Something tells me that he wasn't originally intended to be gay

Something tells me that he wasn't originally intended to be gay.

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Something tells me he still isn't, and he was described as such completely arbitrarily and it'll never actually come up in any important context.

reddit the post

>and it'll never actually come up in any important context

The sad part is that this sentence is not only accurate, but applies to literally all of Overwatch lore. They've spent years now setting the stage and backstories for shit that doesn't matter.

It's like if the TF2 shorts implied deep and serious motivations between the characters and weren't just cute cartoons that played off of the personalities of the voicelines you hear in game.

Please tell us more about reddit.

yeah please tell us

hes in overwatch so he was always gay

Making a character retroactively gay for no reason but "inclusivity" is Anthony Burch tier writing.

>it'll never actually come up in any important context.
I thought anons hate when it does? This flip flops so fucking much now

>he's not gay unless he's a walking stereotype
retard alert

have you ever met a gay man before?

>gays cant like steak

lol retard

>all gays are the same
retard alert

You mean JK Rowling tier.

Yeah, and he sounds like the blackest nigga I've ever seen.

its gays don't wear dad-core fashion

He was scary and hot.

Why the fuck do you want to hear more about reddit? Fuck off to them, faggot.

>gay people are suppose to look and dress and act a certain way
>gay people can’t bbq and pose with guns

Go fuck yourself

I think the argument should be that they had plenty of opportunities to nod to it before throwing it into a poorly written short story that no one read, especially so long after the game released. OW is nonsensical anyway so it really doesnt matter either way


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They did it with Tracer

>victim complex
Gays can dress however they want and eat steak until they choke on it, who cares, but that still doesn't change the fact that the character that Metzen created in 1996 probably wasn't intended to be gay.

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in a comic, that she was the star of, and her character design and established personality already lent itself to it
I think im reaching hard with that but its still a more convincing reveal then the 76 one regardless)

>23 years ago

Characters change if they’ve been I’m gestation for long periods of time. Have you never seen concept art before

I thought you’d be happy about 76 being gay because you’re clearly a colossal faggot

it's a pretty cool site, visited by millions just like Yea Forums

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The only homosexual I ever met that grilled was a badass lesbian I worked with upstate New York. She taught me to hunt and how to make sausage.

>Characters change if they’ve been I’m gestation for long periods of time.
Come back when you're learned to articulate yourself.

cargo shorts are comfy and easy to wear

Go ahead and prove he wasn't gay before

Look at this homo

No, He's dad.

Is barbecuing something only heterosexual men do or something?


JK rowling would be proud of this retcon

I don't think you know what retcon means.

study marketing

retroactive continuity

>39 posts
>24 IPs
Homo defense force working overtime.

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>gays don't dress as daddies
What retarded horseshit is this?

Why is there always a group of 76 white knights that pop up whenever this topic comes up?
Why defend his shitty character?

Why are people like you so invested in whining and crying about something that you also claim you don't give a fuck about?

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seriously have you even meet homosexuals over the age of 30? most rock trousers and a coat

There was an entire game about dating gay dads, user.

I'm not "you people" I'm just wondering why you guys get so triggered whenever people call out Soldier 76 for being poorly written trash, like all Overwatch characters.

They call a character gay, and suddenly he gets a defense force, despite being just as poorly written as every other character in the game.

You can shit on the cowboy, or the black loli, or the autistic girl, but the moment anyone dares say Tracer or Soldier 76 were poorly written, you guys jump out and go full retard.

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I don't care about this shitty character. I just come to see what retarded shit Yea Forums has to say about gay people

Are you actually gay, or just a white knight for homo rights?

Plenty of them and they dress as varied as everyone else does.

So he's gay, whoodee shit, like with Tracer it's only talked about in one comic and has one or two sprays. You dipshits always act like both of them are constantly screaming "WE ARE HOMOS WE EAT BUTTS AND CUNNIES RAPE US AND SAME SEX ORGIES AWOOGA!!" nonstop in the games.

>I don't care about this shitty character
>Yet I'll get supremely butthurt if you say his gayness was forced
If you don't know shit about the character, why are acting like you just KNOW it wasn't handled poorly?

