So why was this horribly incompetent studio allowed to fuck up time and time again and kill microsoft's system seller?

so why was this horribly incompetent studio allowed to fuck up time and time again and kill microsoft's system seller?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Because you are ugly and everybody hates your fart filled face

Ship of Theseus

It honestly baffles me how incompetent 343 is.

And the only actual shooter we got this entire gen was Halo 5. That's fucking it. The rest were remakes and ports.

At least halo 2 anniversary was really fucking good. Arguably the xbox's bloodborne.

holy shit that's true, i never even realized

>Euro hours
>shitposting Halo thread right on schedule
You poorfags don't even try to hide it anymore, do you?

They are actual heroes helping to destroy Microsoft.

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Microsoft pulled a Wii U and gave up on the Xbone like Nintendo did the Wii U.


OP here, i live on the east coast of the united states, and it is 8:51 pm. i'm for sure richer than you are.

What was your first Halo game, don't lie?

halo 3

Checks out

your point?

u r gay

3babbies have some of the worst opinions in this franchise, you literally just want Halo 3 again.


amazing post fellow american

what does this have to do with my point

Hmm, I wonder, Halo has changed with each fucking game.

they're not doing a good job

yup. and the last 4 releases in this series have been universally panned, mr faggot contrarian. what is your point? that me liking halo 3 invalidates my widely shared opinions?

Every fucking game that wasn't CE got panned.

Yeah, because 2 and 3 niggers don't shit on CE all the time because 'MAGNUM THREE SHOT TOO OP' and 'IT NO HAVE BR'.

This is now a sangheili thread.

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The problem I have with you 3babies is that you left the series early for other games years before lo 4 was even a thing and yet you believe you should have an opinion on the Halo series.

post the pictures. you know which ones.


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>The problem I have with you 3babies is that you left the series early for other games
da fauq? I was playing halo 3 primarily up until reach came out, and i played the hell out of it too, then i played halo 4 and lost all interest with that and console gaming.

no. i want to see pictures of big beautiful female aliens

you can do this with nearly every big franchise

My female is proportionate.

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>tfw no alien gf

every xbox got abandoned, it just happened sooner this gen

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>literally insult Halo 3 fags
>clearly a different person than the one you were responding to
>with you 3babies

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no such thing, we already went over this.
Btw fix your shitty art, her left arm looks dislocated and the feet make her look like shes floating.

You got shat on by another artist, I remember.

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your drawings are ironically unproportional, elites dont have human shaped torsos.
>You got shat on by another artist
doubt it

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Nice concept art, user.

Attached: .png (2713x2602, 3.31M)

Here's some Reach concept art with human-like features. :)

Attached: Sangheili.png (2048x1152, 2.39M)

nice generic furry art, you think your generic lizard fursona is halo related because you add extra pair of jaws to it?
Since when is concept art not valid aswell, its only fair since were both comparing art.

Attached: haloreach_character_covenant_elite_elite_04_by_isaac_hannaford.jpg (920x715, 318K)

Because you also have pieces like this.
The lead designer of that statue at Outpost said the anatomy is on point, so it's far more valid than the bullshit you spew.

Attached: Sangheili concept.jpg (1800x1396, 272K)

>human-like features.
are you retarded?
Them having human features like hands and being bipedal has nothing to do with it.
All of your shitty drawings have the shoulder to waist ratio wrong, short stubby human arms and neck that belongs on a dragon fursona.

Pic related, her signature was the pair of eyes looking right at the ass.
You should definitely look up how figures are drawn. Only a complete degenerate would look at the models without thinking they used human designs as reference points.

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that was before the elites had an objective design, the first picture i posted is a CE elite in concept art form apart from some of the armor pieces.
Its literally how they look like in game.

