion. And before you have drumpf meltdown, I'm not American, nor white, I don't even live in the fucking western hemisphere.

Created ISIS.

Ironic coming from a drumpfag

Became president while not being a citizen.

God damn. This retarded paranoid teenager has already aged poorly.

They should have renamed their guild Obama

Nice, might check out classic to see how it is

His fake birth certificate. The only thing I disapprove about Trump is how he stopped investigating it. At least he’s dismantled everything the Kenyan Usurper tried to do to our country.

NSA spy deones

Examples of times where liberals have broken the rules?
If the moderation seems lopsided, then the most likely explanation is that the infractions are lopsided.

I feel like these threads are made by resetera so they can then have an excuse to spread their dumb ass opinions.


Just rename it the Clinton fanclub and start killing people lmao

I can't even comprehend how much of a corporate shill you'd have to be to get butthurt about some teenager protesting global warming

Eric Holder sold guns to the mexican cartels then claimed executive privilege to shield Holder from congress

Bill Clinton ;)

I want the resetera raid to end

>source: dude trust me i read an msm headline
Provide the proof then.

She's white

I'm mr.t and I'm a night elf TRUMP

And that's a good thing

If there's one thing Trumps presidency has been good for, it's exposing the double standards and hypocrisy of the left.

Yes he has a red hat in the background with it

I thought about reporting/bandwagon against him out of boredom and drama but its just not worth my time.

But enough about Clinton.

Massive slush fund given to Iran

It doesn't count when we do it!!!

>talk in general chat
>talking about Pokemon
>people are discussing their favorites
>I say that I always considered bulbasaur my trump card
>next day my account is suspended for 24 hours
>because I said the word "trump"

Attached: wait what.jpg (306x313, 38K)

Why are trumpcels so obsessive about inserting him into every aspect of their lives?

LOL, funny

this one is pretty funny too
for those that don't get the joke, turmp said that obama "founded" isis. hugh hewitt interviewed him and asked
>"i get what you mean, you mean obama destabalized the region and allowed isis to form. you don't LITERALLY believe that obama founded isis."
>"no i literally believe obama founded isis"

>eric holder is incompetent therefore all of the bad stuff trump does intentionally does not matter
are you retarded?

It's either very elaborare b8 or you should go back to your r/teenagers or some shit, you type like you're literally 12 years old

Quick go make another called

He’s the greatest thing to happen to our country. Period. We’re just excited that all the horrible shit Obama put us through is over, and every day is better than the last.

are you referring to the iran deal?
the deal that multiple countries signed and was working effectively?
the deal that trump withdrew despite objections from his advisors and for no reason other than to spite obama?

lol good
Fuck the alt-right

I love how rightists complain about unnecessary politics in their media but don't care when it's politics that panders to them. :)

>make guild called YANGGANG
>100+ members strong
Get fucking rekt Trumptards

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The Zerg is an allegory for immigrants and the Protoss is the dying white race.

how is it "bait" if everything i am posting is the truth?
you guys are refusing to defend any of the criminal acts i posted about trump, and pathetically trying to deflect to obama (despite having nothing to deflect to)
your refusal to address anything i listed about trump proves that you admit they are true and that you are intentionally ignoring them because of your preconceived biases

Imagine how bad your foreign policy has to be if you destabilize a region even more than the wars that got us there.

>sexuality is political
why are american negros allowed to post on this board

meant for this kid

that was hugh hewitt's best interpretation of what trump was saying when he said "obama founded isis"
you shouldn't take that statement as fact
really, you shouldn't take anything trump says as fact

>*gets blue checkmark*

This is literally unironically never happened. Stop going on /pol/ you paranoid 17-21 year old white male.

>He’s the greatest thing to happen to our country. Period.
Nah I'm pretty sure that's Neil Breen.

Imagine pretending the right cared about being nice to foreigners

You type like you don't belong here, it's the little things. Nobody says "LOL, funny" or "for those that don't get the joke". That's not how you conduct discussion here. You out yourself as a redditor with every post you make

nonwhites dont matter


they will say its cause they dont want people instigating

but really its because some HR spic with green hair has the final say

You really can't argue against the fact Obamas withdrawal from the region led to the creation of ISIS or at the very least helped them grow.

>game puts in one gender ambiguous character in the game
omg they're literally trying to destroy the fabric of wholesome American values!

oh but the name obama was never banned from wow how is that ok?

>one group pushes transvestites everywhere
>people who have an invested desire to shill for trannies are always democrat voters
>dude this is not political
Uh huh. That's like putting a scientist at the top of an elite team in a videogame wearing a hijab and denying it's political.
Oh wait, that happened, in Horizon.

Trump is unironically far more intelligent than you, you pretentious dumbass.

Probably because Obama isn't a hatemonger and hasn't spawned mass shooters

How about enforcing a ban on political names chosen by only rightwing aligned players?

i've been here far longer than you trumpshill
you phoneposters came here in 2015 from reddit and never left
you don't belong here, and you never have. in your own words

>started an unnecessary trade war that is bankrupting several farmers
>worldwide embarrassment
>tactless, brutish
>revolving door staff
>several troubling allegations about adultery, cheating, pedophilia, sexual harassment
>ballooning deficit
>pointless "wall" (fence), mexico isn't paying for it
>hillary not in jail
>lies every single time he opens his mouth
>record low approval ratings

yikes. if this is the best for you i don't want to see the worst.

