Sengoku Rance

The game officially came out so we're all discussing it again. Fantranslation saves are compatible.

Attached: 5 star game.jpg (1920x1080, 686K)

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I want to be Lia

Attached: lia2.png (1920x1080, 1.65M)

The Demon Army (why'd they translate it as Monster Army?) is fucking RNG as shit
The Shimazu Brothers + Nigress are literally impossible to kill (I've never landed an insta-kill on them so I don't even know if that works)

Are there special requirements to be able to capture the Mouri sisters outside of conquering them, or am I just getting really unlucky?

Do the all or nothing battle event

Attached: 60056936-B6DC-40F0-AED6-D0E0447243BF.jpg (666x917, 152K)

They also get captured automaticaly once you conquer moury.

>Fantranslation saves are compatible
i can't believe i kept this game around for this long. but i still can't really bring myself to play it. burnt myself out too hard.

Attached: lolyama.jpg (800x600, 109K)

Worth buying or just wait for a patch to fix the official translation?

No one cares