Gears 5-CODEX

Buyfags c.u.c.k.e.d

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your like 8 hours late nigger

coz i have a life

two dog shit games. wonderful!

>can't afford
"shit game" cope.

as always, predictable.

who the fuck would even want to pirate this shit game

>implying I even want to play these shitty games
Stop projecting.


predictable cope. fox and grapes. every time.

why would anyone want to play those? I tried gears today and it's worse than 4 which was shit

you speaking english? are you ok?

google fox and grapes you uneducated peasant.
that's you.

but user, as previously stated these games are absolute garbage. Hence Why would I want them?

Once again, you're fucking projecting, and it isnt working. I dont know if ur baiting now or not. So this will be my last reply, feel free to reply to this.

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bye bye foxie

I bet youre thinking this has Denuvo.
Kek. Pathetic paranoid piratetards getting PTSDed by Denuvo.

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Whats the fucking point of playing this if Gears of War 2 and 3 isnt available on PC ? Also 4 still not properly cracked.

Denuvo gets cracked every time you retard gorilla nigger kike rat

Why would I want to play gear of fag 5?

Is the new borderlands cracked?

>unironically playing shit games
Cringe and bluepilled

meh i'd rather not

Fuck that garbage. Should I grab DOA 6, Soul Calibur VI or Tekken 7? All?

why wouldn't you be able to afford it? it is literally free.
who cares about a cover shooter anyway lol


oh wow, and nobody is even talking about the game anymore already?

Not yet dumbfuck but it will like all other denuvo games before it

>Took Months to get cracked
Denuvo has served its purpose

Who cares about gears? I'm not even gunna pirate it.

I mean the game is $1, and I didn't want to play it at $1, so I'm still not going to when that $1 is 100% off.

See you in 2025 then. Where all buybros already finished the game long time ago.

>he's an impatient child that has to have the new shiny thing right this instant
Fucking whew
>he brags about buying 1s and zeros
Fucking whew

>bragging about buying a borderlands game at launch
you must be very dumb

I like it and they deserve my hard earned money :)
Well kids like you never gonna understand it though. You get it when youre older :)
In the meantime, stay in school and dont do drugs, kids :)

I'm older than you niggerfaggot. When you get older, you'll realize that spending money on anything that gets taxed to support ZOG is fucking retarded

People who seethe like that + N word is always an underage himself. Try harder kiddo :)

But the only reason to play Gears is the multiplayer....