You really dont understand figure drawing more than me, dont even try.
Dont pretend like the elites have the same anatomy as a human being just because theyre bipedals, their shoulders are three times as wide as their waist and their arms are as long as legs.
Your pic related has no elite anatomy in it, its a generic furry pinup with a elite helmet on.
Again i understand that every single artist has their own vision and anatomy style, i wouldnt be shitting on your unelite art if you didnt start pointing fingers first.

>You really dont understand figure drawing more than me, dont even try.
Apparently you don't, even in last time an artist I know told you off. I'm not repeating it.
>Dont pretend like the elites have the same anatomy as a human being just because theyre bipedals, their shoulders are three times as wide as their waist and their arms are as long as legs.
I said they have similar features and proportions, which they do.
>Your pic related has no elite anatomy in it, its a generic furry pinup with a elite helmet on.
Apparently it did. Both 343i liked it, along with the company that did design work for it. This pic was even featured by them. Stay mad.

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>they kinda do
Ok, then i guess half assing interpretations doesnt really matter after all?
343 liked it? Okay? They probably took you for an autist and didnt want you to start crying in front of them because they said something mean about your scribbles.

>Ok, then i guess half assing interpretations doesnt really matter after all?
You tell that to them since you're apparently more knowledgeable towards proportion and anatomy.
>343 liked it? Okay? They probably took you for an autist and didnt want you to start crying in front of them because they said something mean about your scribbles.
A couple of them found it hot. Bonnie Ross loved it, and Frankie told me people sent a lot worse.

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>A couple of them found it hot

Another thread ruined by xenofurfag

>Rather have arguments on who fucked up Halo more

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Microsoft totally failed at exclusives after 2011.

>gatekeeping halo

left: your art
right: how elites are supposed to look
Notice how both are very human themed but barely similar because of their proportions?
>inb4 its shit
draw something better in under 3 minutes.

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The abdomen is too narrow.
It really depends on what art you talk about user. I've commissioned from multiple other people, even artists here. There's nothing wrong about the proportions since 343i confirmed there's different body styles for them since 2012-13ish. Using human proportions as a reference is completely normal, get over it.

>The abdomen is too narrow.
not really
Then why are you butthurt about rube?

Yes, really.
He was doing very thick frames with narrow waists. The figures looked unstable. His males are completely fine.

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yikes, CE and reach are canon.

A-user. This one uses human anatomy as references.

Attached: Halo 5 elite statue.jpg (1280x720, 106K)

Anyway, anymore of this autism is gonna scare off anyone to post in this thread so im done.

Good, don't post about it again.

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2x yikes, you know 343 is creativily bankrupt.
This is also not the classic elite, its the 343 phenotype

>not realizing Reach was shit he moment you played it
>not realizing Halo 4 was shit the moment you saw it in Game Informer and E3 2012 because it was Reach 2.0
This is why you're a 3baby.

Shut up, 3baby.

You may not like it but this is what peak Sangheili anatomy looks like

Attached: unnamed.jpg (1320x1779, 105K)

It's still an elite user.

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i will still post my comparison image if you start anymore autism.

Based and Evapilled.

It's not difficult proving you wrong.

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you perfectly cartoonized this elite.

what have you disproven?
Im curious

>If you were to imagine Thel's (not Theo's ;-) ) forces in "real life", you would undoubtedly see Sangheili of varying looks, shapes, and sizes, wearing different types of armors. Just because you only see a narrow selection within a single medium, doesn't mean that the other options are necessarily replaced or overwritten.
I can ask him some questions, if you want.

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They still only have a single objective bodytype like human beings, this doesnt excuse your stub arm human bodied furry OC lizard elites.

>M-muh furry proportions
Nice rebuttal brainlet. I even placed a quote for you to read.

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And this is to go

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>Halo thread
>derailed by furries posting naked elites
Every time.

>gets derailed by furries, trannies, and redditors

This but let's face facts, the thread was shit from the start
>343I BAD
The moment the thread starts with this, the moment you know it will be shit, I swear this is as bad as the Metroid drought threads from 2010-2017, they were so shit until Samus Returns saved the series and Metroid threads, hope Infinite can do the same but third worlders will make sure that won't happen since they hate everything Xbox and America.