That's not how it went down. Pretty much everybody knew Iran was bullshitting.
No, I'm referring to the $1.7 billion ransom Obama authorized. The actual impeachable offense.

>not inspiring racial hate
>not spawning mass shooters
lmfao stay in reddit sweetie

even fans of the guy deep down know that's not true. he's charismatic.

>Rightwing aligned
How do you know they're right wing?

which is the most beneficial interpretation hugh hewitt could come up with. and when he tried to get trump to agree with that interpretation:
>"i get what you mean..... you don't literally believe...."
trump denied it, and admitted he literally believes obama founded isis

I think its kind of cute that the word trump doesnt have any meaning to people besides a name. Like get a fucking dictionary lol

Lmfao you don't actually believe trump is a hatemonger and has spawned mass shooters, do you?
What a koolaid drinker

>not inspiring racial hate
>not spawning mass shooters
Not a fan of Obama, but he literally did none of that

what're you talking about?


Oof if you don't think Obama caused racial divides resulting in mass shooters, you may not be ready to discuss politics.

You mean everyone?

>tweeting is now an impeachable crime


You sure showed him with those buzzwords.

I can't tell if the Drumptards are genuinely living under a rock or if you're all shitposting teenagers.

>>one group pushes transvestites everywhere
That has nothing to do with sexuality you low iq baltimore negro.
>>people who have an invested desire to shill for trannies are always democrat voters
Still has nothing to do with gay people. Not to mention the fact that being a tranny is a demonstratable mental illness and once again not political. That would be like saying borderline personality disorder is political if a group you dont like talks about it.

You're actually so mentally retarded you dont understand how retarded you are.

Some of those mass shooters could've been his son.

That's only because when niggers do it, it's called something else

if you don't think Obama spawned racial hatred you actually might be a fucking idiot. I don't think any president spawns mass shooters because thats retarded.

He made the entire left wing look like even bigger morons for losing to him

>Pretty much everybody knew Iran was bullshitting
wrong. this is literally the exact opposite of reality.
every country involved in the deal was getting what they wanted. the US and its allies were getting inspections of iran's nuclear facilities, and confirmed multiple times that iran was complying with the deal and not enriching past the deal's limits.
iran was getting increased oil trade and reduced sanctions.
everyone, including all of trump's senior military and diplomatic advisors at the time, wanted to stay in the deal but expand on it (make more deals addressing things like regional conflicts and terrorism).
trump literally only pulled out of the deal to spite obama. read the leaked cables from the british ambassador. i just linked them. spiting obama was literally the only reason to pull out of the deal - there was no other justification for pulling out.

Looks like Sweden, user.

So when incels shoot up a school that's just gang violence?

Over the past century of U.S. history there has been only single president who didn't commit any "war crimes" and he is generally regarded as a massive pussy because of it

>obama wanted black people to not be discriminated against

>Yea Forums - liberals cry about trump and post their waifus

ugly potato child.

Imagine how much people from this board alone gave nublizz money for classic as if classic wow and retail wow are made by separate companies lmao

"punch a nazi" is a leftist catchphrase over on twitter, notch said "punch a commie" and was suspended indefinitely until he deleted the "offending" tweet


Based as fuck

How can you blame the left for losing when it's right wingers who made Trump win?

>pretending he's not a disaster despite the constant flood of evidence.
There is literally not a single shred of evidence.

>The average MAGAtard must have sub-70 IQ.
That's still more impressive than the mental capacity of liberals, who have the sentience of a sperm cell.

Sue them for breach of contract. It's clearly not an offensive name so for them to evoke a name change violates their TOS that allows them to change offensive names.
TOS are contracts and binds both ways.

Post your face

>they got banned
welp time to give blizz ALL of my money

MAGAtards are what you get when losers aren't bullied enough in school. Delusional and entitled.

stop discriminating against these people
>also Obama
creates regulation that discriminates against people

>he forces a bunch of section 8 niggers into white middle class neighborhoods
gee i wonder why he would do this.

liberals statistically are better educated and more intelligent, though.

only if they're black

>kid named michael pence cant use his real name anymore because stupid people are buthurt they lost a election 4 years ago

this has nothing to do with politics

No. You’re the koolaid drinker. You’re being manipulated by /pol/fags and pundits. Open your fucking eyes.


>Make a guild named Trump to incite and rile people up due to how polarizing he is
>Cry about blizzard denying your troll effort
Yep /pol/ has infected classic. Just saw my server's world chat say the native Americans deserved the genociding, and PR should just be bombed

Why you sure showed me with those examples from the 1960's
>muh joke that went too far!
Ahh yes all those conservatives getting angry about Dave Chappelle

Where did i mention complaining about "unnecessary politics" in my post? You're responding to a conversation that exists in your head

im pro-trump and i love Whitemane!

Attached: 1568592201622.jpg (1117x2400, 401K)

i guy named Mike Pence in a guild called Trump, user. don't pretend to be retarded.

>There is literally not a single shred of evidence.
all of his advisors keep quitting or getting fired and then they keep talking about how much of a disaster the white house is. You genuinely have to be lying or retarded to ignore it. It's been happening constantly for 2 and a half years.

>t. Tranny

>a study made by liberals says they're more intelligent
gee whiz. do you believe every study you read? retard. there's a study that says conservatives are more handsome and happier with their lives, do you believe that one?

good to know blizz doesn't allow promoting terrorism ingame anymore
i think there is a guild on my server called "make america great again", i'm going to report them now

You do realize that property owners have to apply for section 8 right?
Obama put black people in w.e. section 8 houses were available.
It's not his fault property owners of middle class houses applied for section 8

it's all impeachable. impeachment is not a criminal procedure.

