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Game Engine Thread
Fuck Godot.
Haven't been able to make any real progress in terms of graphics due to my paycheck getting fucked this week but got about an hour of game done.
How can I contribute to indie projects if I have a CS degree but no game dev experience?
Buy CryEngine and start making textures
About ready to start up my first steps into tinkering with unreal engine, wish me luck
start making games
Make a game. Thats the answer to anyone interested in game dev, degree or no degree.
Learn. How. To. Make. Games.
but how to make game
install a game engine and read the docs, look up tutorials, learn programming/scripting, etc
Get to work.
Debating if I want to make my own engine for my pet project or not. Really the only thing stopping me is pathfinding, unless character positions are tile-based that sounds like an absolute fucking nightmare
download game maker/unity
Get a piece of paper.
Write some rules and a win condition
Playtest it.
If it's fun, refine it.
If it's not, find what's wrong and fix it.
After you edit, playtest it again.
Repeat until you have a game that's fun to play. THEN start thinking about programming.
Just start contributing. Nobody is stopping you. Get to work, faggot. No excuses I don't want to hear your BS.
How much of a pain in the ass will making a 3d game be if I'm a concept artist who knows how to model shittily? Do I have to spend months learning to code first?
this is the dumbest piece of advice i have ever read. how is are you supposed to playtest a game that's only done on paper?
>Write some rules and a win condition
you make this sound like it's much easier than it actually is. can you come up with rules and win conditions for 3 games on the spot?
If all you want is moving a thing around it can be done in 10 minutes, if you want Ace Combat you need a few months/a year.
not him, but git gud at game theory
do i have to work with pixel art only with game maker? can i use high-resolution tile sets and sprites?
> how is are you supposed to playtest a game that's only done on paper?
Tabletop RPGs are released as books, user...
R8 my chiptune boss track
you probably mean game design, but how would you suggest one get better at that? work at what?
yeah but this is a vidya board and i'm pretty sure the guy wasn't talking about fucking board games
Fuck, I want something more complex. How would you even learn to code for a videogame, just by making a bunch of shitty prototypes?
>just by making a bunch of shitty prototypes?
I'm making a roguelike in Pixel, a game development library for Golang.
I like it, also thanks for the FREE music nerd
I want a good game engine that I can use with delphi (which I already know really well)
Basically impossible though, unfortunately. I will have to use C# since C++ is too much work to learn just for a hobby.
Thanks, find more free music on my super-cool soundcloud.
rude, do you kiss my mother with that mouth?
>how is are you supposed to playtest a game that's only done on paper?
Look up desk check you fucking amoeba. Do you even know programming?
It's literally throwing a bunch of shit at the wall to see what sticks.
Just start with basic clones like a Mario clone in 2D and 3D to get used to the engine or if you plan on making one then testing your ability to create systems from scratch. It's not hard to make them. It's extremely hard to make it efficient with many objects Ideally this is all done in C++ unless Unity then be conscious of what it does when using the il2cpp compiler. Spoiler, it does a lot of extra checks to ensure that the game doesn't crash due to retards whereas UE4 will just crash the editor + game.
The alternative is to just work for a game studio :)
Paper prototyping is still practiced for video games, too. What, do you think digital artists don't draw sketches on paper before opening up Photoshop/Sai/CSP?
>envision an epic tone for your game
>no matter what you do it looks and feels cheap
My studio does paper prototyping since it allows for fast iteration and with any sort of decent imagination you can see it done in the game. Then eventually they pass the idea to engineers to create a quick prototype(s) of it in game then out of that to see if it's even worth pursuing.
Depending on the game, engine, and idea you might skip the paper prototype and/or in game prototype.
you're mixing art with game design now.
If you're literally not making games right now, wtf are you doing?
playing games
good shit man. thanks for the music
A pretty cool game like getting over it and jump king but for mobile.
I'm not going to ask you to post the tone(in case you think anyone will steal it if it's original) but what's making you feel it looks cheap?
If it's something like how genuine it feels the issue may be that you're trying too hard to make the tone. Tone is a very challenging thing to do at times as it needs to feel organic and not forced for the sake of it.
As a piece of general advice sit down and think about how the tone is being used. Does it feel forced? Why does it feel cheap? Maybe there's a piece of info in your plans for the tone that's coming across too heavy and thus making it feel manufactured.
Iteration is important but remember to sometimes sit down and think about why things failed and how you can better approach them. Also remember that sometimes adding more may not be the answer and to be prepared to try subtracting things as well.
Of course more info will help make this more specific to your issue but here's just some general advice.
i've programmed games since i was 11.
i looked up data checking. how is that supposed be used to playtest an interactive graphics application that hasn't even been created yet?
so you would advise a newcomer to gamedev to pull out some fucking cardboards and try to invent and simulate a brand new videogame before even attempting to learn how to code? yeah no that sounds like a horrible idea. also your studio is shit.
I may be thinking of the wrong thing but it's a process chart similar to something like psuedo-code where you run through what the basic principles of your mechanics are and how you intend for them to work.
It's supposed to help with planning out methodology of your mechanics and help you think about how to implement them and their behavior.
Mostly I've been working on detailing all my station exteriors, only 25 left to go and then I can die. Also took the time to redo some parts of the camera system, update models for certain celestial fixtures, and fix up some of the suns in the demo areas.
>i've programmed games since i was 11.
Well I guess 2 years of experience is better than zero.
I don't advise him to do so, but I was responding to the comment of 'board games' and how are you supposed to playtest it. It saves a lot of time and any sort of imagination would show that your idea is either fucking stupid or plausible.
>also your studio is shit.
Which also means new lighthouse models, finally.
Getting there slowly I suppose. Aiming for a demo later this year
great to see this still being worked on!
Worms clone, but they are making me used scheme. A very basic one
But I'm fucking lazy and nothing I work on will ever go anywhere anyways
r8 and h8 my game you fucks
> no pico8
> no phaser
> no gb studio
Getting close to finishing the script, but more and more I'm wondering at which point is there too much story?
I want to but I can't open Java files for some reason
What Should I go for?
>metal slug knock off
>sonic lost world + sonic and the black knight fusion
>2D sonic knock off
>pixelated voxel game with my fetish
Have you ever made a game before? They all sound insanely high scope.
I think you'd learn the most from the 2D Sonic game, but you'd end up with the best result with your unique idea.
So for a starter I should do a 2D knock off sonic game
Got it
Most pathfinding implementations use nodes which are essentially tiles anyway
There are always libraries to take care of the dirty work
Assuming you roll your own physics like a good boy (as would be necessary for a sonic clone), you're going to cry when you realize you don't know how to program slopes
Not trying to instill fear, only expectation
What 3d engine has the least overhead? I'm coming from making 2d games with small-impact frameworks where I had to make the engine myself
I'd like a similar experience for 3d, but without the "make the engine" part. What's out there?
Depends what you mean by overhead. Out of the the major engines, Unity is great at getting anything up and running in an instant. UE4 is great at performance once you understand how to do anything with it.