>Rainbow Six Siege
>Overwatch (trash)
>Titanfall 2
>Ion Fury

And that's just off the top of my head, without counting Battlefield, CoDshit or F2P shooters like Apex

Those third worlders aren't wrong

user, get some sleep. We're talking about 343.

don't forget Amid Evil, that shit is one of the most aesthetically pleasing games I've played in years and has ridiculously good moment-to-moment gameplay

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Yes, they are, third worlder.

No they're not. Also by calling me a third worlder you are conceding America is a third world country

You're the stupidest American in existence if you somehow think the PS4 is anything to write home about and if you do, chances are you're a tranny.

I didn't even mention the PS4. But the tears from screeching Xbox fanboys like you are delicious

when the fuck did he mention the ps4? schizo freak

If you're an American shitting on Xbox, you're a Sony nigger, a transgender Sony nigger, that's just a fact.

switch is the highest selling console on the NPD currently

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Keep going

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So why was this horribly incompetent studio allowed to fuck up time and time again and kill Sony's system seller?

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This nigger is angry as fuck.

>Destiny 2
>Sony's system seller
top kek

He does this every Halo thread. Don't reply.


It would have been had Bungie not fucked it up. They were literally one of the most revered studios in the world and Activision laid out, what, 500 fucking million dollars to support the Destiny franchise over the next decade?

And now the whole thing is dead in the water and everyone who made Bungie what it was is now gone.

destiny made more money than any halo game

Nepotism. The fleeing cockroaches from Bungie helped create 343 then hired more cockroaches. That studio is infested. Look at Frankie, guy hasn't got a single creative bone in his body and is still high in the company.

well, yeah, it was on more platforms my guy. it also lost players faster than any halo game.

so many trashy fucking kinect games... Has anyone else owned one before?
virtually all these games play the exact same way, and even worse they're barely responsive.

>It would have been had Bungie not fucked it up.
>it was on more platforms my guy

So which one is it

>it wasn't successful
>it was only successful because it was multiplat

Both? A fuckton of people bought it because it was hyped to death by Activision, then immediately dumped it once it became clear how shallow the gameplay loop was and how shitty the multiplayer was.

The Kinect hardware itself was massively successful for Microsoft, problem is nobody bought games for it and nobody other than Microsoft wanted to develop for it. Kinect was the Wii of console peripherals.

you're a retard, destiny 2 sold a fuck ton too

In other words it was never Sony's system seller. If you're going to count multiplats as system sellers then Sony's actual system sellers are Fifa and Fortnite and Microsoft's system sellers are Madden and Fortnite.

Again, it was on a new platform. What are you guys having trouble understanding?

It also hemorrhaged players at a record rate, yet again, leading activision to dump it. Both games are also rated worse than literally any Halo game (even Halo 5), both by critics and users.

You guys just sound like poor skinner box addicts. I feel bad. I put in over a thousand hours into D1 and then quit cold turkey. It was the best decision I ever made. I will never be a slot jockey gambling addict like you poor slobs ever again.

Yes, the game that did so well it cause Activision to cancel their contract with Bungie. You must be financial genius.

>Again, it was on a new platform
Two of them actually. And D1 was a last gen port.

Activision's retarded targets don't change the fact that it sold a shit ton. Bungie left and took the IP with them

how the fuck was it on a new platform? destiny was on ps4/xbone? I've never even played destiny, you're just incorrect

Destiny 2 was on PC my friendo, which made it Bungie's first PC game since Oni. There was plenty of PC hype both here on Yea Forums and abroad.

>it caused Activision to cancel their contract with Bungie.

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>sold a shit ton
Sales figures mean absolutely nothing when your budget is half a billion dollars.