>trump is a card game
>trump is also used when beating someone

not him but im a tranny and not even i talk like that. thats just a sòyboy cuck with no spine and no principles

>due to how polarizing he is
lol can't even mention the fucking president of the united states because some people will get mad. What a clown.

>t. Nazi fucktard

you're an inhuman son of a bitch. You deserve nothing less than a bullet for supporting mass murder

>the president of the USA
LMFAO maybe stop being a crybaby bitch?

They're too weak for Trump, which is why quit or get fired.

>Open your fucking eyes
To what exactly? Where do you get your political views from?

You're a buffoon, faggots are dnc marionettes, shoehorning them is a clear endorsement.

He's not the genius he claims to be, but he's definitely a fair bit smarter than your average American to have weaseled his way into office. He only makes a point of talking about his IQ because he knows average to stupid people gobble that shit up like horoscopes. It's a way to connect with voters.

A leader of a country can't be polarizing? Is that what you're saying here?

Um, sweaty, communists mass murdered more people than nazis.

TOS only binds one way, the entire point of video game TOS' has always ultimately been "we can do whatever we want and you can't hold us liable for it". Also I'm sure there's a clause in there that disallows you from referencing real world persons or "impersonating" real world figures. Which Blizzard is allowed to do in WoW because of course they are.

I simply read and listen to what the liberals say, and do the complete opposite, that's how I know I'm doing the right thing. I learned this ironically from a woman, of all people.

you can not agree with him but to screech at the very sound of his name is as crybaby as it gets, faggot.

Whataboutism. I'm not going to let you get away with that Nazi shithead.

Guild name: Hitlerian Youth
Soros's Sorority Group
China Community Welcoming Party
Epstein's Bathub

Yeah, rich people vote conservative to pay less tax. That's obvious user.
Liberals ARE statistically more intelligent. That's a fact. If you don't believe that then you shouldn't believe that niggers cause more crime.

/pol/ is always right

Hopefully one day you will decondition yourself from the propaganda you have been forcefed since birth and realize it.

You don't have to be intelligent to weasel your way into office. You have to be charismatic, and have a lot of money. He's likely on part with normal people, but looks worse because he's old as shit now.

Where is the original clip of this? I'm salty and I need a cute to calm myself

measuring intelligence isn't definite, measuring crime is. if you were so intelligent you'd know that. eat shit, retard.

As a homosexual far right person you're quite possibly the least intelligent poster on this board.

Where were you 8 years ago

But most niggers are liberal so your statement is false.

I'd suggest

You don't get it. I'm a communist. Mass murder is great.

it doesn't matter. obama is ruining peoples neighborhoods with this bullshit. bill clinton already tried something similar and it bombed.

>A 2011 study sponsored by HUD found that adults using more generous Section 8 vouchers did not get better jobs or get off welfare. In fact, more went on food stamps. And their children did not do better in their new schools.

>Worse, crime simply followed them to their safer neighborhoods, ruining the quality of life for existing residents.

>“Males … were arrested more often than those in the control group, primarily for property crimes,” the study found.

>Dubuque, Iowa, for example, received an influx of voucher holders from projects in Chicago — and it’s had a problem with crime ever since. A recent study linked Dubuque’s crime wave directly to Section 8 housing.

under obama they even had to take known criminals and have to accept section 8 vouchers by penalty of law.

>Anticipating NIMBY resistance, Castro last month threatened to sue suburban landlords for discrimination if they refuse even Section 8 tenants with criminal records. And last year, he implemented a powerful new regulation — “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” — that pressures all suburban counties taking federal grant money to change local zoning laws to build more low-income housing (landlords of such properties are required to accept Section 8 vouchers).


ah yes 8 years ago when a guild name, Obama, got banned because conservatives cried at the sight of it?????

user, he's saying that a leader of a country can't be polarizing

which is a completely fucking retarded thing to believe. nice try attempting to distract, though.

not born yet

He's not charismatic either. He just is good at pandering to the lowest common denominator. Better than any other politician at it arguably.

Who needs intelligence or charisma when you can just rile up a bunch of retards.

why are you lying?


user, nobody was making "Obama" guild names because most people aren't retarded and define themselves entirely by their politics

>this reading comprehension
do you even understand what im saying you stupid retard? read my post again.

/pol/fags are subhuman and I can't wait til Yea Forums gets bought by someone who isn't a gook fucktard so they all get doxxed, publicly shamed for being hideous creeps, and possibly serial murdered

Haha, so what do you think about the IQ of blacks?

He definitely inspires a weird almost cult-like devotion in him, which very much is charisma. you don't have to be intelligent to be charismatic.

granted, a lot of it also hinges on the timing of when he ran.

oh no, honey, sweetie, does mommy know you're up so late throwing temper tantrums on the internet again?

Attached: Finally+a+kid+posting+morbid+just+for+the+sake+of+_5d5a97d698512fd0fbd05abefdc07664.png (300x200, 62K)

>He just is good at pandering to the lowest common denominator
That's not true. He doesn't seem to pander to you, but he sure does get you all riled up. :^)

>this complete red herring
what exactly does that have to do with our conversation? lmfao

Niggers are niggers

billionaires are generally known to be dumber than the people that criticize them.