It was a marketing stunt, they dangled the "one of our characters is totally gay, we swear!" in front of everyone for a whole year, and then decided on the safest option from there

>hurr le whit knit maymay, you care bout ting you knit leedle leedle

homofags itt

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>they dangled the "one of our characters is totally gay, we swear!" in front of everyone for a whole year
Tracer was lesbian long before Soldier was gay, and funny enough I never saw anyone on Yea Forums constantly throw shitfits about a carpet-muncher, almost like you anti-homo whiners are hypocritical and are fine with women being faggots.

No just gay. Nothing else on Yea Forums right now but I don't defend shitty writing. However, it's official so nothing can change. They could have made a better character gay but I guess they wanted to pick the most blandest character

>assuming that much
I know they are using it as marketing but not like that matters. The game still sucks yet people still get frustrated and angry that he was announced as gay. They keep trying to prove that gay people can't act like Soldier as proof that he isn't gay

Keep claiming I said things I never said.
Why do you keep acting like Yea Forums is one person? If you hate the users of this site so much leave.
Why do you get so butthurt when people call out your gay husbando's shitty writing?

Unlike you, I actually have. I didn't realize he was gay until I met his gay lover like 3 years later.

Holy shit what a cop out answer. Fashion is not some random number you pick with every style of the world an option. It is shaped by culture, and culture is shaped by community. Texans, Californians, and New Yorkers all have their own styles. Considering that homosexuals often choose to live in their own communities to avoid external prejudices, why do you refuse to admit they have crafted their own style and fashion?

I don't want steaks I want crummy pails of water.

Lesbian action is hot, retard

Everyone cried about Tracer, are you high?

Fine, your opinions are total complete facts and you are the lord of gay knowledge.

Nowhere near as much as about Soldier and 99% of that crying was "MY WAIFU THEY TOOK MY WAIFU AWAY NOOO I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS SHE IS STRAIGHT AND SHE LOVES MEEEEE!".

well his creator is no with blizz and he made in the 90's

Alright well, reddit basically the people who go there are, you remember those fucking faggot theater/band/outcast kids in high school who used to all crowd around the cafeteria hall or do that cringy shit where they yell loudly in the halls because
>XDDDD so random!!!!
Well that’s reddit. Pure unadulterated autism. Don’t get me wrong, the people here are autistic too but at least here it’s funny and not genuinely embarrassing like reddit

>wasn't originally intended to be gay
Just like Tracer.

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He's whatever the fans want him to be, at this point Blizzard have clearly thrown out any sort of planned backstory for these characters

>I know they are using it as marketing but not like that matters
lol, you completely accepted the fact you're being used as a tool for marketing.

Keep being a good little bitch and get fucked in the ass by big corporations and that are LGBT allies™

>They keep trying to prove that gay people can't act like Soldier as proof that he isn't gay

That's bullshit solely because he doesn't really have a character to begin with, but do you get mad when homosexuals are portrayed as flamboyant in video games?

Why are you still going on? Gay fashions exist. Gay communities exist. Gay culture exist. I have met no gays that use the Eddie Bauer catalogue. I doubt you have either. Sure a few might exist, but so do african-americans with soldier 76's complexion so should we retcon him to be black now?

>not furstrated

>Nowhere near as much as about Soldier
I rarely saw shit about Soldier 76, it was mostly people shitting on Overwatch in general, and how they sold out, this was right after a wave of shit came from the game, people mocking 76 for being gay was a side effect of a larger shitstorm.

>do you get mad when homosexuals are portrayed as flamboyant in video games?
As long as it's not the only way they're portrayed, no.

Theater/band kids were the chads at my school

>implying there's not a thousand people here
>he hasn't noticed the speed of the boards

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>not an argument

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> t. Theater kid who naruto runs down the hall while people snicker and roll their eyes

>I'm a tool
yeah why should I care when it's not going to make me spend money on their stuff? It's just simple marketing just like putting waifus and tiddy monsters in gacha games. If other retards fall for it then it's their fault not mines.