>Destiny 2 was also the second highest-grossing console game of 2017 in North America (behind Call of Duty: WWII), and was also Activision's biggest PC release based on units sold.
they definitely made a lot more than 500 million

Sorry, now you're in fantasy land. Destiny was not that successful.

you're the one in fantasy land, both destiny and destiny 2 were more successful than any halo game

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And that's great, I'm glad it's doing well and I'm happy Nintendo recovered, can't wait for Xbox to do the same next gen because even I have to admit, this gen was complete ass and shit.

About what, Xbone sucked but to hate Xbox, in general, in America? You have to have mental problems.

Because Bungiefags gotta suck dick, haven't you read the thread?

"Xbox" isn't going to recover, microsoft is pushing their games onto other systems now. If anything the gap between playstation/switch and xbox will be even bigger next gen

>completely ignoring the prequel trilogy's existence
>not even having Phantom Menace in the bottom section

>but to hate Xbox, in general, in America? You have to have mental problems.
living in the past, xbox hasn't been relevant in America for the last decade

>defending nuBungie
Not him but kill yourselves. Fucking 3babies

out of arguments huh?

>were more successful than any halo game
That's not the argument and completely irrelevant.

What you posted was a press release with no numbers or figures. If Bungie were so successful why did Activision dump them? Pro-tip; it's because the game was failure.

activision didn't dump them, bungie left on their own accord taking the IP with them

>That's not the argument and completely irrelevant.
it is the argument because it started with this retard stating bungie killed "sony's system seller"

It is, tranny, they already going to have a lot of Japanese support like the original Xbox and early Xbox 360, they're going back to 2001-2008 Xbox, they'll even have their own first party ips. They will have more Japanese support than tey ever did as stated by them.

Xbox was a pretty big talk during the original Xbox and and 360, Xbone was as shit as the Wii U though.

microsoft still makes nearly 3x sony

>they already going to have a lot of Japanese support
deluded motherfucker

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Who the fuck defends Bungie in this day and age, get shot.

This, hope Destiny 3 fails too. Unless 3babies are retarded enough to buy it.

>Xbox was a pretty big talk during the original Xbox
no it wasn't, original xbox got fucked even harder by playstation than xbone did

first few years of the 360 were the only time xbox was relevant in America which ended 10 years ago in 2009

>activision didn't dump them, bungie left on their own accord taking the IP with them
Ah yes, Activision were just happy to let go of a billion dollar franchise that had massive "success". Sounds like a totally true and legit story.
If you believe that PR speak then you are deluded.

>billion dollar franchise
thanks for proving me right, idiot

>We will bring a very powerful box and a great library of content. I think we have a lot more Japanese support than we’ve had before. All those things are in our favor, but I’m always careful about setting the wrong expectations or making claims.
Cope bitch, you mentally ill trannies make us Americans look bad, seriously, please boost that 47% up to 50%?

lmao microsoft has been saying this shit since 2014, you're a dumbass if you believe him. The only attempt at this with platinum ended in flames

>no it wasn't, original xbox got fucked even harder by playstation than xbone did
Yet it still beat the GCN, your point?

He's a 3baby what did you expect, they never stopped sucking dick from 2009 then on.

Diversity hires

They had nothing in 2014, tranny, they actually have studios and even a Japanese studio now, i's over, Sony will fuck up with the PS5 and Xbox will take over, also there will be no PS6 and Sony will most likely get bought out by Apple.

Billion dollar franchise - in that that's how much it cost to make. Did you miss the "success" in quotes?
I know Destiny was made for retards, but I didn't think it was this bad. Remind me to never interact with Destiny fans ever again.

I would screenshot this post for the future, but honestly I don't get pleasure being right over someone with an IQ as low as yours

3babies, ODSTfags, Reachturds, Destinyshits are all one and the same, we don't associate with them for a reason.

>Yea Forums
Call me when that happens in your lifetime, if ever. The writing is on the wall next gen.