Why don't you just fucking leave, then? You have your own sites.

>if I say "read my post again", people won't pay attention that I said something fucking retarded

The word "Trump" can have multiple meanings you retard.

Answer and find out!

>defending any politician regardless of party in the current year

big yikes from me, amigo. Only person you should hold accountable is yourself

>people born into money are automatically more intelligent

You are definitely way lower than me bro.

generally they have about double the IQ of trump supporters

Show me on the doll where the hatefacts touched you.

that's what I thought you have nothing. sit, faggot.

Capitalism’s victims are already in the billions using the standard approach of actually killing an individual

naming yourself trump isn't political
naming yourself clinton isn't political

banning those words because they hurt feefees IS political

Go buttfuck your cousin, you hideous freak. Actual human beings are having a discussion here

Trump wears orangeface and has funny hair. He's racist against Oompa Loompas!1 Impeach!!

Attached: OompaLoompa2.jpg (620x349, 150K)

Capitalism isn't a political ideology.

I hate blizzard but trolling polfags is the height of humor. I'm going to buy a blizzard game just to support this. Bravo.

>Why don't you just fucking leave, then? You have your own sites.
>confusing Yea Forums with /pol/

That's how you know somebody started coming here in 2016.

Not him but you're obviously responding to the wrong person. Perhaps you should read before responding with some defensive shitpost

>unironically using Šoy words

must have struck a nerve

We should ban and burn all copies of The Art of the Deal. And scrub any scans from the internet as well.

>"we support Trump just because it upsets liberals"
>"Okay well that's trolling and trolls get punished"

I've been here for 10 years, why don't you go back to cuckchan? OH WAIT YOU GUYS GOT SHUTDOWN FOR BEING EDGY RETARDS AHAHAHA

>being this retarded
holy shit lmfao its not my fault you cant comprehend a simple point.

You're not wrong but you are a faggot for wanting to dox anonymous imageboard posters

Attached: 1252469876360.jpg (177x219, 19K)

pretty sure its against the rules to use anything political and its been like this since day 1

>wanting to avoid political crap that'll make more work for the game's moderators
that's what it ultimately comes down to. can bitch and moan how retarded it is that it'll cause way more work because people can't control themselves, but it's the reality of things.

I though the idea of TDS was well known? Why are people pretending all of a sudden that it's not a thing?

>Can't even answer the question
Go filibuster on Facebook instead

>a-anyone can turn a million loan into multiple billions!

lmfao I assume you always bring up irrelevant points when you get BTFO

Correct. Also all billionaires are self made, and that's a fact.

>not him
I accept your concession

If that happened would anyone be worse off, honestly?

Rich people vote democrat user, progressives are literally the wealthiest demographic in america.

Man, I can't wait for government regulation of big tech companies
>you must allow free speech

Whatever helps you sleep at night, I suppose. More power to you.

>trumplets are absolutely seething

Trump supporters are fucking children and its good to see a company treating them as such. Fuck off and die you idiotic drones.

why would we ban a book written by an anti-trump guy?

Maybe so, but after years of watching them pretend to be hardasses on here, can you really blame me for wanting to see their lives ruined? Id love to see them get harrassed

>turning millions into billions

Then neither is communism.

But both of those are examples of the same kind of politics and displays the hypocrisy of the people behind the product.

The truth does help me sleep at night, yes.

Link is dead, did they delete this forum post?

Telling players what politics they can or can't agree with is another pretty clear example of the former being abused by the staff.

that's what he did, yes.

Alliance will name report you and your guild if you ever so much as even look at them, let alone defend yourself from a gank or God forbid kill one of them. I got banned from a name report seconds after killing a hunter that tried to gank me, and I know it was because of my name. Buttman is too offensive but you can be named thicctiddygothbih or gaysexual or some other stupid shit.

>Rich people vote Democrat
Lmao I can see you've never had a real job before

2006, actually, but you'll say I'm lying.
Never been there, dumbass.

Probably. They're a game company, not a political discussion board.
Everyone's got to shove their fucking politics into vidya these days.

This post has less self awareness than the shit I just took

>The truth does help me sleep at night, yes.
You're a funny guy


It literally is just a word though. Obama, Sanders, or Clinton would probably be kosher even though you would never "hillary" someone with a superior scheme

Attached: am buthart mehn.gif (500x282, 671K)

So did inflation. Let's vote for inflation

Why not?

I mean yeah, lmfao

>that's what he did, yes.

Does anyone have an archive of the original thread? Archive[dot]is turns up nothing

No shit, theyre economic systems
Also, communism is pretty based, but /pol/ will just point at China & Russia and pretend they were ever communist. The definition of communism is a stateless society, and those were states. Ironically all the lolberts here are just misguided commies

>as a [convenient token to prove wrong]
Kill yourself larper retard.

lmao. im on thunderfury and ive seen that guild advertised before

LMFAO we all know you wouldnt do shit with a million dollars

>measuring intelligence isn't definite, measuring crime is.

Measuring crime is far from definite. Between racially biased police officers and juries, and general search rates of blacks vs whites indicate that blacks are very over-policed. Not saying they're not committing the crimes, just that white people aren't as heavily scrutinized or punished when they do get caught.

For the same reasons capitalism isn't an ideology or political

I'd put it in a bank and live comfortably off the interest

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No fucks given, subhuman. I'd love to watch you suffer. Only a forest gump level IQ would be conservative

>stateless society
So you want the amish? Good luck.
Communism is not just about economics, it comes with "equality" which goes beyond money.