>He doesn't have a character to begin with
He doesn't and I guess that's why they picked him. I don't care how any character acts if the game play is fun. And if a character turns out to be straight even though they act really flamboyant then I won't care either.

Do you mean only as in video games as a whole, or only as in the only gay characters in individual games?

Like, if a game only has flamboyant gays, is that bad, or is it good because gay characters like 76 exist in other games?

Imagine playing Overwatch in 2019 lmfao

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This is such bullshit. If he was visibly gay from the start you people be crying anyway over gays being forced

is this a reference to Fallout 76?

As long as they're not 100% portrayed as the flaming queers group or pushing the "all gays rape children" idiocy, I'm fine with gay guys in games. Characters like Soldier 76 and Kung Jin from Mortal Kombat 10 who you're just told are gay and then it moves on, things like that.

I'm saying, why get so mad when people call him a poorly written gay character because he existed solely to pander?

You acknowledge it was done solely for marketing, so why is it wrong to shit on them for it?

I never see this type of shit when people on this board mock games for putting the same black chick with an afro in 5 games, but the moment someone shits on a shameless pandering gay character, you guys jump out and be all HAVE YOU EVER EVEN MET A GAY PERSON? YOU'LL NEVER BE HAPPY EVEN IF HE WAS WRITTEN BETTER!!!

What he's saying is they only said he was gay to get tranny tumblr points because most of their staff are inept fat women and chink faggots.

Imagine playing video games in 2019 as an adult

Tracer is gay as fuck, if you couldn't tell from just looking at her that she munches carpet like a weed whacker trims bushes then you were retarded

I didn't join any clubs or anything like that

>socks with sandals
yeah he was

>so do african-americans with soldier 76's complexion so should we retcon him to be black now?
>black pipo are now huwite pipo

>and her character design and established personality already lent itself to it
So now we're saying any women with short hair and a feisty personality is a lesbian?

Tracer looks like an attractive straight girl. Lesbians aren't even 1/10000000 as beautiful as this.

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co-worker is as gay as can be and him and his husband dress like two boomer dads

Tracer is a cute dyke. Get over it, cuck.

I never said he wasn't a poorly written character. He's so fucking boring. But he's officially gay and Blizzard isn't changing that. You can shit on anyone you want but for some reason people get pissed off that he was "turned" him gay when he never had much of a character and sexuality show in the first place.

Well have you met many and how do you know how they all act? People like Soldier can still be gay but I still would have wished they would have picked any other character or at least made one of the new ones gay. But it's fucking funny watching people say shit like gays can't dressed like old boomers when daddy and bear types exist in the gay community.

Every character after osira has been unappealing as fuck, and then they make 76 gay in a cheap attempt to deflect the bad will they were getting. I'm forever done with this game.

do you even know why "white-passing" exists? Seriously, why are SJWs always white people who grew up in white communities? Stay in fucking Ohio.

The point is people will bitch no matter how it's handled.
>if they make a big deal about it and it actually affects the character's actions and personality, then they're virtue signalling and shoving an agenda down our throats
>if they casually slip it into a side story and never mention it again, then they just took the easy route for brownie points

Oh suck my dick. It wouldn't be forced if he was gay from the start, yet you have to pretend that different actions would lead to the same results.

Literally no “black” person has his “complexion” (it’s called skin color dumbass. Complexion is a different thing) unless they’re albino or mostly white in the first place retard.

Never. She'll always be straight in my heart.

Gays have excellent fashion sense and wouldn't be caught dead wearing socks and sandals.

Moira and Sigma are pretty good additions. Shame they never go anywhere with their backstories after release.

Didnt blizzard made him gay to distract people for putting a chick on a professional team without verifying she was actually a chick first?

nobody is

yes i am the user, and i can confirm i think like i am multiple people even though i am one person

There's people that hate the one, and people the hate the other, stop pretending Yea Forums is one person.

Is that the fag who goes barefoot because he's autistic or some shit? Either way, I didn't mean gameplay wise, I mean visually. They look like fan made characters.