>that's how much it costs to make
and it's made much more than a billion
>On September 10, 2014, Activision claimed that Destiny was the most successful new gaming franchise launch, as the game shipped more than US$500 million to retail stores and first-parties worldwide.[174] As of September 17, 2014, there have been over 11 million gameplay sessions within North America.[175] It was also the biggest software launch for the PlayStation 4 since holiday 2013.[176] On November 4, 2014, Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg revealed that the game has 9.5 million registered players.[177] On December 23, 2014, Bungie revealed that 13 million people have played the game since its launch.[178] As of January 5, 2015, the game has 16 million registered players.[179] As of September 17, 2015, the game has 20 million players.[180]

>Remind me to never interact with Destiny fans ever again.
please don't, you havn't posted a single piece of evidence for your argument, your opinion
is worthless

hilarious how you think Yea Forums is the only place that dislikes the xbox brand. Get out of your bubble neckbeard

Not really that great. Both H1A and H2A are both based on their PC ports, not the original Xbox versions.
This means a lot of graphical issues when in "classic" mode, and horrible netcode in H2A, since H2Vista was known for its notoriously shitty netcode and H2A uses that too.

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oh no no no no no he's retarded

all sales figures are reported as shipped you dumb faggot, shows how much you know (nothing). Companies make money off every title shipped

Except we are talking about the success of franchise. I don't care if Activision were able to capitalize off hype on a new Bungie game and con retailers into buying big stock. The truth is that Destiny 2 released and not long after Activision dumped them. The proof is right in front of your face - Destiny was a failure.

>game makes well over double it's original (huge) budget
>still trying to spin it as a failure

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Why is there so much samefagging and falseflagging in this stupid ass thread I just came here for memes.

Heil DiGRA
Kill all video games

Since 2007

destiny 2 still made well over its budget, it just didn't hit the retarded target activision/EA set for games

Different user but I agree. I and most of my friends bought Destiny 1 on the Bungie hype and wanting to support the devs that made games that defined our teenage years.
But I quickly dropped it and got bored once I realized it was botched, story was missing, and what was there was horrific.
I didn't even bother with D2 because most of the OGs from Bungie ended up leaving.
Activision butchered the staff, even going as far as firing Marty.
I still don't understand to this day why they sold their soul to another devil after leaving Microsoft. Hell MS wasn't even half as bad as Activision.

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probably because microsoft stopped giving a shit about games around the time they left and focused on kinect

It is, you niggers can't even talk about Halo properly, Infinite trailer is shown off at this year's E3, it's talked about nonstop everywhere, but I come here and you guys don't talk about shit, barely made any threads, and all you did was shitpost about it, I was wondering what the fuck was mentally wrong with you guys, no seriously I was thinking this, you guys aren't normal, the face that you dress up like a girl and worship shitty ass shounen anime trash all the fucking time doesn't help. This is why I don't like you, this is why I don't consider you Halo fans, you act nothing like us. There is something wrong with you guys. t least the Metroid threads aren't as shitty even though ACfag, Sybb, and some ZSSfags who never play Metroid sometime ruin them, you guys can't talk about a mainline game without it going to shit and you talk about the most boring games too, Arbiter's campaign, ODST, Reach, you even like Brain Reed's Spartan Ops, you guys really aren't normal, by the way, all the Halo books both Bungie and 343i era suck ass you're a fucking nerd if you read that shit.

Yeah but Bungie were the ones who were pushing to be free of MS's chains... only to sign up with Activision. I'm assuming a few high level employees got giant piles of cash, at the cost of ruining all creative freedom for Destiny and all future Bungie games.
And now that they are free again, they are a husk of their former selves.

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why was rebels so fucking shit
i just want clone wars again

seek help

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I think most of you guys on Yea Forums need to do that, you're not Halo fans, you make even Sonic fans look normal.

