Thinking of playing WoW (not classic) and starting a new character. Only briefly played it like 8 years ago

Thinking of playing WoW (not classic) and starting a new character. Only briefly played it like 8 years ago.

Am i retarded?

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Nah. You aint. Its not my flavor nowadays.

You are indeed, retail is an absolute joke of a game, let alone an mmo.

Yeah dont play Classic, go play retail when its in its absolute worst state its ever been in.

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If given the choice, which client type that regularly added new content (like retail) would you play the most if all were available? Keep in mind that retail is a default option and in my last poll, Classic+ won for pre-Cata while MoP+ won for post-WotLK.

>Retail (9.0)+ - More expansions and patches for retail which expansions presumably continuing to change up the game as much as we saw between MoP to WoD, WoD to Legion and Legion to BFA. The game continues as normal.
>Classic+ - A third client type that adds Classic-style content to the Classic world, building up patches and possibly expansions in the old style of world design, dungeon design, quest design and gameplay.
>MoP+ - Picking up after Siege of Orgrimmar, this client type pretends WoD, Legion nor BFA ever happened. New patches and expansions are regularly released adding MoP-style content. This content is not exclusively Pandaria-related whatsoever, only the style, gameplay and philosophy.

I don't know what your meme is supposed to convey, but retail is still fucking awful.

if im starting from level 1, i dont see what the issue could possibly be since itll take a while for me to even get to endgame

>My potions would kill a (dragon?), let alone a man!

technically speaking you have expansions worth of content to go through. It'll be more fun to play with a friend however. BFA in its current state is absolute garbage, and I advise to skip WoD as well.

Can you even play from the start in retail? Likat a certin point do they move you onto the next expac when you beat the final raid boss or whatever?

Retail wow would bore a dragon, let alone a man.

>BFA in its current state
There is no state in what BFA could be even the slightest bit enjoyable, in no universe

I meant in terms of 'the latest expansion', and the direction its taken. Once you did the main storyline it became a chore to play. Like every expansion theres hype built around it and then after a month it starts to die down. Some expansions do this quicker than others.
Don't get me wrong I hate BFA too, but it was at least slightly enjoyable during launch when you play through the main content. After that it wears off.

BFA is hot garbage wait until next expansion nothing can save it.

farming transmogs and mounts is not content
god retailfags are so pathetic

Settle down there incel. what does transmogs and mounts haft to do with playing expansions? The guy hasnt played WoW for 8 years.

There's nothing to retail anymore. People just log in, complete their dailies, weeklies and monthlies and then log off. The world pvp is dead on pretty much every server, too, as most every server is 90+% Alliance or Horde.

Also, the leveling experience is miserable. I did it from 1-110 and saw a grand total of maybe ten people the entire time outside of dungeons. And those dungeons were mindless jump from one group to the other without saying a single word, then leave immediately after it's done.

because thats all the old expansion content you can do you turbocuck. You cant do old raids or dungeons normally

>There's nothing to retail anymore. People just log in, complete their dailies, weeklies and monthlies and then log off.
Then what's the point of anything in Retail?

Hello, retard here
Does BFA mean the retail version?
Are they seperate?

>because thats all the old expansion content
not to him it isnt.

>You cant do old raids or dungeons normally
Ah but you can. Just walk in there bud.

I want you to level a character to 20 on retail, it will only take a few hours, then level a character to 20 on Classic.

Then come back here and make a new thread, the title can be "Fuck me how did retail get everything so wrong? By the way I love classic thanks random user"

You're welcome in advance.

Nobody plays retail user. It's beyond dead.
Classic is the new hotness. Tons of girls will fall on love with you and your dick will grow 8 inches if you start playing RIGHT NOW

try both. you're paying one sub for both. try both and see which one you like more

literal fucking retard
didnt expect much from a braindead retailfag though

Retail means current wow, which is battle for azeroth
We call it retail to differentiate between it and classic.

Real question is the problem with BFA and retail in general that they focus to hard on Raid content instead of pvp and exploration like classic? Or is it more that people do not like the leveling and daily grinds?

For me personally I hate BFA because I have hated dailies since TBC and I don't give a flying fuck about raids, I rather do hard 5 man dungeons.

you're the faggot

Thanks for conceding. Argument won.

>braindead retailfag though
Nice projection

>retail is the worst WoW!
>when WoD exists
>when Cata exists
>when Legion exists
Fuck off, BfA is the best WoW has been since MoP. The only thing dragging it down are the bullshit “features” Legion was praised for.
To OP: it’s comfy, especially on an RP server. Level at your leisure, find a nice group of friends or a guild, and dive into arenas or raiding. The lack of community isn’t the games fault, it’s the fault of faggots like in this thread who think this game is about min-maxing and speed running to 120 to mindlessly farm Mythic+.

mmos suck

The game is so bloated after so many expansions that 95% of the content is useless

Classic+ is the worst fucking idea. The last thing we need is vanilla faggots whining about their game changing for a second time and blasting the fucking airwaves for another 15 years. MoP was the best WoW has ever been but I still think the best move is to just apply Classic-style content (unique class quests, racial class abilities, longer quest lines that span the whole of leveling and the world, etc.) to retail in the next expansion. We don’t need to reset the world, we need to make it a damn RPG again instead of a Diablo-like edging on mobile game.

Yeah, enjoy spending more time leveling your fucking neck than your character then farming the timegated essences

BFA literally pruned skills to the point that classes pretty much lost all identity. Oh but don't worry they added a neck that you have to grind dailies to unlock a whole new skill!!!!! Leveling is also a chore since you get all your skills at lvl 60 so have fun going 60 levels with no new skills, and that also includes 110-120 since Blizzard had the ingenious idea of giving no one new skills.

At least Legion was fun at launch, it didn't become shit until you realized that you had to grind AP. I didn't mind the weapons themselves and how everyone had one since I just transmoged immediately. The only good thing about BFA is the new Kiran Tul race, but that is locked behind a shitty daily grind.

Classic is rich on leveling experience but shallow on endgame.
Retail is shallow on leveling experience but rich on endgame.
Make your choice.

Its literally everything. Comparing Classic and Retail is like comparing Retail and FF. Yes, there are some similarities, but overall they are completely different games.

People who like Classic what to play a race and class which matter, who have noticeable strengths/weaknesses in a world which feels connected and alive with a good community. Its content should promote and foster talking, partying up and playing together. Thats it basically. PvP and raiding are niche, its leveling/questing/dungeons which dominate classic players interest.

Wrong. Classic is rich on everything and retail has literally nothing to offer.

Good luck getting your Thunderfury. Its a bigger accomplishment than literally anything else in retail.

Some people are delusional.