God damn you are so fucking annoying. Complexion is skin color, just specifically about the face. The average African American is 20% European due to rape during slavery. But go on, tell me the only way an African American can look white is if they're albino. Stay in your fucking suburb.

>over meme characters

They're literally just walking guns, devoid of any character. Actually I'd go as far as to say there are probably guns irl that have more character than these collection of pixels

I meant visually as well. If anyone looks like a fan made character it's Orisa.

Mighty coincidental timing that his faggotry was announced during that whole Ellie fiasco. Almost like they were trying to draw attention away in the most basic and lazy way imaginable.

I don't miss the game, but I do miss pharah.
>play nice, play pharah

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>It's like if the TF2 shorts implied deep and serious motivations between the characters and weren't just cute cartoons that played off of the personalities of the voicelines you hear in game.

it's basically fujoshi who drive this kind of thinking, it's disgusting.

Nah, osira at least looks like she belongs from that future nigga city. Meanwhile, baptiste fucking exists.

Who fucking cares?

When Tolkien started writing his books, the necromancer was not "originally intended" to be Sauron. So the fuck what? These are fictional characters. They evolve. There is no ultimate Canon. Go fuck yourself you whiny brainlet.

Old gays wear goofy shit just like old straights.

Baptise is just boring. A safe, boring design.

They can't all be outlandish and wacky. A little bit of simple and clean helps keep everything grounded.

If they wanted to pander to fags Reinhardt or Junkrat/the fat guy would have "came out". If they wanted to pander to fujoshits and some fags it would have been McCree and or Hanzo. You niggers are DUMB
>b-blizzard isn't smart enough for that!!
when it comes to milking money yes it is, and any 5 of those guys would have been way more lucrative

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Her being a lesbian just makes me want to fuck her even more


Impossible, since several of my gay friends barbecue all the time.

meme game

real gays play nekojishi

So...what goes on the spit roast ;)

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Looks gay to me.

nothing they said made it seem like they have a victim complex. in fact you're the only one acting that way.

>Two controversies happen.
>Diablo phone edition and an E-Sport incident.
>"Hey guys. S76 is gay."

You werent fooling us Blizzard.

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They're better known for liking sausage, I believe.

and I thought Tracer dyke deniers were batshit

Why are faggots so annoying?


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they're not really. only women and their pet cucks are annoying. fags are based because they dab on thots and trannies.

Kinda sucks that 76 is gay
It actually makes his character more boring than it already was

Your internalized homophobia causes you to get upset no matter what they do

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Most gays I've met are actually pretty okay, there's just certain areas where they turn into vocal raving faggots.

I've worked with several gays throughout my jobs and they've all been the stereotypical flamboyant faggot that lets everyone know they're gay and love sucking dick.

Stop working at hair salons, faggot

I'm sure you have.

It usually happens when the devs are desperate for sales and/or attention. Emily didn't exist.

>y-you haven't met any!
Annoying and as bitchy as trannies.

Why the hell isn't Roadhog the gay? I want more lewd belly gay stuff of him.

Wow how terrible how did you deal with that user?

I'm gay and to let you know those flamboyant types are awful. I hate seeing them in movies because they act like annoying woman. I don't understand it at all because wouldn't being gay mean you like people that act like guys. I've never met any like that but I've certainly met some people with that awful flamboyant voice.

that thing narrates the pve experience. they had subtle message saying "they want me but they need you" meaning pvp is shit and people want story content

same here, while I'm not into Roadhog stuff, I'm a Reinhardt guy Roadhog would still have been better because he would've appealed to a larger gay demographic. 76 is way too generic and was likely chosen to appeal to the fujos that shipped Reaper and 76

Funny, none of the gay people I know are like that. Guess you just had the bad luck to be around a couple with that personality.

Soldier 76 isn't even that great of a character to begin with. As a homo, it is very annoying seeing blatant shit that shoved into everything when I just wanted[/spoiler] to do wass play video games. If I wanted gays hit I would look up porn of characters anyways, so this whole thing is pointless.

Rhis. Stop """catering""" to us by making them gay. Cater to us by making them naked. Especially Reinhardt.