>the franchise is super successful man!
>it made double its budget!
>but the publisher decided that the money wasn't needed and canceled the contract out of goodwill
Yes, and I can see pigs flying outside my window.

Depends on how you measure success.

I mean, sure, they were both reviewed worse than literally any Halo game (including the bad ones), and sure, Destiny 2 sold far worse than Halo 5 on Xbox, and yeah, no one fondly remembers Destiny while there are something like 3 active Halo threads on Yea Forums at any given time, and players dropped Destiny 2 in record goddamn numbers (something like 50 million copies sold down to less than 1 million concurrent players across three goddamn platforms) to the point that their own publisher wanted nothing to do with them, and nuBungie was so bad that Joe Staten and Martin O' Donnell and basically anyone who made Halo good left, but

they caught more fish with a much bigger net, so heyyyyy success!

Because Microsoft honestly doesn't give a fuck.
They entered the industry in the first place just to troll Sony and Nintendo and steal some of their customers.
It's fucked up but so is Microsoft.

because activision are insanely greedy, 1 billion profit isn't enough for them

u mad

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a legit schizophrenic on Yea Forums

jeez TLDR you're an assmad xboxfag

>getting angry at anime on an anime website

>lower budget
>worse writers
>Disney wanting it to be EVEN MORE 'kid friendly'
>no George Lucas
The show was rigged from the start.

Seethe harder

It's almost like the "success" of Destiny 2 showed Activision that the franchise had no legs and was on a downward trend. AKA a failure.

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Look at what happened to Blizzard.

halo is a cool guy

>no u
Extremely pathetic

I still don't know what you're getting at.

I have to admit something: My experience with halo ends with friends bringing it over to my house, but I know you're in these threads because you bring up halo in metroid threads. I also know you're the faggot who used to shit talk the prime titles and claim 2D metroid was more popular than prime. Boy the look on your face when a single jpeg for prime 4 caused an uproar while noone gave a shit about samus returns must have been priceless. Anyway, I now come to fuck with you for fucking with metroid threads to the point where you have an autism attack, seems like I succeeded yet again.

Cope niggers, stop haveing Halo threads if you're not even going to talk about it.

u mad

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I know you are.

What I said in those threads is right, only Prime 1 outsold every 2D Metroid game nd no other Prime game as outsold a mainline 2D Metroid game that isn't a remake, Metroid 5 well sell very well on the Switch given how all Switch games are selling really well, Prime 4 could be, not saying it will, in trouble if it's released way too late in the 9th gen.

The funniest part of this post is that it acts like Halo and Xbox fanboys were ever in good company on Yea Forums, instead of being the butt of every other joke made on this board since it's inception.

yeah whatever, see you next thread for your next mental breakdown.

It is 100% about Halo

>stop haveing Halo threads
Oh the irony

Imagine defending this game.

that guy thinks this pic was made in the last year

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Nope, I just know there is no point in talking about Halo here anymore both Yea Forums and /hg/ are shit, don't know how this place can have a good Metroid thread yet the Halo threads are so shit, even the Doom threads are good and I jus lurk there sometimes but Halo thread, I never been to a forum with this much autism before, well Waypoint exist but I'm talking about Yea Forums specifically.

then leave

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>no u again

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maybe because halo was ridiculed to high hell on this board while doom/metroid were held in high regard historically. It's too irrelevant to be shat on anymore though, at least not as hard as the butthurt TLoU/BotW conceive

It's one of those games designed by committee. No soul or passion went into it at all.

You wonder why this place is hated even brought all the time on the news.

I don't even make Halo threads here anymore because you guys don't talk about shit.

Should I? It's like the same fucking repeat thread every week, it's like you guys don't get a break, what's worse about you guys is that you make repeat threads all the time, it's fun the first time but you literally tire a person out when you just keep repeating the same shit.

The fact that you even made these threads to begin with is why you are the cancer that ruined this board

Then I will just come here for the Metroid threads, fuck you guys on Halo, the mods need to do me a favor and ban Halo threads here, like they use to, you guys don't deserve to talk about it.