>2006, actually, but you'll say I'm lying.
There's an easy way to check. What is long, hard, and full of shit?


And what are those reasons?

>Rome will never collapse, dumb Republicans! so what if the Republic is over, doesn't matter, Rome is eternal, it will literally never end!

>the murder, assault, and rape rate of blacks isnt definite because cops are racist
LMFAO liberals are so fucking pathetic.

>Why can't we have "Trump" for a guild name, with characters named after people associated with him?
>this thread
now imagine this thread over an entire server. stupid to have to moderate that.
you millennials are fucking retarded as shit.

learn to google

You're prejudices are incongruent with reality

Attached: Progressive-Activist.png (715x940, 41K)

And yet Forest Gump was far more successful than you'll ever be. LMAO

K, but keep scorning boomers who bought a home and started a family with $4,000 saved up when you make 10x that much on federal minimum and can barely afford to update your graphics cards every other generation

I'm pretty sure Rome is still there.

>2006, actually, but you'll say I'm lying.
Of course you're lying because if it were true you'd know Yea Forums was, prior to '16, first and foremost anti-authoritarian. The left-right distinction did not exist. Yea Forums being an authoritarian conservative website is a new development.

Enjoy losing your money to inflation

If you're right wing or left wing I just hope you know you will never stop the political pendulum from swinging from left to right to left again unless we find balance in our lives.

I take it the person that did this will be fired for being a fucking baka.

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>thinking a million would generate enough interest for you to comfortable live
and thats why trump is smarter than you

literally no argument

Nazi references are not allowed in most games.

Yes it is.
Capitalism is the name prescribed to an economic idea whereas Communism is an ideology that tries to encompass all aspects of life and is not limited to economics.

>Progressive activists are rich
>Therefore the rich are progressive activists
Yeah I can see why you've never had a high paying job

>Living off of a measly 2.1% interest yearly.
Oh I am laughing.

Attached: Laughing negroid killers.png (2480x3507, 2.28M)

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>brings up a moot point on crime rates

Normally they're apathetic. This is changing their tune.
They went on South Park ffs. That's not even close to being PC.

im a lesbian voting for the peoples party of canada in the upcoming election. sperg out all you want but it doesnt change the reality of you being fucking nigger tier iq

I would say a trade school conservative mechanic is considerably more "educated" than a "liberal studies" degree liberal, despite the study attempting to state otherwise.

Yeah, Trump was a Nazi soldier on the German battlefield back in 1943. He worked for Adolf Hitler

Isnt celebrities or whatever names always banned anyways? Pretty sure it always was.
If they had been smart about it like naming it “npc brigade” “orange man bad” “wall builders” etc i think it would have been fine.

Name a rule that naming your guild after the POTUS breaks.
I'll wait.

But I don't have connections to the Russian mafia like Trump does. He's not smart, he just has connections.

You two dumb-dumbs are confusing two different social classes of people. The most highly educated and the most highly paid are not the same group of people. The highly educated tend to be fairly well off and vote democrat. The wealthy people the other poster is talking about are people that are many times wealthier than the highly educated people the other poster is referring to.

No, his bone spurs kept him from serving in the military, that and his cowardice.

Communism is just about economics as much as capitalism is. If you're going to stretch the definition of communism then you can't deny capitalism is a political ideology.

If he was he would've run for the dems

>can't afford to keep the servers up due to inflation

Attached: 1561940179519.png (625x626, 86K)

literally incapable of responding against a basic argument

that's nice, I'm sure you would say that

How long ago was that lol? They're not even close to being the same company now

Do you not understand averages user?

>Implying the left follows the rules. Even the ones they set themselves.
If only you knew how bad things really are.
Why do 15% of the US population commit over half of all crime? Is it racism?

Attached: Hugh Jimmy Newtron Redpill 2.png (963x936, 837K)

>So you want the amish? Good luck.
No, he's referring to the free market Utopia that libertarians dream of.

right, user, keep telling yourself that.

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you know this is a deflection, maybe 5% of conservative voters are tradies


If I was in charge I'd make it bannable offence to even have those names in your username just because you're a fucking IDIOT for voting for those buffoons into the office. Now they're going to destroy the country and your dumbass white hick brain thought it was a good idea to support him.

That being said. Democracy is a joke. The fat orangutan lost by 3 million votes and still became president.


communism can't come soon enough.
>Get to neet it up all day
>Get paid for it by government

Attached: 1310677399397.png (500x410, 147K)

Anyone with a formal education will disagree with you. Learning 1001 ways to fix plumbing pales in comparison to even the wishy-washiest of liberal arts degrees. Even people specialized in really stupid degrees like gender studies still went through a general education curriculum that included maths and sciences much harder than anything trade school will show you.

user, the epstein thing is way bigger then Dems and Repubs. It's why they need to keep people distracted with stupid shit happening in Washington.

I don't like any politician, but this pisses me off because it's clearly biased.
I don't like censorship full stop.

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Do you not understand what I just posted? What does that have to do with averages? You really are stupid

Being a NEET all the time only works if you pretend you're getting a job user.
Otherwise, your NEETbux becomes nothing due to inflation.

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That's not how greentext is used.

It's clearly a business decision, not some morality decision. teens and twenty-somethings on a game server aren't going to be able to not fly off the handle about it, so they nipped it in the bud.