I am, fuck you guys.

>I am, fuck you guys.
see you tomorrow, bitch

Last post, I haven't made a Halo thread in this shithole for two years, you guys were never interested in the series.

Why am I seeing an influx of Bungie/343 Industries threads lately? Did something happen or are we just shitposting?

>you guys don't deserve to talk about it.
Why? Because 343 drove it into the fucking ground and it's not so great anymore? You poor thing.

>You wonder why this place is hated even brought all the time on the news.

Guys I think we broke his brain

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at this point i believe its sunk cost fallacy
MS spent billions building this studio up to follow in Bungies footsteps

His head looks like a dick.

Prime 4 better be good

>you guys were never interested in the series.
Finally you're getting it, too bad you and the rest of the tourists didn't realize it sooner years ago when you were all shitting up the board with your trash casual taste in video games

Well in 343's case there's been lots of news surrounding them lately. Lots of high level people leaving.

I am interested in it. We all just know that you're "pretending" to be a retard to make Halo fans look like retards.

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Because MCC was suppose to come out on PC / big updates for Xbone version. But 343i is basically telling everyone to wait until it is finished rather than released half unfinished crap. Which is probably for the best, since a lot of their MCC problems from before were caused by arbitrary deadlines and releasing unfinished work.
And I guess just general hype for Infinite, but that won't be for a while.

>I am, fuck you guys.
k bye

guys this Halofag has lost his composure

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Because they were made up mostly of people that hated Halo. Yes. Microsoft made a studio where most of the people hated the series. Only few of the Bungie old guard remained. Not enough to stop the bullshit that happened after the company split routes with Microsoft.

Thanks for the info. Was wondering why there has been no news on the MCC/Reach release.

Because in reality it was ActiVision that fucked up their original vision. Hell, they never wanted to make a Destiny 2. Destiny was supposed to be building itself through shitton of expansions. Now that Bungie is free and have the rights to Destiny with them, they can implement their vision without dumbass Kotick ruining it.

haha like remember how bungie was "free" after they bought their independence back from microsoft and then immediately shit the bed with a garbage game like destiny?

>Every fucking game that wasn't CE got panned
Not him. I'm a CE fag. Outside of Yea Forums and bungie forums at their respective launches, Halo 2 and 3 are considered masterpieces. Even Reach to a lesser extent. Again I'm a CEfag but you seem delusional.
>b-but they were very flawed for reasons x, y and z
Yes. Yes they were. I agree they were flawed. Just like CE was flawed. And they were still loved.
>b-but the opinions of masses
Listen here you strawman faggot. The argument is about them getting panned. You state it like thats the general consensus when its clearly not even the general consensus of Yea Forums. CEfags are fucking rare and you know it you colossal faggot.

Like I said. Destiny was fucked up by ActiVision because they kept getting in the way of Bungie's vision. This would've been the same with Destiny 2 if Bungie didn't grab itself by the balls and leave the partnership with ActiVision.

>only buying mcc pc if there is an editting kit for it
i would do some serious shit for a reach or 4 hek. the odds of it are fuckall so im probably going to be stuck with custom editions bullshit for another 15 years.

343 said they want to add all the bells and whistles for the modding community. While I believe they intend to, I don't believe they have the ability to do it in the near future. I'm guessing 2022. If I'm generous.

I truly feel for someone that still loves Halo this much.

Feel really sorry, that is.

Wait. Do you think Destiny 2 wasn't fucked?

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It was fucked, but after Bungie split and took the IP with them, the game will get better. If they remained, then it would've been even more fucked and later on they'd have to make Destiny 3 because that's how Activision envisioned it all.

>Halo Infinite coming out next year
>Not a single DROP of gameplay shown

It's not looking good lads

Tell me anons, is the hatred for Halo on this board because of sonyfags or pcfags who can't stand console exclusive FPS games?

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Probably a mix of both. Plus the story is kind of goofy, but I still love it.
Plus FPS PC purists. I try to only play FPS on PC, but I still enjoy Halo on Xbox so I'm not sure where I fall.

I won't trust them to make the right choices.

Time will tell. Probably after the stunt with Acti they'll never partner with another company. It helps that they are now big enough to go independent.

We know. It is also precisely no one's fault but their own.

I don't like to kick 343 when they're down but this is the culmination of their mistakes catching up with them.

Women ruin everything

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You're not a PCfag then, those actively and religiously dislike Halo because they can't stand the idea that a console game is more popular than Unreal or whatever.

I play on PC too, tho I barely play FPS anymore.

>Time will tell
Thats a very mature thought process. I'm probably upset because I kept giving them the benefit of the doubt. Marty and Joe getting forced out really bums me out to this day. Honestly Bungie is a wildcard right now. They are a large and pretty powerful independent studio and I have no idea what direction they will go. My money is on them going all in and try to become a small time publisher and work their way up to something like Valve used to be. We saw a taste of that and it falls in line with their mission statement. Not only that Activision is leaving a pretty huge fucking hole in the industry. They have Spyro, Call of Duty and Crash. Granted. Thats a lot of revenue. But thats 3 franchises and the only game we know is coming out in 2020 is call of duty. Meanwhile the games industry is booming. And Bungie has a lot of cash. And if they are successful enough, they can be a giant middle finger to activision after being treated like shit all these years. But I have no horses in this race. I will admit that even though I am not rooting for or against them, they have made me very curious.

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Maybe MCC will change it for me, but I've always preferred Halo on Xbox because: 1) Only 1 and 2 were ported. 2) the ports are inferior to the Xbox equivalents
I do acknowledge that FPS are better on PC though. But some games are fine on game pad so I guess Im not a PC purist.
Depends on the genre and even down to specific games (such as Halo making the best of the controller despite being a console FPS.)

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>Microsoft was forced to start supporting PCgaming again thanks to these guys


If they play it smart then they'll do well. As I said, time will tell how they will end.

From what little we've seen of it, so far I like what Infinite looks (graphically) and sounds (audio) like, but I have almost no faith in 343's ability to deliver good gameplay or story. The studio is absolutely packed full of people who don't push themselves, and always think A: Everything they do is perfect and that it's someone else's fault for not liking what they're doing, or B: What they put out is good enough. Any good creator knows "good enough" doesn't exist, and any humble person is able to admit fault, or at least reflect on what they've done, even if they think they did OK, just because someone else wasn't happy. 343 forgets they're continuing something they did not create. Adding your personal flair to something even when it doesn't fit with the pre-established style, is disrespectful. I'm not exactly optimistic about Halo Infinite, but I am interested to see if 343 can humble themselves and show Halo, and its original creators, some real respect.

Not really. I dunno why but it's almost always sci-fi IPs that gets these retarded series reboots and retcons.

Did you eat too many burgers and can't get sleep, shame.

It's hard being a CE bro. Met up with a bunch of Halo fans at a gay ass nerd con and it was awkward as hell cause they were all just jerkin off about Reach.

That is pretty true, not going to lie.

female privilege

lol you say this in almost every Halo thread when people shit on the series
just leave already

What's the point of playing it with the old graphics anyway?
Imagine if doom had a remaster, there would be no need to play the original one except for mods.

Because the new ones were of shit quality even for 2011 and they rape the atmosphere. Also the new cutscene animations are awkward and jittery.

When you shoot over cover, you will often end up just shooting into it because the new graphics make the object smaller than it actually. It also becomes much, much easier to see enemies because the areas are less cluttered and they visually stand out rather than blend in (really bad for elite majors especially). This is of course reversed on the Flood levels which are now clean and brightly lit.

I don't understand how something like Halo can be ruined. How much lower can you go?