People forget everything taught in GE because it's not pertinent to the degree, for the most part.

GE is just to keep pay for tenured teachers.

You're retarded beyond words.

But is any of even that even useful on a day to day basis? All you need is basic addition. People's fucking smartphones basically do anything that involves multiplication or spelling any word more complicated than "shield" correctly.

I will, because it's the truth

It takes courage to be a Nazi soldier

>communism can't come soon enough.
>Get to neet it up all day
>Get paid for it by government

That future is never coming you delusional retard. The best welfare days have already past and I can't wait to see willfull parasites like you starving in the streets while hordes of poverty tier immigrants reduce your per capita GDP to the levels of a South American country.

you'd neet it up in a gulag with no food

what the two genders have to do with politics?

>This fat faggot actually thinks he's not going to be put against the wall by commissar Clint and Tyrone
Yes of course you're going to be one of the loyal card holders of the proletariat user.
>There are rules on how to greentext.

Attached: Why.jpg (638x550, 121K)

Delusions by definition are not true.

So would the Clintons, the prince of England and several other world leaders so I'm not sure what your point is

>resetera faggot comes on here and tries to tell us how greentexting works

But it's not a delusion

communism is the exact opposite of that you dumb cunt
you will be forced into manual labour

>all these triggered replies

Is there a Lolita express guild I can join in WoW thanks


What was wrong about its usage?

You ever played Overwatch?

>got completely btfo
reddit faggots are truly something else

>this entire thread
I've seen better threads on Yea Forums, this board is fucked.

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Punctuation, entire sentences, using greentext on stuff that would be perfectly fine as normal text.

Your GE requirements aren't so much to prove what you learned so much as that you were able to learn it at all. It demonstrates that, should you try, you can manage to not be a dumb fuck. It's knowing how to learn that's the key.

>But is any of even that even useful on a day to day basis? All you need is basic addition. People's fucking smartphones basically do anything that involves multiplication or spelling any word more complicated than "shield" correctly.
Abstract problem solving skills developed by maths and science are applicable no matter what you're doing. Not to mention there is a fair bit of merit in basic algebra beyond simple addition for daily life use.


Everyone knows this. All these conservative pundits who go around shilling trade schools all have degrees from real colleges.

Now you're in denial too.

That's all that Yea Forums is nowadays. A (you) game where anons say the most inane shit just for replies.
Even 2013 Yea Forums was better. Atleast it was relatively funny with it's shitposts.

Attached: (((Destroyer of countries))).png (1074x812, 367K)


For the sake of a social experiment do the following:

Make another guild and call it and see how long it lasts.

Attached: 1550416256773.webm (1280x720, 3M)

>unnecessary trade war
China legitimately needs to be reigned in, and there's damn near no way to do that other than a trade war. Trump's an imbecile but this trade war is better than just doing nothing like we've been doing and hoping China would come around to slowing their industry.

Conservative pundits shilling trade schools aren't saying people who go to trade schools are more intelligent. They're saying there's value in them, and college is not for everyone. Which is true.

It's the one user who said more intelligent people likely go to trade school, which people are poking fun of.

>thinking maggie was remotely decent
>not thinking james was the best player that season

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Why are conservatives trying to gaslight everyone else?

>pretending like people use the fucking abstract thought college algebra teaches you
we all know this doesnt work and we all know most people just do the work and forget everything they learned weeks after the class is over. GE classes are worthless. if they were useful, you'd have people not engaged like they are now in politics, i.e. ban Trump from WoW because it makes me upset.

>looking for nintendo related podcast that isn't run by faggots and dickheads
>try GoNintendo podcast
>5 minutes in, someone mentions that a pokemon looks like trump
>hear shrill woman's voice say "um, can you please not say that word on this podcast?"
>immediately delete
is there anyone that likes nintendo that doesnt fist themself to sleep at night? am i the only one?

Attached: 1555514027348.jpg (1200x960, 158K)

>triggers libtards, trannies and SJWs
He's fucking based

Attached: Trump.jpg (1160x773, 133K)

The blizzard mods are far better than the 4channel mods, I reported this thread like and hour ago and they still haven't done shit.

>/pol/cels in full damage control tonight


No one's buying it faggot

Attached: 1563992693754.jpg (2500x2143, 514K)

most aren't trying to gaslight, most have drank the koolaid and are proselytizing.
lot of the pundits are gaslighting. people naturally are more inclined to believe things that align more with their biases, and make excuses when it doesn't line up.

What is
I'm sure some college drop-out can easily perform these jobs thanks to the GE courses they took at schlomostein's tax-funded university.

Attached: (you).jpg (850x850, 62K)

What about all the gamers that are Trump supporters?
Load of crap. They did this for publicity at best, though more likely because they have one rogue employee who's a massive hispanic/chinese faggot, likely Chinese because even spics know better than this shit.
I'd be freaking out as an executive seeing this shit. It's unnecessary and it damages the reputation of the company. You need to be NEUTRAL or you risk ostracising a potential group of buyers.

That said, something smells fucky. I smell espionage perhaps.

Attached: 1563751428134.jpg (480x478, 24K)

Physical sciences and mathematics are still pretty sane because they can't lower the standards of these degrees without it being really noticeable.

Attached: 1554876123826.jpg (395x416, 25K)

do you want to cry some more you manbaby faggot?

okay we've literally hit rock bottom we're merging with /bb/

Obama wasn't a good president just because he triggered conservatives.
Same deal with Trump, user.

Must be tough going through life with this level of intelligence. Watching you brain short circuit because it can't internalise that modern politics doesn't reflect your 1960's world view. If you concede that democrats are the most educated how are they not also the most wealthy? There is a direct correlation between education and wealth but you're implication is the billionaire class full of uneducated retards.

Attached: Dem-Wealth.png (636x149, 8K)

dilate tranny

This is you. This is each and every person in this thread right now.

Attached: 2829903219dd1c4b94e0a3528862a940.jpg (225x350, 20K)

Are you retarded or just the goodest goy?

Attached: 1416334888648.jpg (296x314, 21K)

Don't misinterpret what I said; Trade school educated people are still very much needed in a society as those pundits are saying. It's in high demand, it's just not as mentally rigorous as higher education.

If you're white then you're in the overwhelming minority

>What about all the gamers that are Trump supporters?
Most gamers aren't making guilds/names based around currently running political figures, trump supporter or not. So what about Trump supporters? The teen/twenty-something variety would argue back with the non-supporting ones, which would be a big mess to moderate.

If there were no trump supporting gamers, this wouldn't be an issue, because nobody would argue back. Same if there were no trump haters on there.

>teenagers can't consent to sex because they're not mature enough
>they can be activists to complex matters in which the world still hasn't reached a consensus

>list of talking points shat out verbatim from various left groups
Really jogs my noggin dontcha know

Attached: tenor.gif (220x220, 99K)

Just change the guild name to ISREL

Yeah janitors are also necessary for society to operate but that doesn't make them smart.

>right-wing narrative is questioned
>immediately called a retarded Jew right on cue

Hmm, a pre-programmed response

is she heavily autistic or an aspie or something?

>as if you're not from SA yourself
this is why we need /vint/, because retards like you are always from South America.

>Your GE requirements aren't so much to prove what you learned so much as that you were able to learn it at all. It demonstrates that, should you try, you can manage to not be a dumb fuck. It's knowing how to learn that's the key.

A student can demonstrate their ability to learn by passing classes pertinent to their degree. There's no reason to saddle them with more costs associated with GE classes when they're only taken due to colleges forcing students to take them.

It's by no means important for someone studying chemical engineering to take a class on history of native Americans.

Also, certain degrees have certain math requirements prior to taken certain classes -- which makes them not GE requirements, but relevant to the major.

Again: a student can convey proper learning skills by passing the classes important to their degree. GE is a waste of time. If a student wants to take a class on gender theory ON THEIR OWN then go right ahead; students shouldn't be forced to spend more money on irrelevant classes.

Not really surprising wealthy people who are insulated from the consequences of democratic policies vote democrat because it makes them feel like good people.

But the world has reached a consensus, it's only conservatives who are still trying to pretend otherwise
So we should just ignore what conservatives say because they are clearly acting in bad faith

Weren't you like that in your 16s?

yeah she has autism. Autistic 16 year olds are now speaking for the left.

>The best welfare days have already past and I can't wait to see willfull parasites like you starving in the streets
lol not for corporate welfare leeches and their government subsidized buddies

That's not how it works.


Do you think she can see the co2 in this pic?

Attached: 62F5A3D7-4DE4-41EA-90B4-57E3AA57B608.png (1200x1200, 1.01M)

>people don't believe their actions should have consequences


>Autistic 16 year olds are now speaking for the left.
Conservatives are insulting climate activists because they are spiteful people. This is why the ideology is dying.

if a teen can be sent to war and die for their country, they can play a part in our country's decisions and discussions.

Well if the shoe fits.

Either way we don't get anything good ourselves.

It's hilarious seeing the undoubtedly lanklet beta nerds on this board projecting themselves onto right wing chads.

No wonder why this board is so left, it's full of weaklings.

Attached: IMG_20190922_233838.jpg (726x1412, 161K)

Are you stupid or something? I said that the rich vote conservative to reduce the taxes they pay. Then you posted some dumb shit about left wing activists being well off as though it was a point, when actually it's not. Then you said the word averages while relating it to nothing at all. And now you're saying something different again.
All because you want to believe that conservatives aren't rich, because you equate poorness with being political underdogs. You have not posted a single shred of evidence that supports your view.

But no sex?

>That's not how it works.
Well it should be.

>if a teen can do something physically, then mentally they're the same

autistic 16 year olds are now smarter than all conservatives

>Autistic 16 year olds are now speaking for the left.
user, even a trump supporter can see the obvious joke to swing back with here
or was this on purpose?

That's anything but communist. Communism doesn't support degeneracy. Remember, how were gays and trannies treated in Soviet Union? Right, they got put into mental asylum.

>we all know this doesnt work and we all know most people just do the work and forget everything they learned weeks after the class is over. GE classes are worthless.

Higher ed isn't for everyone, in fact it was specifically designed for people who actually had a desire for knowledge to stay and continue to pursue knowledge for their entire lives. Getting a degree for a job is a pretty recent thing.

Either way, being able to learn a few semesters of calculus and your choice of a hard science still demonstrates some level of cognitive ability even if you forget it right after. It's not WHAT you learned, it's how you learned it. You have now demonstrated that you are able to put effort in to understanding a reasonably complex subject.

wait, what exactly makes her smart? afaik she's just a mouthpiece for her family

>lol not for corporate welfare leeches and their government subsidized buddies
true true but you're retarded if you think communism is a viable solution to our current problems.

But it isn't. Become ruler of the world and maybe you can change that.

nobody said that, user
how embarrassing

conservatism is all about this belief

It's funny you mention drop outs since people on this board genuinely argue high school is a meme and will call you an elitist and get butthurt if you make fun of them for not having a HS degree or even a GED

It's not an insult; she actually has autism. I know it sounds like a conservative meme, but it's true.

Literally and actually based god.

something something love is war

But conservatives largely oppose welfare.

>bump limit reached
time for the thread to die, see you in the next shitpost

No different than your mouthpiece for your blindly followed ideology.

No conservatism is all about avoiding change. That's literally it user.

has enough basic sense to know that we shouldn't all kill ourselves because corporations tell us to


Everytime she's asked about specifics about what she stands for she goes "well.. just everything!" Yeah that's an intellectual right there.

Yeah like after 9/11, I remember all the peaceful conservatives preaching the evils of war

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the board is full of dropouts who try to convince themselves they're actually smarter for failing to finish school

>All because you want to believe that conservatives aren't rich, because you equate poorness with being political underdogs.

Most conservatives are not rich. The traits typical of the majority of republican voters are high school educated, white, evangelical christians. Really rich people also vote republican because it's good for them, but the overwhelming majority of the Republican base is poor and stupid white people that have been tricked in to voting against their interests.

Who is your daddy and what does he do?

I never argued against that, but I wouldn't call her smart either. I think she probably doesn't even quite understand wtf is happening around her, especially given that she's suffering from autism this heavy.

Holy fuck bro there is endless evidence that you're wrong. Notice how i'm the only one who has posted evidence in this thread. You said "rich vote conservative" then i pointed out that democrats on average are wealthier than republicans. I also pointed out that the wealthiest political demographic in america is left leaning.


Were there homodemons trying to tempt the doctor on Hacksaw Ridge?

He deported more illegals than Trump.

>I'm sure some college drop-out can easily perform these jobs thanks to the GE courses they took at schlomostein's tax-funded university.

Not right as they drop out, but if they completed a few GE courses they're more than smart enough to learn any trade so they just go to trade school so they're able to do any of those things.

>people still think communist is for the interest of the poor

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But most of the rich are conservatives. That's the point here, stupid. Do you understand the difference here? When you switch the words around it means something different. Get it?

Serious, what do you get out of discussing politics on Yea Forums other than SEETHING? You think the world is gonna change because some autists got mad on a ching chong ping pong forum?

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>Most gamers aren't making guilds/names based around currently running political figures, trump supporter or not
Who said? I used to see political names on shit all the time. It was shitposting. Jokes.
The fact that the company reacted is just going to make every dumb kid do this now.
They're fucking retarded like 80's/90's fundamentalist christian mothers I swear. Any action you have to this shit has an opposite reaction. The kids feed on this. They're not fucking going to stop if you tell them to. They hate being told what to do.

>If there were no trump supporting gamers, this wouldn't be an issue, because nobody would argue back.
Wrong. There have been political names since at least the bush era with online games. Used to be WAAAAAY worse with that shit. You'd have names like "giganigga2000".

What the fuck is wrong with you? It's like you've never played games or you are so young that you don't remember how it used to be. People have taken the piss out of politics since the dawn of the internet, especially in gaming communities.
You are so out of touch you have to be a troll.

>inb4 tl;dr
That excuse only works for Colin Powell.

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this post hit the bump limit. sorry your threads are terrible

Owooo look at these programming socks

He really didn't though.

>people don't think that this is an action that will have consequences
Are you retarded?

Clearly capitalism as it stands is working out fine and nothing should be done to change it, other than killing off poor people while allowing corporations to pilfer the government

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Depends on where you set your level of rich. If you mean the billionaire class, then yes you're right- they're mostly conservative. If your level of rich starts in a 6-digit income with eventual millions in savings, then no a majority aren't conservative.

When was that ever the case faggot?

You have a severe failure to understand basic logic.
Democrats may be on average more wealthy, but that doesn't mean that the rich are on average more democratic. See

tell that to the fbi

Prove anything you just said

Look at this schlomo who thinks he's smart for graduating at kikelberg's tax-funded school. Get a real job like welding or laying down pipe

This. What a bunch of assholes thinking it’s ok to support the president.

Clearly corporations are committing sudoku because of the opinions of idiots.
It's like they don't even understand the term "liberalism" at all. Where has it gone? All I see are troll nazis and christian mum tier neo libs.
It's completely backwards from when I was growing up in the early 00's. It's fucking hilarious. It makes zero sense.

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>Most gamers aren't making guilds/names based around currently running political figures, trump supporter or not.
People have been doing that in online games since Bush

Your president is a cunt and his supporters are cunts. This is not based on politics, it's a simple observation of your behaviour. A cunt is elected because he's a cunt, but that doesn't mean you have to be nice to the cunt.

Judges are such faggots. They deserve jail

People making low-6 digit incomes are people likely to have some degree of higher education- high school graduates don't make those numbers. People with higher education definitively skew liberal, as has been shown earlier in the thread. There's a reason all of the places with the highest cost of living are liberal leaning.

>Your president is a cunt and his supporters are cunts
But they're not the ones cracking down on free speech..
Do you like being gagged?
Are you masochist?
You are, aren't you?

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Are you an illegal or do you know one?

So the same as every other US president in